Why acne pops up on the face - the causes of inflammation. What is the most effective remedy for acne on the face?

Why acne pops up on the face - the causes of inflammation. What is the most effective remedy for acne on the face?

The rating of the most effective remedies on the face.

Is it possible to squeeze acne on the face? Why, you can’t squeeze acne, and in cosmetic salons there is a cleaning procedure? And it helps with problematic skin. What are the causes of acne from the point of view of dry science? Are sweetness and mythical disease dysbiosis to blame? What remedy for acne with pus on the face is really effective, and what products are very poorly affected by inflamed sebaceous glands? We will talk about all this in this article.

Why acne pops up on the face - the causes of inflammation

How to stop squeezing acne on your face? Of course, it is best to make acne and do not appear. Then we will tell you how to do it.

Scientists have found that the cause of acne is active work male sex hormones of androgens. These hormones begin to actively be produced In adolescence, Moreover, both boys and girls. But in boys, the level of androgens is higher.

Acne on the face is a problem that more often overtakes young men than girls. The reason for this is a higher level of male sex hormones that affect the sebaceous glands.

The “hormonal storm” in adolescents usually lasts two to three years. But with the end of this period, acne can remain. This is a problem that can and should be solved.

In addition to the high level of androgens, so that acne on the face appears, there must also be a high sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to these hormones. As well as hyperkeratosis - a tendency to increased keratinization of the skin with the formation of scales.

That is, acne is a largely due to genetically.

Inflammation of the sebaceous gland view from the inside
Inflammation of the sebaceous gland view from the inside

Why do acne appear? For this, several factors must come together at once:

  • There should be a high level of male sex hormones, due to which the sebaceous glands located near the hairs increase.
  • In girls and women, the root cause can have a low level of female sex hormones. We will talk about this below.
  • The duct of the sebaceous gland should be closed. But the reason for this is not in insufficient hygiene, as some think, but in increased keratinization of the skin inside this duct. It is not easy to clean these ducts, although there are effective procedures and means for this.
  • Further, the skin fat accumulates and becomes a nourishing environment for bacteria, inflammation develops.
The root cause of the appearance of acne - male hormones
The root cause of the appearance of acne - male hormones

What is the most effective remedy for acne on the face?

We have compiled a list of acne funds on the face, based on their effectiveness. At the top of our list the most effective means, then in the order of descending.

  1. Isotinoin.Drugs containing isotinoinin,they are used to treat the most complex forms of acne in which other methods are ineffective. These funds are extremely dangerous during pregnancy, and cause severe malformations of the fetus. Affect almost all organs in the human body. And therefore, they are appointed only in extreme cases. Izotinoin is available in the form of tablets and ointments.
  2. Chatterboxes, prepared according to recipes for doctors of dermatologists in pharmacies or clinics. Often, even more effective than the first drug from our list. Prepared according to individual recipes, and have a very short expiration date.
  3. Hormonal contraceptives, reducing the level of androgens. These funds are suitable only for girls, young men cannot be used categorically. In the instructions to a whole group of contraceptives in black and white, it is written that they can be taken not only for its intended purpose, but also for the treatment of acne.
  4. Antibiotics Dermatologists prescribe young men who have a pronounced acne. They can be used both in the form of ointments and taken inside.
  5. Retinoids. Other drugs containing retinoids (except for isotreinin of the first in our list).
  6. Pometal agents for acne On the face of a cosmetics store. The most effective of non -medical means. They dry the skin strongly, so apply them immediately to large areas.
  7. Cosmetic and folk remedies for acne drying the skin. This can be included, for example, sulfur soap or tea tree extract. These products are rather not treating acne, but stop their distribution on the skin.
Tea tree is a good, but not the most powerful acne remedy
Tea tree is a good, but not the most powerful acne remedy

Isotinoin from acne on the face

As we already wrote, isotinoin is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. Even its one -time use can lead to severe malformations of the fetus. Therefore, it is prescribed for the treatment of acne on the face, only in case of emergency, especially girls. Among other side effects, depression and severe dry skin.

Isotinoin A unique substance that reduces the size of the sebaceous glands. The mechanism of its action is not fully studied. But effectiveness is proved by histological studies. As a result of the fact that the sebaceous glands are reduced, they produce much less sebum. And the skin becomes very dry.

Treatment with these agents for acne on the face is a little expensive, and usually the cost of the course for a month starts from 1200 rubles. Although the dosages are individual and must be prescribed by a doctor.

Remedy for a pronounced acne
Remedy for a pronounced acne

Usually the product removes acne on the face, even with the most complex forms of acne. But treatment is not fast and usually takes from 3 to 6 months.

Some drugs containing isotretinoin:

  • Izotrekil gel, which also includes an antibiotic.
  • Aknetin.

Isotinoinit is also produced in the form of gels and ointments. With such drugs, you also need to be careful, because in small quantities the substance is absorbed into the blood. Gels according to reviews are less effective than tablets.

Acne ointment
Acne ointment

Acne on the face during menstruation

In young girls and adult women acne on the face during menstruation They appear much more often than after the end of critical days. The reason for this is the work of hormones.

The culprit of the appearance of acne with pus on the face is the male hormone testosterone. Testosterone Enhances the functioning of the sebaceous glands, they increase in size, some ducts of the glands are clogged, and this leads to the formation of acne. The susceptibility of the sebaceous glands to them should join the enhanced production of male hormones. This is already determined genetically.

Why do acne appear during menstruation? The fact is that in the first two weeks after critical days, in the female body there is a high level estrogenov - Female sex hormones. And female sex hormones suppress the production of testosterone. Then the level of estrogen is reduced, and the level of male sex hormones, respectively, increases more and more.

  • Hormonal contraception from acne

Hormonal contraceptives are considered one of the most effective agents with pus on the face. The fact is that such pills should be drunk for almost a month with a goneless break. The contraceptives contain estrogens that block the production of testosterone and acne do not appear.

To get rid of a pronounced acne on the face with hormonal contraceptives, it is necessary from one and a half and three months.

But, not everything is so smooth, and hormonal contraceptives There are side effects. The most important of them we consider the decrease in initiative, lethargy and apathy. The fact is that testosterone is still needed, it is a hormone of competition and struggle. In the animal world, just this hormone encourages males to fight for the female. In the female body, testosterone is also present and performs many important functions, although girls have less and less than men.

Contraceptives that help from acne on the face
Contraceptives that help from acne on the face

The indisputable plus of these hormonal contraceptives is that they make the skin very beautiful. They help not only get rid of acne with pus on the face, but also remove unwanted hairs, narrow the pores. The skin is just shining from them.

Hormonal contraceptives are a good choice if they are needed as a means of contraception. Or if there is a medical diagnosis associated with an imbalance of hormones, for example, polycystic ovary.

In the next video, the girl talks about her experience in taking hormonal contraceptives, and about why she decided to abandon them.

Video: Experience in combating acne

Acne on the face - inflammation and prostaglandins

Continuing the topic of acne during menstruation, we must recall such substances as prostaglandins. These are substances that the body produces in response to cell rupture. It is prostaglandins that cause the process of inflammation and increase in temperature during injuries and infections.

Activation of acne with pus on the face during menstruation is also due to the fact that prostaglandins are very actively produced. They are needed so that the already unnecessary layer of epithelium exfoliates from the uterus. As a result, old acne may be inflamed, which were calm before menstruation. For the same reasons, single acne can appear, for example, during ARVI or if the body has some kind of inflammatory process.

Treat in time the diseases causing inflammation, and you will have less acne with pus on your face. Skin is a mirror of the body's health.

Preparations that relieve inflammation
Preparations that relieve inflammation

With not very pronounced inflammations, you can fight not antibiotics, but non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs. This group of drugs chemically blocks the production of prostaglandins. It includes quite a lot of widely known drugs, for example: Paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), ibuprofen.

For the treatment of acne with pus on the face, they most often use salicylic acid. It has the same active substance as aspirin, but is used externally. Salicylic acid works simultaneously as an antiseptic and as an anti -inflammatory drug. She blocks the work of prostaglandins.

This is a frequently used tool. But it is not as effective as, for example, hormonal therapy or antibiotics. And in the case of a pronounced acne, it is better to choose something else.

Salicylic acid
Salicylic acid

Some people say that they effectively used other remedies from this group from acne. Reviews mention drugs such as Ibuprofen Gel and Nimid Gel. Although the instructions for these drugs do not indicate that they can be used for acne.

Antibiotics from acne on the face

Antibiotics Effectively struggle with inflamed rashes on the face. But there are some reservations, firstly, antibiotics are not too useful. Secondly, in order for antibiotics to affect all the foci of inflammation, they need to be taken for a rather long time.

One of the most commonly used antibiotics with acne on the face - erythromycin, it includes, for example, the composition of the Zinerite gel. But with erythromycin, more often with other antibiotics, there is a problem of bacterial immunity to it, due to addiction. Therefore, more powerful, universal and destructive antibiotics are increasingly used. For example, levomycetin, in the form of an ointment of levomekol or even tablets. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed externally, and sometimes inside.

Antibiotic acne remedy
Antibiotic acne remedy

Retinoids from acne on the face

We have already written about isotretinoin - a very effective remedy for acne with pus on the face. This substance refers to retinoids. Their chemical formula is close to the formula of vitamin A. There are other retinoids that are also effective from acne on the face. Although not like isotretinoin. For example adapalene, which is in Differin Gele. There are many cosmetics that contain retinoids in small quantities. They should also not be applied to the skin during pregnancy, or if pregnancy is possible.

Pointed agents for acne on the face

Point products for acne on the face usually contain the same components as ordinary cosmetics for problem skin. These are plant extracts, salicylic acid, sulfur and so on. But they are more concentrated. In one or two days, point funds will relieve single rashes. The price of such cosmetics is usually higher than for ordinary to combat acne.

Acne point
Acne point

Peeling and laser from acne on the face

Deep salon peelings Not suitable for the skin on which there are obvious inflammations. But this procedure is very useful for the prevention of acne on the face. The upper keratinized layer of the skin is removed, pores are cleaned, black dots are removed. The danger of chemical peels is that if after them you go out on a bright sun, you can get a strong burn and pigmentation.

Laser procedures, Including laser rejuvenation, also helps to remove the excess keratinized layer of the skin. The laser acts even more tender and harder than some chemical peels.

On our site there are many other important articles about the treatment of acne:

Video: Experience in combating acne, the effect of pregnancy, sulfur soap and not only

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Comments K. article

  1. I take a seracin line from Librider to fight acne, acne has gone well and now I support the result

  2. The article mentions a retino ointment. It really helps to cleanse the skin of acne and acne. She helped me a lot. Now the skin looks great: neither acne nor acne.

  3. with isotretinoin, there is also a pharmacy remedy for acne retassa. I started with a spot application for acne, then I began to wipe my face in the evenings. There was a redness and peeling reaction, but not for long. I have the impression that it seems that the old layer of the skin with acne extended and my face was recalculated.

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