The breed of the dog from the film "Mask": the name and description of the breed. Jack Russell Terrier: Features of education, breed training, owners' reviews

The breed of the dog from the film

Description, features of the dog breed from the movie Mask.

The Mask film appeared on television screens in 1994. A lot of time has passed since then, but despite this, even the younger generation, considers the film funny and cheerful. In this article we will tell you what the dog breed is calledMilowhich was one of the main characters of the Mask film.

Dog breed from the movie Mask: Title

It is worth noting that the breed is quite middle -aged, it appeared in 1818. For the first time, such a dog was started by priest John Russell, who was called Jack. It was on his behalf that the name of the breed occurred.

Dog breed from the movie Mask, Title:

  • The breed is calledjackrussell-terrier. Initially, the dog was necessary for hunting. A dog was needed, which has dexterity, small size, and well -developed muscles. For these purposes came upjackrussell-terrier.
  • It is believed that it was the girl who first appeared with the priest that became the ancestor of the breed. It is thanks to it that certain criteria and characteristics are established for this breed. Since then, Jack-Rassel-terrier has undergone a lot of changes, and acquired new qualities, as well as features.
  • She was crossed with combat rocks, bulldogs, this happened during the popularity of dog fighting. For battles, it is necessary that the dog has not only developed muscles, but also temper, as well as the ability to survive. Since then, the breed has had warlike features. However, after dog battles became less popular, the dog began to be started with the aim of protecting the territory.

Milo: Dog breed from the movie Mask, Description

This is an ideal pet for a private house, since the dog is small, but quite active, with developed muscles, and a hunting character. Experts attribute this dog to the Foxers. Now representatives of the traditional breed are not much reminiscent of the one that was popular in 1818.

Milo, dog breed from the movie Mask, Description:

  • At the moment, this is the perfect hunter. The dog has a short, smooth, shiny wool. This is necessary that after the hunt, the dog very quickly drops pieces of dirt. After all, if there will be a large amount of land and clay on the wool, this will significantly affect the speed of the dog, it will not be able to catch up with the prey that escaped from the hole. The dog is characterized by white wool. This is necessary in order to identify the dog during hunting, during the sortie out of the fox hole.
  • Although hunters note that sometimes they shot their pets, confusing them with a fox. The dog is characterized by hanging ears to close the auricle from dirt, garbage. After all, the dog during the hunt rummages in the mud, which does not exclude its hit in the drying area.
  • This is the perfect dog for a house with a garden, a small area. You can also start in the apartment, but for this breed, despite the small size, there may be enough space for active games. Despite the small size, a number of requirements are presented to this breed. The hunter should be very fast, brave, while not afraid to catch even large animals. Most often, such breeds are made not only as a hunting dog, but also as a companion.

Jack-Rassel Terrier-amenable to training or not?

If you decide to start such a puppy, then this is a good friend, and a companion, but many difficulties are associated with the training of this breed. The fact is that this dog has a dominant type of character, she always seeks to be a leader.

Jack-Rassel-terrier-lends itself to training or not:

  • Nobody will be implicitly follow the instructions from the owner. You should come to terms with this, because these are the features of this breed. She is unlikely to obey the stupid owner who distributes useless teams. Be prepared to encounter persistence, and aggression from the dog. That is why it is best to teach the breed to teams that are necessary exclusively to the owner.
  • To, these are the simplest, common commands that will allow normal to educate and monitor the dog. That is, do not touch extraneous things, food on the street, and also not to enter into fights. It is worth remembering that the dog is very active, is distinguished by an inquisitive character and curiosity. Therefore, do not leave this dog in proud loneliness daily.
  • It will not work to avoid damage to property. The dog does this not in order to harm or annoy the owner, but from boredom. These dogs are very much attached to their owners, and perceive them with companions and friends, so they are very bored behind them. If you leave the house for the whole day, take care of acquiring several interesting, unusual toys for the dog. Change them in places from time to time. For about one week, fold old toys in a box. Dogs of this breed are very quickly boring to the monotonous toys, so they should be different. Accordingly, you can resort to cunning, and get old toys every week, me in places. 

Jack-Rassel Terrier-How to teach to the toilet?

Regarding walks, then there are several subtleties. It is best to periodically change the places of walking in order to make the dog’s pastime not monotonous, but to diversify it.

Jack-Rassel Terrier, how to accustom to toilet:

  • Indeed, such dogs are very fond of new, they are very curious. Be prepared for the fact that this dog will climb into any hole, because of its inquisitive character and curiosity. 
  • Be sure to praise the dog as soon as she relieves the need on the street. The praise should not be quiet, but rather stormy. Due to the characteristics of character and activity, the dog may not hear words. At the initial stages, you can take a diaper with you, where the dog went to the toilet at home. 

Jack-Rassel-terrier: training and education

The dog is difficult to train, requires a lot of attention. Therefore, it is recommended to start people who lead an active lifestyle, are constantly on the street.

Jack-Rassel Terrier, training and upbringing:

  • Such pets require a lot of time, and also have a mobile character. With them you need to constantly run, come up with games that develop them not only physically, but also require some mental skills. It is recommended to start such a dog if there is some experience in training.
  • If you are a beginner breeder, we recommend that you have another, more obedient breed, because such a dog will not even be your teeth even to some experienced dog lines. The main difficulty is that this dog needs dogological attention, as well as training.
  • It must be trained from a young age, since the smallest errors in education are poorly affected by the character of the dog. It is dominant, is distinguished by a living mind, quick wit.
  • She will not be able to live next to the stupid owner who gives strange orders. It is necessary that the dog understands what and why it does. For breeders who plan to start such a dog in an apartment, you should pay attention to a sonorous bark. The neighbors may not like the noisy behavior of the dog. It is better to purchase a dog in your own house. However, even in the open area you can not be calm, think that the dog is safe. These dogs are prone to dig Ninge, and can easily make a dig under the fence, escaping from the site. 

Features of the content of the jack-rassel terrier in the apartment

Pay attention, the dog loves to catch and taste everything. Any things that jump, run, move, you need to taste and watch them.

Features of the content of Jack-Rassel Terrier in the apartment:

  • It is recommended to start such pets with owners who have no other animals in the house. The fact is that your cat may be under the aim of the inquisitive mind of the dog. If you leave the dog of such a breed of one in the house, most likely you will need a small aviary.
  • This is due to an inquisitive character, and the need to bite everything. Therefore, do not be surprised if the expensive pair of sneakers is torn to shreds. The dog does this not from evil, but because of boredom. This breed refers to those who need to constantly do something.
  • If you do not take a dog, he will take himself. Buy a variety of toys, do not skimp buy various houses, with all kinds of tasks, interesting, moving parts. This will at least captivate your dog for a while.
  • It is best to contain a dog on the street in the aviary. Remember, these dogs tolerate the cold well, but take care that the voluntary reinforcement goes deep down. Otherwise, the digging near the doors cannot be avoided. These dogs love to dig, so it will not be difficult for them to create a small slope for them. 

Jack-Rassel Terrier-How to teach to the nickname?

This dog may have difficulties even with fairly simple things that master the mongrels very quickly. The dog may not be distracted by its nickname for a long period of time.

Je-Rassel-terrier, how to teach to the nickname:

  • It is necessary to accustom to the name during feeding. After you put a bowl of food on the floor, call the dog. As soon as she comes, take the bowl, name the nickname, put the food again, be sure to praise the dog. In no case do I go from the table.
  • The fact is thatjackrussell-The terrier refers to the dominant type, will constantly beg for food. If you do not want to give it, the dog can take it independently, jumping on the table and pulling food from the plate.
  • Such behavior must be suppressed without letting the dog to the table. Try to give food exclusively in one place. At the initial stage, the dog is very difficult to get used to the leash, the collar. Before walking the dog for the first time, let him play with this subject. This will allow you to get used to the collar, a leash. In no case do not leave your attempts to walk the dog on a leash.

Dog breed from the movie Mask: Price

Many breeders are interested in the question of the cost of the puppy. The cost depends on the size, age, and of course the pedigree.

Dog breed from the movie Mask, price:

  • If it is a puppy of titled parents, then the price can reach 80,000 rubles. If the puppies are displayed according to the rules of the breed, but are not allowed to exhibitions, then the price can be at the level of 40,000 rubles.
  • If this is an ordinary thoroughbred puppy, but without a pedigree, then give for it 30,000 rubles. You can save by purchasing an animal of a subclass.
  • These are puppies of purebred parents, but for some reason they may not fit into the hard frames that are presented by the breed. Therefore, such puppies are rejected, they are not suitable for exhibitions, but the price will be low, up to 7,000 rubles. 
Dear dog
Dear dog

Jack-Rassel Terrier: Owners reviews

Jack-Rassel-terrier, owners' reviews:

Tatiana. I acquired a puppy of this breed in a nursery, at the age of three months. To be honest, I don’t remember the dog in the film Mask, but I wanted to buy after I saw a woman with such a puppy on the street. It seemed to me pretty sweet and small, which is ideal for the apartment. I believe that you do not need to be so stupid, and before starting a certain breed, it is necessary to read all the articles on the Internet. It's just a hurricane. For several months we fought with the toilet, because after coming from work home in the apartment there was a terrible smell of urine and heaps with feces were lying everywhere. We had to change the interior doors, since after a few days half of the canvas was eaten. The child was disturbed by a dream, this is due to the fact that the dog constantly fought with the baby for toys. But now the child folds all the toys far into the closet, and closes it. Thus, the dog disciplined the child. This little monster constantly barks at everyone, so I walk it in the wasteland, in proud loneliness. Walking with a dog will not work for 15 minutes, you need to allocate about an hour and a half to exhaust it. This is a very complex breed, so think a hundred times before starting it. 

Veronica. A very cute puppy, but only at first glance. We had no difficulties with the toilet, but the dog is very aggressive. At the age of 7 months, he began to bite almost all family members except me. As a result, she gave the dog handler for overexposure, and the funny thing is that even a specialist had difficulties. Now the dog is obeying a dog handler, soon to take home, I can’t imagine that it will be. Before you get a dog of any breed, be sure to think a hundred times, because this is a huge responsibility. If you are not ready to spend a huge amount of money on feed, dog handler and a variety of toys, I do not advise you to start this breed. 

Evgeniy. A very unusual pet that differs from all other breeds that I had. Despite the fact that the size of the dog is small, I advise you to look into the mouth, on the jaw. Yes, the dog has huge jaws that can gnaw absolutely everything. This applies to door jambs, laminate, Italian shoes and high -quality rubber. If you think that you will be able to get around with cheap Chinese toys, I hasten to upset. To do this, the dog will have to buy high -quality, expensive toys, and quite often, because they quickly bother the puppy. Feed the dog with the cheapest food for 100rub Not worth it. This breed needs a certain form of nutrition, since it belongs to hunting. Not ready to spend a lot of money on food? Then you will have to register invetclinic And treat the ailments of the dog. 


Read on the topic:

Farmers in some countries really prefer this breed due to small sizes. You do not need to spend a lot of food on the breed, but at the same time it is distinguished by good security qualities.

Video: Dog breed from the movie Mask

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  1. We have a wonderful Jackie, a smart girl, a handsome, a favorite in a family, a friend and a companion for a teenager’s son. We bought in a nursery, the dog for a year of living with us did not spoil a single thing in the apartment. In the summer, in the village of grandmother, he expelled all moles on the site. He became favorites of all neighbors in the village. Maybe we were lucky that he is so obedient and wonderful, but I can’t write a single word bad about this breed.

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