Does communication helping, arrogance, narcissism greed: arguments for messages, examples from literature helps

Does communication helping, arrogance, narcissism greed: arguments for messages, examples from literature helps

If you need to write a message or an essay on the topic “Whether communication helps,” read the article. There are explanations and arguments in it.

All people in the world are divided into extroverts and introverts. The former are more focused on positive and noisy communication with a large number of people, they need a wide range of familiar and constant activity. As for the latter, they feel satisfaction, communicating with a minimum of their own kind, often being alone. However, even this fact does not mean that a person does not need communication at all. In fact, as soon as this or that person stops interaction with other people, she immediately steps on the path of degradation.

Read in another article on our website about the formation of personality in society. You will find in it arguments for essay and examples from life and literature.

From this article you will learn what communication is, why a person needs to communicate with people and whether such qualities as envy, arrogance, greed, etc. helps communicate. Information below will also help write an essay on this topic. Read further.

What is communication: why can a person communicate with other people?


A person cannot help but talk. So he expresses himself and declares himself. What is communication? We can say that this is the process of verbal and non -verbal interaction of an individual with other people. He may not necessarily have a positive outcome. Why can a person communicate with other people?

  • It is in the process of communication that a person develops, receives not only intellectual, but also life experience.
  • Communication “supplies” each of us with associates and opponents for a dispute, enemies and friends.
  • Due to communication, a person is capable of both his point of view and leave it under the pressure of someone’s arguments. Moreover, communication is valuable and the fact that through him a person learns more about the life of other people and the world around him.

Therefore, living without at least minimal communication with your own kind is impossible. Further opinions will be separated: someone needs to communicate with a large number of different people for days, and someone has enough relatives and a couple of close friends and friends. But, one way or another, a person cannot do completely without communication.

  • Communication allows you to recognize people and news, to form beliefs regarding what happened in the world.
  • It is vital for any citizen of the country and a worthy member of society.
  • Moreover, in addition to knowledge, communication gives a person the opportunity to gain self -realization, share his talents, considerations, his point of view.

In other words, the personality is fully revealed in society, by interacting with other people. Thus, a person can show his best and worst human qualities, gain support, show off intellect or provide someone assistance to someone and feel his significance for this world.

What helps people communicate?

Since childhood, each of us is trying to make friends with his peers. But after many come to the conclusion that not all people are able to experience sympathy for us. With someone more common topics, and communication is easily tied. With mutual efforts, such communication can develop into strong friendship. But there are personalities with whom the conversation does not go well. This is completely normal. After all, everyone has their own manner of communicating and their own point of view. Quite often, fate encounters people with each other who are completely incompatible.

What helps people communicate with each other? Here are a few elements:


  • This tool is more multifaceted than it seems.
  • It is important not only to know the language of the people with whom you enter into communication, but also to be able to correctly formulate thoughts and make communication interesting.
  • If a person is tongue -tied or does not know how to correctly express his point of view, he can inadvertently offend the interlocutor and turn off the whole company from himself.
  • Naturally, speech should be bright and interesting. And for this you should tirelessly expand the horizons and develop as a person.

Facial expressions:

  • There is such a non -verbal element of communication.
  • The same phrase, mentioned with different intonation and with different facial expression, can have different meaning.
  • Moreover, it is by facial expressions that you can determine real emotions when communicating.
  • If a person says that he is pleased, interesting and fun, but at the same time frowning - it is quite obvious that he is just lying, not wanting to offend the interlocutor.


  • They (with moderate and rational use) make communication more exciting and living.
  • In cases where the vocabulary is not able to convey the whole depth of human feelings and emotions, gestures help great.


  • Special attention deserves views.
  • Sometimes a person’s smile, his facial expression and gleam in his eyes will be better than a thousand words that it is necessary to tell the interlocutor.

Since ancient times, people use facial expressions and gestures, since these components of communication can complement everything that has already been or should be said by words. Moreover, these factors convey emotions. It is also very important. After all, human speech is just data, information, text. Intonation gives speech emotionality, allows the interlocutor to feel the spiritual state of a person. And gestures, in turn, complete the picture, giving birth to a full impression.

What qualities help people communicate?

Many good qualities help people to communicate
Many good qualities help people to communicate

Some people since childhood are “the souls of the company” and the desired interlocutors, while others are shunning. The thing is that some qualities help to find understanding with others and help to communicate, while others repel.

Qualities that the ideal interlocutor should have:

  • Openness - It is not necessary to lay out all the nuances of his personal life to an accidental friend or acquaintance. But an open person is good because he is always ready for friendly communication, he will gladly support the conversation and amuse the company. As for people of incredulous and clamped, it is not so pleasant to communicate with them.
  • Readiness and ability to adapt to the situation - The more competent, the higher his intellectual potential, the more people of different ages he can build communication. Moreover, a smart person is able to build his manner of communication with an eye on the environment. In some companies, youth slang should be added and used simpler speech turnover, and in others - communicate with a beautiful, literary Russian language.
  • A good interlocutor should be able, if necessary, to support a conversation on any topic. People who talk only about politics, music or computers are interlocutors of a rather narrow orientation. Therefore, only those who have common interests can be friends with them.
  • Responsiveness -Often, people start a conversation on some topic in order for someone to listen to them, give advice. A good interlocutor knows how to cheer up, regret it if necessary. It is much worse to respond to human confession and spiritual pain with stolen and evil jokes.
  • Tolerance and democracy - In society, there are people of different religious and political views, different nationalities, varying degrees of education, with various hobbies and life priorities. Ideally, a good interlocutor should be able to find an approach to a person of any social status and age and communicate with these people on a radically different topics. Of course, you should leave prejudices relative to the human color of the skin, sexual orientation, wealth or poverty. It has long been said to children in aristocratic Russian families that in order to be known as an interesting and intelligent person, one must be polite not only in relation to kings and landowners, but also in relation to janitors, grooms, cattle and other ordinary people.
  • Friendliness - It is more pleasant to communicate with a positive and disposable person than with those who show hostility and aggression.
  • Optimism - Not everyone likes interlocutors who only complain about life and discuss their own problems. Naturally, sometimes people speak among themselves about their failures, unpleasant things. But at the same time, a person without pessimism looks more located.
  • Lack of boasting - This is a very important indicator. Even if a person is more secure, more talented and more beautiful than someone, he should not tell everyone about it. Such thoughts can not only dump people, they are able to offend other participants in the conversation, give rise to complexes in them. In the conversation, all participants should be equal.
  • Souliness - A very important feature for the Russian interlocutor. In order to be known as an interesting person and feel the attraction to yourself, it is necessary to exude some charm and kindness. As a rule, people seek not only the interlocutor, but also a soul mate. Understanding, loyalty and “family” atmosphere in a conversation - this is what will help to make a stranger his friend.
  • Politeness - Sometimes life encounters not very pleasant interlocutors. But an intelligent and interesting person can even speak with enemies with dignity, without insults and a neglect. If the relationship with a person is still neutral, but a person in them is very interested, politeness will help to make them a little warmer. Even if it is necessary for certain purposes.
  • Ease - Some people themselves spoil the impression of themselves, because they regularly embarrass, blush and lose the thread of the conversation from hesitation.

A good interlocutor is optimistic, friendly and active. He enjoys communication, and is not afraid of anyone who is trying to speak with him.

Does communication helping, arrogance, narcissism, greed, boasting, arrogance: arguments for messages help

Envying, arrogance, narcissism, greed, boasting, arrogance do not help to communicate
Envying, arrogance, narcissism, greed do not help to communicate

These qualities are more harmful than help. And why, probably, it is clear to everyone. But let's figure it out again and select the arguments for the message. So, does envy, arrogance, narcissism, greed, boasting, arrogance helps?

  • An arrogant person will never acquire real friends and even like -minded people, because he puts himself above other people. In his understanding, he is one - the king, and the rest is his retinue. Not everyone is interested in such communication.
  • Approximately the same thing happens in the case of a boastful person - not everyone is pleased to listen to his odes to himself and tolerate his defiant behavior.
  • As a rule, shade also turn people away from themselves. Even if a person surpasses someone in something, he should not talk about it. Since it is highly ugly and unpleasant. It is better to show your talents not in words, but deeds.
  • Not very good in communication are greedy people. Seeing that the person was stirring to help if necessary, the newly -minted friend would still think, before, again, again, to the threshold of such a person.
  • It is not necessary to be a person who gives the unfamiliar the last shirt. However, it is important to show people that for friends and those who really need, a person will not regret anything.

As for envy, it also spoils communication. The person is imbued with hatred in relation to the one who surpasses her in something. And in this case friendship in this case does not work. Each success of the interlocutor causes a person direct rejection. Communication of friends turns into communication between competitors and opponents. It is also necessary to get rid of this quality.

Purces people away and narcissism. Narcissus, as a rule, speak only about themselves. It is unpleasant and uninteresting with them. Suppose, let's baron Munchausen. Listening to his stories about adventures is very funny. But subsequently, the fact that a person intentionally comes up with the fables only in order to amuse his ego is alarming.

Communication between people: primers from literature

If you need to write an essay or message on the topic “Communication between people”, then you will need examples from literature. Here are a few of them:

  • All lies and boasting in the ordinary, non -business sphere are disgusted with them.

Chekhov A.P., Island of Sakhalin, 1895 - the negative attitude of society towards boasting is shown.

  • You will not find false boasting and shame in us, but now we admit to you in all sincerity.

Dostoevsky F.M., Double, 1846 - again about boasting, which is alien to the common people.

  • This is not just boasting - it is worse, since you yourself hoist yourself on a pedestal and invite other people to silently stand at your feet and admire your talents.

Nina Zvereva, the rules of business communication. 33 “It is impossible” and 33 “possible”, 2015 - the best human qualities are described, and boastfulness is nothing more than a primitive feature of weak people.

Video: arrogance: What is behind it?

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