How to communicate with customers, conflict customers? How to communicate with a secret buyer: tips

How to communicate with customers, conflict customers? How to communicate with a secret buyer: tips

It is important for the seller to be able to communicate correctly with customers. Sales depend on this.

The prosperity of the store, the number of buyers, and the salary of personnel largely depend on the communicative talents of the seller. To be able to communicate with buyers is important and necessary. First of all, because there are many shops, and the buyer may well go to the next, where he will be better explained, prompt, help. Remember, dear sellers, without you the buyer can live, but you are not without him.

So, how to communicate with customers correctly and effectively? How to communicate with buyers in such a way as to interest them with your product and leave a pleasant impression of the store as a whole? Experienced sellers have developed tactics of communication with clients. Below you will find several effective tips. Read further.

How to communicate properly to the seller with buyers in the food store, clothing, bread, equipment, cosmetics, pharmacy: tips

Proper communication of the seller with buyers in the store
Proper communication of the seller with buyers in the store

Almost every buyer met with rudeness in the store. This is always unpleasant, and it is clear that where they rude, a person will never return. If you start working as a seller, or you are an entrepreneur and hire personnel, you should know how to communicate with customers correctly. Here are some tips on how the seller should behave in the food store, clothing, bread, equipment, cosmetics, pharmacy and other retail outlets:

First welcome the buyer to the buyer:

  • A smile and friendly tone have never been superfluous.

Advertise less, more advise:

  • The buyer does not need advertising. He runs from advertising from all legs.
  • After all, advertising for him is what is imposed. Do not be intrusive.
  • Give the buyer the opportunity to walk around the store yourself, see the goods.
  • Do not bring down a heap of information on him.
  • Suggest your help only if you see that the buyer has become interested in any product in your store, but is not yet sure whether it is worth taking it.

The buyer is not against the recommendation of a competent specialist:

  • A specialist is one who is well oriented in his field.
  • The buyer expects a detailed consultation from you.
  • There is little dry retelling of the instructions.
  • The buyer’s instructions can read without you.
  • Your task is to dwell on the main advantages, advantages of the goods, tell the buyer about why it is profitable for him to buy this product.

Give the buyer additional information about the product:

  • If you are interested in the buyer, he will surely ask you questions. And you may not know the answer to some questions.
  • In this case, it is better to contact the instructions and study it with the buyer.

Be patient:

  • It happens that communication with the client is delayed.
  • A person asks to repeat any information, asking the same question several times, not immediately delving into what you want to convey to him.
  • Do not panic if communication with the client is delayed.
  • Try to explain everything to the buyer thoroughly, because this is part of your work.

And finally, when communication has come to an end, do not forget to say goodbye to the buyer. Example: "Goodbye! We will be glad to see you in our store again ".

How the seller should communicate correctly with conflict customers, customers: tips

Proper communication of the seller with buyers in the store
Proper communication of the seller with buyers in the store

I would like to consider such situations separately. All people react differently to unpleasant moments. Someone remains calm, and wants to solve the problem rationally, someone is worried, closes in himself and lets everything on its own, and someone needs to quarrel. How should the seller communicate with conflict customers, buyers? Below you will find advice.

Conflict customers are very unpleasant. Their rudeness and rudeness do not know the boundaries. At the same time, the seller needs to remain calm and friendly, because the client is always right. Customer claims may be justified and unfounded. Consider the situation when the client came with reasonable claims. Suppose the thing turned out to be defective:

  • Give the client the client to release steam. After a person expresses everything that he thinks about the product, unscrupulous sellers, and poor service, he will be ready for a productive dialogue.
  • After the client calmed down, ask what exactly does not suit him in the product. Try to help the client, ask him clarifying questions.
  • Offer him in writing to state his complaints.
  • Your goal is to minimize the conflict. Therefore, do not follow the client’s lead, do not answer him with rudeness. Instead, calmly and correctly lead a dialogue with him.
  • After the claims set forth by the client, Promise him to solve the problem in the near future. Say goodbye to him.

It happens that a situation arises with unreasonable claims. For example, a conflict buyer came to the store who has no specific complaints, or takes them, which is called “from the ceiling”, since he just wants to scan. Perhaps he has a bad mood, and he, passing by your store, decided to go in and pour his negative on sellers. Everything happens.

Advice: The only true advice in this case: calm, only calm.


  • Do not react sharply Even on the most, in your opinion, unreasonable claims.
  • Do not provoke the buyer once again. Do not be nervous, he will immediately notice it. Do not shout in a panic: "I'll call the guard now!"
  • Even when the buyer goes to persons, and begins to insult you personally, since it is you who fell under his hot hand, try to maintain composure.
  • Yes, of course, aggression gives rise to aggression. I want to answer rudeness with rudeness. But you must remember that you are in the workplace.
  • Do not turn a decent store into a bazaar.

Important: Learn to extinguish conflicts and reassure aggressive customers. Be polite and correct with all customers. It is possible that an aggressive client, without causing a response from you and not receiving emotional recovery, will leave the store almost immediately.

Remember and analyze the conflicts that have occurred, this will allow you not to repeat errors in the future.

Remember: The success of work depends only on your desire and mood. If you are interested in your work, if you want to develop in this area, then you need to work on yourself. Study the psychology of the buyer, learn from your own and other people's mistakes, and most importantly - do not copy the negative in yourself.

How to communicate with a potential buyer of the apartment, other real estate: tips

Proper communication of the seller with buyers of the apartment
Proper communication of the seller with buyers of the apartment

So, you have submitted an announcement and are waiting for your potential buyers. If the client called the phone, then he is interested in your product. How to communicate with a potential buyer of an apartment, other real estate? Below you will find sensible tips. This is how you should behave when calling:

  • First, find out if this buyer is suitable for the property you offer.
  • If so, warm his interest.
  • Find out the information that will come in handy when examining the apartment. You must find out the needs of the buyer.

Adhere to such rules:

  • Communicate politely and calmly. Show the buyer that you are interested in calling, but try not to yell much. Your sentences should be brief and essentially. Speak with polite intonation even with a rude buyer.
  • Do not make bidding by phone. Offer to meet, because you need to show real estate. You need to solve issues with bidding only in person.
  • If the apartment has flaws, then do not hide them, especially if a person asks them. Do not mislead the buyer.
  • Leave one good advantage of the apartment at the time of viewing. You need to focus on him at the right time to cause a person positive emotions.
  • Assign a meeting with the buyer on the same dayor the day after the call.
  • Then ask the buyer: how many apartments he had already looked at what he liked and what not. But do not get carried away much, since you need not to find out some information, but to agree on viewing and find out what is interested in a person. The maximum should be no more than 3 questions.

On viewing, do not hide about the charms of a real estate object and do not rush a person with a decision. If he wants to think, then give him time. It can be reported that in an hour another potential buyer will come (of course, this is not true). Ask a person not to go anywhere and wait for him. It is likely to not remain, but he will understand that housing is in demand.

Important advice: Tell the buyer a pleasant and “warm” story why you are selling an apartment. For example, the children grew up here and parted from the parent nest, and you decided to sell a large square to buy less for yourself.

How to communicate and correctly communicate with the buyer of cars: tips

Proper communication of the seller with the buyer of the car
Proper communication of the seller with the buyer of the car

The main communication with the buyer of the car occurs when calling by phone. The first phone call should create about you, and about the car, a good impression. The buyer will come to you not for a bunch of bread, but for a car, for which, perhaps, he saved money for many years. Treat his choice with respect. Any of your sharp answer will scare away the buyer. Here are the advice on how to effectively communicate with the buyer of the car - the answers to the questions should be like that:

  • Why are you selling a car? Do not point out the breakdown of the car and that the repair costs you in a tidy amount.
  • Indicate what you want instead of this car, buy another - Sports or more passable model.
  • When was the last maintenance? It is ideal for the buyer - this is the transfer of work performed with a demonstration of the service book when meeting, paid checks and acts. If the repair was carried out not at the official dealer, but in the garage for friends, then just list the names of the work performed.
  • Was there a car in an accident? This is a test for you for honesty. Describe the damage and circumstances in which they were received. For example, yes, I had to face such troubles: I hid the number, ran into a flower bed, scratched the headlight. But you should not deceive. If when meeting and viewing the car, some inconsistencies will be detected, then you risk losing the buyer.
  • How many owners did the car have? These data are easily checked, so you should not cunning, tell the truth.
  • Where can I see the car? Assign the meeting where it is convenient for you. You will not be able to go throughout the city for every buyer. The most offensive will be if he does not come to view. Therefore, appoint a meeting place where it will be convenient for you.
  • How much can you give in? Do not bargain on the phone. Invite the buyer to meet first, and then discuss the price.

Important: Do not agree to view a service station, especially, in that which the buyer recommends. After all, his familiar masters who can behave like resellers can work there, forcing you to lose the price as much as possible.

Remember also one more point, if the buyer is interested only in price, then you are dealing with the reseller. Selling him a car or not is up to you. If you rush to sell, then agree, if not, then do not rush to agree.

How to communicate with a secret buyer: tips

Proper communication with a secret buyer
Proper communication with a secret buyer

The Service "Secret Buyer" is new in our market. Therefore, sellers often do not know how to communicate with such an inspector. But, before studying the instruction “How to communicate with a secret buyer”, you should first learn to recognize it. Here are some tips:

  • He is too emotional. Often, especially, new appraisers cannot cope with emotions. Inside, everything “boils”, there is excitement, the body as if jumping from emotions.
  • He looks at the badge all the time. For reporting, he needs to indicate the seller’s data, so he will look at the badge. An ordinary buyer does this rarely and not so carefully.
  • Obviously shooting on the phone. If you saw that a photo, video or audio shooting is being conducted, then you have a secret buyer.
  • Constantly writes something and marks something. Remembering 50 criteria and more for reporting, it is simply impossible. Therefore, he records in a notebook or notebook of a phone.
  • He asks questions as if on the list. Especially new appraisers who have only learned the list of questions by heart will ask how robots. The script for them is an obstacle, not a solution.
  • Does not look into the eyes - he either turns away or lowers them to the floor. Also, the appraiser can roll his eyes, while asking a simple and stupid question to him.
  • He speaks aloud and loudly. He needs this in order to record his observations on the recorder.
  • Creates a conflict situation and scandalite when it is inappropriate. The fact is that the customer often asks to create a conflict situation to check how sellers behave in a particular situation.

The secret buyer will rejoice when he finds some comments in the store, and you will notice this emotion right away. Such joy is blurring on the face right away. An ordinary buyer rarely laughs with himself.

Each seller has the rules of corporate ethics and work that he should know by heart. This will help to communicate with a secret buyer as well as with the usual one. Here are the tips:

  • With any person who enters your store, you must say hello. A secret buyer pays attention to how you greeted - usually or a corporate phrase.
  • Ask the client only what is spelled out in the rules of work.
  • Politely suggest watching the goods.
  • Answer all questions is kind.
  • If the buyer makes some comments, then wrap it on an occasion to tell even more about the product.
  • Offer to see something else.
  • Be sure to tell us about discounts and loyalty programs that act in your store.
  • If some conflict situation is created, do not get fooled. Talk politely anyway.
  • When the buyer leaves, politely say goodbye to a corporate phrase and invite more.
  • Do not treat as checking, think that you have an ordinary buyer. But communicate with him according to the established rules and corporate ethics.

Here, in fact, and all simple recommendations, following which you will approach the level of a successful seller, a real pros in your business, which colleagues will be equal to, and customers respect.

The buyer communicates with the seller: video

Look clearly in the video how the buyer should communicate with the seller. The first video tells which phrases you should not use the seller, and in the second you will see examples of proper communication.

Video: “How can I help you?” And other phrases prohibited in sales

Video: Seller’s acting skill to establish contact with the buyer

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