Troxerutin - ointment, gel, tablets, capsules: instructions for use, important recommendations

Troxerutin - ointment, gel, tablets, capsules: instructions for use, important recommendations

With venous diseases, attention should be paid to the drug Troxerutin in its various types. You can learn about the correct application from the article.

Troxerutin - A well -known drug. It is used, as a rule, for venous problems. People actively use the means, since it is inexpensive and has excellent results.

The use of the medicine should be carried out as indicated in the instructions. It is necessary to take into account the contraindications that are marked by the manufacturer.

Troxerutin: pharmacological exposure

Troxerutin - A means of angioprotective qualities. As a result of using the drug, microcirculation improves, the fragility of capillaries decreases. The main valid component - the production of a routine has the same name with the drug.


Thanks to the product, it occurs toning veins, inflammation is removed. Among the main characteristics of the drug, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Thanks to the tool, swelling is removed.
  • The drug has an antioxidant effect.

The activity of the product is based on the fact that it contains a derivative of the routine - the component of Troxerutin. This bioflavonoid has a positive effect on the inflammatory focus due to the p-vitaminctivizing action. Thanks to these qualities, the component takes an active part during oxide and restoration processes. It also stabilizes hyaluronic acid, which is present in the membranes of each cell.

The doctor must prescribe
The doctor must prescribe
  • As a result, cell permeability begins to decrease, their common tone improves significantly. The drug is pronounced anti -inflammatory effects. Thanks to the work of the active component, the inflammatory process is reduced, which may be present in the walls of the vessels.
  • The current component Troxerutinreduces the oxidative processes of the main substances. This is especially true for ascorbic acid.
  • For Troxerutin, which is produced in the form of a gel or ointment, Excellent absorption in the skin is characteristic. If the patient takes tablets or capsules, then the product is perfectly absorbed in the digestive system.
  • The drug is excreted from the body with feces and urine. The medicine is excreted throughout the day after its use.

When the drug penetrates the digestive system, substances are quickly absorbed, go into the liver. After decay, 2 components occur. The desired amount of the current component in the blood can be maintained for approximately 2 hours, in some cases a little more.

Troxerutin: composition, output form

The following types of Troxerutin are sold in pharmacies:

  • Gel (ointment). Designed for external use.
  • Capsules (tablets). For internal use.

The gel is produced in special tubes. The volume is 25 or 40 g. In the box with the product is detailed instructions for use Troxerutin. The gel has a completely absent smell, the remedy is colorless.

In 1 g of troxerutin gel includes:

  • The main valid component of Troxerutin is 20 mg.
  • Dinatri Edetate.
  • Ammonia solution 15%
  • Methyl parahedroxybenzoate.
  • Purified water.

The medicine that is produced in the form of tablets has a solid consistency. Capsules are covered with a yellow shell. In one package 10 capsules. In a box with tablets is also located Instructions for use of troxerutin.


Troxerutin tablets consist of the following components:

  • Troxerutin is the main component (in 1 tablet - 200, 300 mg).
  • Titanium dioxide.
  • Dyes.
  • Gelatin.

Also in the composition there is Lactose monohydrate.

Troxerutin: Indications for use, analogues

The drug is used quite often. Troxerutin tablets (capsules) are consumed during the following exacerbations:

  • Bleeding hemorrhoids.
  • Inflammation of the venous nodes.
  • With thrombosis "cones".

In addition, the product is used, even if there is no exacerbation, for preventive purposes.

Thanks to the wide spectrum of the pharmacological properties of Troxerutin in the form of a gel (ointment), it is allowed to be used to cure:

  • Vennosis failure.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Diseases due to which vascular permeability increases.
With venous problems
With venous problems

The ointment quickly eliminates bruises. Thanks to the drug, you can get rid of bruises, hematomas, and sprains. Gel Troxerutin also:

  • Removes chronic forms venous insufficiency. You can eliminate pain, swelling, heaviness and fatigue in the legs, convulsions, “drawings” from blood vessels.
  • Comprehensively affects varicose veins, superficial thrombophlebitis, phlebotrombosis, postflebitic syndrome.
  • Copes with hemorrhagic diathesis, During which the permeability of the capillaries decreases.
  • Eliminates capillaryotoxicosis, which occurs during many diseases, for example, flu, scarlet fever.
  • The tool is used during therapy of trophic ulcersTo cure dermatitis that arose after varicose veins.
  • He copes with bruises, hematomas and edema that arose on soft tissues.

Gel Troxerutin Used during recovery after the operation. It is used as an auxiliary drug with a preventive effect. If you have not found the drug in a pharmacy, you can use its analogues.


Troxerutin: Instructions for use

Troxerutin capsule

  • The product in the form of capsules (tablets) is taken orally. Treatment must be carried out by adhering to a special scheme. It is recommended to drink a lot of water during treatment.
  • As a rule, doctors prescribe a medicine according to this scheme - 1 tablet 3 times a day. The maximum dosage is 3 tablets.
  • If it comes to therapy, then the patient is appointed to drink 2 tablets per day. They must be taken for 2 doses.
  • In order for therapy to bring the best effect, you need to drink Troxerutinin the morning and before bedtime, so that the time between the tricks is approximately the same.
  • The course of therapy using tablets is maximum 4 weeks. If necessary, the course is extended.

Troxerutin gel

  • The product is applied locally, forming a thin layer. The gel is applied to the surface of the epidermis. This form of the drug is used 2 times a day - In the morning, then in the evening. For one time you need to take a little gel, rub it into the desired section of the epidermis quite carefully.
  • With serious chronic venous insufficiency, it is prescribed Troxerutin Together with complex therapy. Often the drug is prescribed to use simultaneously with pills, without violating the correct dosage of the medicine. Thanks to the standard course of treatment, you can get 100% disappearance of signs of the disease.
  • The dosage of the medicine is prescribed only by the doctor. It accurately determines the ideal diagram of the use of gel. It is not recommended to use the product for a very long time. Because of him, the patient's sensitivity in relation to substances of Troxerutin.
  • Patients who have impaired kidney functionality not take funds for long. All because the condition of such patients can worsen due to the drug.
  • Due to the fact that in Troxerutine there is a component E218, the patient may be allergic during treatment. As a result, therapy may slow down a little.
  • We note that the gel is applied only to sore zones. Most often, a bandage is superimposed on top. Thus, the treatment is more effective. The time of action of the product with the place of inflammation is also increased.

Troxerutin: Contraindications to use

Manufacturers of the product noted that it cannot be used by those people who arise allergy to components present in the drug.

  • Troxerutin cannot be used by patients who complain of insufficiency synthesis of lactase, galactosemia, malabsorption of glucose-galactose.
  • You can not use the remedy for people who have impaired the work of the kidneys for a long time.
  • The doctor must necessarily revise the course of treatment of patients who form swelling caused disorders of the functionality of the kidneys or heart. In such situations, the product will not bring a positive effect.
  • Never appointed Troxerutin in tablets Children whose age is less than 15 years. This requirement is due to the following - an insufficient amount of research was carried out, the product is poorly tested for safety, efficiency.
Forbidden to children up to 15
Forbidden to children up to 15
  • A drug produced in the form ointments (gel), You cannot use adolescents who are not 18 years old
  • Ointment cannot be processed those places where they are present suppuration, infected and open wounds.
  • Gel Troxerutin It has the same pH level as the skin of a person. Therefore, because of it, as a rule, the sensitivity of the skin does not increase, dermatitis, irritation do not occur.
  • The use of the drug does not have a negative effect on the concentration of human attention. Therefore, the patient using the drug can drive a car, play sports or work, which requires high attention.

Troxerutin: p basement effects

Like other drugs, Troxerutin has some side effects. The patient should be extremely attentive to his own body when a course of therapy will undergo. When some negative signs appear, the patient should contact the doctor.

The side effects are listed below, which in rare cases occur in patients after the use of troxerutin:

  • Headache. It can occur due to the expansion of venous vessels located in the brain.
  • Dyspepsia. The drug is able to irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Sometimes doctors prescribe take Troxerutin Together with a gastroprotector.
  • Dermatitis. Cases with their appearance are rare, but they are still possible.
  • Urticaria, red and small rash. Sometimes occur during allergies to some substances Troxerutin.

In many cases, the tool is perfectly tolerated by all patients. If adverse reactions occur, they have a temporary, passing character.

Troxerutin: important recommendations

Before using the product, it is necessary to study the following recommendations:

  • Troxerutin gelit is applied only to that zone that has no damage.
  • If the patient has deep vein thrombi, surface thrombophlebitis and accepts Troxerutin in the form of tablets, the doctor may prescribe to accept funds that possess antratrombotic or anti -inflammatory effect.
  • It is impossible to get rid of edema arising due to improper operation of the kidneys, heart or liver. In such cases, the doctor prescribes other drugs.
  • After an unintentional acceptance of the product, a person can complain about nausea, vomiting, burning in his mouth, strong saliva. In such a situation, urgently is necessary rinse the stomach, oral cavity. If necessary, the doctor prescribes symptomatic therapy.
  • If a the gel gets into the eyes On the mucous membrane or open wound, irritation in the form of burning, the formation of tears, pain may occur. In this situation, the eyes and skin need to be urgently rinsed using isotonic sodium chloride solution or distilized water. This must be done until the severity of the reaction decreases or it does not completely disappear.
Keep one's eye
Keep one's eye
  • It is impossible to increase the dosage and terms of therapy indicated in the instructions if a person is engaged in treatment on his own.
  • The gel must be used along with ascorbic acid to enhance the effect during treatment with the drug.
  • Pregnant women can use gel, but before that you need to consult a doctor.
  • The tool is allowed to use to those women who feed the baby breast.
  • Allowed Combine Troxerutin With other types of drugs, but only on the recommendation of the doctor.
  • After opening the packaging with the gel, it must be used for one month. It is necessary to store the drug in a closed area where sunlight does not penetrate, children do not reach. It is also necessary to observe the temperature regime of storage of the drug. It is no more than +25 ° C.

Video: Troxerutin

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