Bepanten ointment: action, indications and contraindications to use, method of application, safety measures, overdose, side effects

Bepanten ointment: action, indications and contraindications to use, method of application, safety measures, overdose, side effects

From further information, you will learn how to use Bepanten ointment.

Bepanten ointment is a rather popular and popular medicine, since it effectively restores damaged skin and promotes the rapid healing of wounds.

"Bepanten": the effect of the drug

The composition of this drug has a component of Dexpanthenol, it is he who is its active substance. In addition to this component, there are also other excipients, such as alcohols, water, etc.

  • The active substance of the Bepanten ointment enters the cells, is converted into pantothenic acid and has such an effect as vitamin.
  • This cream promotes the healing of wounds, abrasions, restores the integrity of the skin.
  • The medication also accelerates the triggering process of wounds.

"Bepanten": indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

Using this drug, you can treat:

  • Dry, cracked skin, as well as reddened skin.
  • Wounds, cracks and abrasions on the skin obtained due to not very strong burns, injuries.
  • Inflammatory skin reactions in infants that appear due to the effects of mechanical, physical, chemical and microbial factors.
  • Chronic peptic ulcer, as well as underflow.
  • For the processing of the skin, both before and after the local use of steroid hormones.
  • Also, the product can be used to prevent irritation and cracks on nipples in nursing mothers, to treat the same problems.
With wounds
With wounds

Contraindication to the use of Bepanten ointment is an allergy or intolerance to any of its components.

"Bepanten": interaction with other drugs, features of use

There are no fixed cases of the interaction of this medication with other drugs.

  • It is important that the Bepanten cream does not get into the eyes.
  • Alcohols that are part of the product, as well as lanolin, can provoke the appearance of non -allergic dermatitis.
  • During gestation and breastfeeding, this tool can be used for treatment, however, before this treatment, you need to consult your doctor.
  • If the cream is used for the treatment and prevention of cracks on the nipples of nursing mothers, before feeding the child, it must be washed off without fail.
  • The advantage of this tool is that it can be used to treat children. It is permissible to use Bepanten ointment even for babies.
  • Bepanten cream is not a means that can affect human reactions.

"Bepanten": a way of applying

This drug must be used in this way:

  • For speedy healing of wounds, abrasions, not strong burns, you need to apply the medication 2-3 times a day.
  • For the prevention and treatment of cracks on the nipples, you need to apply the cream after feeding the baby throughout the day.
  • For the treatment of cervical erosion, the drug must be applied several times a day, however, such treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
  • To eliminate diaper dermatitis, you need to apply the medication every time after changing the diaper.

"Bepanten": overdose, side effects

Bepanten cream is considered non -toxic and so, the use of which cannot cause an overdose.

Can have side effects
Can have side effects

Of the side effects, the following are possible:

  • Rash, burning, itching
  • Non -allergic and allergic dermatitis
  • Nettle rash

Bepanten cream is an excellent remedy that quickly and effectively heals wounds, promotes healing burns and the restoration of the skin.

Video: Bepanten from cracks

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