Syntomycin ointment: the effect of the drug, indications and contraindications to the use of the drug, method of use, safety measures, overdose, side effects, interaction with other drugs

Syntomycin ointment: the effect of the drug, indications and contraindications to the use of the drug, method of use, safety measures, overdose, side effects, interaction with other drugs

In this material we will get acquainted with the action of synthomycin ointment.

"Shintomycin" is a medicine that is produced in the form of an ointment and has a bacteriostatic effect.

This ointment is in wide enough demand, since it quickly and effectively copes with the tasks declared in the instructions for its use, and at the same time is available.

"Shintomycin ointment": the effect of the drug

The active substance of synthomycin ointment is synthomycin. In addition, the drug contains other excipients, for example, castor oil, alcohols, water, etc.

With wounds
With wounds
  • “Sinnotomycin ointment” is an antibiotic that is used externally.
  • The ointment fights with bacteria and microbes, contributes to the speedy healing of wounds.
  • The drug reduces pain in the affected area.

"Syntomycin ointment": indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

Syntomycin ointment effectively copes with the following ailments:

  • The purulent and inflammatory lesions of the skin, which can manifest in abscesses, inflammatory processes of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland, surrounding tissues.
  • Purulent wounds, including long -healing.
  • A long non -healing defect in the skin, which is caused by a violation of blood supply.
  • Burns of the II-III degree that do not heal for a long time.
  • Cracks of the nipples in a woman who breastfeed children.

Of the contraindications to the drug "synthomycin", the following can be distinguished:

  • An allergic reaction or intolerance to any substance that is part of the medication.
  • Scaly lichen, that is, chronic non -infectious disease that affects the skin.
  • The skin disease, which is accompanied by the appearance of purulent wounds, bubbles that itch and itch.
  • Other ailments of the skin that are caused by fungi.
  • Also, the drug cannot be used for children who have not reached 4 weeks.

"Shintomycin ointment": features of the use of the drug, its interaction with other medicines

Using synthomycin ointment for treatment, the following features must be taken into account:

  • The ointment is suitable only for external use.
  • Using the medicine, make sure that it does not get into the eyes.
  • During gestation of the child, it is forbidden to use ointment without prescribing the attending physician.
  • Using a medication for the treatment of cracks on the nipples, you do not need to stop breastfeeding. Immediately before feeding, take a clean napkin and remove the remnants of the medicine with its help, and wash the chest itself carefully.
  • “Shintomycin ointment” is not a medication that can affect a person’s reactions, therefore, during its use, it is not forbidden to drive a car and other mechanisms.
Healing ointment
Healing ointment

It is important to know that this drug can be used not with all drugs. Many drugs can inhibit its effect and provoke the appearance of side effects, so they can begin treatment only after consulting a doctor.

"Shintomycin ointment": way of use

Treatment of synthomycin ointment should be carried out in this way:

  • Either impregnate special gauze swabs, or apply the product directly to the affected area.
  • On top of the applied medicine, you need to apply a sterile bandage
  • Repeat the procedures after 1-2 days.
From cracks on nipples
From cracks on nipples

If cracks on the nipples are treated, then you need to do this like this:

  • After each feeding, treat the nipples with a 0.25% solution of ammonia.
  • After that, take a clean gauze bandage, apply a little means to it, and then attach it to a sore spot.
  • In this case, the duration of treatment will be 3-7 days, and the improvement will occur almost immediately after the procedure.
  • With other ailments, the duration of treatment will be determined by a specialist.

"Shintomycin ointment": overdose and side effects

An overdose of synthomycin ointment can be manifested by increased side effects, and they, in turn, are manifested by skin reactions, for example, itching, skin burning, edema, rash, etc. The treatment is carried out symptomatic.

Shintomycin is an effective and affordable tool in the fight against various bacteria and microbes. Despite the effectiveness of this drug, do not forget that it can be used only as prescribed by a doctor, especially when it comes to the treatment of a child.

Video: Syntomycin ointment for acne

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