Is it useful or harmful to wash, swim every day for men and women: the opinion of scientists. Is it possible and necessary to wash every day in the shower, bathroom, with soap? How often and correctly you need to wash an adult?

Is it useful or harmful to wash, swim every day for men and women: the opinion of scientists. Is it possible and necessary to wash every day in the shower, bathroom, with soap? How often and correctly you need to wash an adult?

From this article you will learn whether it is useful to swim every day, and how much doctors advise to swim.

Some people bathe once a day, others 2 times a day, and others advise swimming with soap no more than 2 times a week. So which of them is right? We find out in this article.

Is it useful or harmful to wash, swim every day for men and women: the opinion of scientists

According to scientists around the world, you need to swim with soap no more than 2 times a week
According to scientists around the world, you need to swim with soap no more than 2 times a week

Do I need to wash every day? Scientists of different countries dealt with this issue, among them Germany, Israel, the USA, and came to the following conclusion:

  • Swimming with soap and shampoo you need to no more than 2 times a week, and every day with soap or gel you need to wash your hands, armpits and intimate places.

According to doctors of dermatologists and scientists, if you wash with soap every day, then this is harmful to our skin:

  • The acid-base balance of the skin is disturbed.
  • The immunity is reduced.
  • After soap, scrubs and shampoos, especially in autumn-winter time, the skin is overdried, becomes irritable, red, begins to peel off-and this is open gates to infections.
  • Washing every day with chemicals, which are full in modern items of body and hair, destroys a very necessary vitamin D. on the skin.

How often and correctly you need to wash an adult?

An adult working in the office, swimming with soap is enough 2 times a week
An adult working in the office, swimming with soap is enough 2 times a week

Scientists sometimes conduct population surveys, as often they wash. After one such survey, it turned out that some people take shower several times a day. To the question - why, they answer to wash off infections and bacteria from the body. In fact, there are so many infections on the body. Often you need to wash only your hands, they in crowded places touch objects on which there are a lot of infections. And through the hands you can become infected with a cold and sexually transmitted diseases.

The American scientist Brandon Mitchell compares the human body with a working machine that does not need a shower every day.

Another American doctor, Elain Larson, joins Dr. Mitchell, they say that you need to swim 2 times a week, every day it is enough to wash only some places, this meant intimate.

Is it possible and necessary to wash every day in the shower, a bathroom with soap?

You can’t swim with soap every day, you just need to wash intimate places, armpits
You can’t swim with soap every day, you just need to wash intimate places, armpits

And what if a person works physically hard, plays sports or sweats strongly in the heat? How often to wash in this case? Do I need to wash every day?

Every day you do not need to wash your hair and the whole body with soap, shampoo, just wash off those areas that are contaminated, and wash the rest of the body with just warm water without anything, so the skin will be less in contact with chemistry.

And for people who do not engage in physical labor sitting in offices, dermatologists advise to wash in a shower, even without detergents, 1 time every 2-3 days. Your skin is not as dirty as you think.

Is it possible to wash with tar or household soap every day?

Tar soap

Degtyar soap - therapeutic.
Degtyar soap - therapeutic.

Degtyar soap consists of 90% of ordinary soap, and 10% birch tar.

Useful properties of tar soap:

  • Destroys fungi and bacteria on oily skin of a face subject to eels and rash
  • Prevents purulent formations on the face
  • Eliminates skin diseases, such as dermatitis, psoriasis
  • Gives the patient a healthy look
  • Eliminates dandruff in the hair

Tar soap is suitable for oily and normal skin. You can wash with soap:

  • The whole body with a preventive purpose
  • The whole body for therapeutic purpose
  • Intimate parts
  • Hair

What diseases can be washed with tar soap, and how often:

  • For the treatment of oily skin from acne and rashes, with soap you can wash no more than 2 times a day.
  • A face with a normal skin type, with a preventive purpose, can be washed with soap 3-4 times a month.
  • Intimate zones with tar soap are washed with thrush in the morning and evening.
  • After curing the disease in intimate places, for preventive purposes, soap, you can wash 1-2 times a week, the rest of the week to use a more gentle, special gel for intimate places.
  • Hair with tar soap is washed to remove excessive fat content, with dandruff and pediculosis, to strengthen hair. They are soaped and kept so foam for 15-20 minutes. Soap can be washed once a week.

Contraindications: Target soap can not be washed people with dry skin and head, as well as those who are allergic to birch tar.

Laundry soap

It is possible to wash things with household soap, and it is not desirable to wash your body
It is possible to wash things with household soap, and it is not desirable to wash your body

Laundry soap - An effective antibacterial agent, launders fuel oil, paint from hand. This is an environmentally friendly product, consists of sodium salt and fatty acids. By the content of fatty acids, soap is divided into categories:

  • With a content of 72%
  • With a content of 65%

Conductive soap is the basis of other types of soap, but with the addition of dyes and flavors, and, accordingly, the percentage of fatty acids decreases.

Sodium alkali in soap during washing corrodes dirt well, kills microbes. Soap also copes with bacteria on our skin, destroying its protective layer. If we wash with household soap every day, then we are provided with:

  • Redness and irritation of the skin
  • Her dehydration
  • Premature aging

If there are no problems with the skin, then do not wash with household soap, but if pimples jumped out, then the soap helps well, but you need to apply it only on a pimple, and not on the whole face.

Taping intimate areas with household soap is not worth it, it can cause serious consequences:

  • Dryness, cracks and redness
  • Destruction of useful microflora
  • Treatment of thrush is only for the duration of use, and after the cessation of washing with soap, the thrush returns again

As for washing the hair, only healthy, shiny hair can be washed with household soap, and if you wash dull, brittle, you can aggravate the problem even more. According to doctors, laundry soap acts destructively on the hair, they become lifeless, covered with a gray raid, which is difficult to wash off.

What will happen if you wash every day, swim 2, 3 times a day?

If you wash with soap 2-3 times a day, this you are strongly overdry the skin
If you wash with soap 2-3 times a day, this you are strongly overdry the skin

Often washing in a bath or a soul with soap is not useful, but even harmful to the skin - So you wash off natural oils secreted by the skin for natural lubrication. To recover natural lubrication, the skin needs 8 hours, no less, and if you bathe 2 times a day, then the protective elements of the skin are not restored at all, and unprotected skin is more susceptible to infections, and you often pick up different infections, allergies.

So, now we know that if you swim every day, it will not benefit.

Video: 6 reasons why you can’t take a shower every day

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  1. on the topic “You can’t wash the household. Soap "is already a commercial lies. Custom.

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