Phobias: a list of the most common fears. Rating of phobias with explanations: TOP-10. What is nobody, acrophobia, aerophobia, claustrophobia, aquaphobia, officiophobia, hemophobia, tanatophobia, authophobia, glossophobia?

Phobias: a list of the most common fears. Rating of phobias with explanations: TOP-10. What is nobody, acrophobia, aerophobia, claustrophobia, aquaphobia, officiophobia, hemophobia, tanatophobia, authophobia, glossophobia?

What scares people more than anything? We have made a rating of the most common phobias of mankind.

Fear and phobia - many people mention these words as synonyms. However, this is a wrong approach. Fear is a completely normal phenomenon that has been developed in humanity for centuries. To avoid quite definite dangers. Phobias are often irrational and manifest themselves quite violently up to nausea and dizziness. What things most often, according to statistical data, cause a similar reaction? We have prepared a rating of the most common phobias.

1. No one

Fear of darkness. It is implied both at night in general, and simply unlit premises or streets in particular. According to statistics, they suffer about 10% of the population Total globe. Moreover, people of any age fall into the indicated category.

This phobia leads among those that starting in childhood. For example, a sociological survey was conducted among 200 women with children of 2-10 years old. He was offered a list of fears with appropriate signs. It turned out that about 80% of babies Most of all are afraid of darkness.

A large number of children are afraid of darkness, which in the future can develop into a phobia
A large number of children are afraid of darkness, which in the future can develop into a phobia

True, for many, this fear takes place as they grow older. But not everyone - and here we can talk about phobia. Not all adults are comfortable to admit their "childish and stupid" fear. Therefore, for help, a specialist is often addressed in completely extreme cases.

So, what exactly is a person afraid in the case of no one? As a rule, not the darkness as such, but those things that can lurk In it. He does not see real objects - and here actively enters into force imagination. It colorfully draws numerous horrors, forming fear.

If an ordinary person simply experiences excitement, entering the darkness and not knowing what is there, then no one has everything different:

  • Fear is extremely strong, and often equals panic
  • He running at the first opportunity, without analyzing the way
  • He screaming and asks others to help get out to the light
  • Accelerates heartbeat, jumps pressure
  • Occur stomach spasms
  • Strongly headache
  • It is felt chills, intensifies sweating
  • Legs are swept away, a person experiences weakness
  • Speech functions are impaired - occur stuttering, loss of voice

Important: with persistent forms, no one in a person begins to manifest hallucinations - he literally sees imaginary horrors.

For adults, no one is also characteristic
For adults, no one is also characteristic

2. Acrophobia

This is insurmountable fear of height And even before the prospect of lifting On her. If a person is indoors and he is not threatened with a fall, he will still be afraid to look out the window. Transparent floors, high stairs, not to mention rest in the mountains - all this will also cause an irresistible horror of acropobe.

Fear is manifested as follows:

  • Human refuses to move
  • He is striving sit down, close face with your hands - in every possible way to fence off from the gaze from frightening heights
  • Arises strong dizziness, Sometimes even reaching a fainting state. This condition should not be confused with the sensations of a healthy person who in the mountains can feel weak and slight dizziness.
  • Nausea, pallor, trembling, cold or wet palms
  • It may appear dyspnea. And completely optional after the load
  • Diarrhea Or too frequent urination

Paradoxical, but quite real phenomenon: acrophobes may experience a strong desire to jump way down. This happens infrequently, but it happens. Moreover, even the objects of the conversation themselves are not able to explain such a contradictory traction.

IMPORTANT: If the ACROFOBIA suffers suddenly turns out to be on top, it is very important that someone else is nearby. If a fainting occurs, support will be necessary to avoid dangerous injuries.

With acrophobia, people often cease to control their actions
With acrophobia, people often cease to control their actions

3. Aerophobia

Even statistics that planes relate to the safest modes of transport are not able to console aerofobes. They are afraid to fly - and even the most comfortable plane is not able to attract them. There are about such people 40% in the world.

It should be noted that an ordinary person may experience a slight excitement before the flight. Phobia will survive pathological fear Not only aboard the aircraft, but even beyond it with the mere thought of an upcoming event.

How will such a fear manifest?

  • Nausea, spasms stomach or even vomit appear a few days before the flight
  • At the airport and an airplane limbs are cold intensifies sweating
  • Heartbeat It becomes more active, the attacks are also likely surely

Polls showed that women afraid to hysteria and crying exactly that The technique will fail And it is their plane that will break. Men a little more steady, but also worried - mainly due to fear of height. Moreover, a fairly large number of aerofobes never even climbed on board the aircraft.

Psychologists recommend acting on the principle "Cline is knocked out by the wedge". And also performing the actions that will give a lot of positive - For example, shopping campaign.

IMPORTANT: A chance to get into a fatal airline falls out one by 45 million!

With aerophobia, the fear of people literally fetters
With aerophobia, the fear of people literally fetters

4. Claustrophobia

No, this is not a fear of Santa Claus. Claustrophobia is based on fear of finding himself in a closed space. This fear is the most famous among phobias related to spaces. Interestingly, it has various prevalence depending on the floor: men suffer from them in quantity 5-15%, a women-10-25%.

Phobia can occur in people, surviving something frightening - imprisonment in a mine or an elevator, earthquake, etc. After that, they begin to be afraid of even subway, small rooms, very narrow corridors. However, the risk zone falls simply excessively impressionable personalities. In addition, it is proved that approximately in 10% of claustrophobes, the problem is hereditary.

If a person was accidentally locked, for example, in the basement, there is a great risk that he will acquire claustrophobia
If a person was accidentally locked, for example, in the basement, there is a great risk that he will acquire claustrophobia

How does this nuisance manifest? In a mild form She shows herself in the form easy fear When in a closed space. In more severe cases, the following can be observed:

  • The person will first try Leave the room. Or it will be wind if possible
  • He will avoid closed rooms or those places where many people usually accumulate - stadiums, supermarkets
  • Will arise dyspnea, a person will be as if suffocating
  • Tachycardia, arrhythmia, lowering pressure, dizziness - Frequent phobia satellites
  • Will arise trembling, numbness limbs. A person can throw to extremes - from chills to heat
  • There is also the so -called "abdominal discomfort" - unpleasant sensations in the stomach, Approach nausea

Important: you should listen to yourself after a neurosis that arose after infectious diseases, surgery, childbirth. Against the background of such a neurosis, claustrophobia may also appear.

The suffering claustrophobia certainly needs chat with a psychologist or psychiatrist. There is no medication for the treatment of such a problem. However, you can use drugs for several weeks anxiolytic and some transquilizers. They will reduce the frequency of panic attacks, relieve symptoms. But, of course, drugs should be prescribed exclusively specialists.

If you do not compete with claustrophobia, it will decently poison everyday life
If you do not compete with claustrophobia, it will decently poison everyday life

5. Aquaphobia

Despite the fact that water is necessary for life, there are people who are panicky afraid of it. Moreover, this can manifest itself in different ways: some are afraid bathe And, therefore, drown, while others are horrified by A few drops of water hit them. There are people who experience discomfort even when they see a waterfall on TV.

The reasons most often lie in childhood. Some experienced negative experience in interaction with water. Others were deposited in the memory of the horror stories that were frightened by adults in order to protect the child from dangerous bathing. Of course, it affects here and Inability to swim - In this case, the instinct of self -preservation is included.

When a person has not a little anxiety, but a full -fledged phobia, the following states may occur:

  • Nervousness
  • Condition similar to stunning - A person loses self -control, experiences a spatial disorientation, cannot concentrate and think logically.
  • Arises shiver different intensities, the head is spinning It may perform cold sweat, limbs numb
  • Often meet dry mouth, nausea
  • Rises pressure, The heart begins to fight rapidly

Important: it is believed that a good way to combat the aquapobia is hypnosis.

Aquaphobia is another common fear
Aquaphobia is another common fear

6. Orediophobia

Fear of snakes And justified, and no. Of course, most of these amphibians look frightening. But not all of them are poisonous. However, the last fact is not very interested in the Orediophoba. Only the type of even the smallest and harmless snake is enough for its panic.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to meet snakes in the city, they are afraid of them around 40% of the population. Including urban. Despite the fact that only 15% of people experienced real contact with the snake - Suddenly met, heard hissing, became the object of the bite.

People suffering from phobia are far from always afraid of themselves bite and its consequences. It is so disgusting the appearance of the snakes and the features of their movements, That even watching an object is scary on TV.

How to recognize the Officiofob?

  • He is for nothing will not agree to visit the zoo or pet store, will not go on vacation on nature.
  • As soon as the Orediofob makes a silhouette, at least remotely reminiscent of the snake, it will cover it panic.
  • Obsessive thoughts - Frequent and interfering satellite of this phenomenon. A person’s thoughts will be constantly busy with the fact that snakes will certainly penetrate his housing. This will be manifested by a constant check of the territory, thoroughly pushing all the cracks.

Important: people suffering from this phobia certainly need to contact a psychiatrist or psychologist. Unaccountable fear itself is unlikely to pass.

Officials are found both in urban residents and rural
Officials are found both in urban residents and rural

7. Hemophobia

Also known as "Hematophobia." Whatever the name of this fear, which suffers from them in any case, experiences Horror before blood. As experts explain, this may be due to the fact that blood associated with diseases, threats. Either a person once survived the painful experience in the form injuries - And now he experiences pain even at the sight of someone else's blood.

Of course, this species is unpleasant for many people. Only if a healthy person simply turns away with, for example, the collection of analysis, the subject to phobias will begin to experience the real panic.

Phobia is manifested as follows:

  • In an easier form, this pale, trembling, increased heartbeat, pressure jumps, confusing breath.
  • Severe form is manifested in stupor, nausea, vomiting, strong dizziness, fainting. Sometimes hemophobes feels the smell of blood, which is actually nowhere nearby. That is, it happens hallucination.

In both cases it doesn't matter whose blood before my eyes - Own or stranger. It doesn’t even matter whether it is or is simply supposed to have its presence.

Hematophobia will pretty spoil the nerves if necessary to donate blood
Hematophobia will pretty spoil the nerves if necessary to donate blood

Important: this phobia is treated easier than many others.

It can help, oddly enough, a number of physical exercises:

  • First you need strain and relax muscles hands. Then you should go to other muscles. It is recommended to perform such exercises more often. The fact is that with a panic attack, the pressure may decrease, which sometimes even leads to fainting. Here, the exercises that have already entered into the habit of increase pressure.
  • Jumping and squats Also extremely good with panic.
  • Breathing control - A great option for emergency care. You need to take a deep breath for this, hold the air in the lungs on 10 Seconds, and then exhaust him sharply. Without arranging a break, you need to take the next breath and exhale - and so 10-20 times. A similar method allows take control of your emotions.
Respiratory gymnastics allows you to control phobia
Respiratory gymnastics allows you to control phobia

8. Tanatophobia

Fear of death - Is it so strange? After all, everyone is afraid of her, one way or another. Only in a normal person, fear arises on the basis of manifestations of a threat, and phobia - from scratch.

More precisely, sometimes the trigger is quite a real reason - For example, the death of a loved one. After her, the obsessive fear of death can bother a previously calm personality. But sometimes to blame everything Too stormy imagination - A person begins to imagine what awaits him behind a mysterious line. By the way, in unknown And sometimes the reason for the occurrence of fear lies.

Most often suffering tanapophobia focuses on fear of some certain death. For example, from any disease. And it is entirely that it is afraid to get sick to get sick, adjusting their behavior to such an obsessive thought.

Anxious behavior leads to Limiting yourself. It alternates with insomnia, poor appetite, malfunctions in sexual life. A person is always experiencing anxiety, which greatly exhausts.

Important: often tanaphobia overtakes during a period of middle -aged crisis.

Tanathophobia is a condition in which death often visiting thoughts
Tanathophobia is a condition in which death often visiting thoughts

9. Autophobia

So called pathological fear of loneliness. Amazing, but most often they are suffered Residents of megacities. But it is surprising only in the first minutes. If you think about it, the solution is obvious - the frantic rhythm of life in large cities often deprives the opportunity to spend time personal life.

Discontent associated with this, has a tendency accumulate. It happens that it flows into depression, suicidal thoughts and pathological fear to remain alone forever. By the way, studies show that the largest number of suicides is associated with such an experience.

There may be several reasons - not only city life with wine. And here they are:

  • Too much Little attention in childhood. Or parents love to practice the phrase: "If you are capricious, I will leave."
  • Communication with bad companies In transition. Or the lack of proper attention at this difficult age.
  • Excessive trusting, After all, it often leads to tied up unreliable to the personalities.
  • Death someone from the close environment, betrayal close, love drama and other similar circumstances.

Important: to get rid of autophobia, a person needs to learn the naturalness of loneliness, find hobbies and learn to delight himself with trifles.

Autophobia is often found in city residents
Autophobia is often found in city residents

10. Glossophobia

That is what is called fear of public speaking Or, as he is still called beautifully, "Fear of the stage." Surprisingly, even famous people suffered from them - for example, Faina Ranevskaya, Arthur Rubinstein.

It is worth saying a few words about normal excitement. Healthy personality He will experience him in a slight form before entering a university, a decisive performance, an exam. But to read, for example, a regular report to the teacher or classmates will not be difficult for her.

But fear glossophobe Constant and does not depend on the type of audience and the nature of the performance. It will appear like this:

  • Muscles Tighten
  • Facial expressions and gestures will begin at the time of the manifestation of phobia to undergo changes
  • It will even change The timbre of the voicePerhaps him trembling. Sometimes a voice is completely disappears
  • May appear dry mouth
  • Vegetative manifestations will arise - that is sweating, pressure surges, rapid heartbeat
  • Start head, heart
  • Sometimes they appear frequent urges visit the toilet
Glossophobia can cause a lot of inconvenience at work, in learning
Glossophobia can cause a lot of inconvenience at work, in learning

Why does such a phobia arise?

  • Because of excessive strict education in childhood - there were often intimidation, prohibitions
  • Excessively receptive character gives rise to harmful sensitivity to the opinion of others
  • Low self-esteem very often leads to glossophobia
  • It can also be a banal thing low -quality training

It is quite possible to get rid of glossophobia:

  • To get rid of fear, you need to get rid of the unknown. Before the performance, it is recommended properly to study the audience. The predictability of her reaction will calm down.
  • To exclude failures, it is necessary thorough preparation. The abstract from the theses, rehearsal in front of the mirror, the forecast of probable questions and the compilation of answers to them will add confidence.
  • It must be learned that not every criticism is justified. People are characterized by cynicism, skepticism, sarcasm and other qualities that are able to collapse even for an ideal performance.

Important: it is extremely important during the performance to be fixed not on disapproving gestures, but on the signs of approval emanating from the audience.

To combat glossophobia, it is important to understand that the audience is not as terrible as it seems
To combat glossophobia, it is important to understand that the audience is not as terrible as it seems

Whatever phobia, its sources most often have very specific reasons. Even if a person does not suspect about them. Thus, the fight against any phobia is a long digging in its own essence.

We offer to learn a little about the phobias of famous people:

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