Fear of failure: the main causes of occurrence, symptoms of manifestation. How to overcome fear of failure: the main methods and tips

Fear of failure: the main causes of occurrence, symptoms of manifestation. How to overcome fear of failure: the main methods and tips

Fear of failure arises for various reasons. It is important to identify it in time and get rid of it.

The fear of failures can occur in any person, but someone can fight fear, and someone refuses the struggle, leaving everything in their places. Such a fear of failures is considered unreasonable, pathological. He can negatively affect a person, destroy a lifestyle, and affect his intentions poorly.

People who complain of atichifobia experience a lot of physiological signs. About what the fear of failure arises, its symptoms and how to deal with the disease you will find out if you read all our material carefully.

The main reasons for the fear of failure

People who have found fear of failure (athechifobia) most often associate competition and the possibility of failure. They try to have the following opinion - in order to avoid bad luck, it is advisable to abandon questions that can cause some difficulties, problems. For such people to become successful - an almost pipe dream.

because of fear of failure A person may fall in his own abilities, self -esteem, and motivation be lost. A person falls into a depressive state, and then mental disorders pursue him.

  • Fear of failure can manifest itself for a variety of reasons. Among these reasons, past negative experience can play an important role.
  • In addition, persistent fear of failure It is capable of causing a person to draw conclusions only from certain (single) situations. So, for example, many people who affected bad luck in a particular case subsequently believe that if they could not cope with the problem earlier, they are no longer able to cope with any task. The presence of such thinking, as a rule, slows down all the actions of a person, as well as his aspirations in the future.
  • In addition, the fear of bad luck is often caused by an assessment of a person’s work only by the result. However, the individual abilities of a person, his features are not taken into account. Consequently, a label of “good luck” or “bad luck” is hung on a person. Moreover, this happens regardless of how much he made efforts, the time of desire.

We will single out the main reasons because of which a person can constantly pursue the fear of failures:

  • People are negative about the misses of their own children. Many fears begin to emerge in people in childhood.
  • Failures of a person are ridiculed by other people. This can happen in a children's educational institution, at school, university, circle or section. The collective, peers are affected very much on the human psyche, when he is in adolescence.
  • If a person has social fears imposed by society. He is afraid to become worse than the rest, not to comply with the standard indicators that were adopted in a certain environment.
It is important to identify it
It is important to identify it

Fear of failure has some important manifestations. We describe the main:

  • A person refuses everything, closes. He does not participate in complex tasks, thus creates a comfortable zone for himself. A person thinks that if he does not do anything, he will avoid a failure that can happen in his opinion.
  • Self -suction. A person undermines his own efforts (this happens in the subconscious), often fulfills the instructions given to him at the wrong time.
  • Immobilization. The person is in full peace, is inactive. He refuses to do something, therefore, he ceases to develop, strive for something new.
  • A person has self -esteem, He becomes uncertain. He constantly tries to prove to himself that he knows nothing at all, does not know how, he does not have any abilities and so on.
  • Perfectionism. A person pathologically wants to become the best in every business. He even strives to do only that work in the luck of which he is absolutely sure.

Symptoms of manifestation of fear of failure

A person who is afraid not to succeed, doubts that he has excellent mental qualities. Atichifobes constantly interfere with their IQ indicator, using modern tests regularly, even several times a day. A person is terribly afraid to be disappointed in people whom he respects and whose opinion is very important to him. Therefore, he proves to them that he has a minimum of chance to become successful.

A person who thinks that he can fail in his own endeavors may be present both “physical” and “mental” signs of phobia.

Fear of failure
Fear of failure

In case of fear of failure, a person can:

  • To squeeze in the chest, to be unstable pulse, a person sees dark or vice versa multi -colored circles in front of his eyes.
  • Tremble lips, as well as the upper limbs.
  • Throwing periodically in heat or vice versa, a person can be cold.
  • The appetite is lost.
  • Encouraging nervous excitability. As a result, a person becomes irritable or, conversely, constrained.

Some people, due to fear of failures, become completely confused. They feel that the situation is able to control them, but they do not monitor the situation. People who fear failureThey throw things without bringing them to the end. They think that it is advisable to abandon them at all than to get a failure in the final result. That is why atichifobes are inveterate "downshifters", in which the road to career growth is closed.


For a person, an atichifobe self-suction is very dangerous. Because of him, a person flows into a full volitional stupor, because he is afraid to make mistakes even from simple things. He often brushes his teeth, because he is afraid that a plaque may appear on them, does not go to the toilet in a public place, he is afraid that he will “miss”.

How to overcome fear of failure: the main methods

Fortunately, today there are a huge number of ways thanks to which you can overcome fear of failure. All these methods can be studied by reading the book of Carol of the Dabbes. The book indicates the main points.


In addition, you can cope with the fear of failure with the help of recommendations:

  • Understand your own thoughts, conclude that fear can provoke fear. Think about what kind of factors these reasons appear.
  • Try to find antipodes to your own fears. Find those qualities of your personality, resources, because of which you can’t do anything.
  • Each person was mistaken at least once in his life. Perceive your own misses as a certain experience. Do not think that you have another failure.
  • Write down your own achievements, excellent results. Carry out the analysis of the size, speed of progressive changes. So you can develop ideas about yourself as a person who can solve various problems, of different difficulties.
  • Try not to be afraid of something new when you decide to achieve your own goals. So you will definitely confirm your own viability. Contact your own skills, knowledge, but do not forget to update them.
  • Starting to achieve success, implement small tasks for starters, start from small victories. Prepare carefully the conditions, and also plan them in order to achieve positive results.

Now we will consider each moment in more detail.

Tip 1. Do not forget that “bad luck” is considered a relative concept

If you do not perceive your own life in black and white colors, then failure in one business will be a good luck. For example, Alexander Fleming from Scotland was able to suddenly open all the qualities of penicillin, as a result of which a huge number of people were saved. Everything happened due to the fact that he did not destroy the Staphylococci, which were found in his laboratory.

Perhaps the lack of good luck in the legal sphere will help you become a successful actor’s career. Relax if you want to reflect what “luck” and “bad luck” are. Nowadays, there are very few things that are absolute. Any affairs are accompanied by take -off and falls.

Tip 2. Do not take everything at your own expense

Each person is at risk of a clash with depression, but if he accuses himself of all troubles, for example, family decay or failure that arose in business. If things do not go the way you want, then try to ask yourself: “Well, because of what circumstances that do not depend on me, a strip of failure could arise?” Perhaps the relationship began to fade away, as we are shared by kilometers, and the business fell apart, since there was a crisis either due to the fact that I was denied a loan at the bank?

Do not take it on your account
Do not take it on your account

Assess the degree of own responsibility is real. Do not make all the claims that have arisen to yourself. Having found mitigating circumstances, you will take bad luck so painful, and you can also understand that in reality you are a completely non -stupid person. It is not to get rid of responsibility, but to determine which factors from the outside were able to cause a negative outcome and your fear of failure.

Tip 3. Do not think about bad luck or luck

Once in childhood, failures were not afraid of you at all, since you did not even have the idea what they were like. One of the methods that allows you to overcome fear of failure - Do not think at all what failure and success are. Just enjoy the process, watch how you get more and more. This can happen when you just stop thinking about the past and future.

Council 4. There are no failures - only a response

Ancient people mined fire, but it turned out badly enough. However, the result was worth the effort.

Try to keep your own mind always open. Adhere to such concepts as “feedback” or “good results”. Each experienced scientific employee is important that the result is effective, he does not think at all about luck and bad luck. If you can't do something, good. Now you will definitely know what needs to be done differently. Everyone who is successful in business or a sports direction is constantly trying to find the answer “What happened here? How to improve the situation? With what ways everything will work out, what are they better? " and so on.

Do not think about failures. Often this is only a difficult path that you have to go in order to succeed. Do not forget that a really confident person is not the one who knows how to become successful. This is the one that will always cope with problems if failure touches it.

Tip 5. Bold, just act!

Show yourself in other areas, gain experience, study something new. That's the only way you will become successful.


Never regret if you have missed your own capabilities. Do not forget that luck should not be expected if you are afraid of the failure. You will begin to act more actively, you will become a good person faster.

Tip 6. Think about, what exactly does luck mean to you

Fear of failure Very often associated with bad luck other people, since their expectations do not coincide with your representation of good luck.

What does the same success mean to you? The whole meaning of life or the desire to help people? Good health, the presence of reliable friends? Acquaintance with new activities?

In most people, luck causes associations with wealth. However, each of us understands that huge capital can not always add real happiness. To become a successful person, do not imitate the rest. You must have your own recipe for happiness, because this is only your fate and life.

Tip 7. Find something positive in every attempt

Do you do everything perfectly, invest all your strength and opportunities, but still haunts you? Do not worry, consider your own attempt to be successful. Everything is very simple, and therefore you will definitely cope with this.

Treat philosophically
Treat philosophically

It is from this day, when you face a fear of failure, think about philosophical wisdom:

  • Think about where the source of fear arises, get rid of it if it arises from the side, and you are not able to cope with it. Time runs, therefore, do not waste it in order to correct something.
  • You realized that the object of failure is in you inside, use it. Do not think about trifles, just pick up everything in your hands and go for work.
  • Imagine that you are a child who is just starting to walk. When you fall, do not think about what other people think of you. Repeat the attempt again, again, and again.

Evaluate luck not when you were able to avoid mistakes, but in efforts to do work regardless of difficulties. Think about what you are ready for?

Video: overcoming the fear of failures

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