Fear of death: ways to overcome it - what is Tanaphobia? Quotes of great people about death

Fear of death: ways to overcome it - what is Tanaphobia? Quotes of great people about death

This article will talk about the fear of death. We will tell you how to get rid of the fear of death.

Fear of death: tanatophobia

The fear of death is the strongest fear. He is natural for humans. Sometimes it helps to survive. For example, if a mother sees a car rushing at her child, she can save him. In this case, the fear of death helps a person preserve the instinct of self -preservation.

But there is a state when the fear of death interferes with living. In real life, a person may not threaten death, but he constantly thinks about it. This condition was called tanatophobia.

Important: Tanatophobia - The obsessive, insurmountable fear of death. It is the most common phobia in the world.

The first realization that all people will die in childhood. At first, the child does not know that people are not eternal, and he, including. But books, stories, cartoons, perhaps the loss of a family member, will lead him to the realization that death exists. Naturally, the child will begin to deny death, he will not want his parents to leave or beloved grandparents. He is scared. Gradually, this fear passes. It is important that the parents help the child, calm him down, caress, explain that they will be next to him for a long, long time.

The fear of death can return at an older age. This may be due to the disease or the death of a loved one who is familiar. Tanatophobias are subject to impressionable, disturbing, prone to fears and doubts.

What is tanatophobia?

Many are not afraid of the very fact of death, but what will happen later, after death: whether a new life will begin or there will be nothingness. No one can say this for sure. The only thing we know about death is that no one will be able to avoid it. But where and when, it is unknown.

Important: Leo Tolstoy said that people kill themselves with a fear of death, that the fear of death is actually a fear of false life.

Instead of enjoying life, enjoying its beautiful moments, giving love to their loved ones, people prefer to regret themselves and tremble with fear in thought over death.

People who are next to a person, panic of death, will initially show pity for him. They will want to calm and help a person get rid of his phobia. But it often happens that internal forces are not enough to get out of a state of human tanatophobia.

To get rid of the fear of death, it is necessary to work out your fears, attitudes, accept the fact of death, miss this knowledge through yourself and continue a new happy life. It is not always possible to do this yourself, so you should connect a psychologist, psychotherapist to work on yourself.

You can’t live with tanatophobia. The fear of death leads to physical and emotional exhaustion. This is a harmful fear that can launch bad processes in the body.

Jean-Batist Reno. The death of Cleopatra

How to get rid of the fear of death: Ways

Consider the methods that will help get rid of the fear of death:

  1. Spiritual growth. It is much easier for religious people to accept the fact of death. They know that they are waiting for them after death, prepare for this throughout their lives. It doesn’t matter what religion a person has. People of different religions are united by one thing - preparations for a meeting with God. If you are a baptized person, seek help from the Almighty, read prayers. It calms and gives strength.
  2. Caring for neighbors. This is the second cure for the fear of death. Instead of living in fear and experiences, spend your time taking care of your neighbors. You can help parents and children, orphans from the orphanage, become a volunteer. The more your contribution will be, the more you make for yourself and for others. Thanks to this, you will not leave without a trace, they will remember you. The person is alive while the memory of him is alive. Help will help you fill your life and calm the horror of the death that covered your mind.
  3. Love and positive thinking. To love yourself is very important, as it is important to have positive thinking. To love yourself is to choose health, happiness, luck for yourself. With your negative thoughts, you can launch reverse processes. Think about your desires, they tend to be fulfilled. Love for yourself gives you an awareness of your own significance, over which death is not powerful.
  4. Do good. Fill every day of your life the goal of doing good deeds. One old woman has planted many flowers and trees in her flowerbed, there are no old women for many years, but the neighbors, passers -by and children still enjoy the results of her good deeds and always remember a kind word. If you cannot become a volunteer, a defender of children and animals, do things that you shoulder.
  5. Thank you. Wake up with gratitude to God, the universe for a new day, for a new morning. Thanks for the life that you have, for food and shelter, for children, for spouse, for health, for the opportunity to walk and breathe. Arrange a ritual for yourself, say prayers every evening or just thank you for everything that the good that happened to you today. This will help to fill life with meaning and see the beautiful in it.
  6. Find the meaning of life. If you are sure that further in your life you will not expect anything good, with a high probability you can start the processes that shorten the life path. If the meanings of life are lost, find them. Fill your life with optimism, faith in the best, meaning.
  7. Repeat and accept these lines: Birth-life-death. This is an axiom, there is no getting away from this. So why not stop spending the precious minutes of your life on the fear of death? Change your life for the better today. Do what you wanted to do for a long time: buy a ticket and go on a trip, go fishing, walk with your child, get a dog. Another life for your desires, perhaps, will not, take ahead to live life here and now. Let yourself not be afraid of life.
  8. If the fear of death is so strong that it is not possible to cope with it on his own, feel free to seek help from a psychologist. If there is no way to go to a psychologist, find a person with whom you can share your experiences who will support and cheer you up.
Ways to get rid of the fear of death

Quotes that will help to cope with the fear of death

Quotes about the fear of death:

  • “While we are alive, there is no death. When she comes, we are no longer. ”
  • “Death is not the worst that can happen to a person!”, Plato.
  • “Those who have great value are least afraid of death.”, Immanuel Kant.
  • “A person should not be afraid of death. He must not be afraid to start living ... "Mark Aurelius.
  • “It is better to die right away than to live with a expectation of death ...” Guy Julius Caesar.
  • "We are born with a cry, die with a groan, it remains only to live with a laugh!" Victor Hugo.
  • “I learned to look at death as an old duty, which sooner or later will have to be given ...” Albert Einstein.
Quotes, phrases about death

Each of us has the concept of death. Over time, our idea of \u200b\u200bdeath is improving. All milestones of human life: childhood, youth, maturity, old age - help us to be free from the fear of death, we are slowly leading us to this inevitable phenomenon. Learn to be philosophical about death, means defeating your fear over it.

Video: The root of all fears - Fear of death

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