Why do dogs and their paws are not freezing in the winter in the cold, at what temperature the dogs freeze, what to do, how to insulate a booth for dogs?

Why do dogs and their paws are not freezing in the winter in the cold, at what temperature the dogs freeze, what to do, how to insulate a booth for dogs?

If a person without outerwear in the winter does not go out into the street, then the dogs are perfectly dispensed with fur coats and coats. Why is that?

Majorityrocks, not to mention the mongrels,quite capable of beingin the open air both in daytime and at night, at minus temperatures, on the snow cover.

Why do dogs not freeze in the winter in the cold?

  • Of course, the assertion that dogs do not freeze in the cold, Inapplicable to everyone Of the numerous rocks. A lot depends on what woolthe dog has: short or long, hard or soft, How thick is undercoat.
  • So than thicker, tougher and longer wool, Moreover, the frost -resistant is the breed and the lower the critical temperatures that it can withstand.
  • Let's say caucasian wool, Moscow guard or Leonbergers, not to mention Husky likes, allows them to endure temperatures without problems to minus 40.
  • Moreover, their woolen cover makes for such dogs not very comfortable plus temperatures. But if a representative such breeds from a puppy was brought up and kept in conditions corresponding to its characteristicswoolen cover, then by winter it will increase an additional undercoat, warming it.
  • In addition, the above breeds relate to large ones that do not freeze much longer, since the process of heat returns in them passes more slowly.
  • Better tolerate cold temperatures young and healthy dogs, puppies freeze much faster, oldor sick dogs with an exhausted organism, and especially with the presence of arthritis.
Not all dogs are freezing
Not all dogs are freezing
  • The power of the dog also affects the “frost resistance” - the more it is high -calorie and balanced, the longer the animal’s body can maintain heat.

Why do dogs do not freeze?

  • The dog, unlike a person, easily walks in the snow "barefoot", and at the same time dog's paws do not freeze in the coldHow our limbs would be bewildered.
  • Why? This question is answered by the research of Japanese scientists who talk about a special system of circulation of blood of dogs. So, arteries located in the paws transmit heat into the veins without returning cold blood back to the body of the dog.
  • In fact, it happens the process of heat transfer between arterial and venous vessels, which does not allow external losses.
Special circulation
Special circulation
  • In this way, The body itself(and paws in particular) do not subjecteit is cooling, and the close location of the veins determines the faster process of warming the paws. It is noticed that dog paws capable of withstand temperatures to - 35ºС and at the same time there is no frostbite, since the blood supply to the pads does not stop for a second.
  • Similar processesheat regulatoryand they occur in the organisms of those species of animals whose habitat are cold latitudes: arctic foxes or penguins, for example.

Tounderstand, that the dog is cold, that the dog is freezing?

Two options should be considered here, since the reaction of the dog, accustomed to home conditions of maintenance, will differ from the behavior of accustomed to live in the courtyard of the animal.

How to find out whether it freezes
How to find out whether it freezes
  1. For the dog contained in the house or in the apartment, going outside in the cold season, of course, is more sensitive. The dog will begin to freeze already with small minuses, or even withlowplus temperature. If the animal begins shake (Moreover, this is rather a large trembling than a small chills), squeeze in turn the paws or tail, whine - So it is frozen. Such a dog often refuses to go with the owner further for a walk and begins to stubbornly pull the leash towards the house.If your pet is literally falls on the ground or on the snow on the broken paws - then definitely the dog should be in a warm room as soon as possible to avoid freezing of the animal.
  2. For those dogs that are contained in aviaries, in booths, in a word, live on the street, you need a warm place that is closed from the penetration of the draft. Otherwise, even the dog that has grown on the street and is well adapted to low temperatures can freeze from the fact that it will not be able to dry the hair soaked in the snow.The main sign that the yard the dog froze - this is big trembling, shaking her body.In addition, the dog can squeeze paws.

This is especially clearly manifested in those animals that grew in the room, and later were sent to the street - their body accustomed to heat, cannot quickly adapt to changes in the conditions of content.

The dog is freezing on the street: what to do?

  • The smaller the size of the dog, the sooner it freezes. Therefore, decorative dogs, especially short -haired dogs, should be followed before walkingwear in special ones kombinozonchiki, and if possible, and put on the paws boots or boots. The time of their walks should not be long - enough for the pet to do all his big and small things.
  • Large and medium dogsrelated to short -haired (boxers, bulldogs, Dobermans) also need clothing, because they do not have a undercoat that warm them.Such dogs should also not walk in the cold for a long time-enough 20 minutes.
In winter
In winter
  • And even long -haired dogs with a thick undercoat, such as huskies or Caucasians, can freeze if they are limited in movements. If you notice that the dog began to tremble and, squeezing his paws, pulls you towards the house - it means, indeed, it is time for her to go home.
  • So that the paws do not freeze and the dog does not freeze in the cold, buy a pet special shoes - Her choice in veterinary pharmacies and stores is quite wide, from boots to felt boots. If for some reason you cannot do this, do not forget to handle the pillow before a walk using for this petrolatum Or any fat cream. Such protection will work not only from the cold, but also from mixtures saturated with reagents thatused to sprinkle streets.
  • All the above recommendations should be carried out especially carefully if you ared.you eat for a walk of a puppy or, conversely, an old dog, a bitch that is waiting or feed offspring.

At what temperature the dog is freezing?

This is influenced by many factors. The freezing threshold is associated with the general state of health of the dog - if it is sick, it will freeze even at a temperature that she previously withstanded.

  • It is important how thick of its woolen cover and how thick the undercoat is - long -haired animals They can easily transfer the 20-25-degree frost. A short -haired dog without special clothes will not withstand such temperatures: its “ceiling” - 5 ° C.
What does it depend on?
What does it depend on?
  • Do not take the dog to the street hungry - in this case the dog is freezing Faster even at the temperature familiar to him. And, of course, the external environment in which the animal grew up is important.
  • The dog, accustomed to room temperatures, may start to tremble already at the zero mark of the thermometer, and the grown in street conditions will easily transfermuch greater frosts.
  • An example can serve homeless dogs, living in the northern regions: they, turning around in a ball in the holes dug by them, transfer frosts to -50 ° C.

How to insulate the booth, So that the dog does not freeze?

  • Experienced dog breeders in no case are advised to lay in a dog booth old things or rags. They tend to get wet and drew and thereby the dog is forced to be in a raw atmosphere, which enhances the feeling of cold.
  • Many recommend lay the hay, in which the dog is convenient to bury, keeping warmth. In addition, hay is able to absorb small amounts of moisture, which also helps to preserve heat. Heat and wood chips or sawdust will preserve well.
  • Particularly caring owners even spend in a booth electricityUsing a low -power incandescent lamp closed by an iron bowl attached to the wall a booth. When the lamp is turned on, the bowl begins to bask, and the dog can also get additional heat, clinging to it.

The main thing is to hide the wires well to exclude andx Contact with the animal, and arrange a lamp with a bowl so that the dog can move away from it if the bowl becomes too hot.

  • Some are used to warm up a bed old outerwear: coat, quilted jacket, sheepskin coat.
  • It is better not to put the booth right on the ground so that it does not freeze and does not dive, it is better to do wooden flooring on which and put the dog housing. You can insulate the walls with the help foam outside, and inner surfaces - sheathe felt material.
  • It is advisable to close the entrance to the boothfelt or canvas to protect the animal from drafts.

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