How to give a tablet to the dog as a whole, an interpreted, liquid form?

How to give a tablet to the dog as a whole, an interpreted, liquid form?

From this article you will learn how to give a tablet to a dog so that it eats it.

You got your favorite dog. After visiting the doctor, you bought pills prescribed by the veterinarian, but the dog does not want to eat them. What to do? How to force or persuade a dog to take pills? We will learn about this in this article.

How to give a tablet to a dog?

Specialists who know dogs - dog handlers advise to give the dog tablets so as not to scare her, otherwise she will remember the time when you ran after her or tried to give a tablet by force, and will never want to take medicine.

Attention. Before giving a tablet to the dog, consult a veterinarian, read the instructions, and find out if it can be crushed, mixed with food, since there are medicines that can not be washed down with anything but water, and even when they are in the air, they lose their properties.

There are several ways when you can give a tablet to a dog, without stress for her:

  • Put a tablet on the tongue
  • Hide in food
  • Crush and give with food
  • Dissolve a tablet, and let the dog out of an ordinary syringe
  • Give a whole tablet using a special syringe
Give a tablet a dog needs to be in such a sequence

How to give a whole tablet to the dog on the tongue?

To give the dog a tablet on the tongue, first of all, she needs to open her mouth. And how to do this if your pet does not want to open? People engaged in breeding dogs advise acting in the following sequence:

  • Decisively, and at the same time, affectionately condemning with the dog, pressed with two fingers on the gap between the rows of teeth, and the dog itself will open the mouth.
  • We quickly put the tablet on the tongue as far as possible.
  • Raise the dog's head up and scales the neck, so it swallow the pill.
  • Then we praise the dog, let her drink water, and if the tablet can be taken during meals, give her something tasty that she loves.

Attention. This option is suitable if the tablet is bitter, since the base of the language does not have taste receptors, and the dog will not immediately feel bitterness.

If the procedure with the tablet did not work for the first time - try again.

Attention. If the tablet is in the gelatin capsule, it can be lubricated with vegetable oil so that it does not stick to the teeth, gums, sky, and for better passage through the throat.

You can give a dog a tablet if you talk to it calmly

How to give a dog to a tongue on a tongue using an introduct?

If the dog is aggressive, and you need to give her a tablet, but you are afraid that you will be left without fingers, then you can buy a special syringe called an introductor. This tool has a rubber tip, where a tablet or its half, a quarter is placed, and everything is inserted into the dog in the mouth. Pressing on the piston of the syringe, the tablet moves to the base of the dog's tongue. And the dog will have nothing left but to swallow the pill.

Attention. The Introductor is also good because it works “2 in one”: you can get water in it, and put a pill on the tip, and first give the dog a tablet, and then water.

This is how an Introduct of the tablet closed in the tip looks like this

How to give a whole tablet to a dog with food?

Give the dog a tablet with food is desirable in the following cases:

  • If the dog is aggressive and bites
  • Someone else's dog for which you temporarily care
  • If it did not work with your hand, put a tablet on the dog on the tongue
  • If the medicine can be given during food

In order for the dog to eat a pill, it needs to be shoved deeper into a piece of meat, cheese or other food, and make sure that it swallow everything together with the pill.

Some dog lovers advise put a tablet on a small piece of bread, and grease it with a thick layer of butter, there should be so much oil so that the tablet is not visible. Then call the dog, but do not give her a sandwich at once, but on command, after some endurance, and when allowed her to eat, she will swallow it with pleasure, and will not feel a tablet.

Attention. If the dog leaves the pill, and eats food, then this option does not suit you, you need to look for the next.

In the famous film "Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik, Shurik tried to give pills to the dog with sausage, but he did not succeed in this

How to give a tense tablet to a dog with food?

If the dog eats all your offerings in a bowl, and leaves the tablet not touched, then you can crush the tablet, and mix with thick or liquid (for example, kefir) food. In order for the tablet to dissolve better, liquid food or water is a little heated and dissolve in it a tablet.

Attention. With food, you can mix not all tablets, but only those that take during food.

Please notethat the tablets from worms are most often taken with any dairy products.

Some dogs taste very much or scent that they poured medicine, and refuse to eat such food with a tablet, then you need to come up with another way to give a tablet to the dog.

You can give an interpreted tablet to a dog with food and so

How to give a dog’s tablet correctly in water?

If the dog does not want to eat a whole or interpreted tablet, then the medicine can be dissolved in water or ask the veterinarian to prescribe a liquid medicine. It is easier to give a dog. To give a dissolved tablet to the dog, we act as follows:

  • We collect the medicine in a regular syringe
  • Enter a syringe without a needle of a dog into a mouth, from the side between the teeth
  • Slowly release the medicine from the syringe, making sure that it does not flow outward, and the dog in the throat.
You can give a tablet dissolved in water with a syringe without a needle

What can not be done when you give a tablet to the dog?

To give a tablet to the dog, and she ate it, you need to behave correctly with her. How can not be done with a dog?

  • To get instructions for the use of the medicine, the medicine itself and syringes do not need to be with the dog, otherwise you can scare it, and she will not want to eat a tablet.
  • If you want the dog to open the mouth, you can’t shout at it, to chase it, it hurts it when you open your mouth, otherwise it will resist, and you can bite you, and you can forever discourage her to take medicines from her.
  • You can not give pills to the dog when the animal is aggressively configured.
  • If you give tablets to the dog after eating, before that it cannot be fed abundantly, otherwise it can be pulled out, including a pill.
  • Tablets cannot be diluted in milk.

So, if you could not give a tablet to the dog for any of the above methods, do not despair, ask the veterinarian to prescribe you a medicine in injections and invite a nurse home, and she will make a injection to the dog, or come to a medical institution with a dog.

Video: How to give a tablet to a dog? Veterinary advice

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