Why do guys like to put the girls on their knees: what does the guy and the girl herself feel?

Why do guys like to put the girls on their knees: what does the guy and the girl herself feel?

Guys love to put the girls on their knees. Why - described in the article.

Male psychology in relation to a woman is a very deep and interesting topic. At the present time, we can definitely say that male and female psychology differs from each other as heaven and earth. As for many men, the female inner world is a closed and unknown book, and for women the male world is something unknown and not always understandable.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to make a man pleasant during a kiss?". You will learn how to touch a guy, as well as about kisses that will drive a man crazy.

When relations begin, many actions or certain signs of attention seem ordinary to us. Often we do not even notice them or do not pay attention. And if you think about it, then questions may arise for certain actions. For example, why do guys like the girls so much on their knees? We will figure it out in the article below. Read further.

Why does the guy put the girl on his knees: why do guys like to do this?

The girl's knees
The girl's knees

It would seem that the usual action, which we do not even pay attention to - the guy puts the girl on his knees. But why do the guys do this. Why do guys love to do this?

  • If you look into the inner world of a man, then we can say that any guy wants to be a defender and a person for his girlfriend, whom she can rely on.
  • A man can take care in different ways. For some, it is to meet a girl after work, when it was already dark on the street. For others, care is manifested in full control of actions. But in both cases this is called care.
  • And such little attention as to put the girl on his knees is also a sign of care. Such an act characterizes the rapprochement of two people. They merged together and began to feel each other's breath. Without touch, this is impossible to do.
  • Therefore, at the beginning of the relationship, such a sign of attention makes you feel awe.
  • In the cold season, when all the benches and places for relaxation became unbearably cold. Such a sign may mean that a man takes care that a girl, for example, does not sit on a cold bench.

Now, when asked why the guy does this, we can definitely answer - as a sign of caring for his beloved.

What does a guy feel when a girl is on his knees?

Every day from men we can see certain actions. Such as:

  • Caring for your security
  • Health care
  • House help
  • Compliments

We really like all these actions, one way or another. If a man shows due attention to his girlfriend, relationships are at a high level, where loving people carefully care about each other. When all these actions develop into the system, we no longer notice a particular sign of attention.

What does a guy feel when a girl is on his knees?

  • If a man sees that without him you become defenseless, he has a desire to help you, to make you feel confident next to him.
  • And such an action as to put on knees also means to cover you with all problems.

In general, if you think about these small actions of a man, you can understand why he likes to do it so much. This is concern and shelter from problems.

What does the girl herself feel, sitting on a guy's knees?

We talk a lot about why and why men do something and do one way or another. But what does the girl herself feel at the moment when the guy is sitting on the knees?

  • In such situations when a man simply puts us on his knees, women feel that they are really interesting to a guy.
  • We feel that he wants to touch, be closer.
  • If the girl feels all this, she will tremble to him.
  • She will be sure that this person really needs. He is interested in her.

When we find ourselves on the guy’s knees, we feel comfortable. The conversation immediately turns into flirty glancing at each other. The situation becomes more intimate, as you are very close and stronger, creating a trembling environment.

Analyzing these or another actions of men, we can learn a lot about them. What happens inside them in certain situations? What actions and signs of attention do they like the most and what are they bangling from? The psychology of men and women is a very complex system. We are two contradictions that can be connected together, can enjoy each other. But for good and coordinated relationships, it is necessary to work in one direction for both sides.

All their lives, men are our defenders. Let them protect you. They need to be sure that you need their strong and reliable shoulder.

Video: 5 signs that a man wants you

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