Why are the guys hug either with one hand, then two: what does this mean? Why do you need to distinguish between friendly and romantic hugs?

Why are the guys hug either with one hand, then two: what does this mean? Why do you need to distinguish between friendly and romantic hugs?

Often, guys are hugged with one hand or two - these gestures have their own meaning. It’s easy to figure it out.

In the modern world, people spread almost 70% of information without the help of speech. Words are a smaller part of what we convey to each other. Everything else - gestures, facial expressions, eyes, gait, belong to the non -verbal way of communication. It is considered an excellent addition to human speech. By hand, we will always be able to determine how the interlocutor is configured. And by the view, all the information that we want to convey to us is already clear. There are most different poses, a technician who help to figure out and understand what a person wants.

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The study of the human body does not stand still. And the psychology of communication implies not only features of the type of person and his ability to talk, but also clearly shows how to understand people by gestures and facial expressions. From this article you will learn why the guys hug either with one hand, then two - what it means. Read further.

What is hugs?


What can be said about hugs? This is a non -verbal way of communication. Hugs carry hidden meaning, serve as an indicator in any situation and help to understand the sense of the interlocutor.

They are performed on the subconscious, a person does not think about their meaning. Often they reveal all the secrets of a man in relation to a woman. Secret feelings are easy to determine by the position of the hands during touch. Let us consider in more detail the types of hugs between a guy and a girl, and their hidden meaning.

What are hugs for?

It is known that hugs contribute to the development of the hormone of joy and the hormone of love, raising the level of beneficial substances in the body, improve the work of the central nervous system and immunity. At least four hugs are needed per day, based on medical research. Hugs help to suppress negative emotions and build a balance of the nervous system of the body. What else are they needed for?

  • In a relationship, tactile contact is important for both a man and a woman, for everyone it carries a certain message.
  • The main thing is that the hug is appropriate and comfortable for both sides, and does not violate the personal boundaries of a person.
  • Most often, hugs are needed for a splash of emotions, but their significance is always different.
  • For a girl, hugs indicate security, love.
  • And men are necessary for confidence, showing their feelings and protection.

For all couples, hugs are a manifestation of delicate feelings, love, passion, protection. With their help, many couples are easier to experience quarrels.

It is worth knowing: A large number of hugs in the family reduces the percentage of divorces.

Types of embrace

Learning to distinguish harmless embrace with friends from something romantic is not difficult. The main thing is to study their types and meaning in more detail. Categories of hugs depend on the circumstances in which tactile contact occurs. It can be a hug at a meeting, romantic, with friends or relatives, with children and others. Consider each species in more detail.

  • A hug at a meeting It is the main ritual of friendly relations. This species does not bear some hidden connotation, if we talk about the arms of relatives or two friends. But between a man and a woman, a hug at a meeting can mean much based on the position of the hands. With such hugs, there is no feeling of awkwardness, on the contrary, the touch when meeting is an indicator of trust in the interlocutor.
  • Hugs with relatives They differ from tactile contact at a meeting. By themselves, relations with relatives vary with any others. Parents with the child have a special connection that is inextricable on the whole life path of a person. Such embrace show trust and a sense of respect.
  • Friendly touchthey also show trust, as well as the ability to miss him or her, and love a friend or girlfriend. It is easy to distinguish friendly hugs from romance.
  • Tactile contacts between a guy and a girl They play a big role than just with friends.

Consider the specific types of romantic touches in more detail. Read further.

The guy hugs the girl with one hand by the waist, over the shoulder, behind behind the back - why: what does this mean?

The guy hugs the girl by the waist
The guy hugs the girl by the waist

What can the guy’s attitude towards the girl be understood by which part of the body he acquires? Why does he do one way or another and what does it mean?

  • If he holds one hand in the waist during bodily contact, This means that the interlocutor attracts him as a woman. If the heads are in contact, the man is determined. He not only experiences bed interest, but also wants the spiritual development of relations, harmony and seriousness. The main thing is that the guy looks his beloved in the eye, if he takes his eyes, then this man is not ready for seriousness.
  • Hugs by the shoulders In almost all cases, the lady’s comfort is important. By gaining tightly by the shoulder, the man shows his strength, the willingness to console the interlocutor. Such tactile contact is a rather polite gesture. By acquiring by the shoulders, he shows his respect for the feelings of the lady.
  • A man shows his masculinity, acquiring it from the back. This is a sign of strong love, respect, readiness to always protect and be a reliable support. To the relationship, such hugs serve as an excellent indicator that a man is ready for a serious union. With such a contact, he shows his readiness for relations, clinging as close as possible, he is waiting for reciprocity. This is also evidenced by the man's eyes in time.

In order not to miss your true happiness, you need to be attentive to the details. If she does not know what the young man is ready to go for her, she just needs to eagerly hug her favorite person when meeting.

The guy hugs the girl with both hands by the neck, waist - why: what does this mean?

A hug with two hands is a sign of a stronger union. When he presses with both hands over the belt area to himself, in which case he craves sexual relations. With such hugs, attention should be paid to the view, position of the head. Little things are important here. This or that hug can not always possess one meaning. By view, it is also easy to determine what your partner wants. Both hands at the waist indicate the desire of a man to move on to heavy artillery - to start taking serious steps.

If he holds both hands on his neck, this does not mean that he wants to strangle his beloved. This is a sign of a strong union. By acquiring two palms by the neck, a man shows his dominance over her and his character. It can be understood that such a gesture indicates the seriousness of a person’s feelings. The neck is a delicate part of the body. If he hugs the neck, then the woman is in his absolute power.

Why do guys hug either with one hand or two?

Guys hug either with one hand, then two
Guys hug either with one hand, then two

Hugs are a complex psychological process that occurs unconsciously. The guy, without hesitation, hugs the girl, at that moment he is filled with feelings. You can’t predict which hand he will touch her, but the arms with one hand or two can be deciphered at once.

  • The man presses the lady to him with one hand when he is afraid to confuse the girl with his act.
  • To acquire one palm on the side is a great way to hint about your feelings, desire for intimacy, support.
  • If a man involves both hands in tactile contact, this indicates complete gratitude.
  • Feelings for a woman are serious, and if this is support, then he treats her with sincere compassion.

There are several types of hugs. Read further.

If the guy hugs from behind, hands on his stomach: what does this mean?

The hugs from behind are a common non -verbal contact that develops between a man and a lady not only in a relationship. What does this mean?

  • Such a tactile contact speaks of protection, directing to the right path.
  • Both people “go” in one direction, they look at the world the same way.
  • If the guy puts his palm on his shoulder, he positions himself as an ally, if on his stomach, he will protect his beloved from all problems.

The stomach is compared with a delicate, intimate place that a man must protect.

The guy pulled my hand and hugged me: what does that mean?

Not in all cases, hugs are mutual. There are inappropriate tactile contacts that could not be avoided. The main thing is to explain your personal borders in advance. There are men who consider it normal - to hug a person by force.

The guy pulled my hand and hugged me - what does that mean?

  • If the guy acquired a girl who kept the distance, he does not belong to her with understanding and does not respect her personal boundaries. Such a layout of events may not always be.
  • Most often, the action of a young man is caused by passion. He wants to show that, despite the distance, he is ready to appear.

Such hugs ambiguously affect the condition of the girl. One likes such a pressure, while others feel hostility.

Why do you need to distinguish between friendly and romantic hugs?

Until now, the opinion of friendship between a man and a woman is ambiguous. Why do you need to distinguish between friendly and romantic hugs?

  • Many people believe that there is a hidden connotation for such friendship, and one of the friends necessarily feels to another sympathy or love.
  • In this case, hugs help to identify the meaning of such relationships and the real feelings of “friends”.
  • Separating the species, such “friendly” hugs between a guy and a girl, serve as a clear indicator of feelings.
  • It is unacceptable to confuse friendly and romantic hugs. By the first contact, it will not be possible to determine how a man feels for a woman, it should be observed.

Hugs are diverse, they can be long and tender, fast and passionate, protecting and supporting. Not a single relationship or marriage will be able to live for a long time without sensual hugs. But even in a romantic embrace there is a certain message. For example, a man can not always love his chosen one, he can be with her for respect or a sense of duty. Remember this!

Video: 10 things that men do when they are in love with

Video: 6 types of hugs and their values

Video: a hug test - what will they tell about you?

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