Why you can't look in the mirror when you cry: 10 reasons, signs, interpretation

Why you can't look in the mirror when you cry: 10 reasons, signs, interpretation

The mirror is probably the most mystical object in our homes, melting riddles, alluring and frightening. Such a lot of signs are connected with it, like, probably, with any of the items of everyday life.

What is so alarming in such a seemingly ordinary surface in which we see our reflection?

Why you can't look in the mirror when you cry: 10 main reasons

  • Mirrors not only remember the face and condition, but also resonate with this memory. Therefore, the face of a crying person remains in them as if it filmed to the film. And subsequently “reflect” the recorded, causing not only the desire to cry, but also the negative around a person - he can be pursued troublesMoreover, long enough.
  • This explains the fact that old people still cover all brilliant and reflecting surfaces with napkins, so that even a random the fleeting reflection was not imprinted in them.
  • A similar effect is observed with welfare, family relationships - They are destroyed, like happiness. And all this happens because the mirror memory retained the negative and retires itEven if you look at yourself in a good mood, smiling and singing.

Among the beliefs associated with the mirror, there is such: you can’t cry in front of it. What is explained and why you can’t look in the mirror when you cry?

  1. Mirror - A subject that absorbs and feels a person’s energy. When it sees you in grief, he seeks to reflect you just like that , thereby taking away all the positive that is present in your energy. It can also work in the future.
  2. Mirror remembers your crying image And he projects it on you when you will look into it in the future, so involuntarily you will want to cry at the next views in the mirror.
  3. Yours sad emotions They can be transmitted to those who will come to the mirror after you. Thus, you can negatively affect the mood and emotional state of your relatives and friends.
  4. Tears take away with them beauty, vigor and healthy condition. The mirror will also absorb them into yourself, so the more often it will see your tears, the faster you will notice changes in your appearance for the far from the better.
  5. There is a belief that tears, like the mirror itself, are A conductor in the other world. Therefore, crying in front of the mirror, a girl can also find herself in a different world, and there, having been surrounded by evil spirits, he herself can become part of her, turning into a witch. After all, showing the mirror tears, not joy, you thereby demonstrate a certain disrespect for the cliner. Should it be surprised that it wants to repay you the same?
  6. Another belief - falling on your reflection, a tear burns a hole in it, which appears in your aura. And through such holes, especially over time increasing, we are leaving energy, positive attitude and health.
  7. If you believe the signs, you will have to believe in the existing theory that belongs to the "mirror crystands." It is they who, not wanting it, can call from the other world of evil spirits that destroy everything around. You can also involuntarily call the souls of the former owners of the mirror, and even see them behind their tears. This property is especially manifested in ancient mirrors, which have many centuries.
  8. "Washed happiness" - the name of the effect that is produced tears in front of the mirror. If during some positive changes in your life you will give the mirror the opportunity to see you crying, then it can stop these good changes on the way to happiness.
  9. The reason connected not so much with signs as with psychology. If you cry in front of the mirror, then there is a subconscious cause and strengthen a negative attitude to your appearanceAnd from here - and the lack of love for yourself.
  10. Another pragmatic reason why no need to cry in front of the mirror - If you look at yourself through tears, this leads to a deterioration in vision.
Will accept a lot about mirrors
Will accept a lot about mirrors

Why can't you cry for the dead in front of the mirror?

When a person close to us passes away, we cry involuntarily, without hesitation, at the same time sees us a mirror or not. And it should not see tears, and this is one of the reasons why the mirrors in the house of the deceased are closed with a black cloth during mourning.

In addition to the above reasons, there are separate signs prohibiting to mourn the deceased in front of the mirror:

  1. Mirror - this is conductor to the afterlife, In which the deceased is already located. And our tears along with the energy of sorrow are transmitted to his soul, preventing him from finding peace.
  2. The soul of the deceased is now among many souls, Among which there are also hostile to people. It is they who can penetrate the world of the living through the portal that opened in the mirror. And then their effect on the crying in front of the mirror will be aggressive and unpredictable.
  3. Crying in front of the mirror According to the deceased, you thereby convey to him the sorrow that it will subsequently direct to you and other people who are looking at this mirror.
You can't cry for the dead in the mirror
You can't cry for the dead in the mirror

What needs to be done if you cried in front of the mirror?

  • You can not always hold back your emotions, including being in front of the mirror. Therefore, seeing your crying reflection is quite real. In this case, magical practice advises recalling signs and pulling yourself together to tears in the mirror did not overshadow your future life.
  • Calming down and wiping tears, it is also necessary Wipe the surface of the mirror moistened with a clean cloth with a clean cloth. Thus, you “mock” your reflection with negative emotions.
  • Thereafter smile yourself and mirror, let it see your smile, remembering it - so you will send a positive charge in behind the grinder and will not get negativity in response. There is also a version that you can talk to the mirror - fun and friendly, convincing him that everything is in order. Perhaps it will listen and believe, then its subsequent mood will be positive.

Some practicing magicians advise parting with a mirror if you cried in front . Just do not give it, because in this way you will pass on the new owners and the negative accumulated in the mirror. Gently wrap the mirror and put it into the garbage box, while trying not to break it.

Cry in front of the mirror: tips

  • Do not bring the child to the mirror when he cries. The kid can frighten, which is quite likely to cause subsequent problems: restless sleep, nervousness, speech lag.
  • Do not quarrel with a loved one, especially if during these quarrels you begin to cry in front of the mirror. Even if you do not look in the mirror, it sees you in tears and remembers the situation of the scandal, periodically repeating it later. And if you still have a chance to quarrel - wipe the mirror not just with water, but if possible - consecrated. Thereafter light a candle and three times on the direction of the clock, circle your reflection in the mirror, repeating the prayer "Our Father". Do not extinguish the candle after the rite - let it burn out by yourself.
Do not quarrel and do not cry in front of the mirror
Do not quarrel and do not cry in front of the mirror
  • Do not cry not only in front of the mirror, but also in front of any surface that can reflect you: glass, water, a TV screen or computer monitor, a glass, etc. After all, not only the mirror, but also your reflection has magical properties.

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