Symbols of love and fidelity: 36 characters according to Feng Shui and not only, description, photo

Symbols of love and fidelity: 36 characters according to Feng Shui and not only, description, photo

Love, perhaps, is the most beautiful feeling on Earth that “lives” side by side with fidelity and respect. Today we propose to talk about symbols of love and fidelity that exist from ancient times and are always associated with these concepts.

If you want to preserve or attract love, it is important to primarily engage in yourself, your inner world and yourself. But do not forget about the useful symbols of love that it is desirable to have at home or with you.

Symbol of love and fidelity to Feng Shui

The ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui is popular all over the world. With its help, you can attract luck, wealth and love.

Since today we are talking about love and fidelity, let's look at what is a symbol of love and fidelity to Feng Shui:

  • Mandarin ducks. Yes, no matter how strange it looks, but the ancient Chinese philosophy Feng Shui believes that such ducks are the most striking symbol of not just love and fidelity, but also family well-being, pleasure and bliss. It is customary to "settle" these animals with a couple in the room of lovers. Thus, the young will attract happiness to their family.
  • Crystals of quartz. We will immediately say that the pink quartz is a symbol of love and fidelity, since it harmonizes with the heart chakra. Often such a mineral is sold precisely in the form of a heart.
  • Double good luck. Such a sign is a hieroglyph. It is generally accepted that this sign carefully stores the love of a couple and makes it stronger every year of their life together. There is a tradition like a sign at the head of the newlyweds.
Double luck
Double luck
  • Mystical knot - A wicker sign in the form of a cross, with an encrypted number 8. It is generally accepted that this node not only symbolizes love and fidelity, but also helps a couple to have a child.
  • Red or pink peonies. These flowers have always been associated with tenderness, love and reverent feelings. Feng Shui recommends not living peonies to attract and preserve love, but drawn.

Keep in mind that all such symbols of love and fidelity should be given/purchased/put only in pairs, that is, two ducks, two knots, etc. But there should be an odd number. You need to place such symbols in the pair bedroom. The best place is the far right corner from the door.

Working rings symbol of love and fidelity

It is not surprising that engagement rings are a symbol of love and fidelity, because it is not just a jewelry that needs to be exchanged during painting, it is an invaluable jewel, a promise, a kind of oath in love that lovers exchange.

  • The ring itself symbolizes infinity, after all, in fact, it has no beginning. That is why the wedding rings, which young people exchange during painting/wedding, gain special significance.
  • They are not only a symbol of love and fidelity, but also a promise to be with a loved one everywhere and always, regardless of circumstances and life difficulties.
  • That is why there is an opinion that ring loss or breakdown It is a bad sign that portends the separation of lovers.

Bowing plant is a symbol of love and fidelity

There are many plants that are symbols of love, fidelity and peace in the house. Here are the most familiar to us:

  • Myrtle. In addition to the fact that this plant is considered a symbol of love, it is also an indisputable symbol of the world, beauty and consent.
  • Cyclamen. These "elegant" plants with bright beautiful flowers help lovers to preserve a wonderful feeling of love.
  • Aichrizon - A real symbol of love. There is an opinion that this flower helps to find a soul mate.
  • Chinese rose. Many superstitions are associated with this flower. Many believe that Rose can bring grief to the household, however, there are those who are sure that this flower symbolizes love and passionate relations.
  • Uzumbara violet Helps spouses to remain faithful to each other.
  • The symbol of carnal love is flowers such as guzmania, Anturium and Spathifalum.

Swans symbol of love and fidelity

Swans, perhaps the most common and one of the most ancient symbols of love and fidelity. These white graceful birds have always symbolized purity, sincerity, all -consuming, disinterested and eternal love.

  • As you know, swans create one family for life and remain faithful to their soul mate even after her death. Perhaps it was precisely such the qualities of these birds that they influenced that they become symbols of fidelity and love.
  • Always these birds are portrayed by a couple, “in an embrace”, most often with intertwined necks, they are also portrayed with their offspring.
  • Often figurines, swans figures They will present the young for the wedding, as well as the anniversary of the celebration, so that their love is “swan”, that is, eternal, disinterested and unconditional.
  • Also, as such a gift, you can present a couple of paintings with swans, embroidery with swans.

Chamomile symbol of love and fidelity

  • To understand why chamomile has become a symbol of love and fidelity, you need to turn to an old legend.
  • Once upon a time, a girl by name lived in the world for a very long time Maria. She was beautiful, slender and attractive. Her heart belonged to a guy named Roman, who reciprocated the girl.
  • Once I had a strange dream Roman, in which he saw a flower with white petals and a bright yellow middle previously unknown to him. When the guy woke up, he saw that this flower lies on his bed.
  • Immediately gave the novel this flower to his girlfriend, and she called it the gentle and beautiful name “Chamomile”. But she became bitter from the fact that only she could enjoy this beautiful flower, so she asked Maria her boyfriend to bring her a whole bouquet of these flowers.
  • Roman went in search of daisies and fell into the kingdom of dreams. The ruler of this kingdom promised to give Maria a whole field of daisies, but provided that the novel would forever live in his country. The young guy sacrificed his life for his beloved.
  • And Maria at that time was waiting for her beloved and wondered whether he loves her or does not love her, remembers or already forgot. Her doubts about the feelings of her lover were dispelled when she saw a whole field of daisies in front of her house. Then Maria realized that Roman loves her and would always be faithful to her.
  • Actually, since then, the chamomile is a symbol of love and fidelity, as well as an attribute for fortune telling with words "Love does not love…".

Symbol of Love and Fidelity Day

Since 2008, on July 8, a wonderful holiday has been celebrated in our country, which is called "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity." Previously, such a holiday was celebrated only by the Orthodox Church.

  • This holiday is revered memory of Saints Peter and Fevroniawho, by their own example, showed what love can and should be. Together they were in grief and in joy, survived a lot of trials, but did not renounce each other and always lived in peace and fidelity.
  • In addition to these saints the symbol of the Day of Love and Fidelity is the previously mentioned chamomile flower. It is on this day that it is customary to give your relatives small bouquets of daisies.
  • It is believed that such bouquets will help keep love between beloved, relatives, and will also help people become happy.
Day of Love and Fidelity
Day of Love and Fidelity

A symbol of love and fidelity - tattoo

Many people make tattoos as a confirmation of their feelings. Sometimes tattoos are made a couple together, as a sign of their love and fidelity to each other.

For tattoos, you can choose such symbols of fidelity and love:

  • Hearts In all possible interpretations. Very often, lovers make themselves a tattoo in the form of hearts with wings, hearts with roses. It is believed that such tattoos bring love, and also help maintain trepidable and passionate relations.
  • Angels. Cute angels are always associated with love, gentle and warm relationships. It is believed that angels guard unearthly love.
  • Lilies, peonies - These flowers are symbols of love and fidelity among many peoples of the world. This is also the chamomile.
  • Inverted "8", Everyone is a well -known sign of infinity. Very often, lovers apply such a tattoo on their ring finger, on which it is customary to wear another symbol of love and fidelity - a wedding ring. The tattoo is applied as a sign of fidelity and endless love.
  • Also, a symbol of love and fidelity is White dove. Quite often, young people make paired tattoos in the form of two pigeons who look at each other. Often a tattoo is made under the heart, on the ribs.
  • In addition to pigeons, they can be stuffed and swans, because they personify a pure and true relationship.
  • In fidelity and love for their partner, many people do tattoo with his name, Particularly bravely stuff themselves with an image of their beloved.
  • A symbol of love and fidelity for lovers can also serve the date of their wedding, weddings.

A symbol of love and fidelity among the Slavs

The Slavs have many signs, amulets, which are considered symbols of love, fidelity, male and female power. Here are the main ones:

  • "Wedding". It is customary to present such a symbol for a wedding to the newlyweds, as well as those who want to establish their love relationships.
  • "Rozhnitsa." This symbol directly refers to love, because it helps a woman to conceive and give birth to healthy offspring.
  • "Field". Also a sign, which is a symbol of love, fidelity, fertility and family well -being.
  • "Crossroads" It is a symbol of love of all lovers.
  • "Star Lada", "Svarog Star" - These are symbols of fidelity and love of spouses.
Lada star
Lada star
  • "Molovinets." It symbolizes not only love, but also fertility. Protects pregnant women and children.

The tree is a symbol of love and fidelity

  • The tree is also a symbol of love and fidelity. Some traditions and customs of young are associated with it.
  • Surely most of us know the tradition of tie ribbons on trees during the wedding.
  • And the thing is that since ancient times the tree is a symbol of life, love and fidelity. It is generally accepted that at the same time, how the tree will grow and grow stronger, the relations of lovers will improve and grow stronger.
  • Lemon, viburnum, mountain ash It is generally considered trees that symbolize love and fidelity.
Decorated wood
Decorated wood

Nasal handkerchief symbol of love and fidelity

Symbols of love and fidelity are found to us not only in real life, but also in the world of our dreams. It is the handkerchief seen in a dream that is a symbol of pure feelings.

  • If in a dream you were given a handkerchief, then your partner true You will always be faithful to you now.
  • Also, the handkerchief saw in the dream, promises love adventures and romantic meetings.
  • See a dirty handkerchief in a dream - pre-Personal sign. Be careful with your lover.
  • But to break or lose a handkerchief is not very good. Perhaps you will find a quarrel or parting with your loved one.
A handkerchief
A handkerchief

As you can see, the symbols of love and fidelity surround us absolutely everywhere. But the most important thing is not to see these symbols and signs around you, but to not forget about your love for your partner and about the promises that you once gave each other.

If you are interested in Feng Shui, we advise you to read the following articles:

Video: Chamomile - a symbol of love and fidelity

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