What is esotericism and what she studies: explanation in simple words

What is esotericism and what she studies: explanation in simple words

It has long been talking about esotericism as a secret knowledge containing information about the inner world of a person and his place in the universe. It should be noted that knowledge of this kind has been preserved in all people who inhabit the Earth without exception, which forces us to classify esotericism as a real science, no matter how anyone treats it.

Earlier, esoteric knowledge was transmitted from mouth to mouth - like fairy tales and myths, epics and legends, and even secret teachings. Today, researchers are trying to structure them and describe them, because in fact it is not so easy to distinguish esotericism from religion and occultism.

Esoterica: What is it?

  • The first mention of esotericism can be found in sources dating 4-3 centuries BC. Then by this concept meant meant hidden, secret core of knowledge (from any area), to touch which only the elect could.
  • Confirmation of this can be found in any religion - when they only owned real knowledge higher priests, in the works of famous scientists of antiquity, For example, Pythagoras (who became the progenitor of the term “esoteric”), in the Jewish Kabbalah, ancient Greek mysteries, Gnostic teachings, in mysterious Masonic lodges.
  • Gradually, esoterics began to be considered "Conscious life", Summarizing the lifestyle and worldview, teaching and practice, comprehension of the universe and the creation of inner harmony.

Esoteric and religion: What is the difference?

  • In Soviet times, religion was called "Opium for the people" - And in this statement there is a share of truth. After all, religion (any) was created specifically for the management of human masses - by prescribing some moral principles and systems of punishment for their violations.
  • Here the highest measure of everything that is happening is the will of God, and the postulates of the Almighty are not criticized, Following which, you can earn bliss after physical death.
There are no contradictions
There are no contradictions
  • Esoterics it is far from mass, but rather a piece product, access to which was always open only to a narrow circle of the elect. They worked on the accumulation of knowledge and their own development, devoting over time to their developments of students.
  • Esoterics do not believe into divine providence, And in the ability of a person to independently build his fate, to know the laws of the universe, and repeatedly reborn, developing more and more at every stage of his existence.
  • This is not to say that these The teachings contradict each other. On the contrary, both religious figures and esoterics call believe in the highest justice, observe moral values, do not harm others, not envy, do not lie, do not lose heart etc.

What is the difference between esotericism and occultism?

  • If esotericism encourages its followers to spiritual development, knowledge of the world and its place in it, then occultism is secret knowledge that allow their owner to manage the world around them, rise in it, enrich yourself.
  • Unfortunately, now there is a substitution of concepts - by thoughtlessness or consciously. For example, many mistakenly classify esotericism numerology, healing, palmistry, astrology, predictions. This is fundamentally incorrect, because none of the above -mentioned trends leads to spiritual growth, but aims to improve the quality of life.

Esoterica: mysticism or science?

  • Engaged in scientific activity, people in the course of research, experiments and other scientific methods strive to identify the patterns of what is happening in the material world, to know the essence of objects, phenomena and processes.
  • And the subject of study for esoterics is spiritual substances are emotional processes, streams of energy, the spiritual essence of man and his interaction with the universe. They know the world around and their place in it by expanding consciousness, constant self -development.
Mysticism or science?
Mysticism or science?

Esotericism and self -knowledge

  • So, if you ever visited thoughts about the meaning of life, About your highest purpose, this means that you are interested in esoteric problems.
About the meaning of life
About the meaning of life
  • Digging in themselves, trying to realize the true meaning of their “I”, people usually come to esotericism, where you can not only deeply know your physical body, but also get acquainted with your thin emotional cover, with the soul, know completely new sensations, find your own path.
  • Starting esoteric self -development, No one, as a rule, stops at what has been achieved, continuing to develop and improve all subsequent life, striving for the eternal and knowing their soul.

Esoterica: Materialization of thoughts

  • Adherents of esotericics We are sure that every human the thought is material. That is, it is a real act on the spiritual level. Thanks to this, every thought that has arisen manifests the consequences of the physical world, therefore, to monitor its mental process and strictly control it is one of the main tasks of a person.
Thoughts are material
Thoughts are material
  • Constantly improving and developing spiritually, Esotericists increase the power of their thoughts, learn when they are helped to influence the material world, knowing it and their place in it. After all, it is with the help of esoteric teachings that it becomes possible to overcome artificial attitudes and restrictions, to expand to infinity the limits of their capabilities.

The main esoteric movements and their place in the modern world

Modern researchers classify esoteric trends according to their main goal and divide into three main varieties:

  1. Self -knowledge - The search for the path to your own “I”, the desire for enlightenment (meditation, breathing techniques).
  2. Health - The ability to self -expel and help others with the help of their internal spiritual forces.
  3. Impact on the universe - Influence on the world around the world.

Believe in esoteric teachings or not - the right of each sane individual, because scientists have not yet come to an unambiguous conclusion about whether esotericism is science or is it just a fairy tale, designed to manipulate our consciousness. However, in hopeless situations, many of us embark on the path of spiritual development, saving our mind from the severity of troubles that have fallen on it.

The course of esotericics
The course of esotericics

Be that as it may, each of us can listen to the voice of our minds, and analyze all kinds of criticism expressed to the esoterics, and then make any decision. For example, in the Russian Federation there is a whole scientific society with a humanistic biases, claiming that esoterica contributes to the flight of a person from himself, a loss of the opportunity to think rationally, analyze and critically evaluate the world around him and himself, and even equates it to the sect.

Video: essence of esoterics in simple words

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  1. Clairvoyance from practice https://youtu.be/wnrr5aunh-S

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