Signs, signs cut a finger at the nameless right hand. Cut your finger

Signs, signs cut a finger at the nameless right hand. Cut your finger

Signs on cuts of fingers on the right and left hand.

Our ancestors gathered signs for many years, and tied them together. Usually for the female half of humanity, signs are associated with households, often belong to love, husbands, and boyfriends. In this article we will tell you what it means to cut your finger with a knife. 

Signs cut your finger on the arm

It is not surprising that almost all objects associated with hand cuts relate to women. After all, it is in the process of housekeeping, during cutting of vegetables or meat, for cooking, a girl can cause injury.

Signs cut a finger on the arm:

  • In almost all cases, the cut somehow concerns the love, or partner of the girl. It was believed that a small cut on his right hand suggests that a young man constantly thinks about you.It can be a husband, a beloved, or a secret fan, about whom you do not know anything.
  • The deeper the wound, the more serious the thoughts of connecting your life with you are bonds or to start a relationship.

Not only the hand, but also the specific finger where the wound appeared. Do not lose sight of the complexity of the cut. The course of the cut is affected by the depth of the cut. Almost all interpretations, relative to cuts, are in a positive way.

Cut the thumb on his right hand: omen

It is believed that cutting a thumb on the right hand does not bode well.

Cut the thumb on the right hand, the sign:

  • Most likely, this is due to the parting, illness, or the breakdown of relations with a young man with whom you have a serious relationship.
  • In addition, it is believed that a deep cut on the thumb can promise cash expenses, a large amount of money.
  • Perhaps you will crash at work, or your business project will fail. Try not to get involved in adventures during the healing period of your finger that relate to money and budget.
  • Having spent even a small amount, you are unlikely to be able to return it in the near future. 
A cut
A cut

Cut any finger on the right hand

Consider what cuts on the right hand mean.

Cut the finger on the right hand:

  • If you accidentally touched thumb of the right hand, at the same time, the cut is slightly blood, shallow and small, this suggests that your relatives need help.
  • Some people are very modest by nature, so they do not like to ask for help. If you see that your loved ones need help, be sure to offer it.
  • Cut on the index finger The right hand promises trouble at work.
  • Perhaps you will find scandals with management, a decrease in wages, or even dismissal. Therefore, try not to talk a lot and do your job qualitatively. 
  • Sidel The right hand, which is shallow, suggests that it is better to refrain from criticism of what is happening in the life of a close friend or person. Such an intervention will play a cruel joke with you.
  • A cut on a ring finger.Despite the fact that you want to provide a person with help, he will not appreciate it. Perhaps you will spoil the relationship because of this, lose your best friend. Therefore, keep silent, and do not go into your business.  
  • Cut of the little finger He says that you need to be less envious, and not want to get things, the achievements of your friend or colleague. 

Why cut the ring finger of the right hand?

The cut on the ring finger of the right hand portends quarrels in the work team, trouble and troubles at work.

Why cut the ring finger of the right hand:

  • Perhaps you quarreled with your colleagues, you will not find a common language with them.
  • Perhaps colleagues came up with a conspiracy, so you run the risk of being in an ugly light before the leadership.
  • Try not to conflict with anyone during this period, since gossip with regard to you will not lead to anything good.
  • Try to work well, even if you have to perform a large number of other people's duties. ATfuture This will help you go up the career ladder and earn respect among colleagues. 
    • If possible, take a vacation for this period, or do other things that will help to hide not only from the leadership, but also from colleagues.
    • You can transfer to work in an archive, or go on a business trip. Remote activity is suitable if the work allows you to do this. 

Cut the index finger of the right hand

During this period, it will be necessary to make important decisions that will have influence on the fate and further course of events.

Cut the index finger of the right hand:

  • The cut on the index finger of the right hand indicates that it is necessary to listen to your own opinion, and not listen to friends, as well as colleagues.
  • During this period, it is best to listen to your own intuition, it will not let you down. Do not ask for advice from your friends and close friends.
  • Each has its own point of view and in your case it can play a cruel joke. 

Sign Cut the middle finger of the right hand

  • A cut of the middle finger is associated with a large home quarrel, a quarrel in the family, or at work.
  • You have received a warning that you need to control every word of your word, every action, any emotions in this period, so as not to provoke the conflict.
  • Do not bother your boss at work, be patient in communicating with colleagues and subordinates.

Cut the little finger of the right hand

  • The cut of the little finger is associated with its own envy. This is a warning that we must stop envious of other people's successes, that we need to revise the attitude to your environment, to their prosperity.
  • Analyze your behavior, your feelings for the achievements of acquaintances and loved ones.
  • Dramatically change your attitude for the better and concentrate on your successes.

Cut any finger on the left hand

Now consider what cuts on the left hand mean. 

Cut the finger on the left hand:

  • Primarily, thumb cut He speaks of unfulfilled desires. Everything conceived will not be fulfilled, plans will go downhill and fall through. Development and failure await you.
  • Cut on the index finger It promises troubles, possibly a business trip or trip. Try to be careful in departure and not get involved in obscure situations. Success is expected on a business trip, you may receive an increase in work on arrival home. 
  • Cut the middle finger. Avoid conflicts during this period, as they can play a cruel joke. Perhaps you will have a large quarrel due to misunderstanding, which may affect your future life and career. Be on a business trip calm, and with understanding treat people. 
  • Cut on the ring finger The left hand promises deception, and failures in financial matters. During this period, try not to invest in large -scale projects, as you risk warming up. Now is not the time to trust the proverb: “He who does not risk does not drink champagne.” In this case, you risk losing absolutely everything. 
  • A cut on the little finger He speaks of envy of colleagues and acquaintances. Envy is a bad feeling, so try not to envy, but to rejoice at the successes of your colleagues and friends. 

I cut my finger hard with a knife with impaired functions on any hand: omen

The values \u200b\u200bof the cuts are somewhat transformed, depending on the severity of the violation. If, together with the cut, there is a violation of the motor function of the finger, ligamentous apparatus, or the scar after healing is too deep, then signs may change.

I cut my finger hard with a knife with impaired finger functions, sign:

  • A cut on the thumb of the hand He says that it is necessary to listen to your own intuition, do not enter into any quarrels. If you do not want troubles, you are understanding with your work colleagues and relatives. Refuse revenge, and do not do anything bad. Bad things can return with a boomerang. Now is exactly the time when it is worth wishing even to enemies only the best. 
  • If the cut on the index finger, someone is trying to substitute you. Moreover, this can be a rather close person whose fidelity you have no doubt. That is why refuse someone else's help, try to do everything yourself. Only in this case, no one will deceive you, since you will have to hope exclusively for yourself. 
  • Sidel He says that now a very difficult period that can be decided with your own help. Try to be more confident in yourself, and rely on your own intuition. Do not listen to the opinion of loved ones and acquaintances, and do only what you like. In the future, you can become popular only if you become confident in yourself, you will not be afraid to go to the goal. 
  • Cut on the ring fingerspeaks about the upcoming ones  difficulties  and problems regarding personal relationships, happiness, money, creativity, health, an evil eye and damage is possible. It is necessary to determine the enemies and prevent its dark divisions.
  • A cut on the little finger Talks about a difficult financial situation. To prevent this from happening, try to cope with your envy, and not try to pick up what does not belong to you. Do not strive to get a reward for what you have not done, do not assign other people's achievements.

Cut the finger to the girl: omen

There are a number of subtleties that will help you cope with life situations.

Cut the girl's finger to the sign:

  • The cut of the finger for the New Year says that the girl will soon find her lover, or even get married. Perhaps the relationship will go to another level, and you and the young person want to have a child, or tie yourself in bonds. 
  • If you cut the tires in time not a finger, but a nail, it promises troubles, quarrels. Try to carefully cut off the nail so that it does not cling to anything and does not have a wound. You can use the services of beauty salons, and restore the nail with acrylic or gel.Modern materials will keep the nail, and prevents the occurrence of wounds, chips in the region.
  • If you pinched a finger, or hit it, try to be very careful and neat in the near future. Any wrong word can turn against you.

It is worth filtering what you say to colleagues, especially if there are envious people among them who do not want goodness, and sit at work. Perhaps one of them wants to take your place, or get an increase that you are waiting for a long time. 

Video: Cut your finger

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