Why is the registration for aliexpress not: the reasons and their elimination

Why is the registration for aliexpress not: the reasons and their elimination

An article about solving the problem of entering Aliexpress. Reasons, solutions.

How to solve the problem if registration does not pass with Aliexpress?
To answer this question, you should recall actions to register an account on the site and indicate the causes of the problem.
A detailed description of the registration process for Aliexpressyou can read in the article here.

Read the reasons why registration and their elimination is impossible, read below.

Why is the registration for Aliexpress not undergoes: reasons

To date, two reasons are known:

  • site system failure. The site of the site requires time to restore. The user is invited to wait a bit to launch the site.
  • browser failure. You should switch to another browser: chrome, mozilla, opera and others.

If the last option does not pass, registration for Aliexpress Not implemented, the story should be cleansed.
Consider an example using a browser Chromium.

  • enter the browser settings
The browser settings chrome
The browser settings chrome
  • open the option of additional settings
Additional settings
Additional settings
  • go to the personal data of the user
Personal data
Personal data
  • click the key " Clear the history)".
The option to clear the story
Option "Clean History"
  • view the parameter settings window.
  • indicate the period for which the history is required.
    Mark the line icon "Cockie Files" ", unnecessary files, sites, folders.
  • click the history cleansing key
  • leave the browser
  • enter the entrance, again
  • the site’s work is restored as a result of cleaning.
  • pass the registration on Aliexpress Reveal.

Successful acquisitions!

Video: I can't go to Aliexpress. Solution

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