Why doesn’t he write and calls the first one: the true reasons

Why doesn’t he write and calls the first one: the true reasons

You met a guy and met him a couple of times. Talking on the phone often ended with the promise of the guy that he would call after a certain time. But he calls back, but not when he promised, but much later. Naturally, you think that he is considering breaking off relations.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Why do young girls like older men?". You will learn about psychology, the pros and cons of marriages and relationships in which a man is older.

There are also situations when a girl recently began to meet with a young man he liked. The heroine attracted his tenderness and attentiveness. But because of his frequent business trips, the couple’s relations began to greatly resemble a novel at a distance. The guy does not call for several days. She does not withstand, and she dials the number of his phone. She alone in the process of their conversation does not feel that he cooled to her: affectionately calls her and promises that he will soon come to see her. One of the thoughts of the girl - maybe he is just afraid to say that he does not want to continue communication with me? Perhaps every third woman is familiar with such situations firsthand. Therefore, in this article we will try to figure out for what reasons men or do not call their women at all for a long time. Read further.

He does not write and does not call the first - why: assumptions of women

He does not write and does not call the first
He does not write and does not call the first

You were so cool together: you talked at ease and laughed a lot, he managed to reveal a couple of his secrets to you and held it tightly by the hand when he escorted you. Saying goodbye, you definitely determined for yourself that you want to continue communication with this person, but he suddenly disappears. The phone has not been calling for a week. Perhaps you can’t stand it and write a message to him, but he does not answer him. Why don't men get in touch after the first date? The real reasons why he does not write and does not call the first is strikingly different from those that women come up with. Consider the most common misconceptions and assumptions of women.

  • He did not call back, because he was frightened

Modern women do not want to maintain with men such a relationship that their mothers were content with. They need primarily a partner, reliable and romantic. To find such a relationship, you need to be not only feminine, but also strong. The paradox of the “independent” woman is that she is easy to be strong, but she does not always know how to combine her assertiveness with softness. Moreover, she is so captured by her own feelings that in the end she begins to hide behind the power of character even before she meets someone: “Even if he really likes me, he dares to call me.”

Those who believe that the ladies who are more successful than them or stronger spirit are mistaken are mistaken. On the contrary, among the stronger sex, there are many who go crazy when they see that a self -sufficient person has come to the meeting, striking with their sharpness and spontaneity, but at the same time playing and able to show sexuality.

  • He did not call back because I am not beautiful enough

Firstly, it is very difficult to generally understand why we fall in love with a person. Secondly, decide whether you like someone or not, you can even before this someone approaches you. One fleeting gaze is enough for a man to highlight the very one from the crowd. If he called you on a date, it means that you have already decided that you are pretty. Visual attraction is the first reason why people meet.

It is worth noting that a man can invite a woman on a date, not yet feeling sexual attraction for her, but hoping that it may arise. If he never felt the spark that he hoped for, then he can decide for himself that there is no point in continuing to continue.

  • Did not call back, because he needs only one

One thing should be clarified immediately regarding men: few of them are able to abandon pleasure, but, despite this, few of them have regular sexual intimacy outside of relations. Therefore, even the most notorious macho will call a new acquaintance, if only in order to achieve intimate rapprochement again. Of course, there are exceptions when, after a passionate night, the partner loses interest or wants to avoid awkwardness after a “unsuccessful” night.

If you explain the disappearance of a man with an unwillingness to take responsibility, then you are also mistaken. Nothing prevents him from visiting a dozen dates and at the same time still consider himself a free person. Moreover, having met a suitable woman, even the most convinced bachelors willingly burden themselves with extra worries and begin to answer not only for themselves.

Well, why doesn’t the beloved call the first: true reasons

Beloved does not call the first
Beloved does not call the first

No matter how primitive creatures men sometimes seem to women, they surprisingly clearly express their thoughts when it comes to the reasons for their refusal to continue relations: she is just cute, there is no acuteness in her, I felt too constrained, she was too assertive She was somehow frivolous, she just did not hook.

If it seemed to you that the date had passed perfectly, this does not mean that the man who was with you also thinks. You could have fun, and he could get tired of having fun. It might seem to you that you have something to talk about, and your beloved, sharing your impressions of the first meeting with friends, could say that you did not let him say a word. In general, men can push a lot, even a sharp perfume. At first glance, it may seem that there are a lot of true reasons for abandoning the second meeting. In fact, they all come down to three main ones, on which we will dwell in more detail. Why don't he call the first? These reasons:

  • Did not arise "chemistry"

A man can look at you and think that you are very attractive, be amazed at your sharp mind and an exquisite taste, it can even be easy for him to communicate with you, but at the same time the attraction that he felt, for the first time saw you, may suddenly go out.

There are many women in the world who can keep men in sexual stress. They are playful, and all their intonations and gestures seem to tease others. A new friend notices that they flirt with him, while he is not fully sure that he will be allowed to take another step to get closer. But even if the partner manages to interest the man in the physical plane, contact can burst only because of one unsuccessful kiss. In many cases, it is a farewell kiss that decides whether the second date will take place or not.

  • Something is missing

From men, you can often hear the phrase “she seemed to me some kind of one-sided”-in the sense of “just cheerful”, “oriented only in a career”, “very serious”, “just sexual”, etc. A woman can be super -entertaining, but superficial, cheerful, but, alas, not sexy, smart, but not able to relax, calm, but not having her own opinion. All these qualities are beautiful, but they are part of the whole. Each of them separately is not enough to conquer the male heart.

If a man does not feel a sexual attraction to the lady, he will not make another meeting. If a man does not know what to talk about with a woman, he will not consider her as an inseparable companion of long -term relationships. How will they spend time before and after passionate minutes?

  • She is from desperate

An interesting point: men have a flair on women who cannot live without a relationship who needs someone who could fill their spiritual void. Persons who directly declare how much they want to get married and make children, generally scare away. With the same success, you can go out into the street with a sign on which it is written: "Do not come closer to me!"

Men do not like to feel like a target. It is more pleasant for them to feel chosen by some unique basis. Therefore, in the early stages of acquaintance, they want to believe that your acquaintance is by chance and can lead to anything, even to marriage and children. But they do not want to think about something serious on the first date.

It seems that the phone is just a device for transmitting a voice at a distance, but formally it has long turned into one of the main linking links of love relationships. A phone call is not just a conversation, it is a manifestation of attention. Men know about this and always use a means of communication to hear the voice of a person’s pretty person and remind of themselves. If you really like your new acquaintance, you will never be on duty at the phone and wait for a familiar melody to finally call. And you will never blame yourself for typing the number yourself, although you knew very well that this should not be done.

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