Why can't I pay for the goods for Aliexpress from the Yandex.Money wallet and how to do it correctly?

Why can't I pay for the goods for Aliexpress from the Yandex.Money wallet and how to do it correctly?

This article describes the reasons why it is not possible to pay for the goods for Aliexpress With the help of the Yandex.Money wallet.

The most famous for buyers and the popular way to pay for purchases for Aliexpress - This is an electronic wallet from the system "Yandex money". But even regular buyers and users of this payment system may have problems when paying for purchases at the largest trading platform. Why this happens, let's understand in more detail.

How to properly pay for the goods for Aliexpress from the Yandex.Money wallet?

Payment of goods for Aliexpress Yandex.Money
Payment of goods for Aliexpress Yandex.Money

If you don't have an account yet Aliexpress, then read the article on this siteTo know how to register and how to make the first order. So, the account has already been created or created and you made a choice of goods. Now you need to perform the following:

  1. On the product page, enter all the parameters of things (size, color and more).
  2. Click "Buy".
  3. Further on the design page, once again check all the data entered earlier: the parameters of the goods and your personal data. Also put a check box near the line "Payment from the Yandex.Money wallet". Click "Confirm and pay".
  4. Then the window opens from "Yandex.Casses"through which you need to make payment. Check, the amount is written correctly and click "Pay".
  5. Enter the code from SMS and click "Ready".
Click "Pay"

If something goes wrong and it does not work to make payment for Aliacpress From the wallet "Yandex money", Then read the tips below.

Why is it not possible to pay for the goods for Aliexpress from the Yandex.Money wallet: what to do, tips

Yandex.Money on Aliexpress
Yandex.Money on Aliexpress

Reasons because of which Aliexpress He does not accept payments with Yandex.Coshte, there may be a lot. It is worth considering both the errors of the system and shortcomings of the buyer. Here are some of the most common reasons:

  • Electronic wallet from Yandex.Money did not have been identified. Each buyer has the right to pay anonymously, but in stores that operate in Russia. For foreign Internet sites, including for AliexpressYou have to go through a special verification. After this procedure, the wallet will change the status to the “proven”, and you will gain new opportunities.
  • The personal data that should be provided during registration is not indicated. You can fill out a form with data after registration, at any time. Aliexpress It can reject the payment because of this. Be sure to enter all the data in the profile table "Yandex.Money".

In addition, there is an encoding of errors, the number of which you can see with problems with payment. This is what this or that code means:

  • Ipay RS 10001 2606 - Map Yandex invalid. This usually happens after its expiration.
  • Ipay RS 10001 2616 - Not enough funds to pay, you should replenish the account.
  • Ipay RS 10001 2618 -The system does not work or incorrectly entered the score (other Yandex-Koshelka).
  • Ipay RS 10001 2911 - The account is blocked or it does not exist.
  • Ipay RS 10001 3010 - These cards or accounts are incorrectly entered.

If you checked all the data and tried to pay several times, but nothing comes out, then you should contact the Buyers support center for Aliexpress.

Advice: You can leave Ali’s account for some time and repeat the payment attempt to pay after 1-2 hours or the next day.

If the problem is in the operation of the system and is its failure or its overload, then you can complete the payment. If the problem is repeated, you should wait for the answer to the operator of the trading platform. Good luck!

How to pay Yandex.Money on Aliexpress.

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  1. This is an outdated infa. Now the devil is steaming. And nowhere is the information about Alipuy and how to deal with him.

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