Why do people end the life of suicide? How to understand that a person is on the verge of suicide?

Why do people end the life of suicide? How to understand that a person is on the verge of suicide?

Desperate people sometimes make an independent decision to end the life of suicide. Every year, this world leaves more than one million suicides, the most common cause is a mental disorder, but there are other related factors.

It is very difficult for others to realize the sudden loss of a loved one and come to terms with such injustice. The quick rhythm of life leaves us the opportunity to pay enough attention to our loved ones. But suicidal behavior has a number of characteristic features. How to understand that a close person is on the verge of suicide and how to help him, we will analyze in our article.

Why a person performs suicide: Psychology

  • Suicide can be impulsive or follow a thorough preparation process. A person bears the idea of \u200b\u200bparting with life, then begins to prepare for the process.
  • A small percentage of suicides falls on mentally ill people from birth, and a small percentage of healthy people who find themselves in a difficult situation. The factors affecting the suicide are worn biological, psychological and social character.
  • According to neuropsychological tests, patients with a failed suicide attempt have deviations at the biochemical level - infutable brain activity. It is for this reason that people get stuck in a depressed state and cannot find a way out.
  • They have a great influence genetic factors. The closest relatives of suicides very often end their lives according to the same scenario.
  • The suicides of mentally healthy people are often associated with influence  society. People fall into adverse social conditions.
  • A big problem is teenage suicide. In the process of becoming a children's psyche, a number of adverse factors arise, due to which the child falls at risk. With adolescents at risk, you need to carry out timely psychological, social and explanatory work.

Signs that a person is going to perform suicide

The alarming signals that portend suicide include emotional disorders of a characteristic form:

  • Poor appetite or prolonged gluttony in combination with sleep disturbances.
  • Daily health complaints -The stomach hurts, head, there is no strength to perform some actions.
  • A person burns a feeling guilt and loneliness.
  • Unwillingness to be with the family, leaving home.
  • Cruel actions and drawings in relation to oneself.
  • Causeless tears and suffering, dramatic scenes.
  • Ringing personal things, the desire to make a will.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs, untidy appearance.
  • Talk about suicide as a way to solve all problems. Statements like “I don’t want to live anymore”, “It will end soon”, “I want to fall asleep and not wake up”, etc.

Video: 15 signs of suicide

Women's and male suicide - is there a difference?

All over the world, the number of male suicides is 3 times higher than female statistics. This trend is constant. Let's try to analyze the factors leading to female and male suicide.

  • The main reason is that women are more likely to share their problems. Men are more closed. From childhood, men are taught to be strong and not show weakness. The relationship of mother and daughter has a more frank and emotional character than the relationship of mother and son.
  • Men are not ready to admit in their vulnerability. The strong floor is in no hurry to seek psychological consultation and drug treatment.
  • Women recognize the existence of the problem faster And faster they turn into a state of readiness to solve it. Men are more often not ready to recognize the obvious, and sometimes not able to identify their condition.
  • Male depression More often leads to abuse of alcohol and drugs. Women are more often looking for a way out of the situation and ask for help.
  • The male and female suicide affects work and family. The man is more worried about the loss of work, women are more difficult to experience the loss of a partner. Another option, pushing to suicide is the top of a career leading to loneliness.
  • Men and women initially have different nature, different hormonal background and various brain activity.
Russia holds a leading position in the ranking
Russia holds a leading position in the ranking

Signs of a teenagers suicide tendency

Thoughts about suicide are most often born in adolescents at a transitional age - a transition from children's life to adult. The mental state is accompanied by characteristic features that need to pay attention to in a timely manner.

  • A sudden rejection of the usual classes that had previously enjoyed. If the child suddenly exchanged a visit to a circle or a favorite pastime for a boring pastime alone, then there is a reason for this. Parents must establish the real reason in the dialogue with the child or with the participation of a third party.
  • Changeable manner of behavior.A teenager with a stable psyche chooses a certain model of behavior. If from a passive observer a person is too quickly transformed into an active figure and vice versa, there is an occasion to think about a mental disorder.
  • Unwillingness to communicate with friends.It is worth paying attention to if the teenager is sharply narrowed by the circle of communication for no obvious reasons.
In adolescents, the reasons are often associated with the environment and transitional age
In adolescents, the reasons are often associated with the environment and transitional age
  • A neglect of generally accepted social norms.If a teenager ceases to reckon with the opinion of others and strives to go beyond the generally accepted, then this is an alarming sign.
  • Reducing time for rest.A teenager should fully get enough sleep. Systematic early awakening can be repeated against the background of a mental disorder.
  • Frequent thoughts about death.A teenager living a full life will not reflect on death and plunge into himself with similar thoughts.
  • Runned appearance.A teenager, losing interest in life, ceases to take care of himself. In deep depression, there is a lack of aspirations, desires and plans for the future.

Causes of suicide in adolescents

The largest percentage of suicides among adolescents occurs at the transitional age. The causes of suicide in adolescents include:

  • Misunderstanding in relations with relatives, friends.
  • A difficult situation Inside the family.
  • Bulling from the peers.
  • Unrequited love, early sexual intercourse.
  • Use toxic and narcotic substances.
  • The desire to attract attention, avoid accumulated problems.
  • Low self -esteem, difficulties with self -realization.
  • Loss of a loved one.
  • Difficulties with knitted with the educational process.
  • Fear of punishment, fear of shame.

In some situations, the final decision of adolescents is formed under the influence of negative information from TVs and social networks. A teenager observes a similar situation and tries on a suicidal model of behavior.

  • Low performance at school and the lack of results in sports for many are psychological trauma. Repeating failures lead to the idea of \u200b\u200bsuicide.
  • Children with outstanding abilities stand out among peers.

The mismatch of interests with the environment, going beyond the usual and understandable in the end can lead to suicide. Children with non -standard opportunities need a special approach by their parents.

  • Any information must be conveyed by adolescents taking into account their subtle vulnerable mental organization.

Video: Social video against adolescents suicide

Tests for identifying children prone to suicide

For monitoring suicidal behavior among adolescents, survey and testing are used.

The interviewing of children in oral and written form is divided into two types:

  • Direct questions about the presence of suicidal thoughts.
  • Identification of personal qualities indicating high suicidal risk.

Questionnaires are the main tool in medical psychology and practice of a psychotherapist. The main goal of testing for a tendency to suicide is to get a maximum of information in a short time.

Here are a few examples of testing:

  • For young children, the technique is used "Unfinished offers." The patient's statements allow him to be assessed by the surrounding world.
Examples of unfinished offers
Examples of unfinished offers
  • For adolescents, coloring technique with the name is used "Your suicidal inclinations". The patient needs to complete the coloring of an object, the middle of which is already painted black. The conclusion of a specialist is compiled on the basis of the number of painted and empty sections.
Drawing analysis
Drawing analysis
  • Assessment of the psycho -emotional state of adolescents and adults is carried out using the test "The color test of Lusher". The patient is provided with cards in different colors, which must be divided in stages in priority.
Colors and cards
Colors and cards

Thoughts about suicide what to do: the advice of a doctor, priest

  • Suicidal thoughts do not always mean that a person is ready to commit suicide. The desire to change something in your life, loss of control over the situation, The desire to stop suffering sometimes acquires an extreme form.

Suicide does not solve any of the problems, but on the contrary, leaves them in an suspended state without hope for positive changes.

  • With obsessive thoughts about suicide, you must definitely talk to someone about it. Choose a person you trust. A close friend in this situation can replace confidence service of your city. Dialogue with an unfamiliar person is useful in that in response you get a new independent look at the current situation from the outside.
  • With the slightest alarm, living with a suicide must remove all the means from the house that can easily kill yourself. It is important to learn how to create obstacles to action that will help to intervene in the process at the right time.
  • In addition to psychological consultations, with poor health, you need to receive medical care. With the help of drug treatment, you can reduce anxiety. Hospitalization is necessary if the situation is hopeless. A timely decision without delay will bring relief to the patient and his environment.
  • Another type of help is the appeal to the priest. The spiritual support of the priest is called murmur. The priest’s calling to find spiritual resources to solve the problem. Here, prayer, repentance, service to the neighbor, acquaintance with the biblical word are instruments. The priest helps a person work hard to save his life. Systematic classes in spiritual discipline help a person grow up in a spiritual plan and get away from his problem.

Video: Council from Archpriest, if they visit thoughts of suicide

How to dissuade a person from suicide: tips

  • A person who voices his intentions needs help. Most often, to get out of a depressive state, enough to at the right time, one of the close people was nearby. The most important thing is to hear a person in time and understand him.
  • It is important to arrange or bring a person to a frank conversation in which he can voice everything that worries him. Let me feel your interest, look for the path to understanding.

Suicide prevention is a psychologist, practical recommendations:

  • Listen carefully, thank for a frank conversation. Do not argue. Offer your help. Convince the interlocutor that there is another way out.
Offer your help
Offer your help
  • Let the person understand that his the desire to part with life is pointless. Bring that suicide does not solve the accumulated problems, but only aggravates the current situation.
  • Set indirect questions about possible suicide. For example: “Why do you think the situation is hopeless?”, “How long have you been thinking about suicide?” etc. The interlocutor needs to speak out, after which he will feel slight relief.
  • Instead of meaningless consolation, envelop a person with a sincere and caring attitude. As soon as he feels concerned with his situation, the level of threat to decrease.
  • Ask for a start to delay the intentions to end life. Offer help in finding alternative solutions.
  • Using indirect questions, try to identify the source of the problem. For example: “What important events have happened to you recently”, “How long have your health worsened?” etc.
  • Evaluate the degree of probability of suicide. A well -thought -out suicide method is a critical point for a teenager. At high risk, do not leave a person alone. Ask for a favor to inform you before making radical decisions.

Offer all possible sources of assistance - psychologist, priest, psychotherapist, best friend or relative.

Emergency Dopsychological assistance when trying suicide

Effective dopsychological assistance is to activate antisucidal factors. A close person must use any methods to convey the uniqueness of the everyday experience of the opponent.

  • First stage - listen and earn trust.
  • Tail a person behind himself and switch his attention to completely different circumstances.
  • Remind the family, children, friends.
  • On an example from your life get the situation In the eyes of the interlocutor. Show how the level of importance of past events has decreased.
  • Compare the current situation with the problems of other people, conduct a comparative analysis. Bring to a person that everything is not so bad.
  • Give hope for a bright future. Tell us what awaits him ahead - career growth, a trip abroad, a new family.
  • Open the aesthetic picture after death - a detailed unattractive appearance.

It is necessary to find as many positive moments as possible among past, real and future events.

Suicide attempt: consequences for humans                     

  • A suicide attempt is a desperate person of a person to solve an indefinite situation. A person is bad, and he needs emergency assistance. The threat of life remains open. Urgent psychological consultation of specialists is required.
  • Psychological assistance lies in a thorough analysis of the situation in the family and at work. Relations with the inner circle are monitored. Psychiatric care begins with assessments of the patient's emotional stability.
  • After the unsuccessful attempt of the patient’s suicide, the patient is sent to a psychiatric hospital for constant observation. Complex treatment is carried out - medication and psychological. If the closest relative saved suicide, then rehabilitation is allowed in a home environment.

Video: Why can't you commit suicide?

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