How to understand that a teenager consumes alcohol or drugs: 21 sign, dangerous age, reasons, what to do?

How to understand that a teenager consumes alcohol or drugs: 21 sign, dangerous age, reasons, what to do?

As mentioned earlier, children in absentia get acquainted with alcohol very early, since any feast, holiday, sortie on nature, etc., as a rule, is always accompanied by drinking. That is why from early childhood a child is laid in the head a positive attitude towards alcohol and accordingly food interest arises.

To date, alcohol, unfortunately, is an integral part of the lives of most people, no holiday is complete without alcohol, including children, because drinking a tradition for the health of little birthday. Based on this, it is not surprising that children sometimes at a completely young age experience genuine interest in drinking, as well as more harmful substances - drugs. Today's article will help you understand whether your child uses alcohol and drugs, and you will also learn how to act correctly if such a fact still had a place to be.

How to understand whether the teenager uses alcohol and drugs: at what age do special control needs?

With drugs, everything is somewhat different, because fortunately not every family accepts them. Acquaintance with these harmful substances in children occurs somewhat later, for example, they will learn about them from films, the Internet, the environment, etc.

Does the teenager use alcohol and drugs:

  • 10-12 years. Most often, at this age, children do not yet experience much interest in narcotic substances and alcohol, however, many are already asking their parents to try beer, wine, etc. At this age, they are more interested in trying to smoke ordinary cigarettes, as this is a sign among young people growing up and coolness. Such behavior, of course, is more inherent in “street” children, those who early began to walk on the street on their own, got into the company of the elders, etc.
  • 13-14 years. At this age, adolescents are more actively expressing their interest in alcohol, smoking and even slight narcotic substances. As a rule, some are already trying to smoke marijuana, since this type of drug is most common and available among young people. Of alcohol, low alcohol drinks and beer are most often used.
  • 15-18 years. At this age, adolescents are already very experienced in alcohol and narcotic affairs, since the use of these substances and alcohol makes them authoritative in the eyes of younger, weaker people, among adolescents in their company. At the age of 15-18, it is much simpler and easier to acquire such substances, so youth arsenal expands significantly. You can already understand Does the teenager use itwhat is prohibited, because adolescents begin to try more serious drugs, but ordinary smoking, by this age, as a rule, already becomes a habit and dependence, which parents know about very often, but for some reason they are inactive.

From all of the above, we can conclude that control over the child needs to be carried out constantly, however, it is much more important to build trusting relationships with the child, in which case many negative moments and their consequences can be avoided.

How to understand whether a teenager uses alcohol and drugs: the causes of childhood alcoholism and drug addiction

It is important to understand that interest in alcohol and drugs can have any child, regardless of the family, the environment, well -being and viability of the parents. However, not everyone who is interested in these things begin to try and consume them on a regular basis.

The most common causes of early alcoholism and drug addiction can be called the following:

  • An example of parents, relatives. If the family is dysfunctional, if parents abuse alcohol or use drugs, the probability that the child begins to do the same is very large. In this case, the child simply does not see another model of behavior and begins to imitate the elders.
  • Consistency in certain groups. When a child falls into some environment, as they sometimes say in a “bad” company, he will be forced to “play” according to the rules of this group, otherwise he will simply not be accepted in it
  • Interest. Sometimes children try alcohol, light drugs simply out of interest to understand how it is, what sensations, etc. Such “tasting” can end in completely different ways: some children, once having tried something like this, forever refuse this , others, on the contrary, are attached.
For what reason?
For what reason?
  • Protest. Often, adolescents with alcohol, drugs, smoking simply shout to the whole world about their disagreement, the need for help and support. So often happens in families where a child is not given enough attention, they do not like, etc.
  • Struggle against stress. This behavior can be traced both in adults and in children. Everyone, perhaps, is familiar with the situation: a person experiences stress, is nervous and immediately runs to smoke, supposedly relieve stress and relax. Here are the same, adolescents also act, at first just justifying their behavior, and then out of habit. Now you not only know the main dangerous age, but also understand the reasons why the teenager uses Drugs or alcohol.

How to understand whether a teenager uses alcohol and drugs: 21 sign

Despite the fact that children always hide their condition after drinking alcohol and drugs, an attentive parent can easily notice something wrong.

We present to your attention the 21st sign of which you can find out whether the teenager uses alcohol and drugs. Let's start with behavioral signs:

  1. The child has become inactive, sluggish, or vice versa constantly in the presented mood, too active.
  2. I began to concentrate its attention poorly, forgetting, indifferent to requests. In this case, the child disappears of interest in everything that was previously valuable and important. It can be computer games, books, communication with sisters/brothers/parents, etc.
  3. Began to skip school, performance worsened, teachers ceased to be authorities.
  4. He runs out of the house For any reason, she’s to take a walk longer, spend the night with someone, etc.
  5. The child began very much it is too early to go to bed or vice versa too late.
  6. Constant change of mood, frequent tantrums, inadequate reaction to comments, requests and criticism.
  7. The child began asking for money more often, asks more moneythan before, he cannot explain why he needs them, refuses to get a thing, asks for money to buy it yourself. Loss in the house of money, jewelry, valuable things etc.
  8. Secretity, hides a bag, portfolio, does not give a phone, puts a password on a computer and phone when someone calls, immediately leaves the room, etc.
  9. False, the child comes up with excuses, cannot directly and clearly answer the questions posed, cunning
  10. The child stops following his appearance, does not want to wash, wash clothes, buy new clothes, etc.

Now consider the features of the physiological:

  1. Leather It became pale or vice versa unnaturally red.
  2. Pupils Too narrowed or vice versa expanded.
  3. The whites of the eyes are red, the eyes are “glass”.
  4. Speech problems, the child speaks too slowly or vice versa quickly, inarticulate or incoherent, cannot clearly express a thought.
  5. Lack of appetite or vice versa excessive use of food, vomiting and impaired work of the gastrointestinal tract
  6. The child is bad on his feet, cannot go even, staggering, stumbles, leaning on something

Well, we will complete the list of signs with obvious manifestations of what the child drinks, smokes or uses narcotic substances:

  1. Find the child Backs with cigarettes, “scooters”, tobacco in boxes, empty boxes, foil.
  2. Discover Capsules, tablets, bubbles with some substances.
  3. Find Paper, paper money, folded into a tube.
  4. Traces from injections, bruises on the hands near the veins, drugs that have a sedative and sleeping pill.
  5. Feel the smell of alcohol, cigarettes from the child.

How to understand whether a teenager uses drugs: signs of use of specific species

Recognize does the teenager use it Alcohol is simple, but to understand that the teenager uses drugs, and even which ones, the task is more complicated.

However, the task is fulfilled, you just need to know how exactly certain narcotic substances show themselves:

  • Marijuana, this drug is also known as “Plan”, “Maryvanna”, “drape”. After smoking this grass, it most often occurs peace, a person feels happy and free. The pupils are expanding, the skin acquire red, the reaction is inhibited, coordination of movements is impaired, a person can speak slurly, smile for no reason, laugh, tachycardia arises. After some time, a feeling of thirst and hunger occurs, as a rule, pulls on sweets. From the mouth there will be no smell of cigarettes, but sweet smell Something set on fire will be present.
  • Amphetamines, he "Drugs", "Feng", "Hag" etc. The effect of this drug is very noticeable, in the first 2-3 hours a person becomes super-chip, he can dance, work without any rest, etc. After this time. activity Sharpically subsides, apathy, the desire to sleep, replaces her. Such substances cause muscle spasm and tachycardia, pupils, as a rule, are expanded.
  • LSD or "Lucy", "Aisid", "Acid". Most often the substance is presented in the form powder, which must be taken orally by licking, less often tablets. The effect of the drug is powerful, for about 12 hours a person can see, hear and even feel physically different hallucinations. LSD extremely exciting a person makes him active, and the emotional state is unstable: laughter for no reason, aggression, etc. insomniaSmall droplets of sweat can act on the body. With constant use of this drug, a person loses weight.
  • Cocaine, Cox, Coconut, Snow. This drug is presented in the form of white powder, which is sniffed or taken orally by intravenous administration. Cocaine excites the nervous system A person makes him hardy and active, adds confidence, a person feels as if he can do everything. After taking such a drug a teenager can not sleep all night, show aggression and anger for no reasonAt the same time, you can see a red nose, which the child will touch, rub, wipe it all the time. If the drug was administered intravenously, you can see traces of the injection in Vienna, a bruise in this area, etc. If a teenager “sits” on cocaine for a long time, he begins to “burn out”, constantly feels apathy, lack of desire to live without a drug, irritability and aggression .
  • Opium. Opium is the active substance of many drugs, for example, heroin, tramadol, etc. It can be obtained using a poppy or synthetic substances. The methods of use are also very diverse: sniffing, smoking, administration intravenously, etc. Immediately after the use of such substances, a person occurs itching and burning on the face, near the nose, the pupils narrow sharply and as much as possible, a strong thirst is felt.

Even more clearly opium manifests itself a few months after the start of use. Firstly, the teenager has been changing all the time, and sharply, for no reason, secondly, he is often sick, vomiting, problems with a chair begin, the weight is sharply lost, thirdly, the color of the skin changes, it becomes earthy.

  • Stimulants. Such drugs act on the nervous system, the teenager becomes active, frisky, energetic, there is a desire to do everything at once. The pupils expand greatly, the eyes “glow” strongly, speech becomes fast, slightly inarticulate, discharge appears from the nose.

A teenager consumes alcohol or drugs: how to behave to parents?

For any normal parent to predict does a teenager drink alcohol or drugs - Huge stress. However, it is important to remember that you can always correct the situation, you only need to properly and adequately lead yourself at the right time and not aggravate what happened even more.


To find a common language with the child and be able to rectify the situation, parents need to be adopted by the following tips:

  • Do not panic, do not make hasty decisions, do not make a scandal. Such behavior will frighten the child, push him to rash actions with very deplorable consequences.
  • Watch your child and his behavior At least a week, do not show the child that you suspected something, do not hint and do not change your usual behavior.
  • If you are 100% sure that the fact of drinking alcohol, drugs take place, talk with baby. In no case do not shout at him, do not raise your hand, do not threaten. Try to calmly talk and find out the reason that provoked the child to begin to behave just like that. Remember, you need to conduct a dialogue only with a sober and adequate child, otherwise this will not lead to anything good.
  • Note, start the conversation It is necessary not from accusations, but with the fact that you have suspicions and you would like to hear the truth. Emphasize that you are ready to accept any answer that you, despite the child’s answer, support him and help.
  • If the child admitted, say that you were very upset by his craving for alcohol/drugs and ask if he knows whether he knows what effects They are waiting for him if he does not stop using harmful substances. Be sure to tell the child how alcohol and drugs act on his body.
  • Find out how strong Your child is dependent on alcohol/drugs, how often he consumes them, etc.
  • In no case Do not ignore the problem Do not deceive yourself, thinking that your conversation will solve the problem and the child will cease to lead such a way of life. You, as an adult, must understand that the regular use of alcohol or drugs is a dependence, a disease, which, like inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, does not pass by itself and requires prolonged treatment.
  • Offer your child help, Sign up for specialists. Remember that in such a situation, not only narcologists, but also psychologists should work with the child. Moreover, you, as a parent/parents, need to create all the conditions for recovering a child. This is a healthy atmosphere of the house, and trusting relationships, and, of course, the restriction of the child in communicating with those with whom he consumed alcohol/drugs.

The use of alcohol and drugs, at any age do nothing good. Therefore, as soon as you noticed the first signs of such behavior in your child, beat the alarm. To start acting in time - minimize the consequences. If you want to achieve positive results, act taking into account the recommendations given in this article and do not self -medicate the child.

Video: Prevention of drug use by a child

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