Why influenza cannot be used after 30 days after opening the bottle: the effect of the drug

Why influenza cannot be used after 30 days after opening the bottle: the effect of the drug

This article describes in detail the rules for storing the drug Grippferon. You will find out why it should not be used after 30 days after opening the bottle.

Respiratory viral infections that affect the respiratory tract are transmitted through the air - therefore, the mucous membrane of the nose is the first obstacle to them. Her defeat leads to a runny nose, hoarseness of voice, swelling in the throat. Colds can overtake at any moment of each - a child and an adult, regardless of the time of year.

Read on our website about the best drugs for influenza and SARS. You will learn about their rating names, and you will also see useful recommendations.

For the treatment and prevention of diseases of SARS, influenza, as well as to restore immunity, they are widely used Grippferon. What is this drug? Why is it forbidden to use 30 days after opening the bottle? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article. Read further.

Grippferon: What is it, the composition of the drug


Grippferon is a safe and effective medication of a wide range of pharmacological activity. The medicine has an extensive spectrum of therapeutic action. The medical drug has an antiviral, anti -inflammatory and immunostimulating effect.

Its main purpose is the treatment and prevention of influenza conditions, the fight against viral infections. It provides prolonged interaction of the active substance and nasal mucosa. During its use, the development of immunity to respiratory diseases and a decrease in the susceptibility of the body to viral pathologies.

It is worth knowing: The drug does not provoke addiction, does not require the prescription of additional symptomatic agents.

The substances that make up the composition dry the mucous membrane, having an adsorbing effect, while increasing the therapeutic effect of the main component.

Output form.The medical drug has several forms:

  1. Nasal drops. Bubble of volume 5 or 10 ml, with a dropper-doster. Inside, the transparent liquid is light - yellowish shade.
  2. Nazal spray. The solution is packaged on dense plastic bottles with a dosing device. The volume of the drug is 10 ml. It is possible to use the composition for the treatment of the throat.
  3. Ointment. Small, 5 g of a green tube. It is rarely found in pharmacy networks, since a full cycle of necessary clinical tests has not passed.
  4. Candles. The most bowl is prescribed by pediatricians to increase children's immunity.

The composition of the drug:

  • The main component is recombinant human interferon - a protein fighting viral infections.
  • The term "recombinant" denotes a modified genetically bacterial cell.
  • Apparently on the mucous membrane, it prevents an increase in the number of bacteria, flu pathogens, adenoviruses.

Additional substances that make up:

  • Sodium chloride
  • Purified water
  • Povidon
  • Dodecahydrate hydrophosphate sodium
  • Potassium dihydrophosphate
  • Macrogol
  • Dihydrate of the Edetta Dinatriy
  • Loratadin

It is worth knowing: Only interferon has the main therapeutic effect, other substances do not have a strong effect on the disease.

Why is the influenza is prescribed for coronavirus?


Currently, many doctors prescribe the drug for coronavirus. Why? It is worth knowing:

  • The pharmaceutical effect of the drug is aimed at preventing the propagation of pathogenic viruses.
  • Given this main characteristic, it is prescribed by specialists with initial symptoms Covid-19, eliminate respiratory symptoms.

Doctors talk about coronavirus infection in two forms: the first has the type of severe acute respiratory syndrome (abbreviated name torso), the second takes place as atypical pneumonia. Important:

  • The action of the influenza reduces the viral effect on the body, minimizing the possibility of transmitting coronavirus infection.
  • A decrease in pathogenic microflora reduces the degree of manifestation of infection at the initial stage of the disease, improving the general indicators of human well -being.

The study showed the effectiveness of the medicine regarding the relief of an infectious disease, as part of comprehensive prescription schemes. Grippferon Successfully struggles with the first signs of Covid - abundant discharge from the nose and inflammation of its mucous membrane. With regular use of the medication, the symptoms are quickly eliminated.

But doctors talk about the effectiveness of the drug only in the first form of the disease - the torso. With the development of atypical pneumonia, use Grippferon does not provide a positive result. The drug suppresses the development of pathogenic microflora in the upper respiratory tract, while the disease develops in the pulmonary system and bronchi.

The action of the influenza: why are it prescribed for adults and children, indications for use

Doctors prescribe medicine to adults and children in cases - indications for use:

  • Colds
  • The appearance of respiratory infections
  • As preventive measures against SARS, influenza
  • Stimulation of the immune system
  • Accommodation in the epidemiological focus of respiratory diseases

Pediatricians are prescribed Grippferon In case of suspicion of the onset of a cold, as well as for preventive purposes, if the child is prone to frequent colds.

It is worth knowing: Despite the immunostimulating effect, it should be noted that Grippferon It does not give an effect with chemical irritation of the nasal mucosa, polyps, adenoids, bacterial infections. And with an allergic runny nose, the medicine can only complicate the disease.

Even at the very beginning of the use of the drug, its favorable action can be noted:

  • The symptoms of the disease are reduced: the sore throat decreases, headache disappears, body temperature decreases.
  • At the first signs of colds Grippferon It completely stops the inflammatory process, preventing its transition to complications.
  • Taking the drug significantly reduces the course of the course of the disease.
  • Use Grippferon As a prevention, it protects against the development of a viral infection on 90%.

But in order for the medicine to have such an effect, it is important to store it correctly. Read more more.

The rules of storage of influenza

The rules of storage of influenza
The rules of storage of influenza

The drug must be stored inaccessible to children. Direct sunlights should be eliminated on it. Other rules for storage of influenza:

  • Keep the medicine at 2-8 ° C., that is, in the refrigerator, where it is possible to maintain the necessary temperature.
  • The sealed bottle of the drug should also be in a cold place. Shelf life is 2 years.

When buying the product, you should pay attention to its place of placement. If the drug is offered not from the refrigerator, but taken from the shelf, it is better to refuse to purchase.

How much is an open bottle: why should it be stored in the refrigerator?

The shelf life of an open drug is significantly reduced and amounts to no more than a month. How much is an open bottle? Why should it be stored in the refrigerator?

  • If storage conditions are not respected, then the drug loses its properties earlier than provided by the company - the manufacturer.
  • Its active substance is protein, can be curled up (denaturation process), completely inactivated, and in this case the manufacturer does not guarantee the safety of use.
  • Denaturation of the protein that is part of the influenza comes from +10 ° C.

But at the same time, doctors claim the impossibility of spoilage of the medicine if it is located for several hours in warmth. So, you can take him to work, at school, putting it only in the refrigerator at night. But do not abuse - the best storage is only in the cold.

Why can not the influenza not to be used after 30 days after opening the bottle?

Influenza cannot be used after 30 days after opening the bottle
Influenza cannot be used after 30 days after opening the bottle

Grippferon is not used after a month from the moment of opening. Why is the influenza cannot be used after 30 days After opening the bottle? Answer:

  • For this period, alien bacteria may enter the drug, causing an interferon reaction and further fraud, influencing its structure and properties.
  • The less time has passed since the opening of the medicine, the more insignificant changes in the composition.
  • Therefore, the most optimal is to use in the first 5-10 days.

Important: In order not to forget to throw the bubble, it is recommended to write the opening date on the package.

Before use Grippferon A doctor’s consultation, accurate information about the duration of the drug use is needed. The average course of treatment is no more than 5 days. If Improvement does not occur, it is recommended to re -consult a specialist. It can extend the reception for several more days or prescribe additional prevention. Good luck!

Dr. Komarovsky about influenza, interferons: video

Dr. Komarovsky is a well -known children's pediatrician who is a program for the health of babies on the TV channel, his blog on Instagram and a channel on YouTube. He tells young parents about diseases, their course and treatment methods. Many dads and mothers trust him.

  • Recently, a new video clip of this doctor about influenza was released.
  • He said that interferons have not appointed children for 20 years.
  • Now doctors prescribe this medicine and parents can give it to children, but in parallel with another treatment as well.
  • In general, the attending physician should competently approach the treatment of the patient. If he prescribes only interferons, then it is worth monitoring the patient's health during the entire treatment until the very stage of recovery.

Watch the videos in which the doctor talks about antiviral drugs, and whether it is worth giving them to children.

Video: Komarovsky about Interferon

Video: Antiviral funds - School of Dr. Komarovsky

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