Games in VK with a girl in correspondence, in messages, in chat: for two, for several people. The game "Smiley" VK with answers for a girl

Games in VK with a girl in correspondence, in messages, in chat: for two, for several people. The game

This article published different and interesting games with a girl VK. They will help you get to know her better, find out her interests and tastes.

To make the VKontakte chat more interesting, you can play the game with the interlocutor. Especially if the interlocutor in correspondence is a girl, and I want to attract her attention to her person, ordinary correspondence may seem to be a banal occupation.

  • The game will help to make contact faster and make friends.
  • Then a little trust will appear and after that you can invite the girl on a date.
  • What games to choose for correspondence VK? You will find the answer to this question below.

Games in VK with a girl in correspondence, in messages, in chat: for two, for several people

Games in VK with a girl
Games in VK with a girl

VK games are very simple and their essence in the set of text and answers to questions. Below we published several of these games. Choose what you like, and forward to interesting communication and new acquaintances.

"Yes, but" is a popular game

The essence of this entertainment is that the guy writes any phrase or sentence, and she must write "Yes, but ...."Continuing this phrase. Here are a few phrases:

  • Guy: "Winter and frost will come soon."
  • Girl: "Yes, but there will be a lot of snow and it will be beautiful."
  • Guy: "Yes, but when the snow cover melts, there will be a lot of dirt."
  • Girl: "Yes, but you can not go anywhere at that time and communicate with VK friends."

Topics for such a game can be very different: weather, mood, interests and even food. The main thing is to attract a girlfriend for communication, and when she is interested, she will not be stopped.

"Decipher the meaning of words"

The essence of this game is that you write invented phrases, but not completely, but abbreviation. The girl must guess them in her own way. Then she writes an encrypted word form and you already answer and decipher the phrase.

  • Guy: "UP."
  • Girl: "University Project."
  • Girl: "WMO."
  • Man: "All -Russian mathematical Olympics."

If your interlocutor cannot decipher the word form, then help her. But for this you will have to write an additional message-subscription. This is a great occasion to ensure that the conversation began, albeit in the social network.

The girl plays with a guy VK
The girl plays with a guy VK

"I love …." - Game for two

Such entertainment will help to learn about the interests, tastes and preferences of the girl. Write in turn who likes it.

  • Guy: "Fry potatoes."
  • Girl: "Orange."
  • Guy: "High -speed trips to the car."
  • Girl: "Rest in Egypt."
  • Guy: "Watch vidos in VK."
  • Girl: "Walk with friends."

Do not be afraid to talk about everything that interests you and what you want to know about the interests of your interlocutor. Frankness for frankness is the essence of this entertainment.

"Association" - entertainment for chats and correspondence

Such a pastime of VK is perfect in order to ensure that communication in correspondence is ensued. One person writes any word, and the second - the answer with which he has this phrase or a separate word associated.

  • Guy: "Cafe."
  • Girl: "Coffee and cake."
  • Guy: "Club."
  • Girl: "Dancing, cocktail."
  • Guy: "Institute."
  • Girl: "Exams."

Think in advance in advance the words that you will write to the girl so that when correspondence with her do not hesitate, but to show off an interesting margin of words.

VK game by correspondence
VK game by correspondence

"Cities" - a game familiar to everyone

Since childhood, we all know such entertainment associated with the inventing of words - "To the cities". One person calls the settlement, and the second should recall the name of the city in the last letter of the previous one and call it. You can play this game, both together with your interlocutor and a chat with several people.

"Two words to choose from" - game for two

The essence of such entertainment is that one user calls two words, and the second needs to make one of these word forms. At the same time, he must explain why such a choice. A good way to learn something new about another person.

  • Guy: "Smartphone or iPhone?"
  • Girl: "Iphone is a brand!"
  • Guy: "Meat or fish?"
  • Girl: "Fish - she has more benefit."
  • Guy: "Mind or beauty?"
  • Girl: “Of course, mind. Beauty is leaving with time. ”

Get ready for the most unexpected answers, because you still do not know a person. But this is a great way that you have a first impression of him.

“Find a plus” is a great game for positive people

Such a game will increase the mood and allow you to find out how much optimism your interlocutor has. Describe some unpleasant or sad event, and let the girl answer and find pluses in this, unless of course she wants it. If she refuses to write an answer, then she is either not interested, or she is so pessimist that she will not be able to find something good in a particular situation. For example:

  • Guy: "The car broke."
  • Girl: "Now you can walk more on foot."
  • Guy: "It's cold outside."
  • Girl: "A great reason to go into a cafe on a cup of hot coffee."
  • Guy: "Put in the hospital."
  • Girl: "You can get enough sleep and relax, as well as get a lot of care from relatives and friends."

You can also invite the interlocutor to find not only pluses, but also the disadvantages of such a situation. According to these answers, it is easy to trace the character of a person.

The guy plays with the girl VK by correspondence
The guy plays with the girl VK by correspondence

"I know five" - \u200b\u200ba new game in correspondence

A simple but interesting and exciting game, especially for your interlocutor, since he will have to write words from a given topic. It can be favorite fruits, countries, actions, and so on. For example:

  • Guy: "5 fruits."
  • Girl: "Apple, grenade, kiwi, tangerine, strawberries."
  • Guy: "5 of any countries."
  • Girl: "Belarus, Poland, France, Spain, Sweden."

These games will help to interest the girl with your person. She will understand that you are a versatile personality, and you are always fun with you. You can come up with some kind of game. It will be very exciting. Play both with a girl, and invite friends to chats. Everyone will be interested - this is new communication and acquaintances.

Game "Smiley" VK with answers for a girl: Pictures

There is another fascinating VK game for a girl "Smiley". Its essence is that you send her a picture with emoticons and suggest choosing any smile you like. She writes his number, and you will send another picture in response, on which there is a decoding of each number with emoticons. As a result, she must do what is in the answers under her selected emoticon. For example:

  • Send her the picture.
The game
The game "Smiley" VK with answers
  • When she makes a choice, for example, No. 5, send her again a picture in response.
The game
The game "Smiley" VK with answers

Upon her choice, number 5 means that it should fulfill your 2 desires. Below you will find several pictures for such a game - choose and spend your free time with a girl interesting and exciting.

The game
The game "Smiley" VK with answers
The game
The game "Smiley" VK with answers
The game
The game "Smiley" VK with answers

You can simply send emoticons with numbers, and come up with the answers yourself. When the girl chooses the answer, you write to her what he means and what she should do. Good luck!

Video: 16 games that you can play with a girl

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  1. Hello all girls

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