What do WhatsApp ticks mean? How to stay anonymous to Watsap and read messages so that no one sees it?

What do WhatsApp ticks mean? How to stay anonymous to Watsap and read messages so that no one sees it?

What do different ticks mean near the posts in Watsap? How to read messages so that the interlocutor does not see that they are read.

What do ticks in Watsap mean, what does one checkmark mean, two blue ticks? Why, if your message is read, are these ticks different with different interlocutors? This article will tell you all about communication on the Internet that the halls in WhatsApp mean, which are by default, and how to change them to become anonymous.

What do WhatsApp ticks mean with standard settings?

By default, you can see what status your message now has.

  • Gray watch in Watsap They mean that the message is expected. Sometimes users do not have time to make out these gray hours at all, they can be seen on a slow Internet, on old and slow Android devices, or if you send a very voluminous message.
  • What means one checkbox in Watsap gray? This checkmark means that the message has already been sent from your device, but has not yet been received by your addressee. And that means it is not available for reading.
  • What they mean two ticks in Watsap gray? Such ticks say that this message has already been delivered to your interlocutor and can be read, but so far he has not discovered it. Two gray gaps in WhatsApp are like a SMS delivery report from mobile operators.
  • And finally, two ticks in Vatsap blue They mean that the message is not only delivered, but also read. If you see such blue ticks and do not answer your message, then your interlocutor ignores you or just so far in thought to answer you. But the message has already been read.

There are ways to make sure that the blue ticks do not appear when you see messages and receive them anonymously. We will talk about this further in our article.

What the boxes in WhatsApp mean: a pivot table of icons and their values:

What do ticks mean in Watsap gray and blue?
What do ticks mean in Watsap gray and blue?

How to stay anonymous to Watsap and read messages so that no one sees it?

Many people ask what one checkmark in Watsap means if the interlocutor answers you in correspondence. It seems that one gray checkmark should mean that a person has not read this message. But he clearly read it, because he already answered.

And then only one can mean only one thing - your interlocutor anonymously reads the correspondence. And in order to organize such anonymity, you do not need to install any additional applications and extensions, just use the standard WhatsApp settings. Below we will tell you in detail how to do it. Now let's try to imagine why this is needed.

Anonymity in Watsap
Anonymity in Watsap
  • Many students are transferred to distance learning. So, if you do not want to immediately fulfill the task received from the teacher, remove the reports on the delivery in WhatsApp. Then you can write off the fact that you have not completed the task for the absence of the Internet or a sowing smartphone. If the teacher sees two blue ticks in the Watsap, then he will know that you have exactly read the message, and these excuses will no longer help.
  • Did you promise someone to do something, but you can't? Your wife has been sawing you for a month now so that you put the old chiffonier in the trash, and you want to watch films with friends? Your husband gave you money for spare parts for the car, and you could not pass by a beautiful handbag? Remove reports on the delivery of messages to Watsap, and the unpleasant moment will be able to delay or smooth out.

What to do so that one checkmark in Watsap show that the message is not read:

  • First of all, open the messenger and go to its menu. To do this, click on three vertical points in the corner. Next, choose the section Settings.
Anonymity settings in Watsap
Anonymity settings in Watsap
  • After that, select the menu sections Account and privacy. Pay attention to the runner at the very bottom of the screen, which denotes the function Read report. Put it in an inactive position. Now the people who write you will not be able to find out whether you read the message or not.
We remove the report on the delivery of messages to Watsap
We remove the report on the delivery of messages to Watsap

Sometimes it happens that a person cannot understand why he always has one checkmark in WhatsApp what does it mean if this lonely gray checkmark glows in absolutely all correspondence? And there is not a single report on the delivery of the message, despite the fact that you want to receive it.

You probably forgot that you turned off the reports on reading to Watsap. Pay attention to the previous screenshot and read it. Devilment of delivery reports means that not only the people you write, but you yourself can not see them. Turn on this function if you need it.

The screenshots below are an example of the successful use of this setting in Watsap. You can disable delivery reports only when it is very necessary.

Disconnect the reports competently
Disconnect the reports competently

What do the watch mean in Watsap?

Sometimes a situation arises when you send a message to WhatsApp, wait for an answer to it. But the answer does not come, and a clock of gray shines near your message. What do the clock in Watsap mean and why does a person not answer?

Your addressee cannot answer you because your message is not sent from your device. Why can it happen?

Most often, gray hours in Watsap appear due to the fact that there is no Internet. Or its signal is too weak.

If with the connection, everything normally check the other options:

  • Perhaps you have placed data in your message in some very very exotic format. For example, a picture or video that has a non -standard format or too large size. Try to find the same file in another source or open it in a graphic editor, reduce size, save and send it again. As an option, you can take a screenshot from your screen. Or instead of downloading the video, give a link to it on the Internet.
  • It also happens that the gray hours in Watsap appear due to malfunctions in the application itself. It remains only to go into the application settings, find the Watsap, clean its cache, and then remove the application and install it again.
  • Think about whether you have recently installed some applications that can conflict with Watsap? Particular attention should be paid to antiviruses and system utilities that should optimize the work of the entire system. Perhaps they interfere with the messenger.
  • Very often the culprit of the Internet failures is the application for the use of the proxy server, it is VPN. The proxy servers allow to hide the location data. But the fact that your entire data flow passes through it significantly reduces the speed of communication. Sometimes so that there is no Internet at all. Try turning off the VPN if it works for you.
The watch in Watsap is not ignore, but the lack of the Internet
The watch in Watsap is not ignore, but the lack of the Internet

What does one checkmark mean in Watsap?

If one checkmark appears only for a short time, and then it is replaced by two, then this does not mean anything. Only the fact that the message from your device is sent to the server and is currently overcoming the path along the World Wide Web to your addressee: through servers, fiber-optic lines, routers and Wai-Fi waves.

About what one checkmark in Watsap means, if it remains for a long time we wrote above. Probably, your interlocutor turned off the delivery reports to be anonymous in WhatsApp, or you yourself turned off the delivery reports.

One gray checkmark in WhatsApp can hang for a long time near the message if the recipient is turned off the phone.

What do two gray ticks in Watsap mean?

Two gray ticks in Watsap mean that the message is successfully delivered to the device of a person. But while these ticks do not become blue, the message remains unread.

Perhaps the recipient of your message looks like this now.
Perhaps the recipient of your message looks like this now.

What do blue checks mean in WhatsApp?

Blue ticks in WhatsApp mean that the message is read. But, there are some nuances because of which no one can guarantee that a person really read a message.

  • The chat with you can be open on the smartphone screen. And in it a message that you will be indicated with blue checkmarks is displayed. But the person himself can move away from the smartphone.
  • On some devices, new messages open automatically. But this also does not mean at all that the owner of the device read them.

Regardless of which checkmarks near your message in Watsap, we advise you to communicate more in real life. Not all people constantly check the phone and quickly respond to messages, do not keep evil for them.

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