Why are pancakes adhere to a pan and break when turning: reasons, what to do so that pancakes do not stick to a pan? How to fry pancakes so that they do not stick to a frying pan: tips. Pancakes that do not stick to a pan: recipe

Why are pancakes adhere to a pan and break when turning: reasons, what to do so that pancakes do not stick to a pan? How to fry pancakes so that they do not stick to a frying pan: tips. Pancakes that do not stick to a pan: recipe

Why do pancakes bish the pan? Recipes of delicious pancakes on kefir.

Many housewives believe that pancakes are the most elementary and simple dish, while others do not even take this business, because not only the first pancake is “lump”. Most often, problems are due to the fact that the dough sticks and is torn as a result, beautiful, even pancakes cannot be done. Let's deal with the cause and errors, and find a delicious recipe for delicate pancakes.

Why pancakes in milk and kefir stick to a pan and break when turning: Reasons

You can solve the problem and learn how to bake pancakes correctly, if you understand the technology of cooking. Observing all the proportions, you will quickly master such a science. The reasons why pancakes can be torn during turning can be very different, for example:

  • If you add a large amount of flour to the dough, the damn it turns out to be difficult enough, and it will not be easy to turn it over
  • With a lack of flour, the dough will begin to slide in a pan
  • It is advisable to use flour with high stickiness
  • The pancake dough on kefir is slightly thicker than in milk
  • Another reason, there may be an insufficient number of eggs, but it should be remembered that their excessive amount can give rigidity to pancakes
  • If there are no eggs in the recipe, then it is recommended to make the dough on kefir, while it is best to brew boiling water, then the pancakes will not stick and break
Delicious pancakes
Delicious pancakes
  • When adding soda to the dough, you need to mix it with flour, and not extinguish in a spoon, thus, the bubbles disappear and there is no sense from adding soda
  • Sometimes a large amount of sugar serves as the cause of sticking pancakes. Most often, the bottom of the pancake is quickly fried, and the top remains raw, respectively, such a damn it is difficult to turn over
  • If sugar is not added at all, then the pancakes will turn out pale, but does not affect the structure of the test
  • Be sure to add 1-2 tbsp to the dough. vegetable or olive oil
  • If a lot of oil is poured, then the dough will not work, because It will simply start bubbling when fried
  • The quality of the preparation also depends on the choice of the pan, if there is no special pancake pan, you can take a “grandmother” cast iron with a thick bottom

When frying pancakes, it is worth observing all the proportions in the recipe, also relate neatly to additives, such as cocoa or vanilin. Periodically, lubricate the pan with fat or when using vegetable oil, rub it with a brush on the surface. There is experience important in such a case, if the first time did not work out, do not give up, but try to figure out what is the reason.

How to fry pancakes so that they do not stick to a frying pan: tips

Almost every housewife when frying pancakes came across various difficulties, and most often it is a pancake sticking to the surface of the pan. If not only the first pancake turned out to be a “lump”, then do not give up, but understand what the reason is. Often this happens due to the incorrect ratio of ingredients, also during the experiments when adding various seasonings or products.

Even an inexperienced mistress can cope with such a dish, but if you have not had to fry pancakes earlier, you must definitely follow the recipe, because The disadvantage or vice versa is the excess of any ingredient, can radically affect the nature of the cooking. In order to easily fry pancakes for the whole family, you need to use the following tips:

  • First, this is the choice of pans. It is best to use a pancake frying pan, thin, which easily burns and quickly cools. Pancakes rarely stick to such surfaces. But if there is no one, then you can use a cast -iron pan with a thick bottom, it must be periodically lubricated with vegetable oil or a small piece of fat.
Preparation of pancakes
Preparation of pancakes
  • If the first pancake sticks, the pan needs to be wiped not only, but also wash, dry and overwhelm again.
  • A prerequisite for frying is a properly heated pan with butter, straight to the appearance of a haze.
  • Again, it is very careful about the selection of ingredients, not to throw too many soda into the dough, then pancakes will not work. This also applies to other components of the test.
  • The dough can stick if you do not add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to it, but you do not need to overdo it with this, since the dough will exfoliate when frying and take bubbles.

Pancakes that do not stick to a pan: recipe

There are a large number of recipes for such a simple, at first glance, dishes. But during cooking, young housewives are faced with a number of problems. If there is little experience in frying pancakes, it is better to use a simple recipe for starters. I propose a recipe for pancakes that even a beginner can handle cope with.

For the preparation of pancakes, you will need:

  1. Flour - 280 g (9 tbsp)
  2. 3 pcs of eggs
  3. 0.5 l of milk, (you can dilute 50/50 with water)
  4. 2 tbsp. Sahara
  5. ½ tsp Salt
  6. 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  7. Vanilin to taste

All ingredients should be at room temperature. Mix, well washed eggs with sugar, and beat with salt with a fork or a whisk until smooth, pour milk into this mixture, and mix the mass until smooth. Gradually pour the sifted flour, mix, so that the dough is without lumps. Next, add vegetable oil, and mix again.

Delicious pancakes
Delicious pancakes

If the consistency is incorrect, then this can be determined by frying, only 2-3 pancakes. Next, if necessary, you can add milk for thinning or vice versa flour, in the case of too liquid dough.

Previously, before how to start frying, the pan is lubricated with butter, smalt or fat and well hot. Pour the dough into a hot frying pan, evenly distributing over the entire surface. If when preparing a pancake, holes do not form, you need to add a little soda to the dough.

The cooking time depends on the warming up of the burner, this must be monitored that the pancake would not burn. Frying on both sides, you can take off and proceed to the next pancake. To make the pancakes even tastier, you can add the filling to your taste. Of course, if the filling is salty, then initially add less sugar to the dough.

Video: pancakes on milk and kefir

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