In the morning wearing panties, do not forget about the clock: who is the author, the text of the poem

In the morning wearing panties, do not forget about the clock: who is the author, the text of the poem

Want to know where the joking lines “putting on my underpants” come from? Look for an answer in the article.

The most important resource that every person has is time. It is on how rationally and correctly it is used that the happiness and well -being of everyone depends: regardless of whether the writer is this person, a musician or businessman.

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In order to fill with meaning and benefit every day, humanity invented a watch - a kind of tool for monitoring time. There is such a verse Voznesensky "putting on my panties in the morning, do not forget about the clock". What is it about about time or the lines have a different meaning? Read further.

“In the morning, putting on my underpants, do not forget about the clock”: where are these cool lines, who is the author?

The author of the verse "Do not forget"in which cool lines are used "In the morning, putting on my underpants, do not forget about the clock", is Andrey Voznesensky. The poet in a playful form indicates the value of time in human life. The hero puts on clothes and starts his business. However, he forgets about the most important thing - the clock. But, if he does not follow the time, he simply will not succeed. That's why Voznesensky It makes it clear that everything that a person did before he did not find a clock - one might say, is useless.

The basic idea:

  • Man is nothing without time.
  • However, at the same time, and relative to eternity, it is also small and nothing meaningful grain of sand.

When the deadline comes, the time will simply grow out as much as possible to a person, will shine into powder, make it weak, and then completely kill him. This is an inevitable law of life, alas, we cannot change the course of which.

Time goes on as usual. We cannot accelerate or slow it down. The only thing that is in our power is to live our days with benefit, so as not to complain to the fact that life has passed, and we never brought humanity anything kind, good, valuable. After all, there is nothing worse than a aimlessly lived life, the owner of which subsequently simply no one will remember.

Bottom line: Time should be appreciated. They need to be able to properly manage. You should not spend precious minutes of life in vain. And if a person spends them on pleasure, he must understand that every minute of rest can deprive him of something necessary and important.

Voznesensky "standing up in the morning, putting on cowards": the text of the poem, the epigrams of other authors

Here is the full text of this playful poem:

The text of the poem
The text of the poem
The text of the poem
The text of the poem
The text of the poem
The text of the poem

There are many epigrams from different authors to lines Voznesensky. For example, here is one of the most interesting:

  • Line: "Getting up in the morning, putting on my underpants, do not forget about the clock", Voznesensky
Epigram to the lines
Epigram to the lines "Getting up in the morning, putting on my panties, do not forget about the clock"

Video: Leonidov and lyceum - do not forget about the clock

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