“In another way”-an adverb, a preposition with an adjective, a definitive pronoun: how to write correctly?

“In another way”-an adverb, a preposition with an adjective, a definitive pronoun: how to write correctly?

This article will help you understand how to write the adverb “differently”.

Almost every competent person is sure that the word "differently" You should write through a hyphen. But is this the only option? To understand this, you should turn to the rule.

Read on our website an article on how the word is still written as before. In it you will find rules and examples of proposals.

How to write an adverb "differently"? What spelling errors exist? Look for answers to these and other questions below. Read further.

How to write the adverb “differently”: rule

Adverb "in a different"

What part of speech is this word? It answers the question "how?"Therefore, this is an adverb. How to write correctly "differently"? Here's the rule:

  • This part of the speech having a prefix "on-" and ending "-The", formed from adjectives, has a definition.
  • If you do not remember or do not know the rules and are afraid to make a mistake, you can use the synonym: "otherwise".

An adverb is an explanation of the preposition, so the question should be verbal: "I can't?" — "In a different way, otherwise". Nevertheless, this word in this context is not written separately or together, but only through a hyphen. But this is only in this context.

It is worth knowing: In fact, both options for writing are true. It all depends on the meaning with which the narrator gives his written sentence or conversational replica.

As a rule, in the adverbs that end in "-The", "-to him", "-Ski" The hyphen is almost always used:

  • Kindly
  • Humanly
  • Like a man
  • In Russian
  • Old
  • Homerally

Also adverb "differently" does not change by childbirth, numbers and cases. This is the main verification fact. It also tights closely in its semantic load with the adverb "no other way".

If this meaning is in the sentence, you can immediately set a hyphen. Of course, an adverb "differently", necessarily stands out with punctuation marks:

  • "You, Boris, cannot in any other way."
  • “You, Vasily, tell me differently. And then something painfully confusedly speak. ”
  • “You, Egor, try differently. So definitely it will not work. ”

Here, an appeal to a person stands out with commas. Adverb "differently" In this case, the designation of an alternative method of something.

Adverb "differently": examples of sentences

Adverb "in a different"

In order to better remember the material, it is necessary to disassemble offers on this topic. They can be made yourself or you can read below. Here are examples of proposals with adverb "differently":

  • In the village, everything is different, not like in the city: the air is cleaner, and people are kinder.
  • I think you should act differently (otherwise), since I have already checked this method, and it does not work.
  • I would like to live differently, but I can’t.
  • If you cannot solve the problem, try to look at it differently (otherwise, from another angle).
  • I thought that his album would be only hits. But everything is different here: one strong song from 13 records.
  • If you treated me differently, then our relationship would be more harmonious.
  • We do not know how to do it differently, they did not teach differently.
  • Since Artem did not want to go to the army, he decided to act differently: he asked his uncle-Detor to write him a certificate, according to which he was recognized as unsuitable for military service.
  • Previously, everything was different: the family was even considered prosperous. But after Fedor Petrovich they retired, he began to drink and it turned out what happened.
  • Well, how else? If you have any other options-offer, I will love to listen with pleasure.
  • I was asked to redo the project, but I do not know how to do it. It’s just that you just can't!
  • Try to decorate the room differently: it seems to me that it is too gloomy here. You need to add another shade. Then it will become much better.
  • Katya, I ask you, sing this song somehow differently. I can’t say that you have no voice and hearing at all, but your feed cuts your ear. This is the lyrical composition of past years. Therefore, there is no need so much expression. The main thing is the soul. These are not any blues to you!
  • When I realized that persuasion would not help, I began to act differently: I decided to distract Peter from his venture to rush for the weekend to the mountains. Instead, he invited him to go fishing. And he agreed.
  • Is it really difficult to live differently? You’re harmful to yourself!
  • I used to love rap, but closer to the age of 30 began to relate to this genre differently: not to say that I hated it. But this style of music has completely ceased to interest me.
  • It is necessary to care for the girls differently: showing the maximum care, attention, tenderness, love and understanding. And not letting go of vulgar jokes.

There is another version of the word - a preposition with an adjective or definitive pronoun. How to write a word in this case, read on.

How to write a preposition with an adjective, definitive pronoun “differently”: rule

An excuse with an adjective, definitive pronoun
An excuse with an adjective, definitive pronoun "in another"

In those situations when a combination "differently" answers not a question "how?", and to the question "on what?", there is a preposition with an adjective. How to write a preposition with an adjective correctly? Here's the rule:

  • If the word answers the question "which", then the spelling is separate.

Check is very easy: just replace "To another" by any other adjectives:

  • On the other way - along the short path, easy, thorny, beaten.
  • For another reason - on a completely different reason, weighty, logical, reasonable, etc.

However, adjectives must logically explain the noun to which they relate: "On what road?" - "According to another", "by what method?" - "According to another method (alternative)," according to what rule? " - "According to another rule."

It is also correct to say that "differently" (for example, bridge) - this is a certain pronoun, which refers to a noun in case form with a pretext "on", explains it and answers the question of definition.

Assess with the adjective "differently": examples of proposals

The preposition with the adjective
The preposition with the adjective "in another way"

Now let's remember the above rule even better. Here are examples of offers with adjective "differently"with a pretext "on": 

  • At first we walked straight through the forest. But then they decided to follow another road. The choice turned out to be correct. Soon we went to the river.
  • I worry not at all because of assessments, but for another reason.
  • I don't need a debt return now. I am on you on a different issue.
  • I have questions, but not on this paragraph, but in another way. Can I ask them?
  • In another opinion (according to a different source), people are vulnerable only because they themselves do not want to fight their weaknesses.
  • It was much easier to go along the other way, but we did not look for light roads.
  • I miss the violin at all, but a different tool. After all, I gave 10 years to play on the pipe.
  • I could not cope with the next task, so I decided to choose differently. But in another quest in the game, the knight also had to go to the caves and fight with dragons. True, already for a new relic. And then I realized that I definitely can’t pass this level.
  • Do you miss Anton or some other guy?
  • Everything is bored here, go better along another road.
  • According to another version put forward by the police, the man is still alive.
  • On another, already beaten path, Paul was walking. He was carrying huge sledges loaded with wood.
  • If I go on a different corridor, will I get to the concert hall?
  • Nina and I never met, because when I called her, she walked and looked for me on a different floor.

If you do not understand why an adverb is described in one rule, and in another a pronoun or adjective, and how to distinguish them, read on. Let's understand.

How to distinguish the adverb "differently" from the pronoun?

Learning to distinguish the adverb
Learning to distinguish the adverb "differently" from the pronoun

It is difficult to distinguish adverbs and pronouns in Russian. After all, they sound identical, but they are written differently. However, you should learn to distinguish them - after all, words "differently" and "differently" They carry a completely different meaning. Ignorance of subtleties can lead to misunderstanding with others. There are many such verbal pairs:

  • "For that" and "then"
  • "From that" and "so"
  • “Because” and “by that” and others.

Having learned to distinguish adipants from pronouns, you can solve the problem with several words at once related to this rule. How to determine which part of the speech is used? How to distinguish an adverb "differently" From the pronoun?

In addition to syntactic and morphemic differences between pronoun and adverb, "In a different" from "otherwise" You can see the difference thanks to a very simple technique:

  • You just need to replace the pronoun with any other definition.
  • It can be an adjective, numeral, communion, etc.
  • If this is impossible, then this adverb is written through a hyphen.

If you do not learn how to distinguish adverbs from the pronoun or adjective, you will write with errors. Read more about other blunders with this word.

Spelling errors: "girlfriend", "in another"

Spelling errors:
Spelling errors: "girlfriend", "in another"

Write the word together "differently" or through "BUT": "Pa-two", "Padrugoy" or "Pa to another" - The gross error of spelling. But some people allow such a mistake and write "Girlfriend", "Pa to another". It is also wrong.

So that a person does not allow these mistakes, you need to remember that the preposition "PA" There is no in Russian. Therefore, words written in this way do not exist. There are only dance PA in the ballet class.

Synonyms for the word "in a different"

The variable series of equivalent words is quite large. However, it all depends on the context. If the word is an adverb, then it is replaced by synonymous words: "Otherwise", "in a different manner" etc. If this is a pronoun with a pretext, then alternatives are available as: "Different", "in excellent" etc. In order not to be repeated when drawing up sentences, instead of this word, you can use such synonyms:

Synonyms for the word
Synonyms for the word "in a different"

Now you know when you need to write this word through a hyphen, and when separately. To understand the spelling rules to the end, try to make proposals with the adverb and adjective yourself. This will help to easily remember the correct spelling and prevent errors in the future. Good luck!

Video: Video lesson in the Russian language: “Cathedral, separate and hyphen spelling of adverbs” (Grade 6)

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