Treatment of thrush during breastfeeding in mother and baby: tips, symptoms, reviews

Treatment of thrush during breastfeeding in mother and baby: tips, symptoms, reviews

For every woman, it is important that her baby grew healthy. The moment of feeding is the long -awaited proximity to the child after a long pregnancy and childbirth. But sometimes unforeseen problems arise - pain appears when sucking, the baby refuses the chest and, as a result, poorly gains weight. The disease of the thrush can cause everything that happens.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to cure thrush?". You will find the best drugs for thrush in women, men and children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

From this article you will learn about the causes of thrush under the GV, as well as how to treat this disease. Read further.

What is thrush?


Thrush (candidiasis) - One of the types of fungal diseases. It proceeds as an infectious process. The causative agent of the disease is a yeast -like mushroom of the genus Candida. Most often this Candida albicans.

All microorganisms of the genus Candida Relate to conditionally pathogenic. They can be in the body for a long time, but the disease occurs only in specific conditions. In many healthy people, Candida is part of the microflora of the mouth, vagina and colon. The disease does not occur from the presence of mushrooms, but from rapid reproduction in favorable conditions for this. In some cases, the disease is due to the appearance of a pathogenic type of mushrooms.

  • Often, Candida mushrooms enter the body already in the first year of the baby’s life, and sometimes during pregnancy.
  • The probability of infection of the fetus by the fungus is confirmed by studies, as a result of which microorganisms were found in the amniotic fluid and the placenta of the mother.
  • The next contact of the newborn with Candida mushrooms is possible while passing along the birth canal, when contacting the skin and nipple of the mother, domestic accessories and even food.

Thrush negatively affects the process of breastfeeding. It passes painful for both mother and child. The frequency of feeding is disturbed, which sometimes leads to a decrease in the amount of milk. If the infection develops, the case may end with blockage of the milk ducts, and then lactostasis. In addition to thrush, a bacterial infection may begin. When feeding, the fungus is transmitted to the baby and begins to multiply, causing candidiasis of the oral cavity. This hurts the baby with sucking and sometimes leads to the rejection of the chest. You need to start the treatment of thrush in the mother and the baby as quickly as possible to return to the normal process of breastfeeding. Read further.

Causes of milk in breastfeeding

The breastfeeding period creates ideal conditions for the propagation of Candida mushrooms on women's nipples. These are the causes of the disease with a thrush during breastfeeding:

  • High humidity on the surface of the nipples
  • Breast milk sugar creates a nutrient medium for the fungus
  • Hormonal imbalance after childbirth
  • Weakened immunity
  • Using oral contraceptives and steroid drugs

Most often, the following factors contribute to the disease:

  • The presence of injuries or damage to the nipples due to improper attachment of the child.
  • Taking hormonal drugs and antibiotics during feeding.
  • Disorders of the normal microflora of the intestines and vagina (especially the presence of vaginal thrush before and during childbirth).
  • The presence of fungal infections on the skin, nails and lips.
  • Constant stress and lack of sleep.
  • Violation of personal hygiene rules.
  • The presence of anemia or diabetes in the mother.

In such conditions, the risk of thrush increases significantly. The disease may not appear immediately, so you need to constantly monitor the condition of the nipples in order to notice anxious signs in time.

If a woman was previously treated with antibiotics, the likelihood of thrush occurs. These drugs reduce the amount of beneficial bacteria in the body, which creates a favorable environment for the development of fungus. In such cases, it is better to consult a doctor. He will prescribe probiotics that will help restore normal bacteria in the body. These bacteria can prevent the propagation of fungal microorganisms.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman is most vulnerable to various infections. This natural feature is a natural decrease in immunity. Therefore, from the first weeks of pregnancy, you need to monitor your health and condition of the child. You should eat correctly and find time for relaxation, despite the workload in the first years of the baby's life.

Symptoms of thrush in the mother

Mother's thrush
Mother's thrush

In order to recognize the disease in time, you need to periodically inspect the nipples for the presence of swelling and cracks. On areola and nipple can form flakes or a film, outwardly wet areola can be covered with small bubbles. It is also worth paying attention to the pronounced hyperemia of the skin of the chest. Quite often, the skin affected by the fungus becomes dry. Because of this, new cracks appear.

Here are the symptoms of thrush in the mother:

  • In the presence of a disease, painful itching and burning appears.
  • The nipples become too sensitive, and not only during feeding.
  • Sometimes a woman can feel discomfort even when dressing or taking a shower.
  • Feeding a child is an unbearable test.
  • The nipple can take an unusual color.
  • During periods of feeding, it becomes bright pink or burgundy, while the color persists for a long time.
  • If the pain spreads throughout the chest, gives it to the hand or back, then the probability of developing a bacterial infection is great.

The mother can have symptoms of vaginal thrush, which often happens if the disease has already manifested before childbirth. There is painful itching and burning in the vagina. White discharge with a sour smell, cottage cheese in consistency. After sexual intimacy, sleep or a shower, the volume of discharge from the vagina increases. The edema of the external genitalia occurs, accompanied by redness. Urination becomes painful.

Symptoms of thrush in a newborn child at the GV

Thrush in a newborn baby at the GV
Thrush in a newborn baby at the GV

If the mother has a fungal infection, the disease is transmitted to the child. The fungus begins to develop in the oral cavity of the baby. Here are the symptoms of thrush in the newborn crumbs at the GV:

  • A white cottage cheese plaque forms in the child, spreading to the gums, the upper and lower sky of the baby.
  • The onset of the disease can not be noticed, since a small milk plaque in the tongue is commonplace.
  • White films of fungal plaque are very difficult to remove from the tongue.
  • Erosion sometimes occurs under it and small wounds appear.

It is worth knowing: Also, a child can find peculiar rashes on the buttocks, in the groin and around the anus. To make the correct diagnosis and get adequate treatment, it is better to visit the pediatrician.

You should pay attention if the baby begins to behave uneasily by the chest. The fungal infection in the oral cavity is constantly itchy, and each feeding for it becomes painful.

Is it possible to breastfeed during thrush?

Not just possible, it is necessary. The kid could become infected during childbirth or in the womb. The fungal infection could enter the child’s body from household accessories, which is why he (perhaps) infected his mother. Stop breastfeeding during thrush unreasonably and does not solve the problem. Breast milk contains antibodies that will help the baby cope with the disease.

Treatment of thrush in mother and baby with breastfeeding: tips

Healthy mother and child at guards
Healthy mother and child at guards

A fungal infection can go from mother to child, and, conversely, therefore, the treatment of a nursing mother and baby should be performed at the same time. Even if any of them did not find obvious symptoms of the disease.

Important: When the first unpleasant symptoms appear, contact the doctor. Only he will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Here are advice for treating thrush in the mother with breastfeeding:

  • For the period of treatment, the duration of attachments to the chest should be reduced, while increasing the number of feedings

The child should receive the required amount of milk. If breastfeeding is too painful, you can feed the baby with soured milk for some time. At the same time, it is better to express manually, since the use of a breast pump can be accompanied by pain. You can feed the baby in other ways, but it is advisable not from the bottle.

  • If the mother is found in a vaginal thrush, you need to consult with a gynecologist

Take an inspection, take the tests and receive the recommended treatment. The doctor can prescribe systemic drugs, in many cases, this is fluconazole.

  • Drug treatment should be combined with breastfeeding, so as not to excommunicate the baby from the chest during treatment

Often a doctor recommends creams and ointments with an antifungal composition. If inflammation or bacterial infection is detected, anti -inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are prescribed. With proper use, these drugs do not pose a danger to the child during feeding. The need for systemic therapy should be determined by the doctor. There are times when it is necessary to take painkillers.

  • To bring recovery closer, you need to seriously treat personal hygiene rules

Before and after feeding, wash your hands well with soap. Do the same when changing the diaper and visiting the toilet.

  • Sometimes alleviate symptoms easily with a solution of soda

The liquid must be treated with nipples and affected areas. The alkaline environment of the solution prevents further reproduction of the fungus.

  • Should refuse close clothes

It is advisable to choose underwear from cotton fabric. In the acute period of the disease, with severe pain, you can wear special silicone gas stations. They help eliminate the likelihood of contacting nipples with clothing.

  • Affected nipples must provide access to air

Breast gaskets, if you use them, change as often as possible. But it’s better not to use them at all.

  • All objects that are in contact with the chest must be thoroughly sterilized

For example, chest pads and dairy. And change your underwear more often.

  • Mother's diet is desirable to review

Exclude simple carbohydrates from it to accelerate recovery. No buns, sweet drinks, desserts and pastries. It is better to use more fermented milk products: yogurt, kefir or ash. They help normalize the intestinal microflora. It is also useful to include sauerkraut in the diet.

To avoid another infection, treatment is also necessary at the same time as the mother:

  • Do not wipe the oral cavity with gauze moistened in a solution of soda, as stated in many sources. This not only injures the oral cavity, but can also cause pain in the child. It is also strictly forbidden to use a brown solution in glycerin. It is toxic for the baby.
  • The oral cavity must be treated with the drug that the pediatrician will prescribe. Clotrimazole drops are often prescribed. This is one of the best modern means for the treatment of fungal infection. If there are rashes on the skin of the baby, you can use the same creams as in the treatment of nipples.
  • The skin of the child should be dry.The use of wet wipes can only aggravate the situation and tighten the recovery. After changing the diaper, it is better to wash the skin with a childish detergent. I ventilate the room as often as possible.

In treatment, the main thing is to consult a doctor in time. Treatment of thrush will be successful if you follow all the recommendations. It is not necessary to stop breastfeeding for this.

Prevention of the thrush of nipples and areola during breastfeeding

Prevention of thrush during breastfeeding
Prevention of thrush during breastfeeding

It is important to learn how to properly apply a child during feeding. This is what the prevention of the thrush of nipples and areola during breastfeeding should be:

  • Any, even small cracks and abrasions, need to be treated in a timely manner.
  • It is better for nursing mothers to wear spacious clothes that do not squeeze their breasts.
  • Lower underwear must be made of natural fabric.
  • Absorbing breast gaskets change as often as possible so that the skin is dry all the time.
  • Wash towels and underwear in boiling water, and then reward with a hot iron. High temperature kills fungal bacteria.
  • During treatment, you can sterilize objects that can get the baby into the mouth (dummy, toys, dining rooms). It is enough to boil them in ordinary water.

Each family member should have its own towel and other personal supplies, at least for the time when treatment is undergoing. Fungal bacteria easily pass from man to person through cutlery and dishes. It is also worth refraining for a while from sex. With sexual proximity, the probability of conveying the fungal infection is maximum.

Thrush during breastfeeding - treatment: reviews

If you have any unpleasant symptoms, it is better not to self-medicate and contact the doctor for advice and treatment. After all, thrush during breastfeeding is a serious ailment that can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. Read the reviews of other women who are faced with this disease.

Irina, 25 years old

When I gave birth to a baby, I decided that I would breastfeed. After all, this is useful for me and first of all, for crumbs. But then I ran into a problem - a thrush of nipples. The child became tearful, it hurt me to feed. I did not want to throw feeding. I turned to the doctor. He advised to express milk during treatment and feed the baby so. I treated the nipples with ointment with Clotrimazole. For the child’s oral cavity, the doctor also prescribed some kind of emulsion. Just a few days later, we returned to the usual life and normal breastfeeding.

Ekaterina, 30 years old

Recently there were second births. It was a long -awaited baby for us - a girl (the first - a boy). Everything went perfectly, but a couple of weeks after childbirth began the thrush of the vagina. I turned to the gynecologist, underwent treatment, followed all the doctor's recommendations for hygiene. But for some reason, after some time, I noticed that the baby began to behave uneasily, acting up and abandoning her chest. Most likely, the thrush was transmitted. I had to treat the child’s mouth in parallel, treating the emulsion prescribed by the doctor. After a couple of weeks, everything has worked out, now breastfeeding continues in the same mode.

Albina, 23 years old

When my baby appeared in my baby and my nipples, it was unpleasant, painful and scary. I did not want to stop the GV. But I was lucky, we have a wonderful and competent pediatrician who prescribed treatment at once, as we turned for help. I treated separately the nipples, processing the prescribed means, and simultaneously lubricated the baby's oral cavity with a solution of soda and a special cream. The doctor also advised, after treatment, to moisten the nipple before feeding a drop of milk. It is like thrush prevention. Now everything is fine.

Video: Poster's nipples of nipples

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