Cake - waffle and puff tubes with protein, custard, oil, cottage cheese cream: the best recipes for dough and cream. Decoration of waffle and puff pastries

Cake - waffle and puff tubes with protein, custard, oil, cottage cheese cream: the best recipes for dough and cream. Decoration of waffle and puff pastries

The article offers you some interesting recipes for making homemade waffle and puff tubes with filling.

How to make a wafel tube dough: recipe

A dessert such as waffle tubes is known and loved from childhood. It was often baked at that time (the 80s and 90s of the last century), when electric waffles began to appear on the shelves of stores. With a waffle tank, the pipe bake is very simple and fast, everything that is required of you is a good test recipe, baking device and any filling.

The filling is different: fruit and berry jams, protein and oil cream, boiled condensed milk, custard, chocolate and much more. Each mistress herself decided how to fill her tubes, but even empty they were very tasty, crisp, hearty and fragrant.

And now in a modern store of household appliances you can buy a waffle box. It differs from the classic “Soviet” in that it can have an unusual design and a more compact shape. Such a waffle box is included in the outlet (some old waffles could be warm on the stove).

Important: the secret of beautiful waffle tubes is that they are twisted in hot condition while the tubes are soft. The cooled tubes become fragile and brittle. The cooled tubes are filled.

Classic dough, you need:

  • Flour(choose the highest grade)-180-200 (average density).
  • Eggs -4-5 pcs. (It all depends on their size)
  • Butter or spread -1 pack (you can take a fat cream margarine or a vegetable-fried mixture).
  • Sugar -several tbsp. (Here you need to focus on the preferred sweetness).
  • Vanilin and other spices to taste


  • It is advisable to sift flour, it is advisable not one, but even twice. It will make the tubes air.
  • Mix flour with sugar and spices (someone likes to add cinnamon, someone nutmeg).
  • Beat the eggs with a mixer (you can together, can be separately), gradually add flour into the egg mass and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Sofue the oil in advance at room temperature and add soft to the dough in small pieces, thoroughly mix the dough so that there are no lumps.
  • Before frying, your dough must stand for 15-20 minutes.
  • During this time, heat the wafel and lubricate both of its sides with any fat.
  • Pour the dough with a small ladle, in the center of the sheet of a waffle box, do not distribute (it itself will grow).
  • Close the waffle iron and hold it like that 0.5-1 minute (depends on what power your waffle is.
  • If you notice that the waffle has already been browned, you can get it.
  • Get waffles with a special spatula, fold on the table. Right away into a cone or tube, put on the tray so that it cools and you can fill it.
Wafflers and ready -made homemade tubes

How to bake waffle tubes?

You will need:

  • Flour - several tbsp. (approximately 6-8 tbsp).
  • Eggs -2-3 pcs. (also depends on the density of the dough)
  • Margarine (permitted by spread or oil) - 1 pack (standard 200 grams).
  • Sugar- several tbsp. (as you like more)
  • Mayonnaise -100 g (high or medium fat content of 50-70%)
  • Vanillin - optional


  • Divide the eggs and knead the protein to a lush and elastic foam.
  • Beat the yolks to white with sugar or powder, mix mayonnaise, then combine with proteins.
  • Add the flour and melt margarine, without stopping the mixing and whipping of the mass.
  • Add sugar and spices to taste
  • Leave a homogeneous dough to “relax” at least 10-15 minutes, at this time, warm up the wafflers.
  • Pour the dough into a waffle in the usual way and fry until blurred (this is approximately 15 seconds).

How to make puff pastry dough: recipe

Puff pastry can be bought without any problems at any grocery store. After buying it, it should be completely defrosted and chopped softly on the strips, rolled out and twisted into tubes. Buy puff pastry significantly saves your strength and time to cook dishes.

Important: some housewives prefer to knead the homemade puff pastry so that the tubes turn out to be especially tasty, “home” and tender. Puff tubes can also be filled with cream, jam or condensed milk.

You will need a test:

  • Flour(buy only the highest grade)-350-400 grams (it needs to be sift several times).
  • Fat butter (83%) -1 pack in 200 g (can also be replaced with a vegetable and ultimate mixture).
  • Ice water -130-150 ml.

Important: sugar can not be added to the dough, since the filling that will be in the tube must be sweet.


  • The oil should be left for several hours at room temperature so that it becomes soft.
  • See the flour twice three times and pierce a slide
  • Add cold water to flour and gradually knead the dough. It will be tight, but still try to make it elastic through thorough mixing.
  • Let the lump of the dough stand up, this is an important condition for a good puff pastry.
  • At this time, mix soft oil with several tbsp. Flik and mix thoroughly.
  • The first lump of dough should be thoroughly rolled and lay in layers, lubricating each layer with oil with flour.
  • Roll the dough again, fold with a brick and send it to the refrigerator.
  • After 2-3 hours, roll out again and proceed to the formation of tubes.
  • For this, food foil, cardboard or parchment, which must be twisted with a cone, may come in handy.
  • Gently wrap a strip of puff pastry on the cone with a serpentine and send to the oven.
  • Keep a tube in the oven until a golden brown brings out (at 180 degrees this is no more than 15-20 minutes).
  • Cool the tubes and start with cream
Puff tubes of home

How to bake puff tubes?

You will need:

  • Puff pastry(you can puff and yeast) - 500 g.
  • Egg -1 PC.
  • Boiled condensed milk "Irisk" -1 bank
  • Butter -1 pack


  • From parchment in several layers, twist the cone.
  • Thaw the dough and thinly roll it, wrapping with a serpentine every cone.
  • Lubricate the tubes with a beaten egg to add gloss and blush to them.
  • Bake the tubes for 15-20 minutes. During this time, they should increase in size and become beautiful golden color.
  • Remove the finished tubes and cool, only then pull out the paper cones.
  • Fill the cold puff tubes with any filling or cream.
  • Ready tubes can be decorated with powdered sugar.
Puff pastry puff

Protein cream recipe for waffle and puff tubes

Protein cream is a popular filling for trunks made of waffle or puff pastry. Protein cream is very light and has a pleasant sweet taste, perfectly complementing not a sweet dough (especially puff). Preparing protein cream is very simple and “complex” ingredients are not required for this.

You will need:

  • Squirrels -2-3 pcs. (depending on how much you need cream).
  • Sugar -several tbsp. (adjust the sweetness yourself).
  • Citric acid or salt(1-2 pinch)


  • Cool the eggs in advance so that the protein is cold, so it whips better and gives a stable foam.
  • Divide the eggs into proteins and yolks, whip the proteins with citric acid (you can replace it with lemon juice).
  • After that, gradually begin to add sugar in small portions, completely dissolving it.
  • After adding all the amount of sugar, move the bowl in which you whip into the steam bath.
  • Make a couple for approximately 5 minutes
  • The finished cream should be filled with tubes with a culinary bag or syringe.
Protein cream in puff tubes

Custard recipe for waffle and puff tubes

Cathedral cream is another tasty filling for tubes from any dough or waffle. The custard is easy to make at home from simple ingredients, and the taste of the cream is very delicate, soft, creamy.

You will need:

  • Fat milk (3.2% or home) -2 cups (the amount of milk depends on how much cream you need).
  • Sugar -to taste (several st.l.)
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - Several tbsp. (as a thickener of the cream)
  • Butter - 100-120 g. (You can and more, but it will be fatter, choose high-quality, fatty and tasty oil).


  • Put the milk on the fire and heat, without boiling.
  • Melt butter in milk, add sugar to taste.
  • Eggs should be beaten with a mixer into a homogeneous mass and a thin stream, introduced into milk, not yet brought to high temperatures. All this time, mix the mass thoroughly so that it does not give lumps.
  • Without stopping whipping with a whisk (it is they better to brew and mix the cream), add flour.
  • Try the cream, do not make it too thick, as it will become tighter.
  • Completely cool the cream if it has a crust on the surface, it needs to be beaten again with a whisk or blender.
  • Put the tube with a culinary bag or spoon with cream with cream.
Delicious custard for tubes

Oil cream recipe for waffle and puff tubes

Oil cream is very tasty because in addition to its fat content, it has a pleasant creamy taste. The easiest recipe for such a filling is to grind the butter of good quality with sugar until it is completely dissolved. But you can also make such a chocolate cream by adding several tbsp. cocoa, vanilla and cinnamon for aroma.

Creamy oil cream, it will take:

  • High fat oil -1 pack (at 200 g, you can and more, depending on how much cream you need).
  • "Irisk" boiled condensed milk -1 bank
  • Cocoa -1-2 tbsp. (you can not add)
  • Vanilla -1 bag (vanillin or vanilla sugar)


  • The oil should be left at room temperature for several hours so that it becomes soft.
  • Send soft oil to the dishes with a high bottom, add the contents of one can of condensed milk to the oil (you can use it also not boiled, but ordinary).
  • Pour the contents of one bag of vanillin and 1 tbsp. cocoa.
  • Start whipping on the fast mode of the mixer, if the cream is very liquid, you can send it to the refrigerator for a short time.
  • It is necessary to fill the tube with cream through a culinary bag or syringe.
Oil cream for filling tubes

Bottom cream recipe for waffle and puff tubes

Curd cream is not only tasty, but also very useful, in comparison with other fillings. In order to make it pleasant to eat in tubes, cottage cheese needs to be bought fat, and best of all - homemade. Cottage cheese must be ground through a sieve in order to achieve a homogeneous mass without lumps. If you do not want to do this, purchase cottage cheese or cheese mass with taste in advance (fruits, berries, caramel, vanilla) or without.

You will need:

  • Home cottage cheese -400-500 g (or fat store)
  • Sugar -several tbsp. taste
  • Vanilla -1 sugar bag
  • Cinnamon -0.5 tsp. (you can not add)
  • A pinch of citric acid
  • Faty sour cream (preferably home) -several tbsp.


  • Cottage cheese should be ground through a sieve or grind in a blender bowl.
  • Add a few tbsp. Sour cream in cottage cheese and mix thoroughly with sugar, vanilla and cinnamon.
  • If desired, you can soak raisins in boiling water and squeeze, then add to the curd mass.
  • With a soft cream (the more add sour cream, the softer it will be softer) Pour the pipe bags.
Curricular cream

Decoration of waffle and puff pastries

Serving the dish is of great importance, because much depends on how you serve the tubes, and most importantly - the desire to eat them. You can decorate the stuffed tubes several ways:

  • Sprinkle sugar
  • Sprinkle cocoa powder
  • Decorate chocolate shavings
  • Decorate with fresh berries and fruit cut
  • Decorate with caramel figures
  • Decorate with colored confectionery adds
  • Sprinkle cookies or biscuit
  • Sprinkle with chopped nuts

Photos of finished tubes, serving and feed:

Black cream
Homemade tubes in the form of a cone
Puff homemade tubes in the form of a cone with protein cream
Homemade tubes with oil cream
Homemade tubes with boiled condensed milk "Irisk"
Peanuts decorated with peanuts

Video: "How to cook homemade tubes?"

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