Pies with green onions and egg in the oven: 7 recipes with the most juicy and tasty -prepared filling

Pies with green onions and egg in the oven: 7 recipes with the most juicy and tasty -prepared filling

Recipes for cooking pies with onions and an egg in the oven.

After a long winter, which does not end for a long time, I want lightness, strength, as well as freshness. In this case, the diet can change significantly towards the use of vitaminized products. In this article we will tell you how to cook pies with egg and onions. 

Pies with green onions and egg in the oven: simple recipe

In the spring, our tables reallyfilling fresh herbs, which is rich in vitamins, as well as mineral components. Many housewives, rejoicing in spring greenery, try to include it in the menu to the maximum. Therefore, they often prepare pies and pies with arugula, sorrel, spinach, parsley, dill, as well as green onions. Young feathers of onions are very rich in vitamin C, the deficiency of which is observed after winter.

Therefore, pirokes with green onions and an egg in the oven, they will be a great option for a snack or supplement the main meals. The main problem of this dish is that the filling can be very dry. This is due to the fact that the eggs themselves are dry, and in fresh feathers of the onion, juice is not always contained in sufficient quantities. That is why they often resort to some tricks, and additional components are introduced into the filler. 


  • The main task is to make the pies with magnificent, fluffy, and the filling is juicy. In order to make the dough soft, while not drying out, try to add some kind of fat. It can be either animal or plant.
  • If you do not have butter, you can save, add an interior fat, or ghee. These fats are practically not felt in pastries, but give it splendor, as well as softness. You can take not dry yeast, but pressed. Of course, they are best kneaded in dough. Some of the activated yeast are added immediately to the flour, and only then a warm liquid flows.
  • Read the instructions on the package that depends on the type of yeast. If you like small filling, you can not chop eggs, but rub on a coarse grater. The optimal time for cooking eggs is 10 minutes. Try not to digest them, so the yolk turns blue, becomes more rigid.
  • In this case, the protein and yolk after baking become solid, spilled out of the pies. You can supplement the onions with the greenery of parsley and dill. They go together well. In addition, this will become a real cocktail of vitamins. If you do not have a yolk to lubricate the surface of the products, you can use sweet tea, or oil mixed with water. It also contributes to incriminating. Some housewives even use mayonnaise.
homemade baking
homemade baking

Here is the easiest recipe for cooking pies withgreen onions and an egg in the oven.

For the test, you will need the following ingredients: 

  • 0.5 kg of flour 
  • 700 ml of warm sour milk 
  • 20 g of dry yeast 
  • 25 g of sugar 
  • 50 ml of sunflower oil
  • Salt to taste 

For filling:

  • 300 g of onion 
  • 6 eggs 
  • Salt pepper 
  • 50 grams of mayonnaise with high fat content 

Pies recipe: 

  • For a batch of dough, it is necessary to initially prepare dough. In most cases, it is best to initially make the so -called dough, which becomes a real container for the propagation of yeast. 
  • Yeast and sugar are poured into warm milk. It is necessary to leave this mixture for 20-30 minutes. A dense foam will appear on top, which must be stirred. 
  • Next, salt is poured, sunflower oil is added, and the liquid is poured into the flour with a thin stream, with constant mixing. It is necessary to make an elastic lump. 
  • Next, the eggs are boiled, the onion is crumbled with rings, mayonnaise is added to the filler. If desired, you can salt and add pepper. 
  • The mayonnaise in this case is a moisturizing component that prevents dry filling. Next, you need to leave the dough for about an hour and a half. 
  • It is best if it is a warm place. You can cook according to another recipe and leave the dough for the whole night on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. 
  • After you extract the dough from the refrigerator, you can immediately resort to cooking. After that, circles are made, which are filled with minced meat and laid out on a greased sheet. 
  • It is necessary to let the products go up for about 40 or 60 minutes. The surface is lubricated with an egg and baked in a cabinet at a temperature of 200 degrees, for about 30-40 minutes. Such pies go well with soups, and will become an excellent addition to meat dishes. 

Puff pies with green onions and egg in the oven

Many housewives want to save time, so they seek to perform quick preparation of ingredients, but in order for finished products to be tasty. Semi -finished products will help this, or rather puff yeast orsurgery dough. We recommend using yeast. 

Ranger products: 

  • 4 eggs 
  • Large bunch of onions (approximately 300 g) 
  • Salt pepper 
  • 50 ml of fat sour cream 
  • 450-500 g of puff pastry 

Recipe for cooking pies with green onions and eggs: 

  • Boil the eggs, chop them finely, along with the ray. Mix, add salt, pepper, as well as sour cream, mix. 
  • Put on a table sprinkled with flour dough, and roll it out to about 0.5 cm thick 
  • Using a pizza knife, cut into squares 7 cm in size. In the center of each square, put about a tablespoon of minced meat, connect the corners with each other diagonally to make a triangle. 
  • Glue the seams, put on the sheet. It is not necessary to lubricate it with oil, since the puff pastry contains a large amount of fat, which follows during cooking. Accordingly, they do not stick to the sheet. 
  • Now you need to take a raw yolk, grease it with a silicone brush and apply it to the products. Leave them for proofing, for about 30 minutes. 
  • When the finished products are slightly “growing”, they can be placed in the furnace. The baking temperature should be at the level of 180 degrees. 
  • Bake to browning. This is about 20-30 minutes. Thanks to the use of the finished dough, it turns out very quickly to cook the dish. This is a great option if you expect guests, but there is nothing to the table. 
homemade baking
homemade baking

Green onions with eggs: filling for pies in the oven

Many people wonder how to make the filling more humid, not so dry. There is a certain secret that will make the minced meat really juicy and rich. 

Mounting Ingredients: 

  • 4 eggs 
  • Large bunch of onions weighing 300 g 
  • Salt pepper 
  • 60 ml of sunflower oil, preferably unrefined 

Recipe for cooking pies with green onions and eggs:

  • Chicken eggs are boiled until cooked and finely cut into cubes. 
  • Featers are crumbling with a sharp knife in small rings. It is necessary to heat up all the oil to a very hot state in a pan. It is necessary that it is beginningsmoke 
  • Pour the entire onion into the prepared oil and quickly mix with a wooden spatula. It is necessary that the vegetable is completely covered with hot oil, but does not change its color. 
  • Turn off the fire immediately and remove it from the stove. Now add the eggs, add pepper and prepared onions. Under the influence of hot oil, the onion gives all its juice and aroma to the filler. 
  • At the same time, its bitterness is eliminated, and there remains a piquant taste. Thanks to this technique, minced meat is wet and juicy. 
For filling
For filling

Pies with rice, egg and green onions in the oven

Some housewives in baking with onions and egg add rice. This helps to make the filler more wet, juicy. 

To knead the test, you will need the following components: 

  • 220 ml of kefir 
  • 15 g of dry yeast 
  • 50 ml of sunflower oil
  • 20 g of sugar 
  • Salt to taste 

For filling: 

  • 4 eggs 
  • 100 g of rice cereal 
  • Bunch of a ray 
  • 60 g butter 
  • Salt pepper 

Recipe for cooking pies with green onions and eggs: 

  • Prepare the dough. It is necessary to add yeast, sugar to the warm kefir, let stand until lush foam in the container. 
  • Next, salt is poured, ghee is administered, as well as flour. It is necessary that the dough is very soft and sticks to the hands. Shake it, leave it for about an hour and a half to rise. 
  • Next, mix the dough again to remove all the bubbles obtained during the propagation of the yeast. Divide the lump into two parts. Roll each of them into a layer of 5 mm thick. 
  • Using a glass, cut the mugs with a diameter of about 8 cm. For minced meat, you need to boil the rice in salted water until cooked, add oil, salt, pepper, introduce chopped eggs and onions. 
  • Put the filler in the center of each circle andpinch the edges. Put the products on a sheet lubricated with oil, apply the yolk on top with a silicone brush. Leave onwalkthrough For about 30-40 minutes. Bake at a temperature of 220 degrees until cooked. 
With rice
With rice

Pies with cottage cheese, green onions and an egg in the oven

Many housewives are used to cooking a sweet filling from cottage cheese. However, despite this, cottage cheese- this is Great product for salty pies. It goes well with hard cheese, herbs, as well as eggs. For baking, it is better to use the finished puff pastry, prinobreetite of a half -kilogram of the finished semi -finished product. 

For minced meat, you will need the following components: 

  • 300 g of soft cottage cheese, preferably sour and oily 
  • 300 g of onions 
  • 4 eggs 
  • 50 g butter 
  • Salt, pepper to taste 


  • It is necessary to grind cottage cheese with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If it turns out to be friable, you can add sour cream or melted butter. It is necessary that cottage cheese be pasty of consistency. 
  • Next, boil the hard eggs, chop them into small cubes and add chopped onions. Enter salt pepper. Defrost the finished dough, roll it into a layer with a thickness of 0.5 cm. 
  • Cut into mugs or squares. Put the filler, connect the edges together and lay on the sheet. It can not be lubricated with oil, it is enough to sprinkle with flour. 
  • Lubricate the tops of the pies with yolk and bake in the furnace at a temperature of 180-200 degrees, until the brown brown. 
In the process of cooking
In the process of cooking

Lazy pies with green onions and an egg in the oven

There is another unusual, interesting way to make baking with egg and onions. The main advantage is that you do not needprepare dough. 


  • 200 g lavash of thin Armenian 
  • 6 eggs 
  • Large bunch of onions weighing 300 g 
  • Salt pepper 
  • 50 ml of sour cream 
  • 30 ml of butter, ghee 

Recipe for lazy pies with green onions and an egg in the oven:

  • For preparation, it is necessary to use a sharp knife or rink for pizza, cut the lavash into squares, size 10 by 115 cm. Lubricate the center of each lavash with sour cream. 
  • Boil the eggs, chop them, mix with onions, add salt pepper. In the center of each lavash, put the minced meat and combine the edges. Lubricate the surface with butter, as well as the yolk of the egg. 
  • Such large envelopes are necessary in order to correctly wrap the pies. You need to immediately put the filling on one side on top of the other, and wrap in the form of a converter. 
  • Below, according to the scheme, you can see how to do it. Products are baked for 10-15 minutes in the oven, at a temperature of 200 degrees. Try not to dry the lavash so that the minced meat is juicy and the pies are tasty. 
  • This is one of the most lazy options that will make pies in just a few minutes. 
In Lavash
In Lavash

Fresh pies with green onions and an egg in the oven

One of the simplest options for making such a food is the use of fresh dough. The fact is that it is prepared without adding yeast, so there is no need to leave it to raise it. That is, the food can be cooked immediately, after the batch of the dough.

For filling:

  • 6 eggs
  • 200 g of onion
  • 50 g of sunflower oil
  • Salt pepper

For the test:

  • 400 g of flour
  • A glass of kefir
  • 1 egg
  • Baking powder
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • A little sugar
  • 20 ml of sunflower oil


  • For fresh pies with green onions and an egg in the oven, it is necessary to knead the dough. Combine all components until the elastic mass is obtained. As a baking powder, you can use food soda, you don’t need to extinguish it, due to the use of kefir. After that, roll out a lump into a layer with a thickness of about 4 mm.
  • Prepare the filling. Boil the eggs, chop the greens. In a hot pan, heat the oil and enter the onion. Smuck one minute under the lid and enter the eggs, salt and pepper.
  • Put the filling in the center of each mug of dough, pinch the edges and put it on the sheet. Lubricate with oil or egg. Bake at a temperature of 220 degrees 25 minutes. They are less magnificent than yeast, but quite tasty and fast. The main thing is not to overdo it with soda and baking powder, so as not to get an unpleasant taste.
Fresh baking
Fresh baking

This is one of the simple homemade baking options. Be sure to prepare such a dish for your loved ones.

Video: pies with onions and egg in the oven

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