Pies with cabbage: puff, flood, pancake. How to cook a cabbage pie?

Pies with cabbage: puff, flood, pancake. How to cook a cabbage pie?

How the pies with cabbage are prepared. Different types of dough for pies with cabbage.

The cabbage was grown on the Mediterranean coast even before our era. In Russia, cabbage appeared in the 9th century and quickly became the most important product for both rich and poor. Cabbage is a valuable product, in addition to vitamins such as C, vitamins from group B, cabbage contains rare vitamins U, K. Vitamin U improves the liver and spleen, and vitamin K normalizes blood coagulation.

How to cook a pie with cabbage and potatoes?

Cabbage pie and potatoes

Cabbage pie and potatoes

This is an old recipe. It was still prepared by our grandmothers. The hearty filling of the pie will not leave the hungry vegetarians.


  1. Dough. Pour into a bowl 400 g of flour, make a recess, pour it there diluted with a small amount of milk, 25 g of yeast with 1 tbsp. a spoon of sugar.
  2. Add here 1 egg, the rest of the milk (only 300 ml), a pinch of salt, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of melted butter.
  3. We knead the dough in an in -pairing way, cover it with a towel and place it in a warm place. Let us come 40 minutes.
  4. Pie filling. From 1 kg of peeled potatoes Cook mashed potatoes when it boils. We drain the water from cooked potatoes, we add it, adding it 1 raw eggand gradually pour 200 ml of hot milk.
  5. Separately cut half a small head of cabbage, chop one onion, one carrot Three on a fine grater.
  6. Fry the onion in vegetable oil, add carrots, and then cabbage and 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato paste. Stew cabbage until it is ready.
  7. Mix fried cabbage with mashed potatoes. The filling is ready.
  8. Pie collection. The rising dough is divided into 3 parts: 2 are the same, the third smaller - for decoration.
  9. We roll out 1 part of the dough, put it on a lubricated round shape so that the dough protrudes on the sides of the shape.
  10. On the dough, evenly lay out the filling, on it the other part of the rolled dough. Stiring the dough at the edges with your fingers.
  11. Decorate the top of the pie with various figures from a small part of the dough, attach them with yolk, lubricate the top of the pie with diluted water with yolk And we bake in the oven at medium heat for 40-45 minutes, until it is browned.

Recipe for Ossetian pie with cabbage, photo

Ossetian pie with cabbage and cheese

Ossetian pie with cabbage and cheese

Ossetian pies are tasty with different fillings and tried them, they really like them. There are many recipes of Ossetian pies, each Ossetian prepares a pie in its own way.


  1. Dough. We sift in a deep bowl 300 g of flour, make a recess in it and stir 25 g of fresh yeast, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and 150 ml of warm milk. Let the dough come, and when many bubbles form on it - add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil And knead a thick dough. We cover it with a towel and put it in a warm place to fit.
  2. We cook the filling. Finely cut cabbage (300-400 g) Stew under the lid with the addition of water (without oil).
  3. One onion Finely cut and fry until golden.
  4. Adyghe cheese (100-150 g) Three on a grater. Mix cabbage, onions and cheese.
  5. Pie collection. When the dough doubles (after 40-50 minutes), roll it into a thin layer.
  6. We lay out the filling in the middle of the layer and begin to collect the dough beyond the edges to the middle. It turned out a cake.
  7. Carefully straighten the cake with our hands to turn out to be thin. In the center of the cake, make a hole.
  8. We spread it on the sheet sprinkled with flour, put it in a hot oven (220 ° C) and bake for 10-15 minutes or is not yet browned.
  9. We take out a pie from the oven, melt butter (1 tbsp. Spoon)and lubricate them with a pie with a brush. The pie is ready.
Collect the dough for the edges in the middle

Preparation of pancake pie with cabbage

Pancake pie with cabbage

Pancake pie with cabbage

Preparing a pancake pie is a laborious process, but when you cook it, there will be a delicious treat.

Important: Dill for this pie is precisely dried, only with it the cabbage acquires a unique taste, with fresh dill, such a taste does not work.


  1. First let's prepare pancakes. Beat for the test 2 eggs with 2 teas. tablespoons of sugarAdd 2 cups of flourmix and gradually introduce so that there are no lumps, one glass of water and milk.
  2. In the end, pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil - So it will not be necessary to lubricate the pan, pancakes will not pester it. A liquid dough should turn out. Fry pancakes.
  3. We cook the filling. 1-1.2 kg of cabbage Cut into strips, saltWe fill up 2 glasses of milk And stew for 20-25 minutes, until soft.
  4. When the cabbage is ready, we add to it 130 g of butter, 3 boiled chopped eggs, a little dried dill, black pepper ground.
  5. Cooking the fill. Beat 3 eggs with 2 glasses of milk and 250 ml of sour cream, salt, pepper, sprinkle with dried dill.
  6. We collect a pie. Lubricate a round deep shape butter, lay out the pancake, then the filling, press a little with our hands. And so all the pancakes. The upper should be a pancake. Pour the pour evenly and put in the oven on medium heat for 25 minutes.
  7. When the pie has cooled, turn it on a dish. Serve cold.
Pancake pie with cabbage in the section

Important: The pie should be fried on top and increase in volume. To make it easier to get it out of the form, we push the edges with a knife.

Sauerkraut of sauerkraut, recipe with photo


Flooded cabbage pie

This is a very fast and tasty pie. Cooking easily and simple. The cake remains soft for a long time and does not dry out.


  1. The peculiarity of the pie is that at first we cook the filling. Sour cabbage (500 g) Squeeze from the brine and put it on preheated with vegetable oil frying pan, add 1 teaspoon of sugar And fry.
  2. In greased with vegetable oil Deep form lay out the filling.
  3. Test recipe. Beat 3 eggs, add 5 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt.
  4. Mix separately 1 teaspoon of baking powder with 6 tbsp. spons of flour.
  5. Add the flour mixture to the eggs with sour cream, mix well and pour cabbage in shape.
  6. Bake a pie on medium heat for 25-30 minutes. Cool the pie, and then remove it from the mold and cut into pieces.

Puff -free puff pastry dough with cabbage, recipe

Puff pie from nonsense dough with cabbage

Cakes with cabbage were the most famous in Russia. They were cooked since ancient times. But the most delicious is still a layer pie with cabbage.

Important: In order for the layered pie to turn out to be delicious, you need to roll the dough thinly, and put the filling with a thick layer.

Puff pie from nonsense dough with cabbage


  1. Dough. We take 4 glasses of flour, sift it, add it 300 g of frozen butter, chop with a knife and mix with flour.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, salt And gradually pour it 1 cup (250 ml) of ice water, interfering with a spoon or dough.
  3. We take the dough for half an hour in a cold place.
  4. We cook the filling. Half a small cabbage cabbage finely chop, fry in vegetable oil, salt And we continue to extinguish for 20 minutes.
  5. Add to cold cabbage 5 finely crushed boiled eggs, ground black pepper.
  6. Assembly of the pie. We roll the dough with a rectangle, put the filling in the middle, cut the edges of the dough without filling into strips, 4 cm wide.
  7. Strips located opposite weave a scythe on top of the filling.
  8. Put the pie on the leaf moistened with water, moisten with ice water, let it stand for 10 minutes and put in a preheated oven. Bake at 200 ° C 25 minutes, until the pie is browned.

Cake recipe with cabbage and chicken

Yeast dough pie with cabbage and chicken

Any national cuisine has its own branded pies, but there is no such diversity as it was in Russia for a long time: with berries and fruits, meat, fish, mushrooms, vegetables, open and closed. Prepare a closed pie with cabbage and chicken.

Yeast dough pie with cabbage and chicken


  1. The dough is yeast. Sift in a large bowl 1 kg of flour. Make a recess in it and stir in it in 1 glass of warm milk or water 30-40 g of fresh yeastby adding 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.
  2. We put the dough in a warm place for 10-15 minutes to fit. As soon as the rising darling begins to settle, she is ready.
  3. Add to a bowl to the disgrace 2 eggs, salt, 30 g of softened butter, one and a half glass of milk.
  4. We knead a thick dough and put it again in a warm place until it doubles. This can take 1 hour or more.
  5. We cook the filling. 400 g of cabbage We cut into small squares, lower it into boiling salted water, cook for 2-3 minutes and drain the water.
  6. 500 g of chicken fillet cut into small pieces and fry vegetable oil Until readiness. At the end of frying, add salt.
  7. One onion Finely cut and send to fry the pan with vegetable oil, In a few minutes add 1 average grated carrot on a fine grater.
  8. Cabbage, chicken and carrots with onions mix together, salt, pepper, add 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise, chopped dill. The filling is ready.
  9. We collect a pie. We divide the dough into 2 parts: larger and smaller.
  10. We roll most of the rectangular shape. We evenly distribute the filling from above, but not to the edges. They must be left without filling.
  11. We roll out the second part of the dough and put it on the filling. We pinch the edges, make the top with figures from the dough, in the middle we make a small hole, let the pies come for 10-15 minutes, lubricate the yolk diluted with water And put in the oven for 20-25 minutes at an average temperature, until it is browned.
  12. The pie is very tasty and hot and cold.

How to cook a pie with cabbage and rice?

Cabbage pie and rice

Cabbage pie and rice


  1. Cooking the dough. Sift 2 and a half glass of flour.
  2. Dissolve in the recess 25 g of fresh yeast, you can dry yeast (one and a half teaspoons), 1 teaspoon of sugar and half a glass of warm water.
  3. Add to the raised dough 1 egg and half a glass of waterAnd knead a thick dough. Let him rise in a warm place.
  4. Preparation of the filling. 300-400 g of cabbage Cut into strips and fry vegetable oil until golden, add salt pepper.
  5. 100 g of rice Rinse and boil in salted water.
  6. Mix cabbage and rice, sprinkle with salt, pepper and spices.
  7. Pie collection. We divide the dough into 2 parts: larger and smaller.
  8. We roll most of the round diameter. We distribute the dough on the sides, lay out the filling.
  9. Rolled with a smaller part of the dough, close the filling in the form of a lid.
  10. Bake 25 minutes with medium heat.

Unusual cottage cheese pie with cabbage, recipe

Cake with cabbage from cottage cheese dough

Cake with cabbage from cottage cheese dough

The curd dough is tender and goes well with cabbage. The pie is prepared quickly, tasty and hearty.


  1. Curd dough. Mix 2 eggs, salt and 400 g of cottage cheeseAdd 2 cups of flour, mixed with incomplete teaspoon of soda. We knead the soft dough.
  2. Preparation of the filling. 300-400 g of cabbage Cut into strips, luke is small.
  3. Fry in vegetable oil onions, add cabbage to it, salt, ground black pepper And stew until the cabbage is soft.
  4. Pie collection. We divide the dough into 2 identical parts and roll them out.
  5. We spread one on a lubricated sheet, on the dough - the filling and close the second part. We fasten the edges with each other lubricate the yolk diluted with water And bake at an average temperature of 25 minutes.

How to make a cake from cauliflower with cheese?



Core cabbage pie is not only tasty, but also healthy, and besides, it is prepared quickly.


  1. We cook the filling. Head of cauliflower My, divide into small inflorescences.
  2. Heat the water to a boil, add to it 1 teaspoon of sugarSo that the cabbage does not darken, we lower the cabbage and cook for 10 minutes. We drain the water, and cool the cabbage.
  3. Lubricate the round shape with oil, put the cabbage in one layer in it.
  4. Cooking the dough. Mix 3 eggs, 200 g of sour cream, chop 3 cloves of garlic, spices to taste (coriander, paprika, turmeric). Add 3-5 tbsp. tablespoons of flour And beat. You will get a liquid dough.
  5. Bake a pie. The test that we got is pouring cabbage. It will be more beautiful if the cabbage is not poured, but to peep a little.
  6. Three on a grater 100 g of solid cheese And sprinkle the pie on top.
  7. We bake in the oven over medium heat for about an hour. We take out from the oven and cool, and then you can serve on the table.

The best recipes for pies with cabbage: tips and reviews

There is a few secrets of preparation of puff pastry:

  • Water for puff pastry should be taken not cold, but ice.
  • You need to knead the dough quickly, and crush your hands as little as possible.
  • Before rolling out the dough, cool for 30 minutes.

What you need to know to cook delicious yeast dough pies?

  • Milk, water to knead the dough take warm, not hot, and the rest of the products required in the dough are stored for several hours at room temperature.
  • After kneading, the dough is covered with a towel and put to fit in a warm place, but not hot.
  • The dough on yeast does not like drafts.
  • In order for the cake after baking is lush, it is left in the form to fit 15-20 minutes, and then put in a hot oven.

Tips for preparing tasty cabbage filling:

Council 1. So that the pie after baking is soft and air, after we get it from the oven, cover it with a towel.

Tip 2. Most often, it is recommended in the recipes to bake pies at a temperature of 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes, but each oven works differently and the hostess should adapt to her oven, and the bake for as long until the pie is baked.

Tip 3. To make the pies successful, during baking at the beginning (15 minutes), the oven should not be opened.

Tip 4. The just baked pie can not be removed immediately from the form, you need to let it cool a little, but not too long, otherwise it will become wet and brings the smell of iron.

Tip 5. If the cake sticks to the form, then the shape with the pie should be held over hot water, and if this does not help, then the form needs to be wrapped in a wet towel.

Tip 6. To make the cottage cheese dough for the pie, the cottage cheese should be wiped through the sieve before mixing the dough.

Tip 7. In order for the cabbage filling to be soft, the cabbage before frying must be packed with boiling water.


Many housewives like the stove of the pouring cake.

Matryona. The dough of the pouring cake is universal. I often use it if unexpected guests have come. The pie is baking very quickly. I tried different fillings: canned fish, minced meat, mushrooms, sweet fillings, but I make the pie a little differently: I pour most of the dough into the shape, then the filling, and the rest of the dough on top.

Dina. I often cook a bulk pie in the summer. For the filling I take raw vegetables: zucchini, cabbage, carrots. I cut them and put them in a hot oven. While mixing the dough, the vegetables are slightly drowned. I pour the dough into vegetables and bake pie.

conclusions. From cabbage you can cook a lot of different dishes, only pies of only above 9 pieces. The cabbage is good in that it is available all year round, and there are more vitamins in it than in greenhouse vegetables.

Video: Cake recipe with cabbage. Fast pie with cabbage. Very tasty

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