Songs-transfers for teachers for a teacher at school-a selection for a memorable holiday

Songs-transfers for teachers for a teacher at school-a selection for a memorable holiday

Want to surprise teachers with an unforgettable holiday? Then sing them for the day of the teacher Funny Songs and Continuations. In our article you will find many interesting compositions, as well as melodies for them.

Modern Songs-Transfers Teachers for the Teacher's Day at school: words, melody

Teacher's Day
Modern Songs-Transfers Teachers for Teacher's Day at School

Modern Songs-Transfers Teachers for Teacher's Day at School Words, melody:

Melody for the song degrees - song to the teacher

Song-transmission about the class teacher to the melody of gr. I like the degrees "

I like it when you walk in the classroom,
We put our order,
I like when parents call -
It doesn’t matter, day or night - we like it!
I like it when we prepare performances with you,
After all, they are no doubt, we really need them!
I like that every time collecting diaries,
I put up all the grades. But to us ...

Chorus: Spit if we get sick,
But we will still be able to please
And we do not need anyone, damn it,
If only you walked strict nearby,
We have never been bored with you!
We will even open the planet in your honor,
In the meantime, she will dream of you
We will prepare a huge pizza for you.

I like to meet at the breaks with you,
And you don't try to change
I like that we can maximize, five minutes to swear,
And only two - offend
I like it when you scold the form,
And you grumble for absenteeism, we like it.
I like to visit the head teacher with you,
Hoping for a moment of good luck. But to us ...
Repeat of the chorus

Merry melody for composition

The converted song on the day of the teacher "My bunny", Philip Kirkorov
My school is your desk.
My handle is your card.
My notebook is my pen.
My mistake - I am a squiggle.
My pointer is a lesson.
My change is a call.
You are a stalk - I'm your pestle
We are with you forever
My school!

I sleep badly at night because I love you.
Because, I love you for a long time.
I sleep badly at night because I love you.
Because I love you for a long time.

You are geography - and I am a letter.
You are a biography - and I am a doll.
You are a pencil - I'm an elastic band
You are a portfolio - I am Sorinka.
You are my cross - I am your zero.
You are my boa constrictor - I am your rabbit!
You will run - and I am near.
You will steal - and I will sit down.
My school!

Ohh oh oh-oh, oh oh oh-oh,
Ohh oh oh-oh, oh oh oh-oh,

We will love you passionately
Let them say that it is dangerous
And for you we will turn the mountains.
We are the third “A”, not Kirkorov.
My school!

Melody to the composition

Song-drive on the day of the teacher "Spring", Potap and Nastya Kamensky

I will jump down the street like crazy
And everyone who I will meet shakes their heads.
In vain they stare at me, because they do not understand,
That today is such a day - the last day of the school week!

They came, they came, weekend, to us!
Goodbye, spring, and we are not up to sleep.
And so I'm crazy
Goodbye, teacher, goodbye!

Fun weekends came
And the roof was demolished with you.
We can swim, sunbathe,
La la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la.

Melody to the composition

"Hello kids!" - On the motive of Zemfira's song "Hello, chamomiles"

Hello kids,
Natasha, bears,
Open books,
And you, boy,
To the board - such a chip,
Well, what, kids?

Chorus: Listen, a girl with a player,
I will look at you in the evening.
Let's teach lessons,
Forget the dancing so far!
I will not save you
And draw in the magazine Troyaki,
The least is needed
Your "sneakers" and "Mars".

Hi guys,
Close your eyes
We will play hide and seek
And below the fifth -
To the board and without concessions,
Let us tell us!

Chorus: And I'm aunt with a pointer,
I’ll look strict eyes
Let's teach lessons,
Forget the dancing so far!
I will not save you
And draw in the magazine Troyaki,
The least is needed
Your "sneakers" and "Mars".

Congratulations of teachers-Songs-transfers for the teacher's day at school: Words, melody

Congratulations of teachers - songs of alterations for the teacher at school
Congratulations of teachers-Songs-transfers for the day of the teacher at school

Congratulations of teachers-Songs-transfers for the day of the teacher at school Words, melody:

Lyrics of the Song-Transfer for the Teacher's Day-"Bange sponges"

Melody to the composition

1 verse: Oh, who is so smiling from the hall?
And to whom is our song dedicated to?
For whom was the whole room decorated here today?
Eleventh graders are surprised in the morning.

Chorus: Prepare questions different,
Today the school is celebrating the school day!
And dance and sing more fun
We congratulate our teachers!

2 verse: We learn from them we are all interesting,
After all, everything is unknown around.
If you want to know a lot, then you have to get up early,
And soon to run to our school.

Chorus: Prepare questions different,
Our teachers are just beautiful here.
And on our 10 thousand "Why?"
Be sure to answer what's what.

3 verse: Even in childhood, understanding comes to us,
How nice and expensive attention.
For patience and strength, we say “thank you” again
Today we are our teachers.

Chorus: Congratulations on your holiday,
You are the best and most cool here
Even if you get angry and then
Anyway, you are always the best for us!

Melody to the composition

Song-drive "We wish you happiness, teacher!" On the melody of the song "We wish you happiness!"

At a school where the people runs,
A round dance is spinning in my head
And the teacher will enter the class
To start a lesson.
Children sometimes obey us,
But they run home with a crowd,
Because I pierced the hour
The lesson ended.

We wish you happiness,
Happiness in this world is big!
Like the sun in the morning
Let it go into the house.
We wish you happiness,
And it must be like that;
When you are happy yourself
Share happiness with another!

“Oh, how gloriously we sat here today!
And they drank tea, and the songs trampled.
Indeed, how much trouble we have;
Notebooks, tasks, checks. Worries - full of mouth.
But we are all proud of the school profession,
We will still come in handy to teach the children!
We will teach you how to read them, write, draw.
Find out your purpose in this life!

Melody to the composition

Song-transfers for the teacher's day at school-"Song of Teachers" on the motive of the song "What is taught at school"

Read the letters to read,
Numbers, sticks write,
Draw, sculpt and build without help.
Day after day, in the heat, blizzard
They teach our kids
Their second mothers are our teachers.

How to draw a square
Sinus, Tangens count,
The equation solve us with the variable?
That the Pythagorian pants
In all directions are equal -
The mathematician will show you certainly.

About Gerasim with Mumu,
And about the world, and about the war
Writers will tell without hesitation.
And Oblomovsky sofa,
And Natashin's first ball
Suddenly they will arise before you, as in the picture.

Where is the Passat, and where is Musson,
Where is the ram, and where is the bison,
Where do they go on foot, where do they swim on a boat?
Our geographer is a local historian
White light will show you
Along the map from Paris to the find.

Where and how the coconut grows,
How to catch a fox by the tail,
How to make red from a blue solution
And how to grow big
Without nitrates crop -
This is a chemist, a biologist is subject.

It was easily opened by Newton
Attraction the law,
The theoretical physicist told us.
But sit under an apple tree
It is also necessary to be able to
Otherwise, you will forget everything in the world.

Distinguish the rise and decline,
Feudal lords from soldiers,
Recognize who again marks the presidency,
Wars of the reasons to disclose
And in politics, sees-
The historian will explain important points.

Climb over the fence,
The bully is repulsed
OBZh and physical education will help you.
A teacher-Trudovik
You will teach you how to craft
So that the thing is like a thing, not a hack.

Uan, Tu, Free, Hellow, Hood Bai,
Sang the songs loudly.
Love Serova, Shishkina, Van Goga
And then your soul
Will be marvelous
Our teachers say this.

Melody to the composition

Song-drive for the teacher's day-“Miracle School”, on the motive of the song “Chung-Chang”

How we are together, we live cheerfully,
Learn notes, sing songs.
Our school is our dear home,
And without school we will not live.

Our school is a miracle
In it, all people are so fun,
It is so great in it to all people
Let it be so?
(The chorus is repeated twice.)

Every student knows for sure
That without school the world is dimming instantly.
Loves school our children.
School, school - the best time.

Repeat of the chorus

Let the teacher are very strict with us,
I will try to learn a lesson.
I will not be silent at the board,
Let him give me an estimate of "five"!

Melody to the composition

"Simple Waltz" on the day of the teacher

Autumn bouquet in the school yard
The sky and walls are painted,
And the school desk will be guided by me,
Fifteen minutes of change ...
A lesson will begin by the road to school,
Sets off goals and plans,
And this October, familiar call -

He will remind of the past and the main ...
So every fall autumn whim
He calls us in classes, invites us.
Maple carved and notebook sheet
The autumn primer opens ...

I'll come to the teacher's holiday again
And meeting friends on the threshold,
Autumn bouquet stand in the wind
My family teachers ...

Here in an old school, a class was old -
Already matured children
And this simple waltz will be remembered
With the teacher is the first forever ...

Autumn bouquet in the school yard
The sky and walls are painted.
And the school desk will be guided by me,
Fifteen minutes of change ...

Songs-shifts for the teacher's day at school-a selection for high school students: words, melody

Reviews of a teacher at school - a selection for high school students
Songs-transfers for the teacher's day at school-a selection for high school students

Songs-transfers for the teacher's day at school-a selection for high school students with words, melodies:

Melody to the composition

Song-drive for the teacher’s day-“what is a school”, on the motive of the song of the DDT group “What is autumn”.

What is autumn is a holiday
Feast of all teachers and schools.
We all smile, we are all embarrassed a little
And we go to the teachers with a bow.
The sun smiles, all of you smile
Happy Happy Teacher of the whole school!

What is a school - these are children,
Children and the teacher are next to it.

He will always help questions to answer everything,
He will always support a good look.

School, ours, the best you are.
School, ours, the world of kindness.
Happiness to receive knowledge here,
In sport to win everyone.

School, ours, the best you are.
School, ours, the world of kindness.
Happiness to receive knowledge here,
In sport to win everyone.

Melody to the composition

Song-drive for the teacher's day for the motive of the song "Atas" of the Lyube group "

The world is now anxious and a snake,
So many wars, and tragedies and dramas.
Avoid all kinds of mistakes
History helps us.
Only you need to study with the ancestors,
The difficult experience of history is to honor.
Cataclysms did not rarely happen,
We cannot forget about it.

We go to the lesson.
We have a story, we are all together in our collection.
An interesting story awaits us,
At least about Iraq, at least about the Caucasus,

We read the textbook by the lesson,
In my head, clouded from dates.
We know everything about the Time of Troubles,
About merchants, about nobles and the Senate.
Than the cadets from the Communists
They differed essentially programs.
From so many facts
You can even go crazy for us.

And there will be a test again with us.
The boys will answer
The girls will answer.
Not once!
You helped at a difficult hour.
The teacher helped us out
The whole class.

The teacher will tell us about the facts,
And from life, an example will lead.
Everything is so clear, it will show
And while we write everything, we are waiting.
He understands us all half.
And, as we enter everything into the office,
We know: love awaits us here
And to our questions - the answer.

We say that we love you.
You are loved by boys
Girls love you.
The whole class!
We are glad that I taught us
Larisa Alexandrovna.
A bow from us.

Melody to the composition

Song-shift for a teacher's day on the motive of the song by Philip Kirkorov “Sweeter”-for the director of the school

We have a wonderful director,
And restrained and wise.
Kohl deserved - praise
If it is necessary - it will scold.
Cute and energetic,
Like Beatrice Dante,
And, despite the fragility,
Easily leads.

Sweet, sweet, dear,
Our gentle angel of the earth.
Goodbye to you today
Our friendly graduation class,
Our Larisa Ivanovna.
We know: you love us,
You are grateful for everything, for everything
Sincerely each of us.

Sometimes you are strict
Many were called to order:
And too passive,
And very clockwork.
They taught them to work
And wisely instructed.
More in life
Meet people of them.

Sweet, sweet, dear,
Our gentle angel of the earth,
It's a pity we say goodbye to the school
With you your beloved,
Our Larisa Ivanovna!
We know: you love us,
And never forget you
Exactly each of us.

Songs-transfers hits from parents for a teacher-a selection for the day of the teacher: words, melody

Redistering Songs of Hathers from Parents for the Teacher - A selection for the day of the teacher
Songs-transfers hits from parents for a teacher-a selection for the day of the teacher

Songs-transfers hits from parents for a teacher-a selection for a teacher's day, words, melody:

Melody to the composition

Song-shift for the teacher's day on the motive "Wait, steam locomotive ..."

Wait, teacher, do not grab the magazine.
Teacher, click on the brakes.
Today is your holiday and you relax,
Light your eyes with fun.

With labor, you earned it invaluable,
So go, dance, and walk!
Forget all the problems, leave all the worries,
During the day, raise your glass!

It doesn’t matter what splashes deep in the glass,
And it is important that you raise it.
Great, since there are friends nearby nearby,
Which you would respect.

And it is important what is behind your shoulders,
And what do you have in your soul.
You attach your life with good deeds,
No wonder you live on earth.

Walk and don't think about tomorrow's everyday life
About two, cleaning, about other things.
With difficulty your honest, you will be Judgment Day
Beautiful and rich by the way!

Comrade Teacher, proud of your title!
It’s great that you are not a gentleman.
You are at the origins of your education,
With your mind, and the spirit is giant!

Let life give you health and happiness,
Let God give you health.
Success and luck will show participation.
Hold on and dare, teacher!

Melody to the composition

Dedication to Russian teachers-solemnly optimistic song, on the melody "Ah, Odessa!"

There is such a lighthouse in Russia,
He always shines to everyone
It is called the School that lighthouse,
Come here!
Funny place
Here is the time quick
Here is the battle for Russia, gentlemen!

Chorus: Ah, teacher - hope and support!
Ah, teacher, a school is proud of you!
Ah, teacher, you believe the exploits,
We praise you with all my heart!
Ah, teacher - the pearl of Russia!
Ah, teacher, where do you find the strength?
Ah, teacher, shine with talents!
Live, teacher, and prosper!

There is such a people in the world
In labor, he lives all his life,
And despite the difficulties,
He sings songs,
You will ask anyone
The teacher will answer you:
"So mother gave birth to us!"

Chorus: Ah, teacher - hope and support!
Ah, teacher, a school is proud of you!
Ah, teacher, you believe the exploits,
We praise you with all my heart!
Ah, teacher - the pearl of Russia!
Ah, teacher, where do you find the strength?
Ah, teacher, shine with talents!
Live, teacher, and prosper!

Teacher's ordinary people
Does not smoke or drink,
But still the ends are part
Something will not reduce
I would like a salary
We are like deputies
But this is an unreal dream!
But still!

Chorus: Ah, teacher - hope and support!
Ah, teacher, a school is proud of you!
Ah, teacher, you believe the exploits,
We praise you with all my heart!
Ah, teacher - the pearl of Russia!
Ah, teacher, where do you find the strength?
Ah, teacher, shine with talents!
Live, teacher, and prosper!

Melody to the composition

Song-shift for the teacher's day on the motive of the work "There are central streets"

There is no order in school today,
And lives in it hard,
Collect your manat
And run away from school!
They are not paying here too much,
And the authorities are looking strictly -
Better a long road,
Than such a "cheerful paradise"!

Yes, the kids are noisy today,
Drunty and violent.
Sometimes too smart
And somewhere not quite!
And the poor teachers,
Hungry, stripped
They cannot cope with them -
Tired of problems!

They say that teachers -
Belarusians, inconsistencies,
That their knowledge is wretched,
Lai heard in the lessons!
Only I know many,
Very smart, very strict -
Near school on the threshold
Standed - and "buzz"!

Yes, the kids are noisy today,
Loud and violent.
In some places too smart
And somewhere not quite!
And the poor teachers,
Hungry, stripped
They cannot cope with them -
Tired of problems!

They say that before children
Respected everyone in the world
And as soon as the teacher enters -
Chorus "hello" say!
And now another thing
And the teacher in the class is timid
Included by a timid gait,
The guilty is hiding your gaze!

Yes, the kids are noisy today,
Nonsense, violent.
And in disputes too smart
And somewhere not quite!
And the poor teachers,
Hungry, stripped
They cannot cope with them -
Tired of problems.

Songs-transfers to the teacher of mathematics on the teacher's day at school: words, melody

Songs of remakes for a teacher of mathematics for a teacher at school
Songs-transfers to the teacher of mathematics on the school day at school

Songs-transfers to the teacher of mathematics on the teacher's day at school, words, melody:

Melody to the composition

Song-transmission to the teacher of geometry nand the motive of the song "Wind from the sea" Natalie

Geometry, geometry
We have been studying for many years, we have been studying for many years,
In our heads, in our heads
There is only nonsense, there is only nonsense.

It is evident not fate, it is not a fate can be seen
We live calmly, we live peacefully.
We will be to the end, we will be to the end
We teach her, we teach her.

Axioms are all, all axioms
We know on a tooth, we know on a tooth,
Did not disappear in vain, did not disappear in vain
Not a single lesson, not a single lesson.

It is evident not fate, it is not a fate can be seen
We live calmly, we live peacefully.
We will be to the end, we will be to the end
We will teach everything, we will teach everything.

Hundreds of theorems, hundreds of theorems
We proved, we proved,
But we do not know that, but we do not know that
They gave us, they gave us.

It can be seen to us fate, you can see fate to us
To forge your life, to forge your life
In life, the main theorem we
We can prove, we can prove!

Melody to the composition

Alteration of the song for the teacher's day - “Forest Sun” by Yu. Vizbor

Alas, we are destined with the mathematics of the battle.
It seems that the head is made of amber pine.
You fanned skillfully in it, you are the coals of the fire,
So everything ended, it's time to part.

Apparently among us
There are few geniuses.
Us for the last time
Do not judge strictly.

Maybe the equations are not very important to us,
And our heads are indeed from amber pine
But it was not for nothing that you have gathered sparks of fire in them.
Without mathematics, we can’t live a day.

Apparently among us
There are few geniuses.
Us for the last time
Do not judge strictly.

Melody to the composition

Song-drive to the teacher to the melody of the song "Sables Full Kefali ..." Mark Bernes
Let someone sweet English,
Chemistry is important to someone,
Without mathematics, on the other hand, we are all
Well, neither there and here.
We are equations, like poems,
And the integral supports the spirit.
We are logarithms, like songs,
And the formulas caress the hearing.

Calculated areas, volumes,
But the exams have already been passed,
And all theorems, axioms
We completely forgot now.

Let someone physical education
To someone, physics is important.
Without mathematics, on the other hand, we are all
And neither there nor here.
All equations, axioms
And the integral will support the spirit.
We are logarithms and volumes,
And the formulas caress the hearing.

Repeat of the chorus

Melody to the composition

The song-transmission per day of the teacher is “Mathematics Teacher”, on the motive “There is only a moment”

Fractions, the tasks were not so solved,
The cube and square were not extracted.
How do we pass the algebra state exam?
Only two, differently in any way. (2 times)

Let the theorems not learn on time.
Tangens, Katangenes was fog for us.
God will reward you for your patience,
And we will punish us for laziness and deception. (2 times)

Everything in this world is raging.
Only your subject brings us trembling.
It will come in handy, of course, to us in the future.
Only then you will evaluate everything, you will understand. (2 times)

Melody to the composition

Song-shift for the teacher's day for the motive of the song "Belle"
The light illuminated my sick soul,
I will not violate my lesson.
No midnight nonsense torments my heart again
But we know mathematics only for five!
I'm tired of solving the equations
Learn all formulas, build graphs, count.
No, the laws of numbers cannot be understood today.
I will never understand in Algebra.
Do not find peace, God help.
Get home soon!

Paradise, I will find my paradise after the lesson.
Give me hope without your reproaches.
Know that I will take all power over mathematics.
I am the equation to simplify only sweetness.
This science is like a demon.
We need friends for life.
It is a pity that we prevent you from conducting lessons.
Laws are difficult without you to comprehend.
After the control, I can’t find peace.
Oh, God, help, get home soon.

Melody to the composition

Song-transmission to the teacher of algebra for a school day at schoolon the motive "I love you life"
We love your subject
Which in itself is a lot.
We love your subject
Although now it has become more difficult with him.
Here the windows lit up
We walk from school tiredly.
We love your subject
But we want us to feel better.
We have been given a lot:
The teacher is golden.
We have known us for a long time
Integral, logarithm and curve.
In the ringing of each day
How glad we are to study with you.
We will sing to you:
It was not always easy for you with us
Oh, how years they fly,
We are sad, leaving a class class,
But we will remember you
How you loved us, teaching us.
So rejoice and believe
In the trumpet sounds of the spring anthem.
We love you very much
And we know that this is mutual.

Songs-transfers to the teacher of history on the school day at school: words, melody

Songs of redistribution to the teacher of history on the school day at school
Songs-transfers to the teacher of history on the school day at school

Songs of redistribution to the teacher of history on the teacher's day at school - words, melody:

Melody to the composition

Lyrics for the teacher of history on the melody of the song "Help me!" From K-F Diamond hand.

We all taught history here,
In a small building.
Learned a lot of interesting things
What hid the centuries.
You are on the history of the Fatherland
They gave us knowledge
And interest in those events
We woke up a volcano.

ChorusTell us, tell me
What is the history of ancestors important.
Help, help
Understand what happened then.
You prepared us for the exam
School everyday life
And smiled so mysteriously,
About the exam.

And the story seemed to us to everyone
Fabulous, wise.
Although we always confused in the dates,
But they taught for nothing!

Chorus. And let us say goodbye today
With a small school,
And you will be in it to history
Awaken interest,
We will never forget you
In everyday chores,
Will you be proud of us?

The words of scientific whispered you
About the city of Kamenny,
And books with terrible questions
We were led through the fog.
I did not know how to love history
Fire, fiery.
In my soul, you are inadvertently
We woke up a volcano.

ChorusShow, tell me
What happened a century before us.
Show, tell me
What is happening now.

Melody to the composition

Song-drive to the teacher of history on the motive of the song "Sasha + Masha", group Roots
The sun rises outside the corner
Again, the story is with us.
Complete sadness and suffering,
We will tell the story.
We gathered in the office
The topic is difficult with us
And put everything in places,
Only the teacher is a story

Chorus: His name is Caesar, he is very great.
He loved Cleopatra and only her.
There was Aristotle, Plato, Empidox.
Do you really remember them
Here is the damn e-mine.

His name is Lenin, he is very great.
He loved hope and only her.
There was Stalin, Khrushchev and Andropov there.
Do you really remember them
Here is the damn e-mine.

Days come and go
Learning dates at night.
We come to take the offset in the afternoon,
And we will tell you about everything.
How the reforms passed
How Christianity came to us,
The ancient Greeks how they lived
The long -standing time has gone.

Chorus: We taught wars, taught cultures.
Well, in general, history, only her.
But time comes to us to leave,
A little sad for us.
Here is the damn e-mine.

They taught reforms, taught victories.
Of course, society, only him.
But time comes to us to leave,
A little sad for us.
Here is the damn e-mine.

Songs-transfers to the teacher of physical education for the teacher's day at school: words, melody

Songs of alteration to the teacher of physical education on the school day at school
Physical education teachers for a teacher at school

Songs of alteration to the teacher of physical education for the teacher at school - words, melody:

Melody to the composition

Song-drive for a physical education teacher for the motive of the song "Victory Day"

This finish,
How he was far from us,
We are running already
In a row the second lesson.
Where is the finish?
Somewhere there is a feature in dust.
We crawled to her,
As they could.

Chorus: This is physical education:
Games, running, jumping.
Physical training,
Help become healthy.
Physical training
Teaches to live and not to bother.
Physical education, physical education, physical education!

This bar
To clearly see
We need our hand
Get up to the sky.
But with hope,
As for the sky, we are a little bit,
We are trying

Melody to the composition

Song-shift for the teacher's day on the motive "You do not need to frown, Lada!"
Props - hockey form and club

Cutting the ice skates,
Having exchanged bruises,
He went through the opponents.
Physical education helps
I can twist the figures on the ice
To score a winning goal.

I will keep up with a pry
You need to try very hard
To win, do not give up,

And my physical training
Supplemented by dexterity -
And on the ice I'm the most dexterous!
Yes Yes!

Melody to the composition

Song-drive to the teacher to the Moskovsky Bit motive Bravo

On Monday at 8 in the morning,
We have to meet with you,
Again, a physical education lesson is waiting for us!
Remember as a nightmare
We will be our stadium
On which they ran a whole year.
You are in physical education
So drove us!
As a model of steel
Girls with us!
Jump through the goat,
We will squeeze 100 times,
Physical education is needed (important)!
We love you!

Songs-transfers to the teacher of chemistry on the day of the teacher at school: words, melody

Songs-transfers to the teacher of chemistry on the school day at school
Songs-transfers to the teacher of chemistry on the school day at school

Songs-transfers to the teacher of chemistry on the school day at school-words, melody:

Melody to the composition

Song-drive to the teacher to the melody of the song by V. Dobrynin-"Not a rash for me salt for the wound"

No matter what a lesson is flasks and tripods,
And chemistry was sometimes given tight.
But we all shone in the future
Fall in love with this complex science.

Take proteins, fats and carbohydrates,
Add salt white crystals,
Two atoms we get hydrogen
And an atom of noble metal.

Do not rash magnesium into the water, take care of the class,
After all, your two about plus magnesium is equal to explosive gas.
The goal is three plus about four, and you will get an explosion again,
And chemistry plus children is equal to love!

Melody to the composition

Song-drive to the teacher of chemistry for the motive of the song "Call me, call"

To teach chemistry,
Turned off the series
Took place at school days
You taught us tired
Then we come from the physical
Then again we are in a hurry somewhere,
Time melts irrevocably,
Time melts irrevocably,
It was difficult to teach us
It was difficult to teach us

We are grateful to fate
That she brought us in the classroom
And the table on the board,
And assessment of red paste
You gave knowledge to us
And now we are grateful
Everything seems funny to us
Everything seems funny to us
Graduation is still going on
We cannot forget you

Mendeleev could himself
Thank you for us
You did miracles
With the help of their test tubes
You taught us loving.
How patience was enough for you
We became much cooler
We became much better
Acid did not take us
You taught us loving.

Melody to the composition

Reduced song to a chemistry teacherto the motive "My World" K. Orbakaite

Chemistry is such an object
Brothers are not simple at all
We thought we were all trifling
Ah, who is Mendeleev?

You showed miracles
You taught you to be surprised
And we did not blow up anything
But only mix

You showed miracles
You taught you to be surprised
And we did not blow up anything
And mix reagents (try)
See multi -colored rain,
Metals burn like matches,
And you will easily fall into the sediment

Songs-transfers to the teacher of biology on the teacher's day at school: words, melody

Songs of alteration to the teacher of biology for the teacher at school
Songs-transfers to the teacher of biology on the school day at school

Songs-transfers to the teacher of biology on the teacher's day at school-words, melody:

Melody to the composition

Song-drive to the teacher biologists on the motive-"Biology", "Viagra"

Populations, species, chromosomes
In our lives they are very significant
The world of animals, plants is full of secrets, adventure
And the nature of man is the secret of the century!
In the lessons, we looked into the microscope
And the structure of the cell considered
Where are the stamens, where is the pestle
We promise to not forget even two hundred years,
True, if ... we will live!

Biology, zoology, anatomy and botany
Studied everything to the end!
Y, biology, zoology, anatomy and botany
You can’t live without this knowledge!

Melody to the composition

Song-transmission to the biology teacher, "Biology" VIA Gra

We have been taught from the fifth grade
And they instilled a lot of knowledge of different ones,
That's time to part, but I want to admit to you:
God, how difficult it will be to say goodbye!

I honestly read all the paragraphs -
That not the topic is more and more interesting!
I will not forget honestly, even two hundred years later.
I will not lose this knowledge for sure.
I will not forget for sure. I will not forget for sure.
I will remember exactly, for sure
For life.

Y, zoology, y, and botany
Y, biology, anatomy,
I taught her to the end.
Y, and bacteria, y, and plants,
U, and animals? I know for sure that
Homo sapiens is me.

If Charles Linena came to visit us,
That with joy he would wave a cane.
About plants, disputes
We taught stubbornly -
God, how interesting it is for me!

And when we studied the genes,
They did not want to change.
And without any flattery there, I admit you honestly
I will not lose this knowledge for sure.
I will not forget for sure. I will not forget for sure.
I will remember exactly, exactly, for sure forever.

Repeat of the chorus

Melody to the composition

Song-drive to a biology teacher for the motive "Dune-communal apartment"

About stamens and about pestle,
Different types of seeds,
About dicotyledonous plants
And why do you need grass,
About the elephant and the hippo,
About the penguin and owl:
Who sleeps and how it flies,
And in which the forest lives?

This is a botany with zoology.
Explain the botanist-zoology subject!
How many vertebrae is in the skeleton,
What is DNA?
Why in humans
There are no wings and tail?

Chromosomes, white blood cells,
A couple of eyes and ear two:
How, after all, a girl
Distinguish from the kid?
This is anatomy, anatomy will tell.
This is anatomy. She will explain everything to us!

Songs-transfers to the teacher of physics on the teacher's day at school: words, melody

Physics teacher for a teacher at school
Physics teacher for a teacher at school

Songs-transfers to the teacher of physics on the teacher's day at school-words, melody:

Melody to the composition

Lyrics of the song-drive to the teacher about physics nand the melody "Three White Horse" from the K-F Sorcerer.

We have known the laws of physics since childhood
Newton has three of them
One of them is the law of counteraction
The second inertia and strength of the third
You are more carefully reviewed

And they take you and bring me
By counteracting strength
And you have to change something in inertia
But no one asked

Try to survive among the laws
There is nowhere to fall an apple
And imagine how hard it is Newton
You will count the tons at the desk
And he would not be abandoned from the discoveries

And they take you and bring me
By counteracting strength
And you have to change something in inertia
But no one asked

I'm not scared behind your back
Measure alternating current
If I know what you are with me
I will learn all laws by a new
You understand in science like no one

And they take you and bring me
By counteracting strength
And you have to change something in inertia
But no one asked

And they take you and bring me
By counteracting strength
And you have to change something in inertia
But no one asked

Melody to the composition

Song-drive to the teacher of physics to the melody of the song "Actress",Valeriy Meladze
She was a physical
And even behind the table
She taught us to assemble the electrical center.
But not always, guys,
We listened carefully
And often we blushed at the board
But we believe that knowledge
We need it so much in life.

We promise to remember.
We ask you to forgive us our pranks.
But we still do not say goodbye,
And the day will come - we will collapse!
And the day will come - we will collapse!
The last call to the physics lesson

Melody to the composition

Song-shift to the teacher to the melody of the song "Vernissage"

When we came for the first time
On physics to tenth grade,
You met us with a smile.
And Archimedes became closer to us,
Einstein is now a darling grandfather.
And you have become a friend of the best to us.

You, like satellites of the Earth,
We were taken to orbit.
And our flight means something.
The last call will nickness
And everyone will become famous.
Let it be so - and not otherwise!

Our teacher, our teacher,
We will take everything in the baggage,
Leaving you to the end
Your love, your hearts.

Farewell to all teachers.
Forgive our monograms

And all the blots, and squiggle.
We have gone all the way to the end.
We remember the faces, and hearts,
And your hands, your hands.

Our teacher, our teacher,
We will take everything in the baggage,
Leaving you to the end
Your love, your hearts.

Melody to the composition

Song-drive to the teacher about physics for the motive of the song "Smuckle".

Once on physics for some reason
Damn me in the morning.
Here Elena, Light Viktorovna,
He begins his survey.
I'm blushing, I'm pale
And I have nothing to say
Oh, put the three
After all, I can’t become scientists.

I would say, but you know for sure
I do not dare, I lost my tongue ...
Dear physicist, but good physicist,
Do not put me a deuce yet. 2 times
But for some reason she looks
Either in the magazine, then on me.
And from my gaze is hunting me
Run away like from fire.
I'm blushing, I'm pale
And takes me longing
And in front of me is an evil school board.

I would say, but the language does not work.
And all the courage has disappeared instantly for me.
And all the courage, and all the courage,
All the courage disappeared instantly. 2 times
And our teacher
Something puts me in the magazine,
And I'm more than a deuce

I never knew the subject.
I'm blushing, I'm pale
And she suddenly says to me:
“I'll put three to you
Better Sing, my friend. ”

So it happened, even though I can’t become a physicist,
I will songs, hey, I will sing songs.
I will be a song, a cheerful song
Teachers to glorify! 2 times

Songs-transfers to the English teacher for the teacher at school: words, melody

Songs of alteration to the teacher of English on the school day at school
Songs-transfers to the English teacher for the teacher at school

Songs-transfers to the English teacher for the teacher at school-words, melody:

Melody to the composition

Song-transmit for the teacher's day on the motive of the song "On the French side ...".

In (name of the terrain) side
I had to study -
Mom said to me:
“It can turn out
From you, son, lawyer,
Or a decent doctor,
Kohl will take up you
Real Techer. "
"Go TU" I am to the lesson,
I stumble something
Very "Hope" - it will be a good reason,
Only Slip Hunting.

Eyes are closed,
I will fall asleep through a moment,
I hear "Tortl Mi" ... What to say?
I can’t remember.

Ten winters and ten years
I studied English,
I can order lunch,
I mean, the "lunch" is decent,
I will order Drink too,
To the Drink "neighbor" the sea,
For the French "Sori".
"Tikt" to buy food,
"Et Ste Stein" personally,
In general, this "Langvage" I,
I know perfectly.

In a year I will go to the university,
And I will become a student,
I am a gift, not a load,
To the joy of the dean.

Melody to the composition

Song-shift for the teacher's day on the motive-"because we are pilots"

It’s good to study in our school,
Just our life alone is not good:
Set so many in English,
That you will not go for a walk
But then, but we know so much -
And Britain is a darling home to us.
First of all, the first thing is our English,
Well, chemistry and physics - then.
First of all, the first thing is our English,
Well, chemistry and physics - then.
So that we take the language perfectly,
To know all tickets in a row.
We decided, friends, do not fall in love,
Even in the most beautiful girls.
But then, but I will answer for sure
I will postpone all the lessons for later.
First of all, the first thing is our English,
And the native language and Algebra - then.
First of all, the first thing is our English,
And the native language and Algebra - then.

Melody to the composition

Song-drive for the teacher's day on the motive of the song “You understand” Ira Tonsheev and Pavel Artemyev

Imagine finally got to us,
Imagine, the teacher was lucky.
It was very difficult in English,
It was difficult, but passed.
You get used to cram the word every day,
You get used to saying in English
You consolidate the verbs of a demanna
You repeat the times.

And the whole lesson in English we conduct a dialogue,
And all the people are a translation gives you a translation.
You turn over a lot of books
Foreigned language,
You will read Valter Scott freely.

And if you have achieved at least something
Then, having heard English,
As in Russian you understand almost everything.

Songs-transfers to the teacher of the Russian language and literature for the day of the teacher at school: words, melody

Songs of remakes to the teacher of the Russian language and literature for the day of the teacher at school
Songs-transfers to the teacher of the Russian language and literature for the day of the teacher at school

Songs-transfers to the teacher of the Russian language and literature for the day of the teacher at school-words, melody:

Melody to the composition

Song-drive to the teacher of the Russian language and literature on the motive of the song from the movie "Moscow does not believe in tears"

What is the main thing in pedagogy?
Love for children.
Love for children? Are you sure?
Yes, I am sure.
I know firmly
And he personally checked it.
I know firmly
And he personally checked it
Children will answer with recognition
For your love.

What is the perfect teacher?
Open soul.
Just a soul, do you think?
I suppose,.
I myself am my heart
I open it for them.
I myself am my heart
I open it for them.
And in the lessons reign
Silence and peace.

How to start if experience
Not high yet
Experience will come.
Do you think?
Yes, I think.
I myself am every day
I replenish it.
I myself am every day
I replenish it
But every day presents
We are a new lesson.

What follows from this?
You should live.
Live for children,
Neither health nor spare strength.
You think them
Will it make it smarter?
Do you think they are kinder?
I believe
You should live for this!

We should live
In the name and for the sake of children.
I think this is
For happiness, not so little.
So allow on the stage
Wonderful hall
So allow on the stage
Wonderful hall
Hand to dance
Madame, offer you.

School is a special world,
Life boils there inside
And every year everything from the beginning
In a circle, in a circle.
Life goes on,
Give, ma'am, hand
And one, two, three.
One two Three.
One two Three.
One two Three.

Melody to the composition

Song-drive to the teacher of the Russian language and literature on the motive of the song of the group of gems "Everything that I have in life ..."

The language is not simple, not at all simple.
I can’t teach him without tears.
And I can't approach him,
And all because, and all because ...
I did not teach the rules
When it was still very small.
And I did not open the books
I did not know, I did not know ...

Chorus: Who said that “plants”, not “growth”?
Who, tell me, asked this question?
Who invented words?
Anyone who stood at the origins of the foundations.

I, I open the primer
I, I read everything like a distance.
I, I want to change everything
I understood - the rules must be taught!

Melody to the composition

Song-della on the day of the teacher at school -Yu. Antonov, "flying gait"

We are a firm hand
We write dictations again.
We remember all the rules!
Without them, nowhere.
"LIS"-"shi" with the letter "and",
"Not" with the verb separately,
Always a comma stands in front of "A".
I understand,
I understand seriously
That our Russian language is a great language.
But somehow anxious
Feels himself
Before the exam, any graduate.
We get up with the book
We are going to go to the book
Pages flash
In the eyes of a veil.
I can handle the program
I will try.
Since my fate
"Contact" I forget
I'm writing
And all the characters
They stand before me:
Onegin, Dubrovsky,
Bezukhov, Bazarov,
Mu-mu, Vanka Zhukov
And Lev Tolstoy himself.

Video: Song-drive to the teacher-tolIP for the day of the teacher "cooler"

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