Sandytarianism: What is it, benefit and harm, recipes, menu for a week

Sandytarianism: What is it, benefit and harm, recipes, menu for a week

Sandytarianism is a power system in which the meat of warm -blooded animals is completely excluded from the diet. The central place in the Pescetarian menu is occupied by seafood, a secondary role is assigned to plant foods, grain cultures, dairy products, eggs.

To become a sandytarian means to reconsider your attitude to food for the good of your health. The correct combination of products favorably affects the body's work and prolongs our life. For those who want to become a vegetarian, sandytarism is an intermediate option on the way to the goal. The most important thing for the sandytarian diet is to organize nutrition in such a way that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins, amino acids, proteins and other nutrients.

Sandytarianism: benefit and harm

  • With the right approach sandytarian diet Especially useful for older people. The systematic use of seafood provides the body Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • This nutritional method has favorably affects a number of cardiovascular diseases, fluctuations in blood sugar, depressive disorders.
  • Pescestarian diet reduces cholesterol levels, normalizes blood pressure, promotes the development of mental abilities.
Useful dishes for sandytarism
Useful dishes for sandytarism

The main advantages of sandytarism:

  • flexibility of the power system allows to exclude a deficiency of necessary food substances;
  • fish and seafood are easily absorbed, contain proteins and amino acids, not inferior to meat;
  • sandytarianism excludes an excess of unsaturated fats;
  • sandytarian products contain a large number of antioxidants;
  • 2 fisheries of fatty varieties provide a weekly balance Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • pescestarian diet reduces cholesterol;
  • improves symptoms of chronic diseases;
  • sandytarian diet improves the condition of the hair and skin;
  • sandytarian diet Reduces the risk of cancer.

The harm from the sandstarian diet for the body is manifested only in the absence of a well -planned diet. The disadvantages of the sandytarian diet include the high cost of some products.

  • Healthy nutrition will require more financial investments.
  • Buy sea fish Better with a proven seller.
  • Separate varieties of fish contain a large amount of mercury, Therefore, their number should be limited.
  • With an incorrectly composed diet, the sandytarian occurs vitamin B-12 deficiency.

Sandytarian products list

The diet of sandytarians can be divided into 4 groups of products:

  1. Seafood and river fish.Dishes are prepared from such varieties of fish as salmon, trout, sibas, tuna, sardine. Add to the menu Shrimp, scallops, squid. Among the river delicacies, you should pay attention to mackerel, perch, pike.
  2. Plant products.The plant diet is made up grain crops, soy, fruits and vegetables, berries, beans, dried fruits.
  3. Dairy products.Despite the fact that animals are the supplier of dairy products, the sandyards use fermented milk products. There are present in the diet sour cream, cheese, milk, butter. Another key product is eggs.
  4. Sources of carbohydrates.This group includes pasta, grain cereals, nuts, chickpeas, vegetables.
Products for this power supply
Products for this power supply

Sandytarianism - where to start?

With the right approach, the sandytarian diet gradually becomes a way of life. We will get acquainted with useful recommendations that will help to become the right sandytarian.

  • Become a sandytarian gradually - change the menu for a couple of days a week.
  • Exclude meat from the diet - pork, beef, bird, lamb.
  • The menu should have proteins of different origin - seafood, eggs, dairy products, whole grains.
  • Make a selection of culinary recipes for sandytarians, so it will be easier for you to decide on grocery blanks. Write down sandytarian menu for a week.
Menu make up a week
Menu make up a week
  • Meet social networks with sandytarians, ask all the questions that interests. Turn the support of single -thoughts.
  • Make a supply of frozen seafood. Buy in time vegetables, fruits, whole grains.
  • Pick up dishes that can be prepared in advance. This approach to exclude an unplanned waste of money.
  • To exclude the lack of nutrients, change the diet of vegetables and fruits daily.
  • Buy quality products. Control the correct one thermal processing of fish products.

Sandytarianism: recipes

For those who do not know what dishes to diversify the sandytarian diet, we suggest using our selection of recipes. For those who read the sandatarism, we advise you to study and cook.

Shrimp salad and vegetables

List of ingredients:

  • 200 g of purified shrimp
  • 1 tsp. butter oils
  • 50 g of solid grade cheese
  • 1 large tomato
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 carrots
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil
  • a bunch of greenery
  • a bunch of salad leaves
  • 1 tbsp. l. sesame seeds
  • salt and pepper to taste

How to make a salad with shrimp and vegetables:

  • Cut the tomato rings.
  • Grind carrots and cucumber large strips.
  • Greenery chop with a knife.
  • Salad leaves Bravely tear.
  • Fry seafood in butter.
  • Cut the cheese cubes.
  • All ingredients mix, flavor with vegetable oil.
  • Sprinkle before serving sesame seeds.

Rolls with fish and cucumber

List of ingredients:

  • 1 cup of round rice
  • 150 g tuna fillet
  • 50 ml of soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. l. rice vinegar
  • 4 blanks of algae nori
  • 1-2 tsp. Basabi

How to cook rolls with fish and cucumber:

  1. Rinse rice thoroughly under running cold water. Pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 2, boil until half -cooked. Join rice vinegar And cover with a lid for 5-7 minutes.
  2. On the spreads of the nori, distribute the rice, leaving a couple of centimeters from the edges. Lay out in the center portionably chopped fish and season Basabi.
  3. Twist the rolls, cut portions. Serve to the rolls Soy sauce, ginger and Basabi.

Fish dumplings

List of ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 100 g of fish fillet
  • 100 g of salmon
  • 1 large onion
  • 20 g butter
  • 20 ml of vegetable oil
  • 100 g of sour cream
  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • spices to taste

How to cook fish dumplings:

  1. Beat the egg with salt, mix with warm milk and vegetable oil.
  2. Flip liquid ingredients in stages with sifted flour.
  3. Leave the mixed dough in a cool place for a couple of hours.
  4. From the dough of medium thickness, we cut out a glass Round flour blanks.
  5. Twist the fish to minced meat. Connect on onions and spices to taste.
  6. We spread a teaspoon the filling of the dough blanks and sculpt dumplings.
  7. Cook for 3 minutes in boiling water. Serve with butter and sour cream.

Home sprats

List of ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of mowing
  • 100 g of vegetable oil
  • 3 tea bags
  • 2 garlic teeth
  • 5 peas of black pepper
  • 5 bay leaves
  • a handful of onion husk
At home
At home

How to cook homemade sprats:

  1. Make tea bags in 150 ml of water.
  2. Clean the capage of the insides, cut off your head.
  3. Cover the bottom of the saucepan onion husks and spices.
  4. Put the prepared fish on top.
  5. Mix vegetable oil with tea leaves and pour fish.
  6. Put the form on the fire, after boiling, reduce the fire and freeze for 50 minutes.
  7. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the lid and let the excess fluid evaporate.
  8. Let spls cool and serve.

Muffins with salmon

List of ingredients:

  • white onion head
  • 70-100 g of mushrooms
  • 5-6 eggs
  • a bundle of spinach
  • 200 g of smoked salmon
  • clove of garlic
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil
Tender muffins
Tender muffins

How to cook muffins with salmon:

  1. Onion and mushroom slices fry in vegetable oil.
  2. Assume garlic mashed potatoes And so much a minute.
  3. Beat the egg mass in deep dishes.
  4. Join sliced \u200b\u200bsalmon and chopped spinach. Attach a roasting.
  5. Fill the molds for the muffins, leaving 1 cm from the edge. Send to the oven for a quarter of an hour.

Sandytarian menu for a week

Menu for the first day

  • Breakfast - Berry oatmeal with a toast.
  • Snack - Classic yogurt with fresh fruit.
  • Dinner - Macarone of solid varieties with cheese.
  • Dinner - Baked fish fillet with vegetable slices.

Menu for the second day

  • Breakfast - Buckwheat with butter with 250 ml of kefir.
  • Snack - Assorted dried fruits with nuts.
  • Dinner - Rice porridge and tuna in the oil is canned.
  • Dinner - boiled proteins with chopped greens and 200 g of cottage cheese.

Menu for the third day

  • Breakfast - Omelet with cheese.
  • Snack - Fruit assorted with yogurt.
  • Dinner - Vegetable salad with shrimp.
  • Dinner - Cheeslacks with sour cream.
Menu for a week
Menu for a week

Menu for the fourth day

  • Breakfast -berry-fruity cottage cheese casserole
  • Snack -whole grain bread with an egg-sample prayer.
  • Dinner - pasta with seafood.
  • Dinner - Star from vegetables.

Menu for the fifth day

  • Breakfast - Oatmeal with dried fruits.
  • Snack - Toasts with tofu cheese
  • Dinner - lentils or pearl barley soup.
  • Dinner - A boiled fish with potatoes.

Sixth day menu

  • Breakfast - Mushels are wounded with milk.
  • Snack - Fruit cut with a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner - bean soup.
  • Dinner - Paste with a sea cocktail.
We eat fully
We eat fully

Seventh day menu

  • Breakfast - Eggs with fried tomatoes.
  • Snack - curd dessert.
  • Dinner - Baked fish fillet with buckwheat.
  • Dinner - steam vegetables with cheese.

Famous sandytarians

Among public people there are also adherents of a sandytarian diet. Perhaps a wonderful appearance and a good physical form of celebrities will become for someone a motivation for action.

  • Victoria Beckhamsandytarianism helped improve the condition of the skin. Refusal of meat and the transition to fish dishes minimized the inflammatory process on the face. Victoria resorts to the sandytarian diet in periods, not making cardinal changes in the diet. According to Beckham, it was the high content of Omega-3 that helped reduce the number of rashes. Therefore, the main ingredient in her menu is salmon.
The transition contributed to improving the condition of the skin
The transition contributed to improving the condition of the skin
  • Ariana Grande. The celebrity chose sandytarism as her lifestyle. He has not cheated on his diet for more than 9 years. It is worth noting that it is always in excellent physical form without cardinal age -related changes. The singer got rid of the need to adjust excess weight.
  • Olivia Wildeshe chose sandytarism as an alternative to a vegetarian diet. A long -term rejection of dairy products and fish, according to the actress, was too limited to culinary possibilities. The celebrity believes that too hard the framework in food is meaningless. The ability to consume fish and seafood can significantly diversify the diet.
  • Tracy Capenshe also switched to the Sandytarianism after the vegetarian diet. An active lifestyle and frequent moves forced to make adjustments to the diet. To make up for the spent energy, plant foods were not enough for Tracy. Sandytarianism has become a golden middle between vegetarianism and traditional nutrition.
  • TV presenter Ellen Dedeneryprefers to alternate vegetarianism and sandytarism. She does not eat fish often, prefers to eat plant foods anymore. Ellen admits that she is not indifferent to the fate of living beings on our land.
Alternates vegetarianism and sandytarism
Alternates vegetarianism and sandytarism

Sandytarianism: reviews

Sandytarianism - reviews:

  • Marina is 32 years old. I switched to sandytarism thanks to confirmed research on the benefits of such a power system. The information was most interested in the fact that the sandytarian diet extends life. My diet is based on seafood and dairy products. In my menu, there is often fish soup, pancakes with different fillings, home bread. In order not to provoke allergies, I try not to abuse seafood. Before becoming a sandytarian, I advise you to thoroughly understand this issue. No need to pay tribute to fashion. Take care of your health.
  • Tatyana 30 years old. She deliberately approached the issue of sandytarism at 28. Before that, she made some intermediate attempts to abandon meat. Correctly adjusting the diet, in a month I felt the first advantages. There were fewer rashes on the face, additional energy appeared. I was significantly built, the extra 3 kg has gone. After 3 months, she made control tests, which confirmed that the body receives a sufficient amount of nutrients. My environment perceives the sandytarian diet with a grin. Silently I continue to eat useful food and lead a healthy lifestyle. I advise beginners not to advertise their intentions. The fewer negative and mocking statements around, the easier it is to achieve the goal.

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Video: What will happen if there is fish every day?

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