Fish diet: benefits, rules, advantages, menu for 10 days, contraindications, results, recipes of dishes

Fish diet: benefits, rules, advantages, menu for 10 days, contraindications, results, recipes of dishes

In this article we will get acquainted with an extremely tasty and healthy diet. It will be a fish diet, we will talk about the menu for 10 days, and also offer some delicious recipes.

Unfortunately, excess weight is the problem of many women. It is very difficult to deal with extra pounds and even in a short time, because, as a rule, we eat them for several years, and we want to reset them in a month.

Despite the complexity of this process, it must be said that today there are many diets that contribute to the rapid loss of extra kg. And one of these diets is fish.

Fish diet: rules, benefits, advantages and contraindications

Fish is a very useful product, especially when it comes to sea. The fish includes a large number of vitamins and other beneficial substances. As for the fish diet, it is today quite popular, since adhering to it, there is no need to starve and eat completely tasteless products.

  • Despite the fact that the diet is called fish, adhering to it, you can eat other products, for example, vegetables, fruits, eggs, etc.
  • It is important to understand that the result of the diet depends on how correct you will “sit” on it.
  • In order for the extra pounds to leave, choose low -fat varieties of fish. The pike, hack, a polish, etc. are perfect for dietary nutrition. To refuse a fat herring, mackerel, silver carp, etc. If you do not succeed in eating low -fat fish all the time, try to alternate a fat and non -fat intake.
  • During such a diet, you can steam the fish, cook and extinguish it, of course, you can bake the product. But it is better to refuse smoked and salty fish.
Diet has many advantages
Diet has many advantages
  • You can’t starve, but a slight feeling of hunger should always be present. There should not be a sense of severity in the stomach. During the day you should have at least 3 full meals and several snacks. Portions of food should be moderate, and snacks mean healthy fruits, vegetables, etc., but not sandwiches, sweets.
  • It is useful to eat fish dishes with vegetables, however, preference should be given cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini. It is not recommended to eat potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants with fish.
  • In the process of preparing fish, try to use a minimum of salt, seasonings and spices. If desired, you can flavor the dish with lemon juice, fresh basil, parsley, dill, a small amount of soy sauce.
  • In order for the diet to bring the result, do not forget about the required amount of liquid. Drink water, green tea during the day. Try to exclude coffee, drinks, soda, etc. from your diet. Of course, you need to not forget to reduce the amount of sugar consumed, but ideally abandon it at all.
On the fish
On the fish
  • Also, do not use sweet and flour during the diet. These products are prohibited during any diet. If you cannot live without sweets, occasionally pamper yourself with with bellies, black chocolate, nuts and dried fruits. All of the listed products can be consumed in moderate quantities and preferably in the morning.
  • And one more important point. Of course, this diet is effective, and adhering to it, you will definitely say goodbye to a few extra pounds, however, you will have more impressive results if you will combine proper nutrition with sports.

As for the advantages of this diet, they are:

  • During a fish diet there is no need to starve and eat monotonous food.
  • You can cook fish in any way. If desired, you can even fry the product, but with a minimum amount of oil.
  • It is not necessary to eat only fish. You can eat boiled chicken, vegetable broths, low -fat products, dried fruits, etc. Unlike many other diets, this one allows you to eat canned fish.
  • Adhering to a fish diet for only 3-5 days, you will definitely see the result, which cannot be said about other diets
  • During the diet, the body receives all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.
There are also disadvantages and contraindications
There are also disadvantages and contraindications

Contraindications include the following:

  • It is strictly forbidden to adhere to such a diet to pregnant women, mothers, breasts and children.
  • Also, you should not choose just such a diet for people who have problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.
  • You can not start such a diet for those who have an allergic reaction to fish and seafood.
  • It is important to understand that no matter how effective the fish diet is, it is necessary to start it only after consulting with a specialist.

Fish diet: menu for 10 days

“Sit” on a fish diet can be 3, 7, 10 and 14 days. To get acquainted with this weight loss technique is best for 3 days. However, for a more noticeable result, it is advisable to adhere to a fish diet for 10 days.

The menu of such a diet is quite diverse. The advantage of the diet is that adhering to it there is no need to starve and use those products that you do not like. From the list of available products, you can independently form a menu for every day.

The approximate menu of a fish diet for 10 days looks like this:

1 day

  • 1st meal-1 boiled chicken egg
  • 2nd meal-150 g of hek for steam
  • 3rd meal-200 g of boiled sea cocktail and salad of cucumbers and Beijing cabbage seasoned with lemon juice
  • 4th meal-100 g of skim cottage cheese
  • 5th meal-200 g of boiled sea cocktail and vegetable salad. In the evening, the salad is allowed to refue to natural lean yogurt
  • Before each meal, it is recommended to drink at least 1 cup of boiled or purified water

2 day

  • 1st meal-250 ml of skim kefir
  • 2nd meals-1 grapefruit. In 20 minutes. After eating a grapefruit, eat 200 g of baked pollock
  • 3rd meal-fish from fish, with a small piece of fish and a small piece of bran bread
  • 4th meal-100 g of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 5th meal-100 g of boiled mussels seasoned with lemon juice
Light ear
Light ear

3 days

  • 1st meal-cucumber salad, Beijing cabbage and squid
  • 2nd meals-green tea without sugar and 1 orange
  • 3rd meal-100 g of stewed hek, 100 g of boiled brown rice
  • 4th meal-250 ml of low-fat kefir
  • 5th meal-a salad of vegetables and seafood

4 days

  • 1st meal-1 boiled chicken egg, green tea without sugar
  • 2nd meals-150 g of canned polions in its own juice, 1 grapefruit
  • 3rd meal-vegetable soup with a piece of bran bread, 100 g of small salmon
  • 4th meal-1 orange
  • 5th meal-carrots, a couple of 200 g and 150 g of a sea cocktail, pickled in lemon juice and soy sauce

5 day

  • 1st meal-1 sandwich with little salmon, green tea without sugar
  • 2nd meals-1 apple, 50 g of nuts
  • 3rd meal-fish soup, vegetable salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and Beijing cabbage, 100 g of boiled rice
  • 4th meal-250 g of low-fat kefir
  • 5th meal-1 fish cutlet, for example, pike, vegetable salad, sugar tea
Fish cutlet with vegetables
Fish cutlet with vegetables

6 day

  • 1st meal-150 g of baked cod, dried fruit compote
  • 2nd meals-1 boiled chicken egg, 1 grapefruit
  • 3rd meal-vegetable soup with mushrooms, 100 g of hek steamed, 100 g of boiled rice
  • 4th meal-1 apple
  • 5th meal-a salad of vegetables, shrimp, 1 bread, 30 g of nuts

7 day

  • 1st meal-1 boiled chicken egg, 1 sandwich with low salted red fish
  • 2nd meal-1 orange
  • 3rd meal-150 g of fried polish (fry with a minimum amount of oil), 100 g of boiled brown rice, 2 cucumber
  • 4th meal-100 g of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 5th meal-200 g of boiled shrimp, stewed vegetables (carrots, asparagus, onions)
Mintay can be combined with rice
Mintay can be combined with rice

8 day

  • 1st meal-250 ml of natural skim cottage cheese
  • 2nd meals-1 apple, 1 orange
  • 3rd meal-ear-150 g of boiled cod, vegetables (cucumber, carrots, beets in any form)
  • 4th meal-100 g of low-fat cottage cheese with dried apricots or prunes (you can add a couple of pcs. Dry fruits)
  • 5th meal-200 g of hot shrimp and zucchini salad, unsweetened tea

9 day

  • 1st meal-1 boiled chicken egg, 1 apple
  • 2nd meals-1 sandwich with red fish, 1 grapefruit
  • 3rd meals-stewed vegetables and 200 g of fried pike (fry with a minimum amount of oil)
  • 4th meal-250 ml of low-fat kefir
  • 5th meal-200 g of mussels pickled in lemon juice and soy sauce, cucumbers, a piece of black bread
Media in a fish diet
Media in a fish diet

10 day

  • 1st meal-1 sandwich with low-salted red fish or red caviar without oil, unsweetened tea
  • 2nd meals-1 kiwi, 1 orange
  • 3rd meal-1 fish cutlet, 100 g of boiled brown rice, fresh vegetables (salad, cucumber)
  • 4th meal-100 g of skim cottage cheese
  • 5th meals-steamed vegetables (asparagus, carrots, sweet pepper), 200 g of baked hek, a couple of pcs. dried fruits

During each day, do not forget to drink a lot. Try to drink at least 1 cup of purified or boiled water before each meal before each meal. Such simple manipulations will accelerate the process of losing weight.

Fish diet: results and reviews

Most often, women choose for themselves the diet that has a large number of positive reviews. Of course, it cannot be unequivocally argued that the fish diet is the best, because the body of each person is individual and, accordingly, the reaction of each organism to one or another diet is different. At the same time, there are much more positive reviews about this methodology of weight loss than not negative.

  • Women who have checked the effect of this diet note that the first results are felt after 3 days. Visually, of course, weight loss is not yet very noticeable, but the well -being of a person as a whole becomes much better. Fatigue, lethargy and drowsiness passes.
  • After 5-7 days, the result is already noticeable on the scales. In the first week of diet, you can get rid of 2-4 kg of excess weight.
  • For 10-14 days you can say goodbye to 5-7 kg of excess weight.

Important: the result depends on your body, state of health, daily routine and physical activity. Therefore, if you want to achieve good results, bring the daily routine in order: sleep at least 7-8 hours., Eat at least 5 times a day in small portions, give the body at least minimal physical activity and then extra pounds will go quickly and easily.

Fish diet: delicious and healthy recipes

In order to diversify your diet, do not be lazy to cook delicious and healthy food. Dishes for a fish diet are prepared quickly and easily.

We present to your attention several simple and delicious recipes for a fish diet.

Bream baked with vegetables

To prepare this dietary dish, we need to prepare the following products:

  • Fresh bream - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Parsley - 1 bundle
  • Salt, black pepper, oregano - at your discretion
Bream with vegetables
Bream with vegetables

We will cook a healthy dish like this:

  • First you need to do fish. Wash it, clean it and gut it. Now, with a sharp knife, make an incision along the ridge of fish from its inner side. You should get a layer of fish turned outward.
  • Wash the lemon, pour boiling water. Cut the fruit into 2 parts. Squeeze the juice from one part, cut the second part with slices.
  • Wash the pepper, remove the core from it and chop in half rings.
  • We clean the onion, mine and cut into half rings or rings.
  • We clean the carrots, my and chop with cubes.
  • My parsley, dry and chop.
  • We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper or lubricate a little vegetable oil.
  • We send fish to the baking sheet, flavify it with lemon juice, salt and spices to taste.
  • Next, we put onions, carrots, pepper, lemon slices on the fish.
  • We heat the oven and put a baking sheet in it for at least 50 minutes.
  • After the specified time, we check the readiness of the products. If the fish is damp, we bring to readiness for another 7-15 minutes.
  • How quickly your goodness will be ready depends on the size of the bream, the oven.
  • Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs. If desired, you can eat baked fish, slightly scoring it with soy sauce.

Warm shrimp salad and zucchini

For such a dish we need:

  • Shrimp - 350 g
  • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1.5 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Low -fat sour cream or yogurt - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - at your discretion
Warm salad
Warm salad

We will prepare the salad as follows:

  • Ruckers is desirable to use young and small. They must be washed and cut into medium -sized cubes.
  • My pepper, remove the core from it and cut it into half rings.
  • We clean and cut the onion with half rings or rings if the bulbs are small.
  • We clean the carrots, mine and cut the cubes.
  • Pour the indicated amount of olive oil into the pan and wait until it heats up. It is not recommended to replace olive oil with other oil according to this recipe.
  • Put the onions and carrots in the container, fry them for 5 minutes.
  • Next, we send pepper and zucchini there, flavify the contents of the pan with salt and spices as desired. Under a closed lid, stew the vegetables for about 7 minutes.
  • At this time, we will engage in seafood. In a separate container, boil water. Water must be salted. As soon as the liquid boils, put the shrimp in the pan and cook them for 1.5-2 minutes. Depending on whether they are frozen. Boiled seafood needs to be cleaned: remove the shell, head.
  • In a deep container, connect vegetables, shrimp. Add sour cream there, mix the ingredients. If desired, you can not refuel the salad with sour cream, this version of the dish will be even less high -calorie. You can also beautifully decorate with tomatoes, herbs.

Heck vegetables in a slow cooker

An equally tasty dish can be called steamed fish with vegetables. For such a dish, prepare the following ingredients:

  • Hek - 2 carcasses
  • Asparagus - 100 g
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Cabbage color - 100 g
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, Oregano - at your discretion
For a fish diet
For a fish diet

Cooking such a dish is very easy:

  • We defrost the fish at room temperature, and, if necessary, cut into a couple of pieces. To defrost the fish in boiling water, the microwave is not worth it.
  • We defrost frozen asparagus at room temperature, fresh.
  • My pepper, cut out the core from it and cut it into large pieces.
  • If the cabbage is frozen, we defrost it in the same way as the asparagus, and if we use fresh, then we are divided into inflorescences.
  • My carrots, clean and cut into 4 parts each.
  • Pour 1 liter of water into the device capacity and place a special insert on the container for cooking.
  • We fuse the fish with salt and lemon juice, put on the insert.
  • Now we send all the vegetables there, we salt them a little and also spray the lemon juice.
  • Turn on the device in the "cook/for steam" mode, close the multicooker lid and expect a sound signal that will indicate the end of the program.
  • We take out the products and transfer them to the dish, if desired, the finished treat can be flavored with soy sauce.

The fight against excess weight is not an easy task. However, a correctly selected diet and physical activity can significantly improve the situation with extra pounds. Adhere to proper nutrition, play sports and then the results will not be long in coming.

Video: Fish diet from Alla Pugacheva

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Comments K. article

  1. My fish is almost daily in my diet. I have this: breakfast is a bun, a snack Protein bar Sportspert, lunch and heating with chicken, snack and dinner, just a non-fat fish and a vegetable salad

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