The guy stopped answering messages suddenly: reasons. How to make a guy answer messages?

The guy stopped answering messages suddenly: reasons. How to make a guy answer messages?

In this article, we will talk why a guy may not respond to messages, and also what to do with it.

There are situations when you seem to communicate with a guy, and then he suddenly is abruptly lost and stops answering messages. Perhaps such that this does not happen sharply, but gradually. In any case, the reasonable question about the reasons for this behavior begins to bother. Let's try to figure it out.

The guy stopped answering messages suddenly: reasons

Has the guy stopped answering messages?
Has the guy stopped answering messages?

With ignoring the man, every woman faces. But it’s always interesting why the guy does not answer messages. Here you write to him, he is online and does not even read, or maybe read and is silent. Something is wrong here.

The very first thing you should understand is that men are not looking at communication like women. For example, for women they are very significant. They believe that the answer is a manifestation of interest. But men generally do not give importance to correspondence.

So, there are several reasons that will allow you to understand why he suddenly began to ignore your relationship:

  • Living communication. The guy may not answer simply because he understands - now a long conversation will be tied, which he does not want to keep through messages. There are people who just do not like to communicate with correspondence, they like living communication more. In fact, this avoids misunderstanding that can occur in the process. That is why they either do not answer at all, or give a short answer.
  • Cannot decide. Suppose you talked with a guy for days and suddenly he disappeared from all the radars. Perhaps he was scared that events are developing rapidly and does not even know how now to relate to a woman. Maybe he still did not understand if he wanted a relationship with you or just communication. If the guy has not yet decided what he wants from you, then he can really be silent.
  • Testing for interest. Not only women want to know if the guy likes them. They have such a character trait where they want to know that they are really interested in. If he noticed that you are silent and rarely show the initiative yourself, then a man can quiet down for a short time to arouse your interest.
  • Busy. A man can just read the message, but then he was distracted or he is driving, and he forgot to write an answer. It is important to behave in such situations calmer, because he could really be busy and not answer.
  • Offended. Maybe you told him something unpleasant and he was offended. Men often hide their feelings and it is easier for them to ignore a person. Just wait and take your time.
  • The desire to conquer. There is such a situation that the guy likes to seek a girl. However, when you are constantly the initiator of your communication, this is not about conquest. Give her the opportunity to show the initiative.
  • He is afraid of a serious relationship. Perhaps you had proximity and you began to meet. But it just seems so to you. In fact, he may not want anything serious and thinks that with his response to the message he will give you hope. That is why he continues to remain silent.
  • He has a girlfriend. Perhaps, besides you, he still had some girl. It is not necessary that he was in a relationship with her and in general they had something. But it is possible that she was able to prevail over him. That's just if he disappears, then appears, then think about whether it is necessary to contact this at all? Maybe he is still a walker.
  • Interest disappeared. This is the simplest explanation. If you are sure that he has no feelings and nothing will work out, then it is better to just leave him alone. This really happens and this does not mean that you are bad. He’s just not the one you need.

Of course, it is unpleasant when you are simply ignored to break off relationships. Some are simply afraid to admit that they do not want and just disappear, because it is easier. They understand that if you are informed directly, then you still have to give explanations for which they are not ready. Be sure to consider all these points.

How to make a guy answer messages: methods, tips

How to make a guy answer messages?
How to make a guy answer messages?

So, here the guy does not answer messages, and you sit with the phone for hours in the rivers and just wait. And he does not write. What to do in this case?

There are some tips that will help you make it write to you:

  • Be inaccessible. It can be difficult, because you will have to be silent itself, but in no case do not immediately write the answer to the message. Wait a few hours and only then answer.
  • Do not fill it up SMS. Be cold and restrained. No need to send in response to one message five at once.
  • You have other interests. When you communicate with him, you are talking about your personal interest. He should not think that you were obsessed with him. First of all, this can scare away. Anyway, interest in such girls is quickly lost.
  • Find out what is interesting to him. It will be easy for you to communicate if you learn about his personal interests. Think about what hobbies he has. For example, he loves to play the guitar. Ask this and you will have a great conversation.
  • Do not promise if you do not. In other words, if you are not going to do something, then do not promise him this. Most girls do this to arouse interest and, as a result, does not lead to good.
  • Do not send him a photo that you can regret. If you have such pictures that you would not want to show someone, then in no case send them to the guy. He will definitely not leave them only for himself.
  • Ask him for advice or his opinion. The guys really like it when they need them, and even more so to solve other people's problems. Ask for help in a difficult situation, it will definitely help you.
  • Do not show that he is dear to you. When the guy does not appear for a long time, you should not ask him where he was and why he did not answer. He must understand that you have other interests in your life.
  • New plans. When a man does not communicate with you for a long time, then you should not sit and wait. Build your life, let him see that you can find a replacement for him.
  • Know yourself the price. You are the best! Do not waste your life on a person who does not need you. You are not obliged to sit at home and wait for it to appear. Look for the one to whom you yourself will be.

Messages are a great way to share information. Moreover, they can become an indicator of attitude towards you. Use this tool reasonably and do not focus on what they answer for a long time. If you do not need a person, then you should not waste time on him, there are a lot of interesting things around.

Why does the guy not answer messages: reviews

Very often, when the guy does not respond to messages, the girls begin to look for help on the forums. It really is very interesting to talk and learn a lot. As a rule, the answers can be obtained to any questions-someone will just look from the side and judge, and someone was even in a similar situation. So other people are quite capable of helping to figure it out. But to listen to them or not is to decide only for you.

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Review 3
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Review 5

Video: What to do if the guy does not answer messages?

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