The best texts of wedding invitations for parents, friends, relatives. The words and texts of the wedding invitation and invitation to SMS are beautiful, cool, with humor

The best texts of wedding invitations for parents, friends, relatives. The words and texts of the wedding invitation and invitation to SMS are beautiful, cool, with humor

Texts of invitations to a wedding for parents, friends, relatives.

The hallmark of your future celebration will be an invitation to the wedding. After all, guests will learn from it about an important event for you. So that the invitation text is not a dry formality, and everyone who young people want to see among the invited came to the holiday, it is worth choosing phrases that will express the atmosphere of an unforgettable celebration.

From the article you will learn how to prepare official, classic, funny or unusual unusual texts of wedding invitations and what should be paid attention to when compiling them.

The best texts of wedding invitations for parents

Rules for writing texts for invitations to the wedding:

  • If the invitation text is compiled correctly with comprehensive information, then the guests will not have to additionally call the young relatives and clarify the time for which the wedding is scheduled, and the address of the institution where it will take place.
  • The invitation should not reflect only dry facts. It is worth entering a personal appeal to the one who is invited. It is also necessary to do if you are preparing an invitation to a married couple.
  • In order for the postcards to carry a more personal, individual message, it is worth writing down the names of the invited and the names of the heroes of the celebration by hand.
  • The appeal should start with the "respected", "dear", and then prescribe the name.
  • In an unofficial invitation, affectionate appeals are allowed: “mother”, “dad”, “sister”, “grandmother”. Cards of this type are better to be transferred directly to the hands, emphasizing the degree of sincerity of the invitation.
Rules for writing texts for invitations to a wedding
  • If the invitation is official, then future spouses are signed, indicating surnames and names.
  • If the invitation is unofficial, then you can enter a complete or diminutive form of the name.
  • The European tradition involves writing a female name at the beginning of the text, after it there is a male name.
  • In addition to the text, the envelope with an invitation will indicate the style of the event. It is filled in an official style, using a surname and initials. Young will have to think about choosing the appropriate option. If they prefer original options, then a video invitation to a wedding is quite suitable.

On the eve of the wedding celebration, everyone is fussing: they decide, call, plan, agree. Young are actively discussing the design of future invitations and what will be written in them. Beautiful invitations with unusual text are received by relatives, witnesses, friends, colleagues, and even the bosses of future spouses.

But how often because of the bustle and worries about preparing for an important event, they forget to write a few words to invite the closest and relatives-parents. They will certainly be present at the celebration of children, but do not perceive it for granted.

Often in the bustle they forget about the preparation of invitations for the closest and dear people - for parents
Often in the bustle they forget about the preparation of invitations for the closest and dear people - for parents

Parents with undisguised joy accept signs of attention, therefore, be sure to prepare a worthy invitation for parents. Let them know what you have made out and signed in an effort to express love and respect.

This section contains texts of invitations to the wedding. They can be used as a template or improved at their discretion.

How to make an invitation to a wedding for parents
How to make an invitation to a wedding for parents
  • Dear mom and daddy!

The long -awaited moment that connects our loving hearts is closer and closer. We will make an oath of allegiance to live a hand in his hand and share grief and joy with each other. Happiness overflows us, because we are starting to share it with you right now. We express to you a heartfelt gratitude for love and care, for sleepless nights and restless days. For the fact that you showed tenderness, firmness, were demanding and forgave us a lot. You will be at our wedding celebration the most honorable and desired guests! With an expression of love and respect -, groom and groom

  • Favorite parents!

The long -awaited minute is approaching when you can breathe a sigh of relief: your unprecedented parental watch on the basis of upbringing and education will end. With us, your round -the -clock parental care turned into a real feat: you did not sleep at night, shared the tears of the first insults with us when we brought a diary with a “couple”, considered it their duty to tell about the dangers of alcohol and smoking, experienced unrequited first love with us. All this is called parental love. We are infinitely grateful for this to you! And only you will be the most expensive and desired guests at our wedding, which will take place (date).

Wedding invitation for parents
Wedding invitation for parents

Video: an invitation to a wedding to our dear parents

The best texts of wedding invitations for friends

It is much easier for young people to express their originality, making the text of an invitation to a wedding for friends. To whom, if not the best friend or bosom friend, is known more about the hobbies and features of the young, about how their love story began and what obstacles stood in the way. The peers will appreciate the unusual text and a special appeal to witnesses.

Options for wedding invitations for friends
  • Our dear_

A beautiful postcard came

Already scheduled day and hour

You will definitely come!

We will be happy to wait for you!

Registration date ___

The festive banquet will take place in the restaurant "___" in ____ hours

Waiting for you!

An example of a wedding invitation for friends
An example of a wedding invitation for friends
Wedding invitation for friends
Wedding invitation for friends
Invitation to a wedding for friends
Invitation to a wedding for friends
Wedding invitation for friends
Wedding invitation for friends

The best texts of wedding invitations for relatives

The oldest members of the family fall asleep for the upbringing of grandchildren, because without them it is impossible at a solemn event. Grandparents can be pleasantly surprised by preparing an invitation to them with a touching, sweet heart with words, because attention and sincere care of grandchildren are so important for them.

Below is the text of the invitation to the wedding for the oldest family members:

  • Dear, dear grandparents!
    Your love, care, warmth and help accompanied us with us in life, because at the moment when we say to each other in the presence of a large number of people about eternal love and fidelity, your presence is simply necessary! We will strive to ensure that our new family becomes as strong as yours, feelings as sincere, and marital life is just as long. A significant event for our destiny will occur on March 17, at 11:00 in the morning at:
    Sincerely your loving grandchildren, Eve and Vladimir.

Invitation for grandparents for a wedding
Invitation for grandparents for a wedding

Relatives and friends usually first learn about the wedding, because at the celebration they are expected as honored guests.

Invitations for distant relatives, for brothers and sisters, godparents, work colleagues are in the official style. And only in the case of the prevailing special relations of the bride and groom with distant relatives, other options are possible.

Invitation to a wedding for relatives
Wedding invitation for friends
Invitation to a wedding for relatives

A4 birds

An example of an invitation to a wedding in the Russian style

An example of an invitation to a wedding in the Russian style

Video: Cool invitation to the wedding, video

The best texts of wedding invitations for godparents

A wedding celebration will turn the life of young people in a different direction. They will become not just in love, but a married couple, who will jointly go through troubles and joyful happy moments.
That is why it is important to be the presence of godparents at the wedding, ready to divide with the young their transition to adulthood. In some rituals, the main role is assigned to the processions, because it is better to warn about the wedding in advance. What to write in the invitation? See in this section.

Cross invitation to a wedding, text
Cross invitation to a wedding, text
Original invitation to a wedding
Original invitation to a wedding
The text of the invitation to the wedding for the godparents
The text of the invitation to the wedding for the godparents
  • Dear (names)! Please share our joy with us! 2017 will take place one of the most important events in our lives! We will sincerely be happy to see you among the guests at our wedding at (time) hours and at a banquet in (indicate) hours at the address (street and No. Dom or the name of the restaurant). We ask you to confirm our desire to attend our wedding on the phone or at a personal meeting no later (indicate the date). With gratitude and respect (names and surnames of young).

The text of the invitation to the wedding for mom and dad of the bride

In an invitation to a wedding for parents, young people express gratitude for their lives, for opening the road to their complete secrets and discoveries of the world. The text with a kind and sincere invitation to parents will store and view from time to time, recalling a wonderful event that brought a lot of happiness to their children.

  • Dear Parents! We share our joy with you: We decided to get married! We sincerely believe and hope that our family life will be long and happy. We invite you to a solemn event on November 6, 2017. Bless us on a new life path.
    Your son and daughter.
  • The most expensive and beloved mom and dad! Soon a new road to family life will open for us. Our hearts unite forever. We express you sincere gratitude for everything that you have done for us. Without your love, care and tenderness, we would not have taken place in this life and there would be no solemn event. Thanks for the fact that you were always kind and attentive to us. Your children.
The text of the invitation to the wedding for mom and dad of the bride

The text of the invitation to the wedding for mom and dad of the groom

For parents, classic options for invitations are also suitable. Such texts can be used for almost all types of marriage.

  • Dear parents!We are happy to invite you to our wedding! Beloved mom and dad! Soon you will share with us a touching and exciting day, which we have been waiting for so long. We will get married, and our loving hearts connect. We could not open a new page of our family without you. Thank you for everything! If you were not, then our meeting would not have happened. You have taught us love, understanding, respect for each other. At our wedding you will be the desired guests. We ask you to spend this important day for us with us!
Original invitation to a wedding
Original invitation to a wedding
  • Dear and beloved mom and dad! We, your children, have already grown up, but we will never forget your lessons. It's time for us to enter into a conscious life. Thanks to your patience, education, and personal example, we have learned kindness, fidelity and justice. At the time of the creation of our family, we really want you to be near. Accept our invitation. Be witnesses to the emergence of new relationships.

The text of the invitation to the wedding for mom and dad of the groom

The best texts of wedding invitations for friends

If you have long been determined with the appearance of the wedding invitation, then the text of everyone can cause a lot of questions: any little thing matters here. By writing the original text, you can set the style and tone for your triumph. In this section, you can find texts (templates) of wedding invitations for friends in verses and prose.

  • My dear (name)! Your support, understanding and friendship have always been important to us. Therefore, it is so important for us that on this happy day of our life you are near us! We invite you to become a witness at our wedding. The marriage will take place in the central department of the registry office (date, time) at the address (street and house number). The wedding will take place in the (name of the temple) to the temple in (indicate the time). The festive banquet will take place in the restaurant (name) in (indicate the time) of the evening. We are looking forward to you. With love (the names of the bride and groom).
A wedding invitation for a friend
A wedding invitation for a friend

Cool, with humor invitation to a wedding

Cool invitations are an opportunity to please friends and relatives before the onset of a solemn event. After getting acquainted with a funny and cheerful message, your future guest will wait for the day when he can have mercy at the wedding with the young.

Video: cool wedding invitations

Examples and sample of beautiful wedding invitations: texts

How beautifully to sign an invitation to a wedding
How beautifully to sign an invitation to a wedding


Examples and sample of beautiful wedding invitations: texts
Options for invitations for a wedding
Options for invitations for a wedding


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Short beautiful invitations to SMS

From this section you can choose the text of a short invitation to a wedding, which can be sent using SMS.

  • Together we decided forever
    Combine your fate.
    And we invite you cordially,
    To share our joy.
  • Please be at our wedding
    On the right day, on a happy hour!
    Have fun, have fun,
    Drink champagne for us!
  • Accept the invitation
    To the wedding banquet!
    We are waiting for your confirmation
    Consent in response!

Video: Original wedding invitation

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Comments K. article

  1. You have collected really interesting and original solutions - I'm impressed, there is something to see. But now in the trend of the video incident. You can, for example, hire a professional wedding operator and order him, but a good video is good. And you can just order an original wedding video invitation in the style of "Save The Date" on the Internet.

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