Pachta: What is it, what is useful, what is needed for and how to cook at home?

Pachta: What is it, what is useful, what is needed for and how to cook at home?

In a series of dairy products, we very rarely call a drink such as a Pahta. Probably, few know what it is, but our grandmothers were happy to prepare and used it.

Perhaps in our time it is worth recalling this undeservedly forgotten product and try to cook it?

Pachta: What is it?

  • Previously, housewives They knocked the oil At home, and at the end of this process, they remained a liquid. She was also called oil, and in fact she was something like low -fat cream.
  • This liquid is not similar to the serum that turns out after we cook cottage cheese - It is different with both composition and taste. In general, it is more similar by density with kefir or ash.
  • It is such a side -milk residue, which is usually white (possibly with a cream tint) color, and it was customary to call groin.
  • Today, rarely, someone is engaged in their own buttoning of oil, so another method has been invented to prepare a gabble - adding to low -fat milk of some bacteria oxidizing lactose. This is how the modern groove turns out - a thick, having a somewhat is an island taste.

PACHTA: Useful properties - how is the PAHTA for a person useful?

  • Like any dairy product, the paste has a significant food value. It contains not only proteins, vitamins several groups and many minerals, but also enough phospholipidsindispensable in processes fat and cholesterol metabolism, normalizing them.
  • The content of lactose (or milk sugar) contributes to the normal course of fermentation processes in the intestinal department.
  • The fat content of the groove enough low, not reaching 1%, as a result of which it is recommended for people who need special diets that must be observed with problems with liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. Its nutritional value is 98 kcal. The drink is easily absorbed and also useful to people with diseases of the nervous system suffering from atherosclerosis.
The benefits for the digestive tract have been proved
The benefits for the digestive tract, nails and bones are proved
  • Useful, like any product, rich in calcium, to strengthen bones and nails, And also for teeth, these same qualities contribute to the prevention of osteoporosis. The composition of the groove Actual for those who need to reduce cholesterol, for hypertension, and is also shown to people on a diet.

PACHATE: product harm

  • For all unambiguous utility, the groove should be used with caution to people, prone to allergies. In addition, it contains a significant amount of salts.
  • In particular, contained in the groin sodium, can have the opposite effect in case of increased content, and negatively affect the state of health of people suffering cardiovascular or renal diseaseas well as those who have high blood pressure.
  • The presence of lactoses in the groin - People with intolerance to this substance can feel problems with the digestive tract.

PACHTA: What is used for?

  • The groove is used as raw materials in the industrial production of dairy products, being component of cottage cheese (usually skim), soft varieties cheese. Pachta is also popular in production drinking desserts.
Drinking dessert
Drinking dessert
  • She is good as an independent dish, including soft drink, as well as in cold soups - okroshka, for example, or salads, replacing sour cream.
  • In the kitchens of other peoples, Pachtu is used more widely. It is often used as basics for baking. The Irish, who are very popular, are very popular bake bread on it. The dough, which is prepared on the groin, comes out much more tender than that which is involved in the water. In addition, bread, baked from such a test, retains freshness longer.

How can you replace the groove?

  • If a groove is indicated in the recipe, but it is not at hand (and in stores this is not the most popular product that is constantly present in the assortment), then experts recommend that you try to replace the groove with the same fermented milk product from Armenian cuisine - matsoni.
  • However, you, too, are unlikely to find it easily on the shelves of stores, so the analogue in the form of a simple and familiar serum will become the most understandable and easily accessible.

How to cook a groove at home?

  • The easiest way out will be milking milk (or its mixture with yogurt) with lemon juice or vinegar.
  • The proportions are approximately the same: on a glass of milk or yogurt-milk mixture, 1 tbsp will require. giving acid. About a quarter of an hour, the drink should stand in the warmth - then it will become thicker and will be ready to use.
You can cook a groove at home
You can cook a groove at home

Pancakes on the groin

Tender pancakes on the groin - what could be better for breakfast! Let's try to cook:

  • Beat 4 eggs with 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara. Add half a teaspoon of salt, and beat all this again well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Pour a slightly heated paste there and beat again, making sure that the uniformity of the future dough is not violated. About half a kilogram of sifted wheat flour gradually rush into the mixture and finally knead, bringing to a fluid, thick consistency inherent in the pancake of the dough.
  • It will turn out even a little thicker, due to the density of the Pachta itself Therefore, at the end of the kneading, culinary culisers recommend gradually pouring order 100 ml of boiling water - It will also protect from the fact that baked pancakes will break. Bake pancakes in preheated vegetable oil.
  • By the way, it is pancakes with pancakes that are the most successful option for baking from a groove, since they are prepared quickly. Long -term heating is over 80 ° C, leads to loss by a groin of useful qualities and properties.
Ready pancakes
Ready pancakes

Patch drinks

  • First of all, we recall that the pasta itself represents drink. Pour it into bottles or packets after pasteurization. It has a short shelf life and implementation, so it is very important to pay attention to such moments when buying.
  • Among the most popular drinks made on the basis of a groove - "Ideal" and "Vosnyai", similar in percentage of acidity and fat content. The last indicator is three times higher in a drink from a drink "Vigor", And in a drink called "Amateur" Pasteurized groove is mixed with condensed. AT "Coffee", in accordance with the name, coffee with sugar are added.
  • A drink from a groove "Freshness" inherent classic "fermented" combination of taste and smell, in "School" Fruit-berry syrups are added, fermented with sourdough. A drink is also available, called "Sweet gloomy" (The name follows that an additional amount of sugar is present in it). And finally, a number of drinks complement kefir prepared by using kefir sourdough.

Bottom from the groove

  • Practicing preparation pachta cottage cheese at home, they note that it is somewhat more acidic than ordinary, classic, and therefore is simply ideal for cheesecakes or, for example, lazy dumplings.
  • For preparation of about 800 g of home cottage cheese you will need just milk and Pachta. The first needs about 2 liters, the second - an incomplete cup.
  • First, pour milk and groove into a saucepan and stir them well. Then cover and let it bend during the day.
  • By the way, when the milk is sour, you can leave this sourdough to prepare the next portion. And now - directly cooking. First, you need to place sour milk in the oven, and only then begin to heat it. At a temperature 150ºС Pull the milk for half an hour, and when it is stupid, it is pouring through a colander and sting.
Cottage cheese
  • Do not forget that it is necessary to express in the container, because The resulting serum is no less useful product, which can also be used for baking, in recipes for traditional medicine and for "guidance" of beauty using a variety of nutrient masks.

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