Which oil is more useful olive or linen, or sunflower, what is the difference between them?

Which oil is more useful olive or linen, or sunflower, what is the difference between them?

We habitually think the product is more expensive, the better it is. And judging by this criterion, then our good old sunflower oil in the outlets is not suitable for linseed or olive, because it is many times cheaper, but is it so?

Any of the vegetable oils contain many useful compounds, trace elements, it is saturated with vitamins, fats and acids. The content of all this wealth in each of the oils is different. Let's learn about the benefits of everyone in more detail.

What is contained in vegetable oil?

  1. What is contained in sunflower oil:
  • There are no fats, which belong to the type of omega-3, but at the same time contains fats of the Omega-6 class, to which two types of very necessary linoleic acids belong. They play a significant role in improving the condition with diabetic diseases, arthritis, have a beneficial effect on the skin, preventing aging.
  • The main thing is to use all products, including sunflower oil, in moderation, so as not to oversaturate the body with fats. This oil contains vitamin E in an amount 12 times higher than the content in olive. In addition, the use of unrefined oil nourishes the body lecitinhaving anticholesterol properties.
  1. What is contained in linseed oil:
  • Acids are also present here Omega-3, In addition, it is in this oil that the almost ideal balance of fats related to the Omega-3 and 6 class. This is useful as a preventive measure in heart and vessels, with diabetic diseases, to reduce pressure, good for vision and the nervous system.
  • But again, abuse linseed oil In no case can not be, because, heated, it is oxidized in the air and helps to release free radicals.
  1. What is contained in olive oil:
  • The largest content of acids in comparison with other oils Omega-9, Favorablely affect the level of cholesterol, on the process of biliary, reduces the risk of stones.
  • Olive oil is useful for those who have increased acidity and are prone to gastritis or ulcer, and it is recommended for children and people of advanced age, since it has a positive effect on the process of calcium assimilation. The most useful is the unrefined oil obtained as a result of the first pressing, it has the lowest acidity.
  • But a mixture of several varieties of oils, including the resulting from olive bones, have less value. To understand that the oil is natural, place it in a cold place for a couple of hours - white flakes will form in it, which, after heated in room conditions, will disappear. If the oil does not change the appearance - most likely it is a mixture.

Which oil is more useful: olive, linen or sunflower?

  • By balance vitamins leading sunflower oil. If we talk about the content of polyunsaturated acids, then most of their in linseed oil (67.7%), Following sunflower (65.0%), a olive inferior in this regard (13,02%).
  • As for saturated acids, then the reverse order does it work here? The smaller there are, the better. And in this case leadership for linseed oil (9.6%), Following - Sunflower (12.5%) and olive (16.8%).
  • By content vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant, is ahead of sunflower oil, 100 grams of which contains 44 mg of Vitamin E. Further - olive (12.1) and linen (2.1 mg).
  • If we talk about the calorie content of oils, then it is almost the same.
  • It turns out that in terms of the totality of indicators, the most useful is precisely sunflower oil.
It is important not to make oil harmful
It is important not to make oil harmful

Why is sunflower oil more useful than others?

  • In addition to the above advantages, it is necessary to separately note the content of lecithin in sunflower oil, which contains phospholipids. And this is an important component of the fat metabolism process. In addition, it is included in the structure of the liver and brain tissue. Lecithin has antioxidant properties, participating in cell regeneration and cell supply with useful substances.
  • Many paid attention to the insignificant the laxative effect of sunflower oil. With moderate consumption, this does not lead to a disorder of the stomach, but it favorably affects digestive processes, as well as the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.

Which oil is more useful: olive or linen?

  • There are many polyunsaturated acids in linseed oil, useful for the work of the heart and reducing cholesterol. The olive in this regard loses significantly.
  • The content of the harmful saturated fatty acids, There are almost one and a half times less than in olive oil. But in content vitamin e The olive is significantly ahead of linen - almost 6 times!
  • Olive oil is more suitable for frying, since its acidic indicator is lower than that of linen. Actually, linen is not considered at all as suitable for heating, and even more so - incandescent.
  • Summarizing the properties of both oils, we can say that each of them is useful in its own way. Linen rich in vitamins and polyunsaturated acids, favorably affects the maintenance of vascular elasticity, a decrease in cholesterol, and digestion. It is useful for avid smokers, people suffering from atherosclerosis and gastritis.
  • Olive oil enriches the body with vitamins and oleic acids, also helping to maintain normal cholesterol. It is preferable to use suffering from hypertension, atherosclerosis, diseases of the stomach and gall bladder.

Which oil is more useful: olive or sunflower?

  • Both oils contain almost the same amount of saturated fatty acids, But the polyunsaturated are much more in the oil of sunflower seeds, it exceeds the olive in this indicator 7 timesTherefore, it is much richer vitamin F.
  • Oleic acid is larger in olive oil, and vitamin E in the sunflower. Thus, it is best to use both oils in their diet that complement each other in composition of useful substances.
  • But for frying it is better to use a refined olive oil, since its composition is more stable when heated and at high temperatures releases less harmful fractions compared to sunflower.
Check the quality of the oil
Check the quality of the oil

Which oil is better - refined or unrefined?

  • All oils - and olive, and sunflower, and linseed - are produced both in refined and unrefined. The first is carried out by pressing either raw seeds or fried, i.e. by cold or hot pressing. As a result, only those substances that are contained in the seed, without any additives, enter the oil.
  • If produced cleansing (refining), then the production of oil is accompanied by the use of hexanawhich is then evaporated using alkali, but the oil itself is subjected to bleaching, filtration, deodorage. And you can hardly count on one hundred percent Removing gasoline fractions.
  • Therefore, experts believe unrefined vegetable oil is much more useful for consumption.

What kind of oil is it better to fry?

  • How suitable is the oil for heat treatment, which is essentially frying, determines an indicator called an acidic number. It means the amount of free acids oxidizing when heated, which is not very good for health.

Therefore, the best for frying is that oil, the acid number of which is less. The sunflower (0.4) was again recognized as such, the higher indicator of the olive (1.5) and the most significant - in the linen (2).

  • As you can see, sunflower oil It is most suitable in order to fry on it, but it is better to refuse linen for these purposes, using it for the preparation of salads.
  • It is permissible to fry in olive oil, but it is better to choose refined option. However, for sunflower oil, this is also relevant, since it begins select harmful substances At higher temperatures than unrefined.

How to choose the right vegetable oil?

Regardless of what kind of oil you prefer - olive, linen or sunflower, there are general rules that should be adhered to when buying:

  1. The most useful for health is unrefined oil obtained by the first cold spin.
  2. The most environmentally friendly safe container is glass.
  3. Do not stock up on vegetable oil in advance - its shelf life is limited.
  4. Do not eat oil that the beginning is bitter.
  5. The presence of sediment at the bottom does not indicate poor quality of oil.
  6. Buy a few small bottles with different types of oil and use them in accordance with their taste: for frying, baking, salads.

Want to know how to choose:

Video: What kind of oil to choose to stay healthy?

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