All about ovulation tests. How to do ovulation test correctly?

All about ovulation tests. How to do ovulation test correctly?

The article contains recommendations for the use of ovulation tests and their main types

The ovulation test is a rather accurate method of determining ovulation, but only with its proper use.

Oblusion test instructions

Ovolution tests are different, but the principle of action is the same, and therefore the instructions are generally similar.

General recommendations:

  • Store closed form. Print the test only before use
  • Check the expiration date
  • For the test, do not use the first morning urine
  • Do not use one test several times
  • Study the procedure for using the test to avoid false results

How to use:

  • The best urine, collected from 10 a.m. to 8 pm, is best for the test
  • 2 hours before using the test, reduce the amount of fluid consumed
  • If you have a classic test strip at your disposal, then lower it vertically into a container in the urine to the features indicated on it. Hold 5 seconds. Put the test on a flat and dry surface. In 10 minutes, evaluate the result
  • You must definitely see the control strip. This will talk about the correctly conducted test
  • Next to the control, you will see a second strip: weak or bright. A strip of result will then talk about the positive outcome of the test when it will be the same bright or brighter than the control
  • Such a strip suggests that ovulation will occur within 24 hours
  • If you bought an electronic test, then read more about it in the 6th section "Electronic ovulation test"


Important: carry out testing daily, starting from a certain day and do until you see the desired result.

How does the ovulation test work?

  • Shortly before ovulation, the body begins to produce luteinizing hormone. Just this hormone is determined by the ovulation test
  • If the hormone has begun to be produced in the body, then ovulation is about to occur, which means that the test will show a strip of brighter
  • Accordingly, if there is no hormone, then the strip of the result will not become brighter

When is it better to do ovulation test?

Manufacturers recommend a test in the period from 10.00 to 20.00.

The day on which you should start doing testing depends on your menstrual cycle. Read in detail in the section "How to calculate the ovulation cycle" of the article When does a woman have ovulation? How to determine ovulation at basal temperature?

Ovulation test in the morning and evening

The ovulation test can be done in the morning and in the evening, if, according to your calculations or well-being, ovulation should be about to occur (read the signs in the article When does a woman have ovulation? How to determine ovulation at basal temperature?).

So they can see a weak strip in the morning, and in the evening a bright positive result.

Reusable ovulation test

A reusable ovulation test is a kit:

  • USB device
  • 20 (usually) test strips

The test is both ovulation test and pregnancy at the same time, as it determines the level of hCG and luteinizing hormone.

The test is a semblance of a USB flash drive into which the test strip is inserted. The screen reflects the indicator of hCG and luteinizing hormone. Next, the device can be connected to a computer to obtain statistical data about your tests (track dynamics).

There are a lot of such tests and it is quite difficult to find them.

Electronic ovulation test

Electronic tests for ovulation manufacturers position as the most accurate, namely the accuracy of 99 %. Tests show 2 the most successful for conception of the day.

The test is made with a test-prolo, which is inserted into the cassette to read information. Before use carefully study the instructions. It may slightly differ among different manufacturers.

Watch the video about the use of such tests below.


Video: Learn how to use a digital ovulation test

Can a pregnancy test for ovulation?

  • The reagent with which the test for ovulation is imposed reacts to luteinizing hormone. After the ovulation occurred, the hormone ceases to be produced in such quantities, even in case of pregnancy
  • Pregnancy carries a high level of hCG. Pregnancy tests are just soaked in reagents that respond to this hormone
  • The ovulation test is not impregnated with such reagents, which means it cannot be proof of pregnancy
  • If you, being pregnant, have a test for ovulation, and he showed a positive result, then this is definitely not related to pregnancy. There are other reasons for false positive tests

Positive test for ovulation

A positive test for ovulation on simple test strips will be when you see the same bright or brighter strip of result next to the control strip.

Electronic tests show a certain icon in the window, talking about the onset of ovulation in the next 24 hours. An example may be the Smile icon in the Clearblue test.

Sometimes a test can show a false positive result:

  • If you did not urinate before the test for a long time, since the concentration of the hormone in the urine will be unjustified. Therefore, you should not do a test using the first morning urine
  • If the hormonal background is broken. The hormonal failure in the body always gives an unpredictable result not only of the test for ovulation, but also when measuring the basal temperature, and in the presence of secretions and other signs of ovulation
  • If you have done the angle hCG
  • If hormonal drugs were taken, including contraceptives
  • Kidney disease
  • Sharp change of power supply

Weak strip on the test for ovulation

A weak strip is not a positive result. This is due to the fact that luteinizing hormone in small quantities can be produced by the body at any time of the cycle. And only 24-48 hours before ovulation, it is thrown out in huge numbers. The test reacts to this emission, showing a bright strip.

Ovulation test during pregnancy

A test for ovulation during pregnancy should not show a positive result. Read the reasons in detail above.

Why is the ovulation test always negative?

The reasons negative tests:

  • The use of a large amount of liquid before the test. This is due to the fact that the liquid reduces the concentration of the hormone in the urine, as a result of which it may not react
  • Low -quality tests
  • Incorrect use of the test
  • Anovulation

Anovulation - This is a state when ovulation does not occur. Anovulation happens in two cases:

  • Health problems. Then you should contact an experienced gynecologist for treatment
  • Period of pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause

Signs in the presence of which it is worth going to the doctor, and not look for the reason as tests:

  • Discharges during menstruation are too scarce or too abundant
  • There is no abundant discharge in the alleged period of ovulation
  • The measurements of the basal temperature show constant jumps or a stable low temperature throughout the cycle (more than 2 months in a row)

The ovulation test is positive: when is conception?

The test shows a positive result when luteinizing hormone is thrown into the blood. This happens on average 24 hours before ovulation.

Therefore, conception should occur in the coming hours after obtaining a positive result of the ovulation test.

Spermatozoa will fall into the abdominal cavity and will expect the egg output, as they live on average 3-4 days.

Follow the instructions for the use of ovulation tests and then this method will be very accurate to determine ovulation.

Video: ovulation test



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