Osteopathy - what is it, how does it treat? Trigger points and muscle chains in osteopathy

Osteopathy - what is it, how does it treat? Trigger points and muscle chains in osteopathy

The term "osteopathy" for many is associated with the concept of manual therapy. And there are certain logical explanations for this, because in both cases of treatment we are talking about the effect on the body with the help of hands.

Moreover, between the two methods there are differences in approaches, which allows us to talk about osteopathy as a separate independent section of medicine. Let's figure out what is osteopathy and what its principles of treatment are based on.

Osteopathy: What is it in simple words, what treats?

  • If we proceed from the origin of the word, then two foundations of Greek origin merged in it: osteo - bone, pathos - disease. At the same time, the word “bone” should not be understood literally, since the osteopath works with the entire structure of the body, including bone and muscle.
  • Therefore, it is possible to determine the concept of “osteopathy” as a treatment system relating to the sections of alternative medicine. Orthodox doctors talk about her as one under which a scientific justification has not been brought. And what do theorists of the doctrine of osteopathy say?
  • The teaching that appeared in the second half of the 19th century, the founder of which was the American surgeon Andrew Taylor Still, was based on the fact that all organs and muscle-skeletal structure are organically interconnected.
  • And it is this connection that is decisive for the full work of our body.
Action with the hands
Action with the hands

Official medicine has not yet recognized osteopathic principles, which is why it classifies this direction to alternative, making it part of the doctrine of manual therapy. Also often compare osteopathy with massage and chiropractic, in a word, with the treatment during which the doctor’s hands are involved.

  • In addition, scientific medicine also uses the concept of “osteopathy”, namely, some bone diseases that are dystrophic or dysplastic in nature.
  • The main goal of osteopathy is to achieve an improvement in blood circulation, other biomechanical processes in the body by influencing muscles and ligaments. At the same time, osteopathic doctors do not affect the bones and do not use drugs. This makes it possible to talk about osteopathy as a relatively safe method of treatment.

What are the types of osteopathy?

  • The most common type of osteopathy can be considered sacredaimed at restoring the full balance of the whole organism.
  • Energy A variety of osteopathy combines classical methods and traditional Chinese medicine.
  • Biodynamic Osteopathy is aimed at developing the sensitivity of osteopath's hands for the difference and correction of electromagnetic characteristics of the human body. This allows them to work in the direction of self -regulation of the body.
  • In the concept cranial, or craniosacral, Osteopathy includes techniques that are used when working with cranial bones.
  • Administered structural Osteopathy - dorsal or articular pains, various violations of posture, flat feet, scoliosis, in a word - everything related to our skeleton and, first of all, the spine.
  • For visceral Osteopathy is characterized by methods aimed at removing spasms in the digestive organs and the genitourinary system, while regulating their mobility.
  • Aesthetic Osteopathy is a kind of derivative from cranial, when the doctor, by working with cranial bones, restores simultaneous tone and the structure of the skin of the face simultaneously.
  • Provocative Osteopathy is a directed irritation of the receptors of an organ or system in order to obtain a response.
  • Recently, the method has been mastered resonant Osteopathy, which allows you to treat a person who is at a distance.

What diseases does an osteopathic is treating?

Osteopath is usually addressed in such diseases:

  1. In case of violations of the musculoskeletal system:
  • Moster violations, including and in the period of pregnancy;
  • Arthrosis and non -infectious arthritis;
  • Joint diseases: loss of mobility or blockade, which can be complete or partial;
  • Heel spurs syndrome;
  • Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint;
  • Pain in various areas of the spine;
  • Consequences of surgical operations;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Soft tissue injuries;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Loss of mobility (complete or partial) that occurred after injury: breaks, dislocations and stretching, adhesions, bruises, fractures, etc.
Problems with the back
Problems with the back
  1. In case of violations of the digestive system:
  • An irritated bowel syndrome (small and large intestine).
  • Constipation or diarrhea.
  1. Available violations of reproductive function and genitourinary system:
  • The presence of postpartum adhesions or arising as a result of adnexitis.
  • Premenstrual pains (syndrome) and problems with the menstrual cycle.
  • Hypertonus of the uterus or violation of its mobility and position.
  • The threat of miscarriage or infertility.
  • Swelling during pregnancy.
  • Toxicosis.
  • Back pain.
  • Preparation of the bones of the pelvis for childbirth.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Pain in testiculas.
  1. For diseases of the respiratory system:
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • The consequences that arose as a result of such diseases as pleurisy or pneumothorax.
  • Chronical bronchitis.
  • Sinusitis or rhinitis.
  1. Diseases of teeth and jaws:
  • Violations associated with the temporomandibular joint.
  • Bruxism.
  • Violations of occlusion, with which the state of posture and gait are also associated.
  1. Dot in the work of the endocrine system:
  • Locomotor and vascular disorders in diabetes or menopause.
  • The presence of essential hypertension, hyper- and hypothyroidism, hyperprolactinemic syndrome.
  1. Problems related to the excretory system:
  • Chronic cystitis.
  • Renal lithiasis.
  • Enuresis.
  • The state of primary renal failure.
  • Nephroptosis or lowered bladder.
  1. In cases of violations in the work of the central and peripheral nervous system:
  • Headaches, dizziness.
  • Violations of the central nervous system.
  • The existing traumatic brain injuries, lesions and their consequences.
  • Spasticity.
  • Violations associated with sensitivity.
  • Syndroms of the Gyona channel, Reino, the rear tibia or middle nerves, the staircase.
  • Motoric disorders.
  • Asthenia.
  • Various hernias, disks damage, radiculitis.

Osteopathy with arthrosis and coksartrosis, arthritis, flat feet helps. Among other reasons for which they turn to an osteopath - after -outline condition, cellulite, soreness of trigger dots, epilepsy, fascia, endometriosis, varicose veins, vegetovascular dystonia, hemorrhoids.

What diseases does osteopathy treat in children treat?

  • Osteopaths are often addressed to soften or completely eliminate complications and problems that arose as generic (or perinatal) injury The child has. The same applies to the consequences of surgical intervention.

In the competence of an osteopath, the help of babies with hypertension-hydrocephalus syndrome, encephalopathy, perinatal cerebral damage syndrome, with speech retention, intellectual developmental disorders, and scattered attention.

  • With the help of osteopathic methods, they are working on scoliosis and other violations of posture, struggle with dysbiosis or dyskinesia of the biliary tract. And even with frequently attacking the children's body, acute respiratory infections and colds can also be cope with using osteopathic techniques.
Useful for scoliosis
Useful for scoliosis

Advantages of osteopathy

  • Clarity and accuracy diagnostic methods. The osteopathic doctor draws attention not so much to the sick body as to the existing functional deviations, and reveals the real cause of pain, and not the place where the consequences are manifested.
  • Osteopathic treatment technique painless.
  • Detection the true cause of pain It leads not just to relieve well -being, but to effective treatment.
  • Thanks to osteopathic methods, the number of drugs that have to be taken to alleviate the condition is reduced.
  • Osteopathic treatment is carried out on the exact knowledge of such sections of medicine as physiology, anatomy, histology, biochemical processes. The method has been officially recognized in Russia since 2003, and since 2012 the Ministry of Health has approved the specialty of an Osteopath.

The main advantage of the method is the ability to combine it with other medical treatment procedures. It is optimal to combine this system with massage, reflexology and hirudotherapy.

The procedure is painless, only slight discomfort can be felt, which doctors must warn about. After that, a slight pain or a feeling of fatigue may appear, which is considered a healthy reaction to therapy.

Contraindications for osteopathic treatment

The method of osteopathy has practically no absolute contraindications. Of these, without exception, it is possible to include urgent critical states in which urgent assistance is provided. Everyone else is relative temporary.

Such contraindications are:

  • Complex open fractures and injuries.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • The presence of neoplasms of a malignant nature.
  • Chronic infections in the aggravation stage.
  • Mental disorders in acute form.

How does osteopathy heal?

  • Despite all the similarities with the same manual therapy, osteopathic techniques act exclusively on fabrics, and therefore their effect is more gentle and soft.

The main principle of osteopathy is the impact not so much on the sick body or system as on attracting the existing internal resources of the whole organism, their complete mobilization.

  • This is the basic principle of osteopathic treatment: the human body is a single, whole system in which all components are interconnected. And therefore, the effect occurs on the entire organism in the complex, and the ultimate goal is to eliminate the root cause of the disease. A separate positive point is the effectiveness of osteopathy, including in the stage of sublonics.
  • Thus, fundamental in osteopathic methods of treatment is literacy of the diagnostic approach and the softness of therapeutic techniques, unlike forceful manipulation. The orientation of osteopathic treatment is to restore the body, its self -regulation and adaptation.
  • In diagnosis, they are used inspection methods, functional trial, palpation, in which the doctor acts with the hands on tissues and muscles, joints, internal organs. Its task is to detect the reason why the disease develops, and not the fight against the consequences. If any organ is shifted, which leads to back pain, then the osteopath returns it to the correct position.

When does the effect of osteopathy come?

  • As practice shows, the first shifts for the better in treatment of a real professional are observed almost after 2-3 sessions, and in some cases, they can manifest itself after the first visit to the doctor.
  • But a positive effect does not mean complete healing from the disease. It occurs only after the full course of treatment has been completed. It is impossible to quickly heal the disease that has been accumulated for years.
Adults need a dozen sessions
Adults need a dozen sessions

Several sessions are able to cure at an early age when the disease has not yet managed to develop and progress. An adult will have to go through order a dozen sessions per year. And the treatment abandoned after the first positive effect will not only not give a result, but will also lead to the original painful condition.

  • If, having passed the full course of treatment, the patient does not note improvements in his condition, then the cause of the disease is not eliminated.

How often do you need to visit an osteopath?

  • The optimal time between sessions is one or two weeks. The time for a break is given in order to make the body recover and “balance”.
  • During between the sessions, when the course of treatment continues, it is necessary to exclude physical activity, sports classes, physical education exercises.

What can not be done after taking an osteopath?

  • Doctors recommend that at the end of the session, do not leave right away, but still stay in the clinic for some time, just sit in the corridor to understand their sensations. And if dizziness, muscle cramps, etc. are felt, immediately inform the doctor about it.
  • After an osteopathy session, it is necessary relaxation. Therefore, at least over the day, weight lifting, sports, visits to the pool, any sharp and impulsive movements, including rapidly getting up, are prohibited.
  • The body should not sickle or overheat.
  • Not recommended get behind the wheel Immediately after the osteopathy session.
  • At least a month should be observed sparing regime And to avoid physical and shock loads, to completely eliminate classes of sports in which injuries (skates, skis, bicycle, snowboarding, etc.) are possible.
  • Any is prohibited massage, if he is not agreed with an Osteopath. The same applies to hardware procedures.
  • You can not neglect the exercises that the doctor prescribes: they will consolidate the positive effect and strengthen the muscle corset.

What to take with you to see an osteopath?

  • The list of things necessary for taking things is only the most necessary: passport and medical card with extracts about the results of all examinations, which you passed. If you are led to a child’s session, grab his birth certificate and your favorite toy.
  • It is best to wear light tight clothes - A T -shirt, a Topik shirt, a skeleton, you can take a swimsuit or swimming with you - it will be most convenient for you to take the position that is necessary for the proper work of the doctor. But you should not wear a skirt or dense jeans - they, like a bra or belt, will only interfere with the doctor.

Do not forget before the session about the need to take a shower or bath. Do not eat tightly-it is best a light snack in an hour or two to the session. Be sure to warn the doctor, if you are a cold, you have increased pressure, temperature and any other signs of poor health.

Trigger points in osteopathy

  • The literal translation of the word "trigger" from English - "trigger mechanism". It is precisely such a mechanism that triggering pain is the trigger point. It is a slight focus of tension, which is concentrated in the muscle, and is able to activate under certain conditions.
  • Trigger points In osteopathy are the main symptom that characterizes muscle pain, called myofascial syndrome, and distinguishes it from other diseases, such as disk hernia, osteochondrosis or protrusion. How severe this pain will be - associated with the number of resulting trigger points and from the location in the body of the sick muscle itself.
Painful points
Painful points
  • There are several more generally accepted concepts and symptoms associated with trigger points. For example, the area of \u200b\u200breflected pain - This is a place of pain at a certain distance from the trigger. Another important symptom is a weak muscle. The lack of muscle training, various diseases lead to a weakening of a particular muscle that ceases to participate in the work of the whole organism.
  • At the trigger point occurs the alternation of healthy muscle fibers and affected by spasms. The trigger makes a bundle of fibers more dense and stretched, due to which it begins to pull the place of attachment of the muscle itself. It is in them that pain arises. So the zone of reflected pain arises - not at the trigger point itself, but in the place of mounting muscle.
  • In addition, tightening the places where the muscle is attached, the trigger point not only helps to shorten the muscle itself, but also weakening. A visual example is a person who is tormented by back pain: those that arise in the muscle corset, which surrounds the spine, the trigger points shorten the muscles, forcing the spine itself to bend.
  • Usually, when trigger points near them, vegetative disorders appear near them: dryness or peeling of the skin, the appearance of age spots or redness, vascular stars, edema, etc.

Why do trigger points appear?

  • Our muscles are cells that contract when a nervous impulse comes to them and relax when it turns off. If the impulse movements become chaotic, contractions of muscle tissues become the same unregulated.
  • The longer this condition lasts, the more muscle cells are used in such involuntary contractions. Together, they lead to the formation of a trigger point.
  • In other words, the trigger point occurs as a result deformation of muscle cells and violations of their normal work.

Why does pain occur at a trigger point?

The reasons why trigger points are activated, leading to pain symptoms, can be: can be:

  • Physical overload
  • Excessive hypothermia in which the muscles are intensely compressed, giving an impulse to the trigger point;
  • Psychological stress;
  • Intoxication (drinking alcohol, smoking, excessive medication, viruses, etc.);
  • Pressure on it.

What are the trigger points in osteopathy?

  • Active - Very sensitive, does not allow the muscle to stretch completely, the reflected pain can manifest itself both at rest and during movements.
  • Latent - The pain manifests itself exclusively during palpation.
  • Primary - It manifests itself after mechanical tension of the muscle and latentna when activating the trigger point in another place.
  • Secondary - It manifests itself if the muscle takes on the function of the one in which the primary trigger point is located.
  • Satellite - activated in the reflected zone.
  • Associative - It occurs if the muscle is overloaded in the course of compensating for the lack of activity of another muscle.

How to find out where the trigger points are located?

  • To find out the location of the trigger point, an osteopath is conducting muscle testing to detect a weakened muscle. Then an analysis of the patient’s posture is carried out, during which the degree of deviation from the norm of all parts of the body is evaluated.
  • It is according to this criterion that the doctor determines where exactly the trigger points are localized. A similar analysis is carried out in motion.
  • By the aggregate of all indicators, the doctor diagnoses all trigger points, including hidden.
We will find out by testing
We will find out by testing

Thus, the methods of diagnosing trigger points include:

  • Interview;
  • Visual diagnosis (inspection in a calm position);
  • Kinesiological diagnosis (examination in motion);
  • Muscle neurological testing;
  • Palpation to identify a point epicenter.

Muscle chains in osteopathy

  • Muscle or myofascial chains are muscles united with a single fascial bed, which has a linear location. The chains are also united by a single task of a dynamic or static nature. In their composition, in addition to muscles, - tendons, fascia, ligaments and perioster.
  • When an action is performed on one of the parts of the muscle chain, it is reflected in other groups, which makes it possible to consider them as a single muscle. Any action of the muscle occurs inside the fascial environment, and together they are a single muscle and fascial case.
  • The muscle chain is essentially linealong which one muscle part of the muscles transfers tension to another. And any change in the length of this chain leads to the fact that all myofascial unity is included in the work.

Osteopathy uses fascial techniques that affect fabrics. The osteopath runs with his hand at the direction of damage, moving towards free movement. The combined method consists in moving directly to the fascia stress, and in an indirect direction to weakening. Thus, the fascia is forced to rebuild, which leads as a result to its relaxation. This combination allows you to work out the entire muscle chain.

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  1. I went to my back massage, very much hurt after childbirth. The first two sessions were painful, it was even difficult to restrain the scream sometimes. Then he got better. The masseur in parallel advised me to drink the Evalarovsk Honda Drink. In the composition of chondroitin and glucosamine, in a very high dosage, plus methyl sulfonylmetatan (relieves edema and pain). Now the back is even and does not hurt at all.

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