Orthopedic pillow for newborn babies: how to use, how to order on Aliexpress? Pillow with a deepening butterfly for newborns: how to properly put a child on it, reviews, photos

Orthopedic pillow for newborn babies: how to use, how to order on Aliexpress? Pillow with a deepening butterfly for newborns: how to properly put a child on it, reviews, photos

Instructions for use and features of an orthopedic cushion of a butterfly.

Now a lot of controversy arises around the health of infants. This is primarily the use of a pillow, walkers and nipples. There is also a lot of controversy around feeding. Someone believes that the baby needs to be fed by the clock, and someone adheres to the scheme at will.

Do an orthopedic pillow needs a baby and at what age?

Many pediatricians argue whether the pillow is needed. If your child is absolutely healthy, he does not have congenital injuries, violations of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system, then he does not need a pillow. It is forbidden to put a regular feathery pillow under the head. It can cause allergies and even lead to strangling the baby.

If the child has congenital injuries, then doctors recommend using an orthopedic pillow. It supports the head in the correct position and promotes normal blood flow in the muscles and head.

Indications for the use of an orthopedic pillow:

  • Torticollis
  • Reduced or increased muscle tone
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Congenital injuries of cervical vertebrae
  • Scoliosis
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Do an orthopedic pillow needs a baby and at what age?
Do an orthopedic pillow needs a baby and at what age?

Orthopedic, anatomical pillow, butterfly for a newborn on Aliexpress: price, catalog, photo

The orthopedic butterfly pillow is used for the prevention and treatment of some ailments of the musculoskeletal system. Not all kids need to purchase such a product. If the child is healthy, then up to 2 years old you can put the child to sleep on a flat surface. Doctors believe that the height of the chest and head is the same, so the child’s head does not need additional support.

Another thing is if the child has crooked. In this case, the baby turns his head on one side. This is due to muscle voltage on the right or left around the neck. To adjust the violation, you have to use special collars. Such children are shown pillow butterfly.

Advantages of the butterfly pillows:

  • Supports the baby's head in an anatomical position
  • Allows the child to move and does not constrain the movement
  • Prevents chokes when tearing the baby
  • Improves blood circulation in the brain

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Orthopedic, anatomical pillow, butterfly for a newborn on Aliexpress: price, catalog, photo
Orthopedic, anatomical pillow, butterfly for a newborn on Aliexpress: price, catalog, photo

Orthopedic pillow for newborn babies: how to use?

Using such a pillow is quite simple. It is necessary to carefully take the baby under the head and put it in a recess. It is necessary that the head is in the hole, and the roller under the cervical vertebrae of the child. At the same time, the head should not fall to one side, but be strictly in the middle.

Pillow requirements:

  • Natural fabric that perfectly passes the air
  • Hypoallergenic filler
  • Washing resistance

Ticks will not start in such a pillow, and dust will not accumulate. It is convenient to wash such a pillow in a washing machine. It quickly dries and does not deform after washing. Be sure to check the composition of the filler and fabric before buying.

Orthopedic pillow for newborn babies: how to use?
Orthopedic pillow for newborn babies: how to use?

A pillow with a deepening butterfly for newborns: how to put a child on it correctly?

Using the pillow is very convenient. At the same time, it can be used not only in the crib, but to use to sleep on a walk. Just put the pillow in the stroller. This will help the baby feel comfortable. In this case, muscle voltage is reduced. The child sleeps calmly, does not spin in a dream. The head with such a pillow cannot throw back and go. You can watch how to use a pillow in the video.

A pillow with a deepening butterfly for newborns: how to put a child on it correctly?
A pillow with a deepening butterfly for newborns: how to put a child on it correctly?

Video: how to use a butterfly pillow

A cushion with a recess of a butterfly for newborns: reviews

Reviews about such a pillow are positive. Many parents assure that with her help the baby managed to recover. In combination with massages, you can cure crooked. Because of the side rollers, the child cannot turn his head on one side. This contributes to the uniform distribution of the load. In addition, the child will not choke during spitting.

A cushion with a recess of a butterfly for newborns: reviews
A cushion with a recess of a butterfly for newborns: reviews

As you can see, an orthopedic pillow is a necessary product for the correct formation of the child’s musculoskeletal system. The pillow will help to avoid many orthopedic problems.

Video: Pillow-bow

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