Description of the river on the "surrounding world": what parts exist, where are the origins?

Description of the river on the

If you need to make a description of the rivers on the "surrounding world", then read the article. It has a lot of useful information.

Modern children begin to study geography already in elementary school. This subject includes such a discipline as a description of natural objects in the world, which implies finding information, followed by its analysis and comprehension. This task is already very difficult, and for small schoolchildren, it may be much harder.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Which lake is 336 rivers flows into, but does it flow alone?". You will find information about the name, location on the world map, a brief description in the article.

In this article, we will clearly show and talk in detail about how to correctly perform and draw up such a task as description of the river around the world. Read further.

River description plan: 10 points

The most important component of the successful description of the river is a clear and detailed plan of future work. The river description plan should consist of ten points and look as follows:

  1. The name of the river
  2. Location of the source of the river
  3. River flow: slow or fast
  4. River tributaries
  5. The place into which the river flows
  6. What metamorphoses (changes) occur with a river to each of the seasons
  7. Animals and plants living in the river
  8. How a person uses the described river
  9. What influence people have on the river
  10. How people guard the river, what they do for this

Following the plan written above, will help any student compose a structured and understandable text, with a description of any river. Everything else will already depend on the knowledge of the child and the information he collected.

What are the parts of the river?

The river is a water flow of natural origin, which has large size and its own, natural course. In addition, any river always consists of several parts:

  • Source

The source of the river is the place where the river originates. On geographical maps, this section is usually distinguished by a point.

  • Bank of the river

The river always has two shores - left and right. At the same time, if you look in the direction where the flow of the river moves, then the left bank will be on the left side, and the right one, respectively, is the right one.

  • Tributaries

The tributaries are called watercourses flowing into the river. It can be both streams and other rivers of smaller sizes. At the same time, like the banks of the river, tributaries are also right and left. Accordingly, the right tributary flows into the river from the right bank, and the left - from the left.

  • Mouth

This is the name of the place in which the river ends its movement, falling into any other reservoir: sea, ocean, reservoir or lake.

It is worth adding that most often rivers are formed in low sections of the relief called valleys. In this case, the lowest place of the valley is called the channel, and the site, which is poured with high water, is called - floodplain.

Where are the sources of the rivers - the "surrounding world"?

Such part of the river as source. And to be more precise, the places of education and finding these river origins are of interest. The textbook on the “surrounding world” describes in detail where the sources of rivers are located.

As has already been written above, the source of the river is the place in which the waterway originates. The place of origin of the river and to give her life can be any other source of moisture. Most often, the sources of rivers are such natural objects:

  • Streams
  • Lakes
  • Rodniki
  • Swamps

Do not forget about the glaciers that are also able to create and feed natural waterflies with their moisture.

It is worth adding that quite often the source of large rivers becomes a place in which two other rivers merge. For example, the Ob River originates at the confluence of Katun and BII, and the source of the Northern Dvina is the South and Sukhon. There are a lot of similar examples. In such a situation, they say about the hydrographic length of the river, which is the sum of the lengths of the main river and one of the forming it, with the source of the source of the fusion from the confluence.

Description of the Volga River - "The World" Grade 4: Flora and Fauna, Shipping, Excursions, Water use

Volga - This is the largest river, not only in Russia, but throughout the world. In terms of length, water content and area of \u200b\u200bthe pool, she confidently holds leadership in Europe. However, our river can boast of not only impressive dimensions, but also a variety of flora, fauna, interesting places for excursions and many others. We will talk more about the wealth of the Volga, her beauty, as well as the benefits for man, in detail.

Studying the description of this river begins on the subject "The World" in grade 4. Read more:


  • The Volga River is rightfully considered a house for a large number of birds and animals.
  • Dives, ducks, swans and even flamingos nest on the shores.
  • The abundance of fish living in river waters can feed not only representatives of the fauna, but also fishermen who come to these places.
  • Fishermen really have something to go to the Volga. The river is rich in bream, karazem, catfish, sterlet and other fish. Of especially expensive species, Beluga, Sevryug and Sturgeon can be noted.


  • The Volga is a very deep and wide river.
  • Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that a large number of ships move through its waters, including large and heavy.
  • For example, having visited the river bank, you can often see ships loaded with grain, forest and even minerals.
  • An important help for shipping is the location of the Volga, which allows you to combine several large Russian cities with the help of water routes.


  • A large number of sightseeing steamers have been moving along the Volga for a long time.
  • They make stops in cities rich in attractions and museums that tourists can visit.
  • At the same time, tourist vouchers vary from time trips to many days of tours.

Using the Volga by man:

  • Several reservoirs have been created on the Volga.
  • This is the name of very large lakes of artificial origin, from which people use water for industry and water supply.

The Volga is rich in hydroelectric power plants that create a huge amount of electricity for cities and factories.

It is worth noting that, unlike coal and nuclear power plants located on the Volga of hydroelectric power station, do not pollute nature and do not harm the environment. This allows you to preserve the flora and fauna almost in its original form, making the Volga one of the cleanest and wealthy natural zones not only in Russia, but also in the world.

Large rivers of Russia: description on the "surrounding world"

So, we have already talked about the Volga - one of the largest and most famous rivers in Europe and the world. However, in Russia there are many other large and beautiful rivers, which also deserve to tell about them. Here is a description of the "surrounding world":

  • LENA

This is the largest river of the north-east of Siberia, the source of which is located in Lake Baikal. Lena flows along the plain, due to which her current is quiet and calm. The length of the river is 4400 km, which corresponds to the tenth place in the world. Lena is the most long river in the world, which is entirely flowing in permafrost.

  • Irtysh:

It flows through the territory of Russia (2010 km), China (525 km) and Kazakhstan (1835 km). The total length of the Irtysh is 4248 km. This river part -time is an influx of Ob.

  • Ob:

This river is located on the territory of Western Siberia. Ob is the longest river in Russia and takes second place in this indicator in Asia. The source of the river is the confluence of the Katun and Biya rivers. The length of the Ob River itself, from the confluence, is 3650 kilometers.

  • KAMA:

A large river, which is the largest, left tributary of the Volga. Located in the European half of Russia.

It is worth noting that in general there are more than 40 large rivers in our country. Here is their full list:

Large rivers of Russia
Large rivers of Russia
Large rivers of Russia
Large rivers of Russia
Large rivers of Russia
Large rivers of Russia
Large rivers of Russia
Large rivers of Russia
Large rivers of Russia
Large rivers of Russia
Large rivers of Russia
Large rivers of Russia

Rivers traditionally played a very important role in the history of Russia. Moreover, this applies to the transport routes and roads for development, as well as the settlement of new territories. Do not forget that almost every large city in Russia was built on the river. Water resources of Russia can be called wealth without exaggeration. But as well as other natural objects, water bodies need protection and a careful attitude to themselves. This should be remembered by every person who is about to go to nature or fishing.

In this article, we talked a lot about the description of the rivers around the world and even brought a plan for how to do it. However, in order to make a good job, you need to have not only a plan, but also knowledge. And for this you need to study and sometimes look into the encyclopedia. Moreover, the topic is very interesting.

Video: Rivers. The world around the grade 2

Video: Rivers

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