What is the river: what does it consist of, definition. What is the regime, mouth, pool, delta, fall, source, bias, nutrition, floodplain, tributary, channel, upper reaches, valley, bend, thresholds, length, stock, lower reaches, tap, terrace, river, sleeve, river water area : definition

What is the river: what does it consist of, definition. What is the regime, mouth, pool, delta, fall, source, bias, nutrition, floodplain, tributary, channel, upper reaches, valley, bend, thresholds, length, stock, lower reaches, tap, terrace, river, sleeve, river water area : definition

In this material, we will consider questions regarding the rivers. Nutrition, current, river mode and much more.

We all often encounter such a concept as "nature." Despite the fact that this word is heard, clearly explain what this can not every person. We will not delve into the essence of this concept, besides, it is very easy to define such a concept, because nature is all that surrounds us, except what is done by the hands of man.

Today we will talk in more detail about one of the components of nature - the river. So, let's begin.

What is the river: what does it consist of, definition

To begin with, let's give a definition of the concept of "river". The river is a stream of water that flows in the depression formed by it. It is also worth saying that such flows can be both constant and temporary. This is primarily due to the climatic conditions of the area in which the river flows.

Now let's talk about the components of the river. So, the river consists of:

  • The beginning, which is customary to call the source
  • The end that is called the mouth
  • River valley
  • Sleeves
  • Floodplains
  • Terraces
  • Tributaries
The river and its components
The river and its components

The channel, in turn, also has some components:

  • Threshold
  • Rolls
  • Ples
  • Pool
  • Shallow
  • Old woman
  • Waterfalls
  • Talveg
  • Fairway
  • Strezhen
  • Springs
  • Meander
  • Channel islands
  • Nanos

We will also call the views of the mouths of the river, which were formed at the fallen into the sea:

  • Delta
  • Lip
  • Usteva Liman
  • Espotia

What is a river mode: definition

You probably see the difference between the river and its condition in different pores of the year, right? Agree that in the spring the river becomes much larger, this contributes to the melting of snow. In summer, you can often see such a phenomenon as drying out the river, this occurs due to an unbearable heat. In winter, the river “sleeps” almost with all its inhabitants. Why all these conversations? To the fact that all these changes are the regime of the river.

That is, in simple words, the river mode is changes that occur in the river and with the river due to climatic and anthropogenic factors. Changes can be expressed, for example, in the temperature of water or in the water level in the river.

What is the beginning, mouth, delta, source, floodplain of the river: definition

Previously, we called the components of the river, now we will talk about them in more detail.

  • It is quite logical and no one will argue with this that the river should begin somewhere. The beginning of the river is called the source. For example, from groundwater, for example, can take its beginning. Also the source of the reservoir can be a place in which 2 other rivers merge. We are so that the river has not one or two sources, but much more. In this case, the source will be considered the main thing, which is at the largest distance from the mouth.
  • Very often during spills, we can observe how water emerges from the shores. In this case, as a rule, a certain part of the river valley is flooded. It is this part that is called river floodplain. That is, in simple words, the river floodplain is that part of the river valley that always floods during floods and floods.
River spills
River spills
  • Delta The section of the mouth of the river is called, which was formed due to the settlement of river deposits. When the river approaches the sea, the speed of the current slows down markedly. The river in its waters carries many different sediments and deposits that contribute to the formation of sleeves, islands and ducts. That's exactly the place where there are many such sleeves and ducts and is commonly called the river delta.
  • The mouth of the river - This is the place where the river ends, while falling into another river, sea or lake. It is worth saying that there are times when it is impossible to determine the mouth of the river, this happens for several reasons. Firstly, the river can dry out during evaporation, secondly, water can be taken for agricultural needs, thirdly, water can simply go into the ground. In all these cases, we will talk about a blind mouth, which will mean that the river does not fall anywhere.

What is a channel, pool, river water area: definition

  • Channel The rivers are commonly called that part of the river valley, which is the most reduced. It is important to say that the channel is formed due to the movement of the flow of water. There are such types of channels: straight, winding, branched, which in turn are divided into floodplain and channel.
River water area
River water area
  • Swimming pool The rivers or the water bass pool is a part of the surface on the ground, with which all the waters (soil and superficial) flow into the river. The pool of absolutely any reservoir, including rivers, has an underground and surface water brothers. With a superficial water bribe, everything is clear - from the surface of the Earth, water flow into the river. The underground segment is formed using the thicknesses of the deposits through which the water enters the river.
  • Concerning water area, then this is the area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface that is limited by certain boundaries. Borders can be both natural, artificial, or conditional.

What is the supreme, the lower reaches of the river: definition

Each river has the lower reaches and upper reaches. Let's figure out what it is.

  • The lower reaches of the river - This is the place of the river, which is as close as possible to the mouth. It is also worth saying that not only part of the river is near the mouth, but also the area adjacent to it.
  • The upper reaches of the river - This is nothing more than a section of the river, which is located at its very origins (as far as possible). It is because the site is the upper section of the river, here you can see the largest slopes, and the speed of water flow in this place will be the fastest.

What is a valley, bend, river mocking: definition

Now let's talk about what the river valley, bend and rod is, because these concepts also have a direct relationship to the river.

  • River Valley - These are formed by a stream of river water recess. The relief of the valley, its width, depth and other characteristics depend on how strong and powerful stream of water formed them. The valleys may differ among themselves depending on where they are formed. River valleys can be mountainous, plain, young or old.
River Valley
River Valley
  • Bend The very smooth bend of the river is called. From the speed, nature of the course of the river, as well as its aquaticity, it will directly bind how the bend will be smooth.
  • As you know, the flow in different points of the river is completely different, somewhere it will be stronger, somewhere weaker. So river Creeps - This is just the area in which the flow rate will be maximum. If we are talking about the direct section of the river, then the rod will be located near the middle of the waterflower, if about the bends - near the concave shore.

What is a fall, slope of the river: definition

The fall of the river and its slope are two concepts that are interconnected.

  • The fall of the river It is generally considered the difference in the heights of the level surface of the water at 2 of its points, which are at a certain distance from each other along the river.
  • The slope of the river - This is directly the ratio of the fall of the river to the length of the site on which there is a fall. To express the value of the slope of the river use interest and ppm. It is also worth saying that the slope can be both longitudinal and transverse.

What is an influx, river flow: definition

Tributary It is customary to call one smaller waterflow, which flows into another, but much larger.

  • Almost any river can have its own tributaries, although there are exceptions
  • For example, in an area where there is more than enough precipitation, there may be many tributaries (Amazon) have a river
  • In places where there are very few precipitation or they are not there, the river may not have tributaries at all (Nile)
  • The tributaries are left and right, depending on which side they fall into the river
The drain of the river
The drain of the river

The drain of the river - This is a process that is characterized by moving the water flow along the river.

  • This process occurs continuously, since gravity has an effect on it
  • It is thanks to the drain that the water masses move from land to rivers, seas and oceans, and this, in turn, provides a cycle of water in nature, which is important

What are the thresholds of the river: definition

Many rivers have thresholds. River threshold The area is called in the riverbed (rocky, rocky), on which the flow rate of water is increased, and there is also a drop in the level of water level. The fall of the water level in such a section occurs due to the stepped erosion of the river bed. River thresholds also have their own elements, and immediately before the threshold you can observe reins.

What is the length of the river: definition

Any vodok, including the river, has its own length.

The length of the river It is generally considered the length from its beginning to its end, that is, from the source to the mouth. In this case, measure the length of the main river bed.

  • The length of the river is determined by topographic maps
  • If the river flows through another water water, for example, a lake, but at the same time it retains its name, then the length of the lake will also be counted in its length

What is a river's mouth: definition

Any river has a shore, and maybe the shore is represented in the form of an embankment. So the place of the river where the surface of the water will intersect with the surface of the land, and will be called River sore. Sometimes the river is called the coastal line.

  • A drop of water can change, because the water level in the river is very unstable
  • This can contribute to both natural and anthropogenic factors

What is the river terrace: definition

River terraces are called peculiar sites that appear mainly on the slopes of the valleys. Limit such venues.

River Terrace
River Terrace
  • Terraces appear due to the activities of the river
  • As a rule, the terrace appears if the river was originally flowed at a higher level than now. It is the remains of the old river valley that can form terraces

What is a river sleeve: definition

Each river has a channel. So it is customary to call a new riverbed, which has all the characteristics of the river channel and, as a rule, also flows into this river, but slightly downstream. That is, the sleeve is a kind of branching of the river.

What is a mixed diet of rivers?

To begin with, let's say what is the power of the river. River nutrition is a process during which the river receives the water necessary for it.

To date, 4 main types of rivers are distinguished:

  • Glacial. The river receives food from the glacier
  • Rain. Rain water is a direct "nurse" of the river
  • Snow. The snow that melted, also nourishes the river
  • Underground waters are also one of the sources of the river power
River nutrition
River nutrition

I must say that there are rivers, which have only one type of nutrition, but there are those that all 4 stand out - this is mixed nutrition of the rivers.

What is a backbone, pool, river roll: definition

The word "backbone" has 2 meanings, which are in principle suitable for us. So:

  • Zaton is a very large bay of the river, which appeared from the duct and can be separated from the river bed with shallow water
  • Zaton is a river water area that can be both artificial and natural, intended for the repair of ships and their slid. This territory is protected from ice drift and current
  • The pool is a place in the river, which is characterized by the greatest depth. Surely everyone knows the saying “into the pool”, and from here she takes her roots
  • It is customary to call the river river, on the contrary, that section of the river, which is characterized by "shallow" water

What depends on the flow rate, the river mode?

It will not be a secret to anyone that each river has its own flow rate. Several factors affect the speed of the current:

  • River landscape
  • The depth of the reservoir
  • The shape of the channel
  • The presence of aquatic vegetation in the river
The river mode depends on many factors
The river mode depends on many factors

What is the regime of the river we have already said, and now we will consider the factors on which it depends:

  • From the climate and its features (air temperature, wind, high humidity or vice versa dryness)
  • From the geographical position
  • From the relief of the territory
  • From the sources from which the reservoir feeds
  • From the presence of plant and animal world in water
  • From the influence of a person and his activity

What is the main river?

The main river is the main stream of the river system, which flows into the sea or other reservoir, and under certain circumstances simply disappears in the sand or swamp. The main river can also be found under the name "Maternal River."

What depends on the fall and slope of the river?

We got acquainted with these concepts a little earlier, and regarding what the fall and slope of the river depends on, it must be said that first of all they depend on the relief of the reservoir.

What does the word "full -flowing river", "flood" mean?

A full -flowing river is considered to be such a river that flows into the sea and in the literal sense of the word is always “full of water”, that is, it never dry out. So that the river can be considered full -flowing, it must have 2 characteristics:

  • The length of the river should be 500 km or more
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe river basin should be at least 10,000 km 2
Full -flowing river
Full -flowing river

Regarding the flood, it must be said that this process is associated with such natural phenomena as rain and snow. A flood is called a phenomenon during which the water level in the river is rapidly increasing due to the rapid melting of snow or due to long-term rains.

What is the nature of the current, the fairway of the river?

Understanding what the nature of the river is not difficult in principle. Any river has its own characteristics and features, including the features of the course. For example, the nature of the course of mountain rivers is completely different from the nature of the course of the flat rivers.

Let us see on this example and see what the nature of the river is:

  • Plain rivers have small slopes of the channel, the flow rate is usually not large or medium, the floodplains of the rivers are very wide, the presence of a large number of bends and bends is characteristic.
  • Mountain rivers, on the contrary, boast of large slopes, the current or slightly above the average, the valleys of such rivers do not differ in width, but differ in depth, the presence of a large number of thresholds, as well as waterfalls, is characteristic.

Fairway of the river The place of the river is called, which has sufficient depth for the course of Sudene. There are also no obstacles to shipping in such a place. The fairway can indicate on the map and terrain.

What determines the nature of the river?

First of all, the nature of the course of the river determines the relief of the area on which this reservoir is located. It can also be said that the nature of the river is determined by the composition of rocks.

What are the rivers for?

It will not be a secret to anyone that the river is very necessary. They are necessary not only for nature as a whole, but also for human life.

  • Since ancient times, people have used rivers to irrigate the earth
  • They also resorted to the help of rivers when transporting various goods and things
  • Agriculture also depended on the presence of rivers, because it was on the shores of full -flowing reservoirs that it arose
  • It is also worth saying that the rivers have long have become the main ways of the message
  • To date, rivers also act as roads, people use them for their needs, because the river is primarily a source of water, which is necessary in everyday life, in agriculture, and in industry
What are the rivers for?
What are the rivers for?

Rivers are extremely important elements of nature that have their own characteristics. The study of rivers, their constituent elements is extremely necessary, because only knowing everything about this miracle of nature, we can protect it from the negative influence of man and his activity.

Video: The most powerful and dangerous rivers of the world are interesting facts

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  1. From what fright did the Yenisei get into Mongolia?

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