Communication between nature and man: arguments for the lesson "The World"

Communication between nature and man: arguments for the lesson

One can always say that there is nothing more beautiful than her, it surprises us with its power, brightness, and diversity. Invisible threads bind both living and inanimate nature, and animals and people. Next, we dwell on the question of what the connection between nature and man exists.

We are all part of nature. It is interesting that there is a human connection with inanimate and living nature. Thanks to the Sun, we feel warm and see the light, but if this planet does not, then life will be impossible and fierce cold will come. The sun allows us to live, and not only to us, but to all living things on this planet. It makes it possible to grow trees, flowers, all living on earth.

But plants, in turn, give life to people and animals. Trees are able to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. The air needs all living things so much. And these invisible threads are the connection between nature and man. Let's study in detail the connection between nature and man.

The connection between nature, man - arguments to the lesson "The world around"

Even in antiquity, people were dependent on all manifestations of nature. They, so that there is no storm or hurricanes, create a cult of nature and then worshiped it. Over the years, life on the planet has become completely different. Humanity learned to prevent earthquakes and the approach of tsunami, hurricanes in advance. Therefore, it began to seem to them that it is man who rules nature, and it is a person who is able to conquer it. Although to predict all sorts of phenomena does not mean managing the elements.

Yes, the connection between nature and man is direct, but a person is not in force to conquer nature. People have done a lot of their actions to nature. They destroyed millions of hectares of green spaces, killed many animals, because some species from wild animals are so rare that they are already listed in the Red Book. Even scientists noticed that we took a lot from nature, and there is nothing to wait for mercy from her.

Invisible threads

Coniting nature, people did not notice how they destroy the soil, pollute the air and destroy the living (plants and the animal world). There are no more plants and animals on our planet because of the barbaric attitude to the human environment. There is a real threat that changes are irreversible. This can be an ecological crisis. It was noted already in 1948.

In the city of Fontenglo near the capital of France - Paris, a conference was held, which was attended by representatives of different countries. They founded the International Union for the Protection of Nature and Resources of the Planet. They created a service to save plants, animals. They, in turn, began to write lists of animals and plants that were on the verge of disappearance in the Red Book.

It is unfortunate that people have not yet stopped the destruction of animals and natural resources in the surrounding nature. The goals of people who do this are mostly selfish. People want to be enriched financially, therefore they catch, kill animals to get valuable fur. Destroy the plants, tearing them with roots, for the sake of fun. Fields kill birds, animals, for entertainment. It is a pity that animals do not speak.

It was then that people became people when they enjoyed the whisper of leaves in the forest, songs of birds, crickets, grasshoppers. When they heard streams murmur, they ring like silver bells, songs of larks. Even in winter, it’s nice to hear the sound of a blizzard and a creak of snow in frosty weather.

All this can lose humanity. If you do not realize that the state of the environment is completely dependent on people. Therefore, already in childhood, it should be realized that people are not the main rulers of the environment. Thanks to their superiority over animals and plants, people should not destroy them, but on the contrary to do everything to increase these wealth.

There are two types of impact on nature by people:

  • Negative impact,as a rule, occurs on an entire industrial scale. And this is done by entire companies and people standing in power. These include deforestation, soil plowing, air pollution, water, and soil enterprises. All this can lead to irreversible consequences.
  • Positive effect- People create reserves, reserves, national parks. Animals, plants in such conditions live safely, because in such places it is impossible to hunt and even tear plants. It is thanks to this approach that natural resources are preserved.

The population growth occurs on our planet, to provide food for all people, it is necessary to introduce modern technologies. And if earlier it was possible to relax to fertile soils, now there is no such opportunity. The lands are exploited constantly, because there is a decrease in fertility.

IMPORTANT: If it is unreasonable to use natural resources, then there will be a serious threat not only to nature, but to all of humanity. Nowadays, there is a lack of pure water and strong air pollution.

Connection between man and inanimate nature

On Earth, there is a connection between nature and man. But nature is divided into live and not living. Breathing organisms are considered alive. And inanimate nature puts itself:

  1. All natural resources that do not breathe, do not move and cannot multiply. Also, these resources do not eat and do not grow.
  2. This includes celestial bodies, water resources and soil.
  3. Such resources will not disappear, do not die and will not change, the exception of water, it can be gaseous or crystalline.

Light, water and air - no one can live on earth without them. Plants, animals and humans will not survive without these resources. So living and inanimate nature depend on each other. Non -living also receives resources from lively, for example, plants purify air masses, and animals fertilize the soil, etc. People play a connecting role in these chains, they process plants for feeding animals, grow green spaces.

Connections between plants and animals, nature and man
Connections between plants and animals, nature and man

When people created the first tools, the stage of influence on the environment began. At first, people only changed the outwardly natural lands for their needs. Then these tools changed and the number of people grew, because the growth rate of influence on nature grew and grew.

Nature gives people a lot (water, oxygen, positive, restores health, pleases, it is an excellent teacher). If you observe plants, animals, you can learn a lot, even become a designer, create useful items for everyday life. Forms for them are taken from nature.

Scientists say that thanks to inanimate nature, all kinds of objects appeared on Earth. Even thanks to this factor, life in the form of bacteria on the planet originated. And later animals and people appeared.

The connections between all elements of nature and man are durable:

  • People plant plants, plants cannot be without soil, light, water, wind. It is interesting that the wind is necessary for a variety of seeds on the ground.
  • People and animals need water, oxygen, and light. If there is no one element, then everything will lead to catastrophic consequences.
  • People fertilize the soil with plants and fertilizers, therefore the Earth consists of trace elements, thanks to which plants grow.
  • And from fertilized soil, plants take everything for growth, and some of them are useful for animals. And animals are already eaten by people and predators.

Man and nature cannot exist without each other. They are closely connected, therefore, life -based important movements exist without interruption. Therefore, all living things and can evolve. All links of nature depend on each other. The world will not be at all that if these links are violated.

The connections between wildlife and man - arguments for the lesson "The World"

The connection between nature and man is direct. Humanity was far stepped forward in science, economics, space and other areas of life. However, dependence on natural resources still exists. The gifts of nature are simply necessary, therefore, they should be treated carefully.

We have already mentioned the connection of inanimate nature, man. But the connections between wildlife and man are also significant. Let's just decide what the living nature means. Organisms that feed, breathe, drink, give offspring, etc. can be considered alive.

Nature and man
Nature and man

So, how are people and living nature interconnected?

  1. People and animals are closely interconnected. Pets tamed by people receive departure from humans, food. People, in turn, get love from them. And, for example, breeding chickens, geese, pigs, goats, cows, you can receive in return livestock products.
  2. Due to the irrational attitude to nature, wild animals often need top dressing, huntsmen are engaged in such things, and help to call them in the winter.
  3. There is a negative impact on the animal world of mankind - this is poaching. Thanks to this phenomenon, the number of wild animals is reduced.
  4. People are now aware of the scale of disaster, therefore they began to plant trees, plants, and engage in landscaping. Thus, they try to replenish forestry, which destroy massively for industrial needs or lose as a result of huge fires.
  5. At the same time, what does the forest give in return? These are oxygen, a lot of positive impressions, all kinds of wooden products, and gardens give a crop. And what emotions can a person get at the sight of flowering plants and trees in the spring!

As you can see, one can coexist in the world of nature to all people, strive not to pollute natural resources, not to exterminate animals, rare plants, forests, and gardens. For many decades they have been talking about this. People who understand the scale of disasters are actively fighting those who steal, fits and pollute our resources. The more people understand that nature requires a careful attitude, the less we will hurt, feel the negative consequences of pollution.

Video: Examples of connections between nature and man

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