Dangerous plastic for health, for humans: what to do to reduce his consumption?

Dangerous plastic for health, for humans: what to do to reduce his consumption?

To date, one of the most global problems is the use of plastic, its irrational use. Throughout the world, plastic consumption increases to 8% per year, in many developing countries, the level of processing of plastic is equated to zero, Europe is about 30%.

Everyone knows that for the complete decomposition of plastic it will take about 500, or even more years. Throughout this time, it will distinguish chemicals that will poison: soil, underground waters, rivers, oceans, as a result of animals and people. To know our enemy in the face, let's figure out how dangerous the plastic is, and how to reduce its consumption.

Dangerous plastic: frightening facts

  • Approximately 50% of plastic, plastic products are used disposable;
  • A huge amount of plastic bags has been thrown out, they can wrap the planet 8 times;
  • Over the past 10 years, more plastic has been made than in the last century;
  • Only 5% of plastic is processed;
  • It will take from 500 to 1000 years to destroy the plastic;
  • 45% of plastic floats in the oceans, it is dangerous because it breaks up into microparticles pollutes water, settles in the oceanic depths and continues to destroy the underwater world;
  • Used around 8% of world oil for the manufacture of plastic;
  • In half of all species of sea birds, fish, turtles, as well as other marine and ocean residents in the body, plastic microparticles were found;
  • Chemical elements in the composition of plastic can be absorbed by the human body and negatively affect it.
Plastic flooded the world
Plastic flooded the world

What plastic is dangerous?

  1. Polyetilentereftalat (PET).PET is one of the cheapest in manufacture, from it they make bottles, packaging of various sauces, cosmetic packaging. With repeated use, flulates are released (harmful to reproductive ability) and heavy metals (cause mutations, disrupt the work of internal organs).
  2. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC).Food films, automobile accessories, windows and much more are made. Is in a subject form safe for human health, but with decomposition it can distinguish chlorine and benzene.These elements pairs are dangerous for the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems.
  3. High density polyethylene (HDPE).It is considered safe in the finished product, it reacts normally to temperature fluctuations. Bottles for sports and tourism, detergents and milk, children's slides, toys are made from it. But when burning, it can distinguish burnt and carbon dioxide(causing negative changes in the blood), because in the composition of polyethylene there is hydrogen and carbon.
  4. Polypropylene.Carpets, medical equipment that needs to be sterilized are made from it. Able to withstand temperatures up to 150 ° C. Also, clothing is made from fleece, auto parts, syringes, etc. And now attention polypropylene is very sensitive to oxygen and UV radiation. To change this, stabilizers are added and we get solid material. This type of plastic is easily ignited, highlighting the smell of paraffin. When heated at high temperatures, the changes destructive for the body begin a couple of hours after inhalation.
  5. Low density polyethylene (PNP, PVD).When interacting with food, it does not secrete harmful substances. The main advantages are flexibility and elasticity, low temperatures do not violate its structure. Garbage bags, food packaging, children's toys, etc. are made from it. It is easy to process, is not toxic if it is not used again. But since we often use packages several dozen times, bacteria such as E. coli or salmonella, which are extremely dangerous for the human body, settled on them.
  6. Polystyrene (PS).Persistent to alkalis and acids. Fair enough, has dielectric properties, moisture - and frost -resistant. With temperature exposure, it becomes extremely toxic.
  7. Polycarbonate, polyamide (PC, O, Other). It is impossible to process these types of plastic. RS Marking indicates that Polycarbonate is one of the most poisonous types of plastic. It can not be logical and understanding from it can make children's bottles, toys. If the product is heated or washed, it emits bisphenol A - which negatively affects the thyroid gland and can disrupt the hormonal background of the person.
Dangerous plastic
Dangerous plastic

What is the danger of plastic for a person?

  • If you carefully read the above information, this question can not be asked. From year to year, an average person eats a huge amount of microplasty. How? Micro-parts enter our body through packaging, air, water, food.
  • Some seafood already have microplastics. Then it remains to wait for the effect of a slow bomb, not knowing when and in what vital processes the accumulative process intervenes, and violates their work.

The first thing that can suffer is hormonal background, fertility, immunity, cardiovascular diseases are possible.

  • You always need to pay attention to the labeling of a plastic product (a triangle with a number inside). The triangle from the shooter indicates that this product is subject to processing, and the figure is from which plastic the product is made.
Marking on plastic
Marking on plastic
  • It is important that the marking corresponds to the product, and its absence is alarming, the manufacturer could use poor -quality raw materials.

How to reduce the consumption of dangerous plastic in the world: countries leaders in processing

There are 3 methods of processing plastic: chemical, thermal, mechanical.

  • Chemical will destroy on the elements that make up the components and, as a result, get new material, after mixing them;
  • Using thermal method, achieve energy generation using temperature exposure;
  • Widely used is mechanical The method, after it we get a new plastic material.
  1. Germany
  • The leader in the processing of plastic waste (up to 60%). Some experts do not agree with this figure and believe that it is much lower, because this percentage includes the collected plastic too.
  • The main impetus to achieve such success was the creation "The Green Dot." The essence of the program in the collection of plastic waste at enterprises and households.
  • People have three containers: for food waste, plastic and paper. On certain days, each type of waste is taken.
  • In supermarkets, machines are installed for collecting plastic bottles, with a specific marking. After that, a person receives a check with the specified amount for which he can purchase the goods, or cash it out. Also, the processing sphere gives employment of about 250 thousand people.
  1. South Korea
  • The country processes up to 50% of plastic waste. To make a profit, private companies sold collected waste. Many countries, like South Korea, were imported to China, but in 2018 the country introduced a ban.
  • A new problem has appeared in front of the country, changing the system disposal and processing of plastic waste. Citizens were forbidden to use PVC plastic and colored plastic bottles. In the coming years they want to abandon disposable plastic glasses.
  1. China
  • A country that processed half of the world plastic waste. But I soon realized that in this mode I have a very detrimental effect on the environment.
  • In 2018, officials make decisions prohibit imports Some plastic marks in China. Processing enterprises feel great support from the country's economy, which makes it possible to process large volumes of plastic.
  1. USA
  • Having a developed economy, it uses and produces plastic more than it is able to process. They collect up to 25%, and process up to 10% plastic. So that it is not spent much (new material is cheaper), and not invest in processing, a decision has been made send waste to poor countries - Senegal, Bangladesh and others. These countries do not utilize dangerous plastic at all, violate all kinds of protocols by creating open -air landfills or lowering all waste into reservoirs.
  • In the USA there are private enterprises that transport sorted plastic tanks to processing places. They practice re -sorting to increase prices for processed material.
Many countries process plastic
Many countries process plastic

What can we do to reduce the consumption of dangerous plastic?

  • Say goodbye to plastic bags, buy reusable fabric bags;
  • Use glass containers for storing products;
  • Sort plastic for markings to know what type of plastic you have and where it is taken for processing;
  • Buy products in glass containers (water, sauces, etc.);
  • Use soap, instead of shower gel. Today, and a shampoo jar can be replaced with shampoo soap;
  • Abandon the tubes when buying a drink;
  • Give preference to a wooden toothbrush;
  • Purchase eco bags in order to add products that require weighing in them;
  • Reduce the number of plastic toys in the house.
Save the world - give up plastic
Save the world - give up plastic

All these simple rules will help step by step reduce the consumption of dangerous plastic. Buy less products in plastic, use, if possible, collect waste from groups and hand over for processing. Just starting with yourself, you can make the planet cleaner and contribute to the future of the next generation.

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