Cucumber face mask at home: Best recipes. A mask of face cucumbers at home for oily, dry skin. Facial mask from cucumbers: benefits, reviews

Cucumber face mask at home: Best recipes. A mask of face cucumbers at home for oily, dry skin. Facial mask from cucumbers: benefits, reviews

Recipes for cooking cucumber face masks.

Cucumber is a common vegetable on our table in the summer, spring and autumn time. It goes well with various vegetables in salads, so it is very popular among housewives. However, do not forget about the healing properties of the cucumber that affects our skin well. In this article we will talk about cucumber masks for the face. 

Cucumber face mask: benefit

The main feature of this vegetable in the content of approximately 97% moisture. Accordingly it is used to moisturize, saturate moisture, and in order to preventoverdrying skin surfaces.

Cucumber face mask, benefits:

  • Cosmetologists are widely used to shoot the surface of the epidermis, in order to eliminate wrinkles, and for leveling the skin. Due to the fact that the composition of the cucumber contains fruit acids, it brightens well, perfectly copes with dark bags under the eyes, pigment spots, freckles. If you use this tool regularly, you can significantly improve the condition of the epidermis.
  • Due to the presence of retinol, it helps to make the skin more plastic, wet, which is well affected by the epidermis, for which characteristic fatigue, fading, wrinkles. The composition contains thiamine, which protects the skin from exposure to external factors. Regularly using this vegetable, you can prevent the appearance of cracks and dryness in the winter, as well as protect the skin from exposure to sunlight.
  • Pantotenic acid is a magnificent corrector. It smoothes wrinkles, has a lifting effect. Therefore, the cucumber is often included in the substance for instant and very fast lifting, when it is necessary to put your skin in order in a short time. Often it is used to eliminate Brylya, the second chin caused not by overweight, but by sagging of the skin. 
  • Tocopherol. Helps update, rejuvenate skin. 
  • Niacin restores and prevents the occurrence of cracks, as well as dryness. 

Facial mask from cucumbers: Features of preparation and application

There are some tips for the preparation and use of mass from cucumber. Despite the fact that this is not an exotic vegetable, before use we recommend that a test for sensitivity and the presence of an allergic reaction. To do this, the finished mixture is applied to the bend of the elbow and observe the reaction. It is worth noting that an allergic reaction to this vegetable is almost never found in our latitudes, because the product is quite common and is available in the diet in almost all residents of our country. 

Facial mask from cucumbers: Features of preparation and application:

  • Not all cucumbers are suitable for skin care. In no case should you choose these products in early spring and even more so in winter, because they are grown in a greenhouse, with the addition of a large number of mineral components, fertilizers.
  • It is these components that can cause irreparable harm to the epidermis or cause an allergic reaction. Such masks are best applied in season, that is, in mid -summer, and at the beginning of autumn.
  • During this period, there are a huge number of cucumbers of various sizes and colors on the shelves of stores and in the markets. Do not choose yellow, old cucumbers for these purposes due to the presence of large seeds in them. This is an abrasive, and can cause microcracks, scratches and minor damage to the epidermis. Do not use bitter fruits for these purposes. Be sure to clean the skin and remove the seeds. That is why it is recommended to use young fruits of small sizes, with very tender, soft seeds. 
With clay
With clay

Cucumber face mask from wrinkles: recipes

Since the composition of the cucumber mainly contains a huge amount of water, in order to rejuvenate it is necessary to add additional components. Usually among them are honey, fatty products that help not only to saturate the epidermis with moisture, but to keep it inside, preventing the appearance of creases and wrinkles.

Cucumber face mask from wrinkles, recipes:

  1. Mask with honey. One of the most affordable options does not take much time. It is necessary to mix 20 ml of bee nectar with puree from one cucumber. Cucumbers are peeled and chopped on a fine grater, mixed with a bee product. The mixture will turn outcreamy, it must be applied for a quarter of an hour. Rinse with warm water. After the manipulation, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with moisturizing or wrinkles. 
  2. With potatoes. This recipe is suitable if the skin is dry wrinkled, has a unhealthy color. To prepare the healing composition, vegetables are cleaned from the skin, crushed in a blender. Please note that potatoes and cucumbers should be approximately the same. Leaving on the skin is recommended for a third of the hour. As in the first case, after manipulation, the cream against wrinkles is applied. 
  3. With cottage cheese. Since cottage cheese contains a large amount of calcium, fatty acids, in addition, it helps relieve inflammation and nourish cells with useful trace elements. It is necessary to take a small cucumber, grind it to the consistency of sour cream, introduce chopped parsley. After that, another 50 g of fat cottage cheese is introduced into the mixture. The mixture is averaged and 50 ml of fat sour cream is administered. If it is not available, olive oil is suitable. It is necessary to turn the paste into a homogeneous one with a brush, and apply for a third of the hour. Rinse it with slightly warm water. 

Face mask - cucumber circles

The easiest way to use the vegetable is cucumber circles. To carry out manipulation, it is necessary to choose a young fruit, which is thoroughly cleaned and cut into thin circles.

Facial mask - cucumber circles:

  • It is best to use the shinkling, so the slices will turn out thin, they will have a large amount of juice. Carefully clean the surface of the epidermis, take a horizontal position, and put the resulting pieces of vegetables on your face.
  • Leave for a third of the hour. Such manipulation helps to get rid of inflammations and acne, light up a little, and restore the skin. There is an alternative to this mask.
  • It is necessary to grind the cucumber on a fine grater, until the chips are obtained, and apply it to the face. It is believed that in this way the juice is much larger, so the effect of using the product is more obvious. 

Cucumber face masks from acne

Since the composition of the cucumber contains natural antioxidants, antibiotics, vegetables helps fight rashes and acne. To enhance the effect, other useful components are often introduced with a cucumber. Among them, it is worth highlighting antiseptics, soda, aspirin, and a variety of acids. Below you can find the most common of them.

Cucumber face masks from acne:

  1. With sodium bicarbonate. The main product is prepared in the same way as in previous recipes. The fetus is cleaned of the skin, crushed on a fine grater. It is necessary to introduce approximately 2 g of sodium bicarbonate into the resulting porridge and averaged. Before the manipulation, the epidermis is cleaned with a washing gel. Paste is applied for a quarter of an hour. It is worthwhile to use no more than once every 7 days, since a slightdrying out 
  2. With lemon. The composition of the lemon contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which copes very well with rashes. Grind the fruit on a grater. If it is young, with a bright green skin, it is not necessary to remove it. Enter approximately 2 ml of lemon juice in the paste and averaged. The tool is not applied to the eyes or lips, you need to go around these places. Apply to the skin and withstand for a quarter of an hour. It is impossible to wash off hot water so as not to stimulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Manipulate for 5 days, then take a break. 
  3. With egg. In this case, protein is used, because it has the properties of tightening. Based on the protein, there are a lot of recipes, the main purpose of which is to narrow the pores, making them less noticeable, thereby reducing the amount of skin fat. It is necessary to grind one cucumber, until the gruel is obtained. Add the protein, and beat the brush until a lush foam is obtained. Lubricate the epidermis with the resulting mass, and wait for the third hour. Rinse with cold water, circular, stroking movements. In order for the composition to wash off better, you can use a wet sponge. 

Face cucumber mask: recipes

Due to the presence of some vitamins and microelements, the cucumber is perfectly whitening pigment spots. It is recommended to combine with other components. Below you can find recipes. 

Successful face mask whitening, recipes:

  1. With parsley and garlic. Take a large bunch of parsley weighing about 500 g and turn it into porridge. After that, enter finely chopped cucumber, and add 20 ml of olive oil, averaged and grease the surface of the epidermis. The exposure time is a quarter of an hour. 
  2. With lemon juice and aspirin. Grind 2 aspirin tablets to the state of the powder, and mix with grated cucumber. Add 20 ml of fat kefir, mix thoroughly. The mass may seem liquid, but you should not worry. Lubricate the surface of the epidermis with the resulting mixture, leave for 25-35 minutes. Remove is recommended by cold water. Due to the presence in the composition of the acid, it removes small irregularities of the skin, thereby brightens pigment spots and freckles. Such manipulations are recommended to be carried out in early spring, when a huge number of freckles appear on the face. 

Cucumber mask for oily skin

Cucumber can be safely included in masks for oily skin. Despite the high moisture content, it has components that normalize the production of sebum. Often the composition includes products that slightly dry the surfaces of the epidermis. 

Cucumber mask for oily skin, recipes: 

  • With kaolin. Take 20 g of white clay in powder and add to it a gruel from one small cucumber. Rest and lubricate the surface of the skin thoroughly. Exposition time is a third of the hour. It is recommended to remove in circular motions with light pressure. This will serve as a kind of scrub. Pressing movement allow you to penetrate substances in the substance inside the pore, cleansing them. 
  • With zinc ointment. This is a magnificent antibacterial agent that helps reduce the amount of skin fat, as well as reduce the colony of pathogens, which are often on oily skin. After all, it is fat - a magnificent environment for the propagation of various pathogenic microorganisms. It is necessary to turn one cucumber in mashed potatoes, mix thoroughly and add 20 grams of fat -free cottage cheese. It is desirable that it be pasty. If you were not able to find one in the store, it is allowed to grind a cucumber in a blender with cottage cheese. Add the pea of \u200b\u200bzinc ointment to this mass. Rub the paste thoroughly again. If the oil does not dissolve, you can warm it a little, place the container in the vessel with warm water. Available careful with a brush and lubricate the epidermis. Maintain a third of the hour. Rinse with warm water orspongemoistened in soapy solution. After this manipulation, you can wipe the skin with a tonic that contains alcohol. This is necessary to dry the surface of the epidermis a little. 
Healing pasta
Healing pasta

Mask from face cucumbers at home: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of women who use cucumber to cook masks. 

Mask from face cucumbers at home, reviews:

Veronica. I am not a big fan of modern manipulations that are carried out by a cosmetologist, so I try to prevent wrinkles. For these purposes, I often use improvised products, including cucumbers. I am mixed with fat cream, as well as olive oil. This helps to retain moisture in the skin. 

Svetlana. I made a mask with a cucumber when there were acne on my face in adolescence. Mixed with white clay, and applied with a thick layer, left until completely dry until the clay became like a crust. It’s hard to wash off later, but the effect is better than the most expensive means. 

Alina. I like to take care of my body and face, so I regularly use both folk recipes and means that are sold in a pharmacy. I do not make a cucumber mask myself, but I prefer to buy ready -made compositions. One of these is the "circles of cucumbers." Inexpensive and excellent mask that helps to cope with various skin problems. I like its brightening effect, because there is a small number of freckles on the face. 


Read also:

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Personal masks with aspirin at home: benefit

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The main advantage of the cucumber is the content of a huge amount of potassium. Thanks to this, other substances that are part of the product are perfectly absorbed by the skin. This trace element improves chemical reactions within the body, and also gives elasticity to muscle fibers.

Video: face mask from cucumbers

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Comments K. article

  1. An interesting mask! I'll try, thanks! But as for me, it is better to buy a cream for yourself! They forgot to mention about food. It is very important to eat more vegetables and fruits - and the complexion improves and becomes less problems. So maybe these cucumbers will be more useful to eat) Well, care is important. My mother uses Miaflow cream, he helps her to remove wrinkles and rejuvenates her face very well!

  2. I agree with Nadine about creams, this is an important part of daily care.
    From home care, I discovered Chia masks. The mask is convenient to apply, does not fall to the floor and, most importantly, moisturizes very well and even fights with acne and wrinkles.
    The cucumber mask has not yet become my beloved, but I will give a chance to a cucumber mask from wrinkles.
    Thank you for the recipes!

  3. To make the result, masks must be applied to clean skin. It is better to use an Italian natural sponge with a cotton sponge for cleaning and rejuvenating the skin of the face. Sponge makes cleansing the face better than in the cabin. He removes the dead layers of the skin, clogged with mud, then, bacteria, removes irregularities, dilated pores and the skin becomes smooth, bright, not acne and black dots. It mildly washes and moisturizes the skin, and if necessary, it will make better skin cleaning. I wash my sponge every day, I do cleaning once a week. The skin is cleaned, renewed and noticeably rejuvenated.

  4. I am somehow skeptical about such masks .... It’s more easier to go to the salon and do something really effective and worthwhile, albeit more expensive and in general the foundation of the basics of the Evalarovsky hyaluronic acid. It is absorbed well, the dosage is high, therefore it brings the maximum benefit. The skin is moistened and this helps to perfectly prevent aging.

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