Magic - how to get rid of evil, bad and noisy neighbors: protection, conspiracy, prayer, ceremony, so that the neighbors cease to make noise, do not harm or move forever. How to make peace with neighbors, so that the neighbors love, respected: conspiracy, ceremony

Magic - how to get rid of evil, bad and noisy neighbors: protection, conspiracy, prayer, ceremony, so that the neighbors cease to make noise, do not harm or move forever. How to make peace with neighbors, so that the neighbors love, respected: conspiracy, ceremony

Conspiracies and rituals that will help get rid of bad neighbors.

People living in multi -storey buildings know how noisy and annoying neighbors can be. The neighbors who drink alcohol and narcotic drugs can bring even more discomfort. In this case, life in his own apartment becomes simply unbearable, and a person has to look for a way out of this situation.

In our article, we will tell you about the not quite traditional way of combating noisy neighbors - white magic. We will introduce you to the most effective prayers and rites that will help you make your life calm and measured.

What a plot, prayer to read so that the neighbors shut up, do not harm, do not make no noise: words, rite

Conspiracy so that the neighbors shut up, do not harm, do not make noise

Before introducing you to the rite and prayer from noisy neighbors, I would like to clarify that in this case the emotional state of a person plays an important role. If you want your actions to take the right action the first time, then try to conduct the rite and read the words in the most good mood.

If you do everything with a negative, then you want it or not, but part of the negativity will inevitably return to you. The easiest way to calm the noisy neighbors without harm to themselves and them, to speak an ordinary nail and score it into the jamb of the front doors.


  • Buy a nail on the day of the full moon
  • Bring it home and sprinkle it with holy water
  • Next, after reading our Father, proceed to conduct the rite
  • Light the church candle and carefully replace a nail in its flame
  • While the process takes place, read a special prayer
  • Let the conspiracy nail cool, and you can score it on the door of noisy neighbors
  • Do this when they are not at home
  • If you do everything right, then its energy will affect the tenants of the apartment from 6 to 8 months

Words for the rite:

  • I heat the nails with holy fire and endow it with powerful power
  • Let it not harm my dwelling and my households are neither a scream, nor sound, nor a rustle
  • Let the slaves of God (to call names) will forget about screams, noise, bustle and live in complete silence

Conspiracy for salt from evil, bad and noisy neighbors: words, ceremony

Salt conspiracy from evil, bad and noisy neighbors

Probably, you should not even say that ordinary kitchen salt has a lot of positive qualities. One of the most pronounced is the ability to absorb negative energy. In view of this, if you want to get rid of evil, bad and noisy neighbors as quickly as possible, then try to fight it with the help of this product.

True, you must remember that in order for salt to have a maximum effect on them, it must get to their house. Therefore, after the salt has been conspired, under any pretext you go to visit a neighbor and, imperceptibly for it, pour it into a salt shaker or just hide it behind any cabinet.

Recommendations for the rite:

  • Buy a new pack of salt in the store
  • Having brought her home, start to conduct a rite as quickly as possible
  • To take salt that you can’t have as you speak it, you will suppress your home energy
  • Pour salt in a saucer and start reading a conspiracy above it
  • The words: I read the conspiracy over the salt, I wish the neighbors of the world and good
  • Live peacefully and amicably without creating excess noise
  • Where this salt will be, there will be quiet grace
  • Repeat the conspiracy over salt 40 times and you can carry it to the house to the neighbors

A plot on a thread from evil, bad and noisy neighbors: words, ceremony

Conspiracy on a thread from evil, bad and noisy neighbors

Another effective way to combat evil, bad and noisy neighbors is a plot on a thread. In this case, it is best to use a red wool thread. If you speak correctly, then it will be a kind of energy feature that will interfere with the negative emanating from the apartment of the neighbors to get into your house.


  • Buy a woolen red thread and church candle
  • Cook the scissors above the candle and cut them a small piece of thread
  • Put it on the table and start reading a conspiracy
  • The words: The thread scorched by the holy fire, give calmness the lost souls of God's slaves (name names)
  • Do not let them become a victim of unclean and give them emotional peace
  • Protect my house from the negativity emanating from outside
  • Read the conspiracy 3 times, and then cut the thread into 2 parts
  • Put one of them under the threshold, and take the other to the neighbors

A plot for a pin to survive scandalous, envious, bad and arrogant neighbors: words, rite

Conspiracy for a pin to survive neighbors

The rite with a pin somewhat looks like a rite with a nail. In this case, you will also need to speak a pin, and then imperceptibly for neighbors to stick it into the doorbell. You need to conduct the rite on the waning moon, and if you do everything right, then for a month envious and noisy neighbors will begin to feel terrible discomfort in their home, and they will try to spend a lot of time outside the house. After some time, this discomfort will make them sell an apartment or they will simply come from it.


  • Sprinkle the pin with holy water and read 3 times our father
  • Light the church candle and start reading the conspiracy
  • To do this, lean down on the pin and say magical words 3 times as low as possible
  • CONSPIRACY: Almighty, protect me in my trouble
  • Give me and my households in the world and prosperity
  • Let the violent neighboring will go and punch a nest in another place
  • I leave all the quarrels and squabbles behind the threshold, they have no need to stay more here!

What is the conspiracy from harmful and noisy neighbors from above, from the side, on the site you need to read 40 times so that they leave: words

Conspiracy from harmful and noisy neighbors from above

If you resorted to white magic at least once in your life, then you probably know that in any case it will bring good both who ask for help and the one who the impact is on. Such an effect is obtained due to the fact that most often in conspiracies they turn to the Almighty or strong saint.

Perhaps that is why, when conducting such rites, church candles and Epiphany water are compulsory attributes. But besides all this, white magicians recommend that people read special prayers 40 times. Remember, the more internal forces and time you spend on the pronunciation of special words, the faster you will get the result.

Conspiracy from noisy neighbors:

  • Save me, the Almighty, protect me from the hatred of all my relatives
  • I pray you to the Lord, calm the neighbors.
  • Brave them from my home once and for all
  • Punish them in fairness, let your life no longer seem to them honey.
  • Let life be difficult for them here
  • I ask for myself for the good -natured neighbors. Amen

Conspiracy from the neighbors of Natalia Stepanova: Words

Conspiracy from the neighbors of Natalia Stepanova No. 1
Conspiracy from the neighbors of Natalia Stepanova No. 2

The Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova is famous for the fact that with the help of seemingly simple words helps to solve the most difficult problems. In view of this, if you want to pacify or get rid of noisy neighbors, then try to do it with its conspiracies. Above, we offer you 2 conspiracies that will surely help you get rid of noise and negativity in a neighboring apartment.

How to make peace with neighbors, so that the neighbors love, respected: conspiracy, ceremony

Conspiracy, rite for reconciliation

If you want to make peace with your neighbors and find allies in their face, then try to speak honey, and just give it to the residents from a noisy apartment. As they use it, the tension between you will go. True, you must remember that in order for the conspiracy honey to have the right action, all this time you should not come from your negativity addressed to them.


  • Buy a jar of honey in the full moon
  • Having brought her home, put on the night on the window so that moonlight falls on her
  • This is necessary so that honey is nourished by the strength and wisdom of the luminar
  • When the moon is decam, start reading a conspiracy
  • The words: Passing honey, in you the strength and energy of kindness is embedded!
  • Make softer into the hearts of God's slaves (names)
  • Calm them down and make us all
  • Let me now be quiet and grace between us. Amen

Conspiracy for a pin for the world between neighbors: words, ceremony

Conspiracy for a pin for the world between neighbors
Conspiracy for a pin for the world between neighbors

According to those who used this method of reconciliation on themselves, it acts almost without fail. If you do everything as correctly as possible, then with a high probability we can say that you can forget about squabbles with your neighbors.


  • Buy a pin and bringing it home, immediately put in a glass of water
  • Just keep in mind that it should be natural, not tap
  • Put water with a pin on the window so that moonlight falls on it at night
  • It should be supplied with peaceful energy for 3 days and 3 nights
  • After that, you can speak a pin
  • The words: Steel pin I order you (name your name)
  • Let my neighbor noisy and evil become kind and relatives
  • Let love to me and my households settle in their souls
  • So be it!
  • Words over the pin must read 3 times

Video: Ritual with a mirror from noisy neighbors

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